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Academic rubbish

Academic terminology
Academic garbage refers to plagiarism Others' academic achievements , constantly publishing mediocre and uninspiring paper Put some so-called new ideas or repeat them in the paper Show off , use a new topic rehash These worrisome phenomena of a large number of academic garbage reflect the profound Academic morality Landslide Academic norm The loss and the overflow of "academic garbage" should not be ignored Academic dignity and Research integrity The harm of is worth pondering.
Chinese name
Academic rubbish
Plagiarize others' academic achievements
Harm to academic dignity and scientific research integrity
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Recently, many academic plagiarism and forgery cases have been exposed one after another, causing educational circles And society's influence on academic morality and Construction of style of study Widespread concern about the issue. For example, it is called“ The most excellent plagiarism of master's thesis in history ”Case 1, the plot is absurd: the person used“ Full Copy Method ”In addition to replacing the word "Jiangsu" with "Shandong", replacing the statistics of Jiangsu with those of Shandong, and statistical indicators The comparison and sorting results of are slightly changed, from summary to directory to Journals reviewed The "countermeasures" put forward after the text analysis are almost the same - basically using“ Replace key ”Get rid of plagiarism. Recently, it was revealed that this fraud case is even more "awesome" Plagiarism The two articles were both titled "On the Supervision of News and Public Opinion in the Field of Finance and Economics" Master's Thesis In addition to the difference of "thanks", the title, Chinese and English abstracts, Chinese and English keywords, content, notes reference Not a word is bad.
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A large amount of academic garbage is produced, first of all, because some researchers are lack of Academic self-discipline Because the so-called publication of achievements is often directly linked to personal fame and wealth, and also because of the impetuous habits of society invading the academic community, some researchers can no longer bear to be lonely, without in-depth thinking, often“ Write ten thousand words ”。 One cherishes oneself Academic reputation As a self aware person, I will regret the shoddy manufacturing in my academic research sooner or later. French writer Balzac After his success, he was unwilling to admit some hasty works published under his pen name in his early years. Because he knows that such things are his shame.
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The academic community believes that the "one vote veto system" should be implemented for academic waste generators. for example Foreign Language Teaching Center of Sun Yat sen University Deputy Director Wang Zhe In order to defraud fame and wealth, not only did they plagiarize and fabricate extensively when applying for the 2009 "National Excellent Course" (undergraduate course), but also plagiarized papers and created a large number of academic garbage. It was cracked down on by a famous teacher Guo Yidun On the Academic Anti counterfeiting Website“ New Threads ”The disclosure on the website caused a sensation. [1]
A large amount of "academic garbage" has been produced, exposing the irrationality of the current academic evaluation system. For a long time, school The number of papers and works published has become an important item learning Evaluation indicators. Due to the emphasis on quantity, many colleges and research institutions have turned the evaluation into a mere statistics of the number of papers published, even ridiculous“ Word count ”。 Measuring the level of academic units and individuals in terms of quantity rather than quality encourages academic research“ Garbage ”。 Worryingly, this unreasonable evaluation orientation has also affected young students. In order to increase the number of papers published by the university, there are many university regulations, graduate student Only those who have published their theses publicly are eligible to apply for graduation certificates. However, there are not so many magazines in China that can provide publishing space, which has prompted many magazines to print additional publications and sell their pages at a clear price to contain more "garbage" to pollute the academic environment, while "paid garbage collection" has increased the economic burden of students.

Hazard degree

Creating "academic garbage" has, to a certain extent, expedited the birth of academic corrupt Plagiarism is one of them. Because of the excessive pursuit of the number of publications, because publication is directly linked to fame and wealth, it has opened up a market for all kinds of unfair transactions, and in turn further corrupted the purity and seriousness of academic research, and damaged the academic atmosphere.
Someone“ Blowout ”Describe the academic papers at home and abroad in recent years magazine A large number of publications on. But along with this prosperity, there are some worrying phenomena, that is, a large number of low-level repetitive "academic garbage" with identical views and materials. The large number of them, to a considerable extent, has occupied the publishing space of innovative academic achievements, more or less hindered the transmission channel of valuable achievements, and brought disharmonious question marks to the real prosperity of academic research and the construction of academic atmosphere. Frequent academic fraud is just the tip of the iceberg. Such blatant "copying" and "pasting" academic plagiarism and forgery often occur, and they can pass the test frequently and smoothly tutor It is hard to shirk the responsibility of refraction The profound decline of academic morality, the loss of academic norms, and the overflow of "academic garbage" should not be ignored. Its harm to academic dignity and scientific integrity is worth pondering.


The urgent task is to stop the generation of "academic garbage" at the source. We should change the evaluation system of one-sided pursuit of the number of papers and works published. The current assessment has set a "qualified" lower limit for the number of papers published, which is undoubtedly not enough. Peer assessment should be invited for the real academic content of papers. It should also repeal the regulation that postgraduates should publish papers in connection with graduation, so as to create a good atmosphere for postgraduates to study conscientiously and conduct practical research.
In the academic research team, we should vigorously promote righteousness and advocate research for the purpose of seeking truth and truth. A person who is really interested in academic research should not pay too much attention to fame and wealth. The act of publishing crude papers should be raised to the extent that it concerns academic life. Both control their own hearts, not by the temptation of vanity; Also control their own hands, do not lead the Gu. In the process of "reciting one word and cutting several roots", he devoted his solid achievements to the society with a pious attitude. Such achievements can be magnificent works, and such publication can truly bring academic prosperity.