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Barge carrying

[zǎi bó chuán]
Ship specially used for carrying cargo barge
synonym Child mother ship (Child mother ship) generally refers to the barge
The barge is also called "sub mother ship". It refers to the "ship" specially carrying cargo barges. The mode of transportation is: first load the goods into barges with uniform specifications, then load them onto the loaded barges with these barges as freight units, unload the barges after arriving at the transit port, and then tow the groups of barges to the inland river destination port with tugboats. The barge type is basically similar to the container ship. The upper deck is flat, and the bridge and superstructure are as close to the bow as possible to allow more deck area for stacking barges. The characteristics of barge transportation are as follows: ① shorten the port dwell time; ② Not limited by the depth of the port. ③ Not affected by wharf congestion. ④ It can realize river sea intermodal transportation. Before the 1990s, the common barges were "Rashi" type and "Sibi" type, but both of them were out of operation. [1]
Lighter Aboard Ship (LASH) and Seabee are two commonly used barges. [2]
Chinese name
Barge carrying
Foreign name
barge carrier
Child mother ship
Common types
"Rashi" type and "Sibi" type
carry Cargo barge Of Transport ship

Introduction to barge

carry Cargo barge Of Transport ship , also called sub Mother ship The barge is used for river sea combined transportation. The operation process is to load the barge (a ship with uniform dimensions, also called a sub ship) with goods, then load the barge onto the barge (also called the mother ship), and transport it to Port of destination After that, the barge will be unloaded from the water area Push a boat They are dispatched to the destination port for loading and unloading and waiting for another transportation. The advantages of carrying barges are that there is no need for docks and yards, the loading and unloading efficiency is high, the berthing time is short, and it is convenient for river sea combined transportation. Its disadvantages are high cost, need to equip multiple sets of barges for turnover, need to work in wide waters with good berthing conditions, and suitable for river sea intermodal transport routes with relatively stable cargo sources. Therefore, although the United States built the first barge as early as 1963, it has not been greatly developed.
According to the way of loading and unloading barges, barges are divided into portal crane Type, lifting type and Floating dock Formula. Gantry crane loaded barges lay gantry crane tracks on both sides, and use gantry crane to load and unload barges at the stern; The lift barge is equipped at the stern Lifting platform Loading and unloading barges, and equipped with transport trucks to transport the barges in place; When loading and unloading barges with floating dock barge, the mother ship should sink to a certain depth first, open the door at the bow or stern, and make the barge float in and out. This kind of barge does not need to be equipped with lifting equipment, but it needs to operate in the water with deep water, so its use conditions are limited.

Transportation process

The transportation process of barges is to load the cargoes scattered in each wharf of the inland river onto barges, and then drag these barges in formation to the side of the barges at anchor, and load them onto the barges for transportation; Upon arrival at the port of destination. Barges are anchored in deep water, unloaded, and delivered to their respective docks by tugs. This mode of transportation is also called "door-to-door transportation", that is, goods can be loaded into barges from the docks of a factory in the inland river, and then transported to the docks of another factory by barge transportation, and then unloaded. In this way, the transshipment of goods in the middle and the additional costs incurred thereby are avoided, and the berth fees for carrying barges are saved. [2]

Type of barge

"Rashi" barge, also known as ordinary barge, is the largest type of barge. Single deck, without double layers of paper, the cabin is a divided structure, each barge can be stacked with four layers of sub barges, and two layers of sub barges can be stacked on the deck. To facilitate the loading of barges, rails are set on the deck along both sides, and there are rails that can move longitudinally along the rails portal crane So as to lift the sub barge into and out of the cargo hold.
Also called sea bee barge, it is a double side, double bottom, multi-layer deck ship. The track for transporting the sub barge is set longitudinally on the deck, and the lift shaft and Lifting platform (lift), with a lifting capacity of up to 2000 tons. The sub barge enters and exits the mother ship through the tail lifting platform instead of using portal crane When lifting in and out of the mother ship, when the sub barge is lifted to the same level on the deck, the barge shall be rolled by a trolley to the designated location for parking.
Its ship type is characterized by single bow, double body and double tail (the tail is in the form of dovetail fork), so it is also called double body barge, and its loading and unloading method is the same as that of "Sibi" type. 8-10 "Barcat" barges can be loaded on the upper deck of the ship; In the tunnel between the twin hulls, 3 "Rashi" barges can be tied and towed, and the total number of barges is 13, which belongs to low speed small ships with small power.
also called Floating dock The main characteristics of the type loaded barge are: the sub barge enters and exits the mother ship, neither portal crane Lifting in and out is not to use Lifting platform The barge (mother ship) is used to sink into a certain water depth Floating dock The barge (sub barge) is floated in and out for loading, unloading and transportation.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of barge loading is that the cargo unit is a barge, and loading and unloading can be carried out at any place inside or outside the port area, which can greatly shorten the port dwell time, improve the loading and unloading speed, and the mother ship is not affected by the depth of the port and the wharf berth, and can realize river sea combined transportation. Its main disadvantages are: high ship cost; Since the barges to be carried by barges may be distributed in different terminals, careful planning is required to ensure efficient transportation, so there are high requirements for the organization of cargo sources and the arrangement of shipping plans; The way of lifting the barge up and down makes the structure of the lifting equipment complex and easy to damage; The transportation cost of carrying barges is much higher than that of traditional freighters or container ships. [2]