Master Teng Wen

Chapter in Mencius Teng Wengong
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synonym Mencius Teng Wengong (Mencius, Teng Wengong Shang) Generally refers to Teng Wengong Shang
"Teng Wengong Shang", also known as "Mencius Teng Wengong Shang", is a quotation style article written by Mencius' disciples. It comes from《 Mencius 》。 [1]
Master Teng Wen
Alias of works
Mencius, Teng Wengong
Mencius' disciple
literary genre
the lecture style of writing

Chapter I

Prince Teng Wengong is the son of the emperor. He will go to Chu and meet him in the Song Dynasty Mencius Mencius was good in nature, and he would be called Yao and Shun in his words. The prince rebelled from Chu and saw Mencius again. Mencius said, "My son doubts what I said. It's just the same way Duke Jing of Qi He said, "My husband is also my husband. How can I fear him?" Yan Yuan Day: Who is Shun To whom it is given, and to those who have done something! " Public apparatus He said, "King Wen is my teacher. How can Duke Zhou deceive me. The book said, "If the medicine does not dim and dazzle, you will faint and not be alert." " [1]

Chapter II

Teng Dinggong Hongs. The son called Ran You and said, "The past Mencius Try to talk with me in the Song Dynasty, and never forget it in your heart. Now, unfortunately, as for the big reason, I want to ask Mencius and then act. " But Zou, a friend, asked Mencius. Mencius said, "It's not too good! When a person is buried, he will commit suicide. Zeng Zi said," Life is a matter of ritual; death is a matter of ritual; burial is a matter of ritual; sacrifice is a matter of ritual: filial piety. "I have never learned about the ritual of princes. Although, I have heard about it: Three year funeral , uniform and sparse clothing, [2] The food of porridge has reached the common people since the Son of Heaven, and has been shared by three generations. " However, the friend rebelled against his orders and was set to die for three years. My father and brother did not want all the officials. They said, "My father and brother did not want to go before the king. I also did not want to go before the king. As for the son, it is not allowed to do the opposite. And they said," I will mourn from my ancestors. "They said," I will accept something. "They said," I have never learned anything, so I want to test my sword. Today, my father and brother do not have enough for all the officials, lest they can not do something important. I ask Mencius for my sake. " Ran Youfu replied to Zou and asked Mencius. Mencius said, "Well, he can't ask for help.". Confucius Said: "You Hong, listen to the slaughter;"; Porridge noodles Deep ink, standing on the throne and crying; There is a department for all officials. Don't dare not mourn. If there are good people on the top, there will be very few people on the bottom. The virtue of a gentleman is also the virtue of a villain; The wind will fade when the grass is still there. ' It is my son. " But friends are against fate. The Shizi said, "Well, it is true in me." He lived in the house in May; Without a life ring, people of hundreds of official clans can be said to know. When it comes to burial, people from all directions come to see it, the color of the sorrow, the sorrow of crying; He who hangs is greatly pleased. [1]

Chapter III

Master Teng Wen
Teng Wengong When asked, "To be a nation," Mencius said, "Civil affairs cannot be postponed. The poem goes," When you are in the grass in the daytime, you can find a way to sleep in the night; when you are anxious to get on the house, you can begin to sow hundreds of grains. "The way of the people is also: those who have constant property have perseverance, and those who have no constant property have no perseverance; if you have no perseverance, you will do everything to avoid evil and waste. If you are caught in a crime, and then punish it, it is useless for the people; if there is a benevolent person in the position, it is useless for the people to do it! So A virtuous monarch We must be courteous and thrifty. We should follow the rules of the people. Yang Hu said, "If you are rich, you will not be benevolent. If you are benevolent, you will not be rich." Xiahou Fifty tribute Yan people helped 70, Zhou people helped 100 acres: in fact Shiyi Also. Thoroughness; Cheyeh, Helper, Giyeh
The dragon said, "You should not be good at helping the land or paying tribute.". When you are happy, you are cruel. If you take more than you are cruel, you will take less; In a bad year, if the field is not enough, the surplus will be taken. As the parents of the people, the people will be willing to work hard all the year round [3 ] It is not allowed to support their parents and benefit from loans, so that the old and young can turn into a ravine: the evil is that they are parents! He is a man of great wealth. Teng is committed to his career. "Poem cloud:" Rain me Takata , so it's personal. " Only help can make public land. From this point of view, although Zhou also helped. It is set up as an age school to teach; Those who are aged are raised, those who are educated are taught, and those who are ordered are shot; Xia said school, Yin said preface, Zhou Yuexiang said study was shared by three generations: all of the them were because of the Ming ethics. People's ethics are clear to the top, and people are close to the bottom. When there is a king, he will come to learn the Dharma. Shiyun: Although Zhou was an old state, his life was renewed 。』 King Wen is also called King Wen. When Zi tries to do so, he will also take the new Zi as his country. " Then Bi Zhan asked, "Well," and Mencius said, "My lord, I will go Benevolent government If you choose to use your son, he will encourage you. husband Benevolence must start from the world of economics The boundary is not straight, the well is uneven, and the valley is uneven. Therefore, tyrants and corrupt officials will slow down their progress. Since the boundary is correct, we can divide the fields and make salaries. We can sit still. Fu Teng has a narrow territory: he will be a gentleman and a savage; Do not cure savages without a gentleman, do not raise a gentleman without a savage Ask Ye Jiuyi to help, and the Shiyi envoy in the country will give it to himself. Below Qing, there must be Guitian; Guitian is 50 mu. The remaining 25 mu. Dead apprentice Without going out of the countryside, the villages and fields are in the same well. They go in and out to make friends, keep watch and help each other, and support each other with diseases; Then the people will live in harmony. The well is nine hundred mu in square; Among them, there are public fields, and eight families are all private, raising public fields together. After finishing business, I dare to manage private affairs; So don't be a savage. This is also a rough outline; If the husband moistens it, it will be for the king and his son. " [1]

Chapter IV

Youwei Shennong Words person Xu Xing From the Teng of Chu, he followed the door and told Wengong, "People from afar, hearing that the king is doing a good job, are willing to accept a lot of traffic and become hooligans.". Dozens of his disciples, all dressed in brown, tied sandals and woven mats for food. Chen Liang's disciple Chen Xiang, with his younger brother Xin Leisi Since the Song Dynasty, Teng said, "When you hear that the emperor is doing the administration of saints, you are also saints, and you are willing to be saints." Chen Xiang was very happy when he saw Xu Xing, and he abandoned his studies to learn. When Chen Xiang met Mencius, the words of Tao Xu Xing said, "If you are Teng Jun, you will be honest and virtuous. Although you have never heard of Tao, the wise people will plow and eat together with the people, and they will take dinner to govern. Now there is a food bank in Teng, and the people will feed themselves. If you are evil, you will be virtuous." Mencius said, "Will Xu Zi plant millet and eat?" He said, "Yes." "Will Xu Zi weave cloth and then dress?" He said, "No, Xu Zi's clothes are brown." "Xu Ziguan?" said: "Guan." said: "Xi Guan?" said: "Guan Su." said: "Self woven and?" said: "No, change it with millet." said: "Xu Zixi did not self weave?" said: "harm to the cultivation." said: "Xu Zixi used cauldron to make Cuan and iron to cultivate?" said: "Ran." "Self woven and?" said: "No, change it with millet." "Those who use millet to change weapons are not fierce cultivators; those who also use millet to change weapons are not fierce farmers! Why don't Xu Zi use them in his palace for edifying? Why don't he trade with hundreds of workers in succession? Why don't he be afraid to bother!" He said, "A hundred workers can't be cultivated and can be done." "But governing the world can only be cultivated and can be done with? There are things for adults and things for villains. And one person's body, and a hundred workers' place to prepare. If you have to do it yourself and then use it, you can lead the world Luyi Therefore, it is said: either hard work or hard work; Laborious person Governing people, and labor governs people; Administer at Person Eating people and governing people eat people, which is the justice of the world. When Yao was there, the world was still not flat; The flood flows across the country; The vegetation is luxuriant, and animals breed, Grains Non registration; The way of animals pressing people, animal hooves and bird tracks, is handed over to China. Yao worried about it alone, and he used Shun to treat it. Shun envoy helped fire, burned mountains and rivers, and animals fled. Yushu Jiuhe To fix the economy and Luohe, and pay attention to the sea; Jue Ru, Han, row Huai, Si, and note the river. Then China can get and eat. When it was, Yu spent eight years outside and passed through the gate three times without entering; Although you want to plough, what do you get? minister of agriculture under legendary Shun Teach the people to cultivate crops, plant and cultivate the crops. The crops are ripe and the people nurture them. There is a way for people; Having enough food and warm clothes, living leisurely without education, is close to animals; The sage was worried about it, so he made the contract a disciple and taught ethics: father and son are related, monarch and minister are righteous, couples are different, seniority is orderly, and friends have faith. To render meritorious service He said, "If you work hard, you can straighten it, and if you use your wings, you can make yourself happy, and then you can improve your virtue." How can a sage care about the people, and have time to cultivate? Yao worried about Shun, and Shun worried about Yu Gaotao Worry about yourself. The farmer is also the man who is not easy to worry about. To divide people into people with wealth is to benefit them, to teach people with kindness is to be loyal, and to win people for the world is to be benevolent. So, It is easy to get people for the world, but difficult to get people for the world Confucius He said, "Great is that Yao is the king, only the sky is great, only Yao is great, and the people are powerless and famous. Great is that Shun is also lofty. It seems that there is a world without him." How can Yao and Shun rule the world without using their heart, and not for ears. I have heard of those who use summer to change the barbarians, but I have not heard of those who change from the barbarians. Chen Liang and Chu Chanya; Yue Duke Zhou Confucius The way to learn from China; Scholars in the north did not succeed: they were so-called heroes. Son's brother, it's decades; When a teacher dies, his position is doubled. Confucius did not exist in the past, but three years later, the governance of the disciples will go back to: Zi Gong , cry towards each other, lose your voice, and return. Zi Gongfan built his house on the ground; Live alone for three years, then return. Someday, Zixia Subzhang Ziyou , with Yes if Like a sage, you want to do what Confucius did to be strong Zeng Zi Zengzi said, "No, the river and the Han Dynasty used to wash, the autumn sun used to be violent, and it's impossible to have a good time!" Out of the valley, move to trees Person; Those who enter the valley without hearing the trees. Lu Song said, " non-Chinese peoples of the north and west It is fake Shu is Punishment. " Zhou Gongfang also granted it; The learning of Zi is also not good at changing. " "In the way of Xu Zi, there is no difference between the city and the country, and there is no hypocrisy in the country. Although the five foot boy can adapt to the market, he can not be deceived. If the length of cloth and silk is the same, the family will be the same. If the weight of flax and silk is the same, the family will be the same. If the number of grains is the same, the family will be the same. If the size of sandals is the same, the family will be the same." It is said, "If the husband and things are different, the love of things will be the same. Or they will be double, or hundreds, or tens of millions.". Subratio The same is true. It is chaotic. How can people do it when they have big sandals and small ones! Those who follow the way of Xu Zi and act like hypocrites can rule the country with evil. " [1]

Chapter V

Mohist Yi Zhi asked to see Mencius because of Xu Pi. Mencius said, "I wish to see you. I am still ill now. When I recover, I will see you again. The barbarians will not come." He asked to see Mencius again some day. Mencius said, "I can see now. If I am not straight, the Tao will not see, and I will be straight. I heard of the Yi Zimo, and the ink also used thin as its way of mourning Zisi To change the world, do you think it is not right but not expensive? However, when Yi Zi buried his relatives, they were so humble! " Xu Zi sued Yi Zi. Yi Zi said, "In the Confucian way, if people in ancient times protected their sons, what is that? They thought that love was equal, and that giving should be done first." Xu Zi told Mencius, and Mencius said, "Do you believe that a man's son is the son of his brother, and that he is the son of his neighbor? That's why he has taken his son. It's not a sin for a son to crawl into a well. Moreover, the creatures of heaven also make one of them, and so are the two sons of Yi. In the world, there are some people who do not bury their relatives: they die in person, and they are entrusted to the valley. Some day, the fox will eat it, and the flies and gnats will suck it. Its catfish are present, but they don't look at each other. A man is not a man, and his focus is on his face. To cover the return is to cover it. If it is true to cover up, then there must be a way for filial sons and benevolent people to cover up their relatives. " Xu Zi sued Yi Zi. The Yizi was so sad that he said, "It's my destiny!" [1]