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Stock land

Sociological terminology
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so-called Stock land In a broad sense, it refers to the land occupied or used for urban and rural construction, and in a narrow sense, it refers to the existing urban and rural areas land used for building Idle in range Unused land And land that is not fully utilized, unreasonable and low output, i.e., existing land with potential for development and utilization Urban and rural construction land
Chinese name
Stock land
Land used
Urban construction land
Definition of terms
Stock land: Urban construction land It is a term derived from the government's urban management and land reserve work, specifically referring to the inefficient use of existing urban construction land, the idle construction land of bankrupt enterprises, and other construction land that needs to be adjusted and does not conform to the urban planning. Through the reconstruction of old cities, old villages, old industrial parks, and old enterprises, new land space can be made in the existing land for acquisition Withdrawal method: Land reserve Get up and proceed according to the plan Bidding, auction and listing By means of transfer. This part of land is called "stock land" for urban construction.