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academic exchange

Academic research activities
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Academic exchanges refer to the discussion, demonstration and research activities on the specified topics, which are attended by researchers and learners of relevant majors, in order to exchange knowledge, experience and results, and jointly analyze and discuss solutions to problems. We can use forum, discussion speech , exhibition, experiment, publishing results, etc. Academic exchange Information exchange Its ultimate purpose is to communicate and exchange scientific information, ideas and views. Through thinking about the purpose and role of academic exchanges, the author believes that the final foothold of academic exchanges lies in new academic ideas and Academic innovation On the other hand, it points out that the most essential meaning of academic exchange is to stimulate (activate) and enlighten.
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academic exchange
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Academic exchanges



Academic exchange( Academic exchanges
It generally refers to the academic research, information, academic thought of science and technology as the main object and content, and related Scientific activities , which can also be understood as the abbreviation of academic exchange activities.
Academic communication
To put it simply, academic exchanges are scientific research As a part of the work, scientists publish research results to their peers and receive comments and recognition group activity , is a way of life for researchers in their academic career, and is also a human Knowledge productivity One of Production mode Similar to academic exchanges Scientific exchange primary Soviet Union Scholars ∧ Mikhailov The definition of scientific communication is: "Scientific communication is Science communication It is an important part of the basic mechanism for the existence and development of science. Zhou Peiyuan, former chairman of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, pointed out in his speech entitled "The Association of Science and Technology should make contributions to the realization of the four modernizations" at the National Science Conference in March 1978 that "academic exchange activities are personal research and Collective wisdom A form of combination. Through the ideological contact, academic exchange and free debate among scientists, we can communicate the situation, learn from each other, promote each other, and jointly improve, so that the understanding can be developed, and it is possible to produce new Scientific hypothesis And open up new research approaches. This can be said to be a feature of scientific research. " Chinese scientific theorists Zhao Hongzhou It is pointed out that: Scientific creation Complexity and Uncertainty It is often beyond the scope of a person's intelligence and requires "the collective effect of scientists' intelligence." Here, "the collective effect of scientists' intelligence" is not a simple superposition of multiple scientists' intelligence, but a mutual "collision", mutual stimulation and collaborative research of scientists' intelligence.