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End of quarter

[jì mò]
Chinese words
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End of season is a word, which basically means end of season.
Chinese name
End of quarter
jì mò
Phonetic transcription
ㄐㄧˋ ㄇㄛˋ
It is homonymous with loneliness, so it means loneliness. It is often used for network nicknames; Apocalypse

Definition of words

It is homonymous with loneliness, so it means loneliness. It is often used for network nicknames.
The end, the decline.

Application examples

Chinese Huan Kuan "On Salt and Iron, Worry about the Border": "At the end of the Zhou Dynasty, the emperor was weak, and the princes were powerful in governing."
Tang Dynasty Liu Zhiji Shi Tong · Duanlian: Zang Hong Tao Qian Liu Yu , Sun Zan was born at the end of the season and swallowed himself up. "
The New Book of Tang · Biography of Liu Hun: oath-taking by a party to an action and used as evidence The rise of Gaimeng curse is all at the end of the season. In the reign of the Ming Dynasty, the end of the season is not the way to deal with the barbarians. " July at the end of the season [1]