
[méi jiè]
Academic terminology
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Media in a broad sense is anything that can make people connect with people, people with things, or things with things.
In the sense of communication (narrow sense) Advertising media Refers to utilization medium A material tool for storing and disseminating information. Canada literary critic Communication scientists Media Environment School of Communication A generation of masters Marshall McLuhan In this way“ Media is message ”。 At the same time, "media" has become a position, Media specialist Media planning , business media, etc. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
First seen in
Justice of Zuo Zhuan in the Spring and Autumn Period ·Three Years of Duke Huan
The person or thing that makes the two parties have a relationship
méi jiè

Historical traceability

"Media as the carrier of carrying and transferring knowledge" Communication In a sense, it refers to a material tool that uses media to store and disseminate information. According to the famous American communication scientist Schramm The view that "media is a tool used to expand and extend information transmission in the process of communication" has emerged in ancient times. In the long ancient times, human ancestors had certain obstacles in communication, production, life and even reproduction“ Knot a rope ”It is one of the means by which people in ancient times broke away from the restrictions of time and space to record facts and spread. It occurred in the long years after the emergence of language and before the emergence of characters. [2]
With the emergence of words and Feudal dynasty The media, which played the role of information carrier and record, began to change constantly. To some extent, it was the status symbol of feudal monarchy and social productivity, and also the reflection of science and technology. The media experienced Shang Dynasty , Western Zhou, Spring and Autumn, Pre Qin, Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasties bronze , bamboo slips book copied on silk , hemp paper, paper. [2]
Media News Criticism
The word "media" in English is“ medium The plural form of ", which appeared at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, refers to the medium or tool that makes the relationship between things. This generalized" medium "is not only heard from time to time in human daily life (such as“ mosquito It is a medium for spreading diseases, "" Hydrangea is a medium for transmitting love ", etc.), which is also common in communication works. Under the extension theory of M. McLuhan (1964), Media is message ("The medium is the message"), and all media can have some connection with the human body, such as the stone axe is the extension of the hand, the wheel is the extension of the foot, the book is the extension of the eye, the broadcast is the extension of the ear, the clothes are the extension of the skin, and so on. Media is everywhere. [1]
along with Humanism The development of productivity brought about by the continuous development of the spirit, the continuous liberation of public awareness and the continuous innovation of science and technology, The Second Industrial Revolution Later, the media began to break the time and space restrictions, and various electronic media, such as film, radio, television and so on, emerged in endlessly. Such media has the characteristics of fast transmission, wide influence, and also is accepted by the public. It is called "mass media" in contemporary society. [2]




Print mass media mainly include newspaper and magazine Newspapers, as the most popular print mass media, are one of the preferred media forms for the public and enterprises. It has the characteristics of detailed information, optional information content, information retention and low cost. It is a printed publication that is regularly distributed to the public mainly to publish news and current event reviews. [2]


Electronic mass media mainly include radio broadcast television internet Broadcasting refers to a news communication tool that transmits sound through radio waves or wires. It can be divided into wired and wireless types. As one of the forms of electronic mass media, broadcasting has the advantage of multi-point delivery, that is, it can share and broadcast information through the connection between points. [2]
The birth of the Internet is a great revolution in human communication technology and media communication Science and technology With the continuous development of the Internet and the change of the theme of the world today, the existing functions of the Internet have gone far beyond military and technological purposes and began to favor human communication and media communication. [2]

Communication trend

In the age of We Media, the trend of media development will be biased towards individuals. In the age of media, everyone has a microphone, is a reporter, and is a news communicator, to deliver normative and non-standard information to unspecified majority or specific individuals through modern and electronic means. Although there may be some subjective awareness or deviation in information communication, the way of information sharing and media communication has begun to change greatly in the We Media era, which is conducive to creating a good media ecology and broadening the functions and roles of the media“ We Media Era ”It is also the general trend of media communication. [2]

Scholar research



According to Michael Luhan, a master of media research, "media is the extension of human body", media can be everything, everything is media, and all media can be the same as human body Organogenesis Some kind of connection. Media is always present. All materials that can make people, people and things or things and things have relations are media in a broad sense. Schramm once praised McLuhan for making "the media was once mainly an artist Bacteriologist And mass communication experts. However, all the evidences "focus on the media tools and the center" Sensory system ”Of Media Theory Neglecting the interpersonal social relations. just as American scholar Chetrom pointed out: "His technological naturalism emphasizes that the media is the biological extension of human beings, not human beings Social Extend. Although he wants to pass Media To track the development of human culture, his history is incredibly short of real people. "


Devler also constructs media in a broad sense: "Media can be any kind of carrier used to spread human consciousness or a group of orderly arranged carriers." Even in a narrow sense, there are differences in understanding of media. Sometimes it is confused with symbols: "Media refers to the physical form that carries and transmits information, including physical entities and physical energy Information entanglement: "The media is the carrier of large-scale information, the general name of news agencies, newspapers, magazines, books, radio, television, movies, etc., and generally called the mass media." "Strictly speaking, the media is the channel - that is, spoken words, printed words, etc.


Media And Propagation symbol , communication form Communication channels Difference of
Media is different from communication symbols.
Symbol refers to the code (such as language, text, image, etc.) that expresses or loads specific information or meaning, while medium refers to the code between Disseminator And Transmittee For load, expansion, extension and transmission Specific symbols Of Physical entity As a code or means, symbols reflect the process of people's understanding of things and the logical characteristics of information expression, so they are often abstract, orderly, thoughtful and Consciousness Characteristics of. As a material entity, media reflects the characteristics and existing morphology of materials and energy, such as hard stone tablets, thin and soft paper, rough loudspeakers, and exquisite televisions. They all have shapes, weights, dimensions, and can be moved, preserved, and destroyed. The relationship between information and symbols, and between symbols and media, is like the relationship between fur and skin. What will fur do without skin?
Media is different from communication form.
The form of communication refers to the specific way that the communicator uses to act on the audience when carrying out communication activities, such as Oral communication Form Word communication Form, image communication form and comprehensive communication form. In political communication, people used to use literary and artistic forms Musical form . Remembering pain and thinking of sweet form Visit Form, etc. In the form of written communication, people can use books, newspapers, magazines, leaflets, pamphlets and other media to Information dissemination One form of communication can use different media, and one media can also serve different forms. For example, TV can show this function. However, the form of communication shows only the state, mode and structure of communication activities, while the media shows real objects.
Media is also different from communication channels.
The word "Channel" in English originally means waterway, waterway, way, access road, doorway, channel, etc. In communication, it refers to Communication process Various channels for communication and exchange of information between the two sides, such as interpersonal communication channels, organizational communication channels, and mass communication channels. Different communication channels need to be coordinated by different communication media, and different communication media shape different communication channels. For example, the interpersonal communication channel is face-to-face communication between people, which decides that only human organ Media (such as transmitting media mouth, receiving media ear) and air media. However, once information is transmitted through radio and television, it is also a mass communication channel. Interpersonal media can enter various communication channels at will and use them together with specific media without changing their channel forms, but Mass media It is completely different. It can be seen that media is not equal to communication channels.