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Font library

Chinese words
The font library is a Chinese vocabulary, pronounced zi ku, and is an electronic font collection library of foreign fonts, Chinese fonts, and related characters. It is widely used in computers, networks, and related electronic products.
Chinese name
Font library
Foreign name
word stock;font library
Text Font Collection Library
Scope of application
Computer, network and related electronic products

Computer font


By Character Set

Chinese font (generally mixed Chinese and Western) Foreign language font (pure western language) Graphics symbol library
The foreign language font can be divided into: English font Russian font Japanese font library wait;

By Language

Simplified font library, traditional font library, GBK font library, etc; By Encoding
GB2312 GBK GB18030 wait;

By brand

Microsoft Word Library Founder font Hanyi font library Wending font library Handing font library Great Wall font Jinmei font library wait;

By Style

Tahoma / Song Dynasty Imitation , regular script, boldface, official script, Weibei, infant script, Gothic, etc;

Celebrity font

................. Orchid Pavilion most famous early calligrapher )、 Xiangli Wang Xiangzhi )Static bud body( Xu Jinglei Ye Genyou (handwriting) and so on. Coding

GB font

Full name GB2312 or GB2312-80 It is a simplified Chinese character set The full name of the Chinese national standard "Chinese Character Code Character Set for Information Interchange - Basic Set" was issued by the General Administration of National Standards of China and came into force on May 1, 1981. GB2312 code is used in the mainland; Singapore and other places also use this code. Almost all Chinese systems and international software support GB2312.
The GB2312 standard includes 6763 Chinese characters in total. The received Chinese characters are "partitioned" in GB2312, and each zone contains 94 Chinese characters/symbols. This representation is also called location code. Zone 01-09 is a special symbol. There are 3755 first level Chinese characters in 16-55 areas, sorted by Pinyin; There are 3008 Chinese characters in 56-87 area, sorted by radical/stroke; There is no code in areas 10-15 and 88-94.

GBK font library

The full name of GBK is Chinese Internal Code Specification. K is the initial consonant of the word "extended" in the Chinese phonetic alphabet (KuoZhan) corresponding to "extended". In 1993, the Unicode 1.1 version was launched, including mainland China, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea Universal Character Set There are 20912 Chinese characters in total. The mainland of China has formulated "GB13000.1-93", "Universal Multiple Octet Coded Character Set for Information Technology (UCS) Part I: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane", which is equivalent to Unicode version 1.1.
Since GB2312-80 only includes 6763 Chinese characters, there are many Chinese characters, such as some characters that were simplified after the introduction of GB2312-80 (such as "luo"), and some people's names (such as the former premier of China Zhu Rongji Rong), traditional characters used in Taiwan and Hong Kong, Japanese and Korean characters, etc., are not included. The Chinese mainland then used the unused coding space of GB2312-80 to include all Chinese characters appearing in Unicode 1.1 and GB13000.1-93, and formulated GBK codes. Microsoft adopted GBK code in its Windows 98. In Microsoft's system, it is called CP936 word code table.
According to western data, GBK was originally an extension of GB2312 by Microsoft, that is, CP936. It first appeared in the simplified Chinese version of Windows 95. Because Windows products are widely used in the mainland, relevant national departments regard it as a technical specification. Note that GBK is not an official national standard, but State Bureau of Technical Supervision The "Technical Specification Guidance Document" issued by the Standardization Department and the Technology and Quality Supervision Department of the Ministry of Electronic Industry. Although GBK includes all the Chinese characters in Unicode 1.1 and GB13000.1-93, the encoding method is different from Unicode 1.1 and GB13000.1-93. It is only a transition scheme between GB2312 and GB13000.1-93.
The General Administration of Standards of China introduced GB18030-2000 standard in 2000 to replace GBK. GB18030-2000 not only retains all GBK coded Chinese characters, but also adds about 100 Chinese characters and four Bytes Encoding space. See GB18030-2000

748 font library

748 font is a unique font of Founder, which adds some common characters to the GB font. 748 coding refers to the simplified font library and traditional font library coding method implemented and formulated by Founder System in the long-term application process. Simplified Chinese is compatible with GB2312 and has been expanded, with 7156 words in total; Traditional Chinese is compatible with GB12345, and all BIG-5 Chinese characters are expanded, with a total of 14943 characters, 4954 characters shared by traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese characters are removed, and 16144 characters are shared by 748 encoded simple Chinese and traditional Chinese characters. In addition, Founder 748 code also contains a rich symbol library. 748 code only for Founder Electronic publishing system


Ye Genyou's fonts are all handwritten fonts. Since 2007, he has developed simplified brush cursive script, complex cursive script, blade black grass, wind cursive script and other handwritten fonts, which meet the needs of designers and computer users who pursue individuality. For handwriting, social application is relatively scarce. Ye Genyou launched this series of handwritten fonts to meet the needs of this social environment.

Font format


True Type

True Type (TT for short) is a new digital font description technology jointly proposed by Apple and Microsoft. TT is a set of rich instructions that describe the outline of a font with a color number function. These instructions include font structure Color Fill , digital description function, process condition control, grid processor (TT processor) control, additional prompt information control and other instructions.
TT uses the quadratic B-spline curve and straight line in geometry to describe the outline of the font Spline It has first-order continuity and tangent continuity. Parabola can be accurately represented by a quadratic B-spline curve, and more complex font shapes can be represented by a number of connected quadratic B-spline curves and straight lines based on the mathematical characteristics of a B-spline curve. Files describing TT fonts (including TT font description information, instruction sets, various tag tables, etc.) may be common to MAC and PC platforms. On the Mac platform, it is stored in the form of "Sfnt" resources, and on the Windows platform, it appears as a TTF file. To ensure cross platform compatibility of TT, the data format of font files is stored in Motorola style data structure (high bit first, low bit last). All TT interpreters on Intel platforms need to be properly preprocessed before execution. Windows TT interpreter is included in its GDI( Graphics Device Interface )Therefore, any output device supported by Windows has included the TT interpreter in its GDI (Graphics Device Interface), so any output device supported by Windows can output in TT font.
TT technology has the following advantages:
① What you really see is what you get. Since TT supports almost all output devices, for the target output device, no matter the system screen Laser printer or Laser phototypesetter All TT fonts installed in the operating system can be output on the output device at the specified resolution, so most Typesetting Class application can accurately layout the page according to the resolution and other parameters of the current target output device.
② Support font embedding technology to ensure cross system transmission of files. TT technology embedded technology solves the consistency problem of files and fonts across systems. In the application program, the saved file can embed all TT fonts used in the file into the file. The whole file and the font used can be easily transferred to the same system of other computers for use. The font embedding technology ensures that the computer receiving the file can maintain the original format of the file by loading the TT font embedded with the file, and print and modify the file using the original font even if the font used in the transmitted file is not installed.
③ Operating system platform compatibility. Both MAC and Windows platforms provide system level TT support. Therefore, application files with the same name between different operating system platforms have cross platform compatibility. For example, if PageMaker on a Mac can use all the TT fonts used in the installed file, the final output effect of the file on the Mac will be highly consistent with the output under Windows.
④ ABC word width value. Every character They all have their own word width values. The word width description method used by TT has been included in its GDI (Graphics Device Interface) compared with the traditional TT interpreter of PS. Therefore, any output device supported by Windows can output in TT font.
In Windows 98, the most frequently used system is * TTF (True Type) outline font library file, which can be displayed and printed, and supports stepless zoom. In any case, there will be no aliasing problem. And * FOT is the same as * The font resource file corresponding to the TTF file is TTF font The resource pointer of the file, which indicates the specific location of the TTF file used by the system, rather than the FONTS folder. * FNT (vector font) and * FON (display font) has a wide range of applications. In addition, those users who have used the old version of WPS may have problems with * PS files still have a certain impression, * PS is actually a form of outline font library under DOS, and its performance is similar to that of * TTF is basically similar. With some special methods, we can even use these * PS font (*. PS1 and *. PS2 are PS font).


Also called PostScript Language (PS for short), PostScript was reorganized and produced by Adobe on the basis of a former three-dimensional graphics oriented language, and the page description language developed in 1985, which is the interface language output from the desktop system to the phototypesetting device, specifically designed to describe images and text. The function is to record the image text on the page and run it on the computer by using the digital formula method, translate it into the required output through the PostScript decoder, such as display on the screen, or print operation, translate it into the required output through the PostScript decoder, such as display on the screen, or output it on a printer or laser typesetter.
PostScript language is the most popular form of page description language in the world. It has a large number of graphic operators that can be used in any combination. It can describe and process text, geometric figures and externally imported figures. Theoretically, it can describe any complex page. The successful use of this page description language in its design has become the choice of many manufacturers.
Its rich graphic functions and efficient description of complex layout attract the support of typesetting software and graphic software of many publishing systems. Almost all prepress output devices support PS language, and the success of PS language also makes open Electronic publishing system It is widely popular in the world. In the late 1980s, it also became the actual industry standard. After years of experience and feedback from many PS products, PS2 was launched in 1990, and then PS3 was launched in 1990.