zero Useful+1

Ninghai dialect

Ninghai dialect means Ninghai County The common language in China is a Wu dialect, belonging to Wu dialect Taihu Lake The transitional dialect of Yongjiang section in the north belongs to Yongjiang section in Taihu section and Taizhou section in the south belongs to Taizhou section Chalu Town The first is Yangmeiling Reservoir in Meilin Street. The Chengguan dialect of Ninghai is the orthodox Ninghai dialect, that is, the dialect of Yuelong Street and some Taoyuan Street.
Chinese name
Ninghai dialect
Foreign name
Ninghai dialect
Ninghai Gossip
Ningbo City Ninghai County Language commonly used in China
Wu dialect
Wu dialect
Language slice
Taihu Lake Area in Wu Language - Yongjiang Area, Taizhou Area in Wu Language

brief introduction

Ninghai dialect belongs to Wu dialect Wu dialect Taihu Lake The transitional dialect between Yongjiang and Taizhou Three Gates The dialect of the county is relatively close, so the communication is not impeded. Ninghai dialect is not consistent internally, and there are obvious differences between the north and the south. The north is represented by Xidian dialect, close to Ningbo dialect; The central part is represented by Chengguan dialect, which is the orthodox Ninghai dialect; The south is represented by Sangzhou dialect, which is close to Taizhou dialect. Ninghai dialect in the north belongs to Yongjiang section of Taihu section, while Ninghai dialect in the south belongs to Taizhou section. The ownership of Ninghai Chengguan dialect is controversial (Taihu section or Taizhou section). Because Taihu section dialect and Taizhou section dialect are reflected in the vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar of Ninghai Chengguan dialect, some characteristics of the two dialects coexist. This gradually changing dialect phenomenon from north to south is more or less related to the geographical environment within the territory and the past administrative settings. Although the accent of Ninghai dialect varies from place to place, people throughout the territory can talk freely.


Sun (sun), sky frame (weather), rain (rain), dense (today)
Year plus year (every year) Old year (last year) Next year (next year) Dawn (tomorrow)
Chen (boy), Nan (girl), Waiter (husband), Guest (wife)
Jishou (left hand), Shunshou (right hand), good year after year (very good), Daoditou (yard)
Bract reed (corn), cold bean (pea), Tianluo (towel gourd), spicy eggplant (pepper)
Caitou (radish) Tianluosi (fried dough sticks) Home (home) Good look (good-looking)
Dress up (play tricks on) Ji Tian (love), talk in white, chat in white, play (play)
Kill armour (fierce) beggar head (beggar) next door neighbor (neighbor) August, jia13 eggs, idiot eggs (fool)
Teacher head (teacher) Kidnapper (liar) Thief bone (thief, thief) Green bandit (robber)
Prisoner (prisoner) Two old servants (couple) gather strength at night (supper) and pick the sun (sun)
Difficult to look at (ugly) In the house (at home), it happens that (shit) potato (potato) sleeps (sleeps)
Mosquitoes (mosquitoes), mosquitoes, tigers (dragonflies, indicating that dragonflies feed on mosquitoes), comfortable (comfortable), white medicinal wine (homemade rice wine)
Oubao (all means food) chopsticks (chopsticks, Wu spell dzy213) Fu Xuan (water chestnuts, Wu spell bu zy)
Monkeys (monkeys), old horned muntjacs (muntjacs), jackals (jackals), faint pigs (badgers)

Transliteration of some words

Dining - Qiu Fan
Fool - Home Egg [kia] [rle]
You -- Er Nong; It's you
I -- I Nong; It's me -- it's me
He self; It's him -- since then
Comfortable - narrow sense;
Very comfortable -- Ga narrow, very narrow
Youtiao Tianleisi [tian] [lai] [si];
Tomorrow -- dawn [ti] [niang];
Tomorrow morning -- cool awake at dawn;
Waiting for someone else's rice cake as dinner -- Mang ning guo mo si duang ya fe;

example sentence

You take a picture. Did you come here—— Would you like to see if he is there?
Ge Benshu catches you and returns it—— This book is back to you.
It's raining hard outside. Wait for another plan—— It's raining hard outside. I'll go later.
You take the lead first. I'll come slowly—— You go first, I'll come later.

dialectal variation

Geographical Distribution and Types of Personal Pronouns in Ninghai Dialect
The pronunciation of "I" in Ninghai dialect can be divided into three categories: the first category is Wu [ŋ o 23], which is mainly distributed in the northern part of Ninghai,
From Yuelong to Shenhe in the northwest and Dajiahe in the northeast (except Xidian); The second kind of pronunciation is I [ɦəəç 23]/I [ɦəəç 23], which is mainly distributed in the central and southern areas of Ninghai; The third kind of pronunciation is A [ɦɦɦɦɦɦ 23]. Only Xidian Town, near Fenghua, Ningbo, can pronounce this sound. It can be seen that the first and second "I" pronunciation is the main pronunciation form in Ninghai dialect. The first kind of pronunciation of I [ŋ o 23], because of its geographical proximity to Fenghua, Ningbo, reflects the phonetic characteristics of the urban area of Ningbo, and still retains the pronunciation of the ancient suspicious mother [ŋ]; In the second category, the pronunciation of "I [ɦɦəəç 23]"/"I [ɦəəç 23]" is completely lost, which is closer to the pronunciation of Putonghua.
(2) Second person "you"
The pronunciation of "you" in Ninghai dialect can be mainly divided into two categories: one is monosyllabic Er [331̍̍213] and two syllable Er+suffix Nong, which are dominant in Ninghai dialect, accounting for 16 out of 18 villages and towns; The second is the monosyllabic Nong [no ŋ 35], which is only distributed in Xidian Town in the north and Shenzhen in the northwest. Pronounced as "Er [331̍̍213]" syllable, it has gone through a gradual evolution process of syllable bias to simplify the front and retain the rear phonemes; On the contrary, those with the pronunciation of "Nong [no ŋ 35]" tend to simplify the back to retain the front syllables, relatively retain the integrity of the vowels, and prefer the more old-fashioned voice form of Wu. In the five dialect survey points of Chalu, Yishi, Yuexi, Changjie and Huangtan in Ninghai, when the singular second person "you" is said, due to the habit of oral expression, the suffix "nong" or "" is often added after "Er [331̍ 213]". It is generally found in sentences with obvious directivity. For example, Huangtan investigated the sentence: "Er Ali people? (Where are you from?)". Another example is the investigation point of Chalu, Yishi and Yuexi, where the suffix "nong" is often added when saying "you", but the suffix "nong" has nearly lost its plural meaning and has become a simple affix attached to the singular form. But in specific use, it is mixed with the plural "Ernong".
(3) Third person "he"
The pronunciation of the singular third person "he" in the villages and towns of Ninghai can be roughly divided into three categories: the first category is to pronounce [ʣɿɿɿÕ], which has preserved the ancient tooth sound (now called the tongue tip pronunciations) in a relatively good way, while no palate has changed into the tongue surface sound of [ʨʨ] group, and the word is "qi". In order to distinguish from the later has changed from the palate into the [ʨʨ] group, the word form is temporarily written as "qi 1"; This kind of pronunciation and word form is widely used in all villages and towns of Ninghai, accounting for 11 survey points. That is, different from the initial consonant in the first category, it is the obvious difference between Ninghai dialect and Ningbo dialect; The second type of pronunciation is [ʥ i 213], which has changed from palatal to lingual sound of [ʨ] group, accounting for 5 survey points. This word is also "qi". For the time being, "qi 2" is written. Its pronunciation and morphology are consistent with those of 60 survey points in six districts of Ningbo. The third kind of pronunciation is eggplant [ʥ ia 213], which only appears in the survey points of Xidian and Dajiahe, but the pronunciation is special. It is doubted that the initial l of [ʥ i 23 la 35], which represents the plural "they", falls off after rapid continuous reading, and then it is combined
[ʥʥʥ ia], which also conforms to the general rule of continuous consonants.
The pronunciation and morphology of the root of "we" can be divided into four categories: "A [ɦɦɦɦɦɦ a], I [uo], I [ou], I [ŋŋŋŋ o]" 4-5, and the suffixes of plural meanings can also be divided into four categories: "La [la], Nong [no ŋ], Dun [t əŋŋ], Kai [k h e]". According to the classification of word roots, it can be classified into four categories: the first category is "A", which has three plural suffixes of "La, Nong and Dun", occupying 8 survey points, of which the phrase "Aten [ɦəŋŋķ 45]" has the widest distribution area, accounting for 6. The second is the "I" category. There is only one suffix of "dun", which is distributed in 4 survey points. There are 10 spots in total, accounting for more than half of the 18 survey points in the whole territory. The third is the "accidentally" category, which has two plural suffixes of "nong" and "kai", occupying three survey points, of which "kai [k h e 44]" and "we" are called "accidentally kai [ɦ ou23k h e 35]". Their pronunciation and morphology are relatively special, and only appear in Taoyuan survey points. The fourth is the category of "I", which has two endings of "la" and "nong", involving three survey points, and is a common plural suffix in Yongjiang films. In addition, in Meilin and Dajiahe, the first person singular "I [ŋ o 23]" is also used to express the plural meaning, which is also a phenomenon of mixed use of single and plural forms.
In Ninghai dialect, the root pronunciation and morphology of the word "you" are basically only "er [331̍̍̍̍̍̍̍̍̍̍̍]", while the suffix is relatively rich, including "kai [k h e]
Dun [t 601ŋ], La [la], Dunkai [t 601ŋ kh e] ". There is also a compound word "[na 23]", which is mainly distributed in the northern region, close to six survey points in Xiangshan Port, Fenghua. It is suspected that Er [331̍] [na] fell off after rapid linking. In Taoyuan survey point, "You" said "Dunkai [331̍ 23 t 60133133133144KHe35], with two syllable endings, distinctive pronunciation and morphology.
(3) Third person "they"
In Ninghai dialect, the root pronunciation and morphology of "they" are basically only "qi". Like the first person singular "qi", they have two pronunciations: [ʣɿ] and [ʥɿ] [1] 4-5; The pronunciation of [ʣɿɿɿ] is the mainstream pronunciation, accounting for 10 out of 18 survey points. There are five types of suffixes: "la [la], nong [no], kai [k h e], white [b [603] [660] [2] [565] i [331] 23], douren [d [601] u 22 [565] i [331] 23]", but the distribution is relatively scattered. Except for "la [la] and nong [no]", which occupy more than four survey points, the rest basically only involve one survey point. There is also a homonym "eggplant [ʥʥʥ ia]", which also means the plural "they"; "Qi [ʣɿɿ]" is sometimes mixed with the plural form.

Characteristics of Ninghai Dialect

Retention of vocabulary
Ninghai's slang is popular, vivid and full of regionalism. In addition, it also preserves some ancient Chinese words. The word "chopsticks" in "Niangcun Niang, the way is long; the chopsticks are long" means chopsticks. In the Book of Rites · Quli, it is noted that "those who have vegetables in soup use sticky" means: "people today call chopsticks sticky". It shows that chopsticks in the Spring and Autumn Period have the meaning of chopsticks, and Ninghai has been used until now. There are also "Sole in June, leaving a tendon; Sole in August, as strong as a duck;" Sole "and" Marine Products "in the" August 23rd Marine Products Brown "." Sole "refers to" Ruo sole ", which is called flatfish, while Ninghai people say" Sole "is its real name. Ninghai is famous for its green crabs, Sanmen Green Crab Festival Most of the green crabs are from Sanmenwan, such as Yuexi and Yishi in Ninghai. Ninghai people call green crabs "marine products", and this is exactly the real name of green crabs. Green crabs are only nicknames from the characteristics of green crab shells. Another example is the ancient wild that has not yet evolved marine animal All people don't know what "horseshoe crab" is. Ninghai people call the rainbow appearing in the sky "horseshoe crab" when "the sun sets after rain", which is very correct. It means some similarities between the rainbow and "horseshoe crab".
Unfortunately, with the development and progress of the times, the further opening of the society and the exchange and integration of various cultures, many ancient words have disappeared in time. People born in the 1950s and 1960s also called green crabs "marine products" and rainbow "horseshoe crab", but there is no "marine products" or "horseshoe crab" in the language of people born in the 1980s Most people don't know what these two words mean. Another example is "hoe, chisel, iron harrow, hoe, grass scraper, cowherd and plow, water stick and straw bucket in the shed, rice bucket and sun shading seedling harrow, foot basket and rice chaff bucket, wheat pipe and hollow bamboo dustpan, bee tube, mortar stamping, hulling and grinding, and gangue treading on the iron ash tree". When social progress, simple and extensive agriculture is no longer the economic pillar of society, These farm tools will be withdrawn from the stage of history, and the young generation will not only have no chance to see these things, but also will not even read their names. Therefore, it is urgent to save dialects. The integration of various cultures enhances the richness of language, but also makes some uncommon words gradually forgotten.
The Influence of Administrative Setup on Ninghai Dialect
Ninghai had ancestors living and working here as early as the Neolithic Age. In the first year of Taikang in the Western Jin Dynasty (280), the county was established as Linhai County. In the second year of the Tang Dynasty (706), Xiangshan County was established. In the first year of Tang Tianbao (742), it was changed to Taizhou Road. In the first year of the Republic of China (1912), it was directly under Zhejiang Province; in the third year (1914), it was under the jurisdiction of Kuaiji Road (now the urban area of Ningbo); in the sixteenth year (1927), it was directly under Zhejiang Province. In 1932, it was the fifth special zone in Zhejiang Province (now Linhai City). In the 22nd year of the Republic of China, it became the fourth special zone in Zhejiang Province (now Ningbo City), and in the 23rd year, it became a coastal administrative supervision area. In the 29th year of the Republic of China (1940), 17 villages and towns, such as Zhouhaiyou, were included in the newly built Sanmen County. After the liberation of Ninghai in 1949, it belonged to Taizhou District and Ningbo District in 1954. In 1957, it returned to Taizhou. In October 1958, it was removed from Ninghai and merged into Xiangshan County. Liyang was established as the county government, and then moved to the original Ninghai Chengguan. In October 1961, the organizational system of Ninghai County was restored, belonging to Ningbo Special District. As Ninghai is located in the border area between Taizhou and Ningbo, it has been subordinate to Ningbo and Taizhou repeatedly since modern times, and its language has also been greatly affected.
On the other hand, the word "chopsticks" also reflects the influence of administrative settings on Ninghai dialect. Taizhou people call chopsticks "chopsticks", while Ningbo people call them "chopsticks". Another example is the pronunciation of the word "I". All of Ninghai is "Wunong". "Ernong" means you and me. And the word "Nong" in Ningbo dialect also comes from the combination of "Ernong", which shows that Ninghai dialect is also closely related to Ningbo dialect. On the whole, since Ninghai has belonged to Taizhou for more time in history, it is greatly influenced by the Taizhou dialect. For example, the word "look" means "Mang" in Taizhou, and Ninghai people also say "Mang" means "Mang".
Use of rhetorical devices
Thirdly, although Ninghai dialect is "vulgar" and "native", it also uses various rhetorical devices to make them vivid and impressive, which can not help sighing at the wisdom of the ancient working people. For example, "Don't raise pigs for three years. Knock the mud and make it sizzle." It is the use of anthropomorphic techniques, which shows that the soil is too hard, and even the basket of knocking the mud to soften the soil is crying out loud. The personification technique is also used to describe "the tea mountain wears a hat, and the sea is dry; the tea mountain takes off its hat, and the heavy rain comes." The fog is compared to the hat of a mountain. When the fog rises, the hat is worn, and when the fog disperses, the hat is taken off. In fact, when the fog rises, standing in the distance, the top of the mountain surrounded by rain and fog really looks like wearing a white hat.
In addition to personification, exaggeration is often used in Ninghai colloquial expressions. Exaggeration is a rhetorical device that purposefully enlarges or narrows the image characteristics of things on the basis of objective reality to enhance the expression effect, which can arouse readers' rich imagination and strong resonance. If properly used, it will have the effect of making readers laugh. For example, "living in a cold and shrinking way, eating and sweating" is to use exaggeration and contrast to vividly depict a lazy person who is unwilling to move when working and timid, but when it comes to eating, he even sweats. "The only treasure is the jacketed jacket in June." It also uses exaggeration to describe how the elders cherish the only child and treat him as a treasure. The baby is afraid of catching cold in June. In addition to the use of exaggeration, this example also contains a bit of irony. In addition to the common metaphors, personification, exaggeration and so on, there are many other rhetorical devices in Ninghai colloquial expressions. For example, "Dongmen Li bittern dripping slurry, Ximen big stick clip gun, Beimen pearl baby, Nanmen gourd gourd gourd and eggplant vegetable" are used. "The big snake bullies the small snake, the small snake bullies the frog, the frog bullies the grasshopper, and the grasshopper bullies the rice shrimp." It is a rhetorical device using thimbles.


[All kinds of tricks] It means that people are good at tricks.
[Wang Qi Wang Ba] Arrogant attitude and arrogant language.
[Hi five, hi six] bragging. Basic methods or tips of.
[Shoutou Shounao] refers to people who are stupid.
[Sick yellow croaker] The body is weak and sickly.
[Straight] Straight.
[Mo Liang as early as possible] Hurry up.
[Nonsense] Speak freely.
[446] Do things in a rigid way without being tactful.
[Two ends for three days] It's always going on.
[Making seven twists and three] deliberately interfere and obstruct.
[Hang it up] Exactly the same, very similar.
[Being mean and weak] It refers to a person with weak strength.
[Dark blue and white head] No reason.
[Real head pinches head] looks coquettish and affectation.
[Sugar sweet drop] It means that the relationship is extremely intimate.
[Bittern and bittern] It is muddy and dirty.
[Subtle] It means that people are cunning and strange.
[Strange] Something rare and strange.
[Tears and sniffles] It's like crying bitterly.
[Must be repeated] Still further.
The light footed monkey is used to describe a frivolous and unstable person.
[Conceal three and press four] Repeatedly conceal the truth.
[If it is straight, it is straight] Do not be polite when communicating according to regulations.
[Living World News] If you misbehave, you will be punished immediately.
[Huoluo Stone] refers to people's tactful and unreliable behavior.
[Old Eight Dongs] Old and obsolete.
[Up and down] refers to the basic methods or tricks of doing things.
[Read day and night] Speak more and read more when comparing people's back.
[Two five get six] It is often used to say that the drunken man's language is unclear.
[Glutinous Rice Heart and Liver] means that people are kind and weak.
[All kinds of tricks] It means that people are good at tricks.
[Picking vegetables on the fence] Take care of things that have nothing to do with yourself.
It means that people act contrary to normal.
[See the flower beating the flower] It is used to describe the behavior of greedy people.
[Advanced Shadow Painting Cat] Make up the truth.
Basic moral conscience.
[Crazy Seven Crazy Eight] is a metaphor for simple people.
[Piece head piece brain] means that people are stubborn and self righteous.
[Oh, dragon and tiger] Shouting loudly.
[Wang Qi Wang Ba] Arrogant attitude and arrogant language.
[Worried about something] Yu is very worried and discouraged.
[Maomian sentient beings] It refers to people who don't care about human feelings and are prone to turning over their faces.
[Straight] Straight.
[Direct flow bucket] means upright personality.
[Shoutou Shounao] refers to people who are stupid.
A stingy person is stingy.
[Hot weather and hot road] Hot summer.
[Old three and old four] It refers to people with shallow qualifications who show the appearance of seniority.
[Muqi] refers to the immediate family.
[Three robberies and four robberies] Shuffle together.
[Cross cutting] Make trouble without incident and seek for provocation.
[Straight head plow] Simple minded, do things without thinking.
[Masculine Boy] Yu is the greedy son of a rich family.
[Hi five, hi six] bragging.
[Drink five six] Nonsense words and boast loudly.
[Half the wolf and all the others] Waste grain or food and don't cherish it.
[Stupid] The attitude is cold and unclear. This is also used for procrastination.
[Sick yellow croaker] is weak and sickly.
[Mo Liang as early as possible] Hurry up.
[Intentionally] Careless and perfunctory.
[Cries the bamboo rascal] pretends to be pitiful to get sympathy from others.
[Six holes on three sides] Agree something in front of everyone.
[Large clip small thin] People or things of all sizes are mixed together.
[One slap] Exactly the same, very similar.
[Advanced Accounting] I am not sure.
[The withered straw] is depressed and depressed.
[Troubled and confused] I was upset and confused.
[Provoking and gossiping] To stir up trouble.
[Single mind] Concentrate on one's mind.
[Two ends for three days] It's always going on.
[Three drops and three falls] Yu has suffered setbacks for many times and his life has been rough.
[Being mean and weak] It refers to a person with weak strength.
[Agitate 723] Deliberately interfere and obstruct.
[Seven times eight leaves] rambling about.
[Nonsense] Speak freely.
[Faint anger happens] Be shameless.
[The picky third sister] Yu likes to gossip.
[Flush eyes and nose] Face to face.
[Take the baby with her] Pull the children.
[A pimple] refers to a person or thing that is difficult to deal with.
[Wrapping the body and feet] It's tangled.
[Empty words] They are irresponsible.
[Leader ant] The person who takes the lead in doing bad things.
[Sticky Egg Bunny] It describes being reckless and a bit silly.
[Sticking eggs, pulling up, etc.] It's silly to a certain extent.



Life proverbs

The son says (thinks) that the word Niang (chopsticks) is as long as the road.
It's hard to open the gate on the 42nd day before the insects are awakened. (It means rainy)
When you are three years old, learn from childhood
The clear and bright days break the snow, and the valley rain breaks the frost.
As long as you sit upright, even monks and nuns will be on the same bench.
Spring fog rain, summer fog hot, autumn fog cool, winter fog snow.
Don't be afraid of the slant of the wall when your heart is upright, and don't be afraid of the green firewood when the fire is fierce.
After eating the Dragon Boat Festival dumplings, we still need three freezes.
People are afraid of sadness, while trees are afraid of hurting their roots.
The end of June, the half of July, and the 16th of August are fine. (referring to typhoon)
People need face, trees need bark.
The wind is cool and cool. It's sunny until the Double Ninth Festival in September.
Having eaten someone's mouth is soft, and taking someone's hand is short.
Hongxia Hongxia, water free tea; Yellow bright yellow bright, the flood rose.
Don't listen to the old man, and bear hardships before your eyes.
Big halo (refers to the moon halo) wind, small halo rain.
If you want to get treasure, you will suffer until you grow old.
Before and after the winter solstice, sand and flying rocks walk.
He who teaches his son teaches his wife behind his back.
Snails float on the water, and heavy rain separates the fields.
People should have a good heart and trees should have good roots.
Swallows fly low and wear Lingyi clothes.
Three turtles bite a turtle.
The moon is fluffy and the water is surging.
The big snake bullies the small snake, and the small snake bullies the frog; Toad bully grasshopper, grasshopper bully rice shrimp.
Don't turn back to the light at sunset. The ocean is windy.
Three brothers and four brothers have the same heart, and the earth in front of the door turns into gold.
The tide rises and the wind rises, but the tide is flat and the wind stops.
Good farmland, good rice planting; A good neighbor depends on his old age.
There are big clouds in the sky. Be careful when sailing.
Fingers are long and short, and teeth and tongues should compete.
The rice is yellow for a day, and the wheat is yellow for a moment.
It is better for children to be deceived than for children to deceive others.
Don't use ash to grow wheat. You will suffer in the end.
Only see the monk eat steamed bread, do not see the monk suffer hardships.
Rape is watered with flowers and wheat is watered with seedlings.
Every penny of copper is fine, every penny of goods is fine, and every penny of strength is worth every penny of harvest.
After three years of planting grass seeds, bad fields become good ones.
Once bitten by a snake, one is afraid of grass for three years.
Grain rain grows cotton, so don't ask others.
Don't be afraid not to recognize the goods, just be afraid to compare the goods.
The wheat should be sunned and the rice should be drenched.
The younger generation should be pretty. The bones are freezing and giggling.
Twenty acres of cotton and twenty acres of rice, whether it is sunny or sunny.
The guest (wife) is a treasure. If you sell land or land, you should ask for it.

Production proverbs

Children's faces change three times a day in spring.
The clear and bright days break the snow, and the valley rain breaks the frost.
Spring frost is hard to show white, but barefoot is necessary when showing white. (Rain)
At the moment of spring, all kinds of grass turn into ridges.
Clear and bright, grain rain to drench.
Spring east wind, rain work; Xia Dongfeng, the well bottom is empty; Autumn east wind; Rotten tarragon; East wind in winter, dry winter.
Spring fog and rain, summer fog and heat, autumn fog and cool wind, winter fog and snow.
On the third day of summer, the house was flooded.
After eating the Dragon Boat Festival dumplings, we still need three freezes.
The north wind in June is like poison. (It means rain)
In June, the north wind blows more and the rain opens outside.
Grain in awn and rain, cut wheat for two and a half days. (It means rain)
In June, the wind blows to the northwest, and the peach silk and bamboo are dried.
Do not heat in June, and do not knot the grain; The quilt is covered in June, and there is Gu Umi.
The end of June, the half of July, and the 16th of August are fine. (referring to typhoon)
When the rain falls, you will receive everything; Rain hit the first 20 days of autumn drought; The rain beat the rice straw in autumn.
The wind is cool and cool. It's sunny until the Double Ninth Festival in September.
Autumn wind turns in July, and hats and bowls are worn in August.
Don't rest when the rain is mixed with snow.
Before and after the winter solstice, sand and flying rocks walk.
It is not cold in winter, but cold in spring.
Winter solstice on the first, day ricks night ricks; In the middle of the winter solstice, the sun blows and the night blows; The winter solstice at the end of the month is good in the year.
When the rain strikes, the chickens crow. Keep your umbrella in hand.
The rain hit the dawn, and the yellow bulls died.
Hongxia Hongxia, Wushui Tea; Yellow bright yellow bright, the flood rose.
East horseshoe crab (rainbow), sun, west horseshoe crab rain.
Big halo (refers to the moon halo) wind, small halo rain.
If it is fine, it will be a star; Down, the star is inlaid with a wooden ladle.
Cloud goes east, and cars and horses pass; Clouds to the south, rain floating boat; Clouds go west, horses splash mud; Clouds facing north make the valley sunny.
Soil survey is conducted every other field during thunderstorm.
Thunder rings in the sky, rain is in front of us; Thunder rings overhead. Don't worry about rain.
Snails float on the water, and heavy rain separates the fields.
The cotyledons of tallow are white, and the rotten fields are good for growing wheat.
The swallow flies low and wears a coir raincoat.
The cricket (earthworm) crawled out of the hole, and the rain was in chaos.
The moon is fluffy and the water is surging.
Yan Kaitian, a sunny day alone.
The wind is warm, the rice is barren.
Don't turn back to the light at sunset. The ocean is windy.
The moon rises on the mountain and the tide rises on the beach; In the moonlight, the tide is spreading.
The tide rises and the wind rises, but the tide is flat and the wind stops.
There are big clouds in the sky. Be careful when sailing.
If the sea is clear from afar, the weather will be clear; If the sea is dark from afar, there will be wind and rain.
The third day, the eighteenth day and the night. (referring to tidal climate)
There is water and fat half of the valley. There is fat and water crying to the sky.
A hundred and twenty days of filial piety. (Field management)
The rice is yellow for a day, and the wheat is yellow for a moment.
Don't use ash to grow wheat. You will suffer in the end.
Do not raise pigs for three years. Knock the mud (bamboo) and hiss. (soil hardening)
People want fat, round eyes simmer pig hoof; The fields should be fat, and the pig pens should be filled with garbage.
Rape is watered with flowers and wheat is watered with seedlings.
After three years of planting grass seeds, bad fields become good ones.
Pull the seed and pull the line, and it will be blocked three times. (It is said that basic fertilizer has a great effect)
Grain rain grows cotton, so don't ask others.
In the summer, wheat, white dew, seven onions, eight or nine garlic.
The wheat should be sunned and the rice should be drenched.
The grain bud has a horn, and the malt leaves a valve shell.
The rice flower falls on the back, and a bucket of grain falls for a day. (Refers to touching the field grass)
Before rice cutting, the fields should be put aside.
In a barren year, the first thing to get rid of is the famine.
If there is water, go by water; if there is no water, go by dry road. (A new proverb after liberation, which means that sowing varieties should be adaptable)
20 mu cotton, 20 mu rice, fine or falling.

Allegorical sayings

Close the door and look at your wife - the more you look, the more you like her.
The eldest girl takes a sedan chair -- the first time.
The mouse drills into the bellows - both ends are inflated.
Straw in rotten fields - keep it upright.
Make tea in cold water - slowly thicken.
Take the chicken feather as the arrow - follow the human posture.
The yellow dog ran to the alley - running around.
Needle tip wheat awn -- point to point
Headless flies - bumping.
The tortoise is whipped on the top of the flagstone - hard hit.
Don't worry when the big bug catches up with you - be relieved.
Pick a bone from an egg.
The egg hits the stone - overestimate oneself.
Water on the duck's back - whiten your strength.
Old imperial calendar - out of date.
The little monk recites scriptures - with words but without heart.
Wu Jiao Si Tou - disorderly feeding.
Bite the cylinder plate - do not turn the mouth.
Advanced pig - (rolling is allowed) do not fasten.
A straw rope carries the coffin - only once.
Cowhide holing - tough.
My father died on the first day of the first month.
Catch the coffin with a hunchback - don't put it straight.
Beggars compete for rank - it's noisy.
Water on the duck's back - whiten your strength.
Close the door and look at your wife - the more you look, the more you like her.
Dried heads are protected by cats - dangerous.
Needle tip wheat awn -- point-to-point.
The eldest girl takes a sedan chair -- the first time.
Monkey's ass - don't sit tight.
There are many things happening.
Cheng Yaojin plays with an axe - three strokes and a half.
The tortoise is whipped on the top of the flagstone - hard hit.
Dream of eating mung bean sprouts - think well.
The lame man is on the market - do not rush.
Make tea in cold water - slowly thicken.
The mouse drills into the bellows - both ends are inflated.
Straw in rotten fields - keep it upright.
Stone in the pit - smelly and hard.
The yellow dog ran to the alley - running around.
The worse the field is, the deeper it sinks.
The kidnapper meets the thief, the opponent.
If you wake up, you will defecate.
Big feet act like small feet - dress up.
Make friends with your bare buttocks - old friends.
Tie the belt - remember.
In case of emergency, do not come.
In June, the pit smells worse.
Newly built thatched pit - three days of prosperity.
Thin centipede egg bag - thin, medium and thin.
Everyone knows that there is a circle left when the gong is knocked down.
Mmm flies - bumping.
Kiss with a Ruo hat - do not close.
Back the tree in the alley - straight in and straight out.
Grasshoppers in the dry land - sting.
Pick a bone from an egg.
Take the chicken feather as the arrow - follow the human posture.
I hope someone else's Mimaci will serve as dinner - I can't rely on it.
Get on the pant waist of the car - not prepared.
Take off your pants and fart - needless to do.
Don't worry when the big bug catches up with you - be relieved.
Clean your feet with water - dry debate.
The egg hits the stone - overestimate oneself.
My mother is on the head of the board.
The thief went out of the door and pressed his crotch and buttocks - late.
Old imperial calendar - out of date.
Qingshui Lake Eel - very oily.
Carry people's coffins to their own homes and cry - pay more attention to idle accounts.
Little monk chants scriptures - with a deep heart.
Little Dan sweats with a mangy head. Don't flatter.
The tone of voice is like a plank wall - it's a waste of effort.
Morning glory goes up the wall - it can't be dragged.
Flowers on cow dung - pity.
The mouse fell into the rice bowl - eat as you please.
Tie the egg with hemp rope - take off both ends.
Wash your feet in the gutter - the more you wash, the dirtier you get.
Eating wheat and rice and traveling in the West Lake - making fun out of hardship.