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Political figures of the State of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period of China
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Zi Liu, a political figure in the State of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period of China, is Shuya's great grandson, Wu Zhongxiu's great grandson, and Shuzhong Huibo's grandson.
True name
the Spring and Autumn period
Wu Zhongxiu
Shuzhong Huibo
Shu Zhongpi has a son Liu. When Shuzhongpi died, Ziliu's wife, a native of Lu, was dressed in mourning and decapitated. Shuzhongyan, please change it to Sui Seng, and put a ring on his head. Zi Liu said that it was the same with my aunt and sister when they died. I didn't forbid them. Go back and let his wife change into Sui Seng, with a ring on her head.
Zi Liu's mother died, and Zi Liu's disciple Shuo asked for the funeral equipment. Ziliu asked his younger brother what he was going to do with it, and Zishuo replied, "You can sell his younger brother's mother (his father's concubine)." Ziliu said, "How can you bury your mother with the money from selling someone else's mother? No." After burying his mother, Zishuo wanted to use the money and silk left by others to prepare sacrificial utensils. Zi Liu said, "No, I heard that a gentleman can't profit from a funeral. Give the rest of his money to his poor brothers.".