Grandma Sun

Characters in the novel Condor Heroes
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Grandma Sun is Jin Yong Fiction《 Condor Heroes 》People in.
Lin Chaoying When she was in the Jianghu, she saved the life of a woman surnamed Sun. Later, she went up the mountain to worship but could not enter. Fortunately, she met by chance wang chongyang After pointing the way, he was Lin Chaoying's disciple (also Lin Chaoying's servant girl) after entering the tomb, little dragon maiden and Li Mochou (Master), take it in and live in the ancient tomb for a long time. That's Grandma Sun. (The origin of Grandma Sun can only be found in serial novels)
Grandma Sun waited on Lin Chaoying's disciples until her death, when she and Xiao Longnv lived together. Grandma Sun Yang Guo And entrusted Yang Guo to Xiao Longnv to take care of him before he died, so that Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv could take care of each other all their lives, and then close their eyes and die. Grandma Sun has a crutch as her weapon, and her martial arts are not weak Quanzhen Religion Hao Datong Miskill.
Chinese name
Grandma Sun
Debut works
Condor Heroes and its derivative works
Mistakenly killed by Hao Datong, a Quanzhen Cult

Character settings


Character origin

The woman Lin Chaoying saved while wandering the Jianghu
Description of the serial version of the original work:
At this moment, she heard a woman sobbing and crying. She was very sad. When asked, she knew her name was Sun. Lin Chaoying had saved her life when she was in the Jianghu. She went up the mountain to kowtow and learned that Lin Chaoying was dead. She wanted to enter the tomb, but could not enter. wang chongyang So she pointed out the way to enter the tomb, and said: "I have sixteen words, so you can remember them, but you can't tell anyone. When your year ends, you will tell the owner of the ancient tomb." The woman named Sun thanked her, memorized the sixteen words in her heart, and went to the tomb to mourn them. Later, she was taken in by Lin Chaoying's servant girls and lived in the ancient tomb for a long time. That was Grandma Sun. She wrote the sixteen characters together plain white cloth Above, sewn in cotton-padded jacket At the end of her life, she gave it to Yang Guo. The sixteen characters are "Chongyang Immortal Master, whose merits are passed on to later generations. Look at her portrait and study her fingers." Grandma Sun is not very intelligent. She hasn't studied the sixteen characters all the time, so she doesn't know the secrets hidden in the stone chamber.

Character appearance

Grandma Sun is very ugly.
Original description:
Yin Zhiping Take two steps and reach for it Zhao Zhijing , give it to the disciple behind you. After a long time, I suddenly felt that there was a cold and fragrant sweet syrup in my mouth, which was slowly poured into my throat. The skill moves were extremely strange. When I saw the enemy, I whistled, and six Taoists from both sides Surround , cloth Big Dipper In the formation of the Big Dipper, Grandma Sun and Yang Guo were in the middle.

Martial Arts

Grandma Sun was taught a little martial arts by Lin Chaoying, and she was not weak Quanzhen Religion Many Taoists fight and can stand still for a long time.
Original description:
Zhao Zhijing missed the first catch and then went out again. This time Grandma Sun did not dare to underestimate him. She dodged sideways, and her legs in her skirt [flew out without a trace]. When Zhao Zhijing heard the news, be about to Avoidance, Jade bee The place where he was pinched suddenly itched badly, so he could not help but cry "ah" and squat down with his head folded. Zhao Zhijing [flew up], still screaming "ah" and "ah" in midair.
Yin Zhiping fights with Grandma Sun hand in hand, that is, they are on guard. He knew that the martial arts of the seniors who lived in this tomb could compete with the founder of our sect. Naturally, her descendants were also [non ordinary people], so they heard the buzzing sound. It was supposed to be a [art of voice transmission and heart capturing]. They quickly held their breath to calm down in case the enemy made them; But after listening for a while, her voice kept increasing, but her heart was still in the same place. She was surprised that she suddenly remembered something and could not help but be shocked. Just as they were about to tell the crowd to retreat, they heard the distant buzzing sound, which mixed with Grandma Sun's voice. Yin Zhiping shouted, "Most of you, hurry up!" The crowd was stunned and thought, "We have the upper hand, and we can capture this old and young person alive soon. The old woman is afraid of where she comes from, because she is shouting and yelling at random." Suddenly, gray shadows flashed in the forest, and a group of jade bees flew out and rushed to the heads of everyone.
Singaporean version of God Sculpture Zeng Sipei version of Grandma Sun
Grandma hated his glib tongue and frivolous manner. She said with a sneer, "There is only one bottle of antidote, and there is no more. You can cure Zhao Zhijing's injury by yourself!" [Say a backhand with an earful], and shouted, "If you don't respect the elder, I will teach you a lesson." With this slap, Zhang Zhiguang couldn't dodge. He clapped it loudly, [The middle of the cheek is very crisp and hot].
Zhang Zhiguang blushed and said, "We are just catching the assassins who broke into the Chongyang Palace. Whether you are an old woman or a man, if you come in with a long body, you will have to go out with a short body." Grandma Sun sneered, "What is going to be called going out with a short body? Ask the old woman to climb out of the mountain gate, yes or no!" Zhang Zhiguang was hit [painfully] by her slap on the face just now, Who would give up easily.
This move was quite unexpected to Zhang Zhiguang. In a daze, Grandma Sun had already bent down and bowed her head, [suddenly the cold light flashed, and a concealed weapon flew straight over]. Zhang Zhiguang shouted "Ah!" and hurriedly sidestepped to avoid it, but the concealed weapon came [quickly]. It hit his left corner of the eye. The concealed weapon was smashed, and Zhang Zhiguang's forehead was full of blood. It turned out that Grandma Sun easily felt the empty space containing the jade jelly from her arms Porcelain vase , and suddenly throw it with [unique concealed weapon technique]. Her martial arts are created by women. [The moves are always feminine and changeable, and this move "disdainful before and respectful after" is unpredictable]. Although it is an empty porcelain bottle, it is suddenly thrown nearby. Zhang Zhiguang is surprised, but his heart can avoid it.
Grandmother in law heard that the child was so tough, but also for her own sake. She was even more compassionate. She said loudly, "Grandma died here with you, so that the smelly Taoists would be satisfied." Suddenly she shouted, "Yes!" She rushed forward, stretched out her arms, and [grabbed the wrists of two Taoists, wrestled with each other, and grabbed two long swords]. This kung fu of empty hand entering white blade is [weird]. It seems that it is quite a grab, but it is [ingenious]. Both of them were unprepared. [In a twinkling of an eye, the weapon was lost in the hand].

Role evaluation

A kind-hearted person is very kind to Yang Guo. For a child he just met, he can leave his own tomb for him all his life;
Then he died under Hao Datong to save Yang Guo;
After Grandma Sun died, Xiao Longnu was asked to take care of Yang Guo all her life.
Although Grandma Sun is a humble servant, she is also Ancient Tomb Sect A member of Lin Chaoying He and Xiao Longnv's teacher, who brought up Xiao Longnv, should have raised Li Mochou, just like his mother. Grandma Sun paid her whole life for the ancient tomb assignment. Grandma Sun was also 50 or 60 years old when she came out. When she followed Lin Chaoying back to the ancient tomb, she should also be a young girl, but she was willing to live in the ancient tomb without sunshine for thousands of years, serving Li Mochou and Xiao Longnv's master (Lin Chaoying's servant girl) wholeheartedly. After the death of Xiao Longnv's master, she and Xiao Longnv depend on each other. Xiao Longnv's self-care ability is poor, but her grandmother-in-law is always around to take care of her, so that Xiao Longnv can live in peace.
On his deathbed, he asked Xiao Longnv to take care of Yang Guo all his life, but he did not forget Xiao Longnv. He also wanted to tell Yang Guo to treat Xiao Longnv well, but he died without saying everything.
He was loyal to his master, raised Xiao Longnv and Li Mochou without complaint and regret, saved Yang Guo out of chivalry and died for him. Even before he died, he never forgot Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv. He settled them down before he closed his eyes. Such a woman deserves our respect.

Character role

Grandma Sun is《 Condor Heroes 》One of the most important people in China.
83 Sacred Sculpture Yu Mulian as Grandma Sun
First, as we all know, he saved Yang Guo into the tomb of the living dead and asked little dragon maiden Take care of Yang Guo all his life, so as to realize this pair in the future Fairy couple Secondly, before the beginning of the story of God Sculpture, Grandma Sun raised it all by herself Li Mochou Li Mochou, the famous Red Training Fairy in the Jianghu, and Xiao Longnv, the peerless beauty. In addition, in the 28th chapter, Xiao Longnv's master died Ouyang Feng Little Longnv did not know who the murderer was. It was Grandma Sun who shouted, "Ouyang Feng!" when Little Longnv's master was dying that made Little Longnv remember that the murderer was Ouyang Feng. It would also make Yang Guo think of ways to heal Little Longnv's wounds and extend Little Longnv's life. Grandma Sun's contribution to this is indispensable.
Raise Li Mochou and Xiao Longnv, save Yang Guo, and tell the story of the murderer who killed Xiao Longnv's master. Grandma Sun is《 Condor Heroes 》He is an important role in China, with a humble but great identity, and a supporting role but a great role.

Film and television image

1976 Hong Kong Best TV Edition Lorraine Li Tongming to star, Korean materials Reverse string )As Grandma Sun.
1983 Hong Kong TVB Edition Liu Dehua Chen Yulian to star, Yu Mulian As Grandma Sun.
1984 Taiwan ctv edition Meng Fei Pan Yingzi to star, Chen Zengzhi As Grandma Sun.
1995 Hong Kong TVB Edition Louis Koo Li Ruotong to star, Feng Subo As Grandma Sun.
1998 Taiwan TV Edition Ren Xianqi Wu Qianlian to star, Chang Ruyan As Grandma Sun.
1998 Singapore edition Li Mingshun Fan Wenfang to star, Zeng Sipei As Grandma Sun.
2006 Mainland Edition Huang Xiaoming Liu Yifei to star, Li Mingqi As Grandma Sun.
2015 Mainland Edition Chen Xiao Chen Yanxi to star, Shao Min As Grandma Sun.
2019 Mainland Edition Tong Mengshi Mao Xiaohui to star, Liu Yang As Grandma Sun.