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Discipline ranking

Educational terminology
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Discipline ranking refers to: Degree and Graduate Education Development Center of the Ministry of Education according to the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council And the Ministry of Education《 List of disciplines and specialties for conferring doctoral and master's degrees and cultivating graduate students 》The overall level of all first level disciplines except military science is evaluated and ranked according to the evaluation results, which is also called "overall level evaluation of first level disciplines". It was launched for the first time in 2002 and completed four rounds by 2017.
Chinese name
Discipline ranking
Assessment of overall level of first-class disciplines
Development time
Evaluate the overall level of all first level disciplines except military science, and rank them according to the evaluation results
The fourth round of discipline evaluation was launched in April 2016, and was carried out in the way of "combining objective evaluation with subjective evaluation" in accordance with the principle of "voluntary application and free participation". The evaluation system has made many innovations on the basis of the first three rounds; The evaluation data is obtained in the way of "combining public data with unit filling"; The evaluation results are presented in a "grading" manner. The specific method is to publish the top 70% of disciplines in nine grades according to the ranking percentile of "overall level score of disciplines": the top 2% (or top 2) is A+, 2%~5% is A (excluding 2%, the same below), 5%~10% is A -, 10%~20% is B+, 20%~30% is B, 30%~40% is B -, 40%~50% is C+, 50%~60% is C, and 60%~70% is C.