Brahma Volcano

Tourist attractions in Indonesia
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Borneo Volcano is located in the "Thousand Island Country" Indonesia Indonesia, a multi island country, has 4500 volcanoes, and three of the world's top ten active volcanoes are located here. Under the proper planning of the Indonesian government, these volcanic landscapes have become a protected area or a national park, which is no better than the Boromo volcano. stay Lava In the ancient Tianjier Volcano Group with an area of 8000 hectares.
Chinese name
Brahma Volcano
pó luó mó huǒ shān
Mountain height
The edge is high and the middle is low

geographical position

yes Indonesia East Java The area is a tourist attraction integrating natural scenery and unique ethnic customs. It is located in the southwest of Surabaya, about 150 kilometers away, 2393 meters high“ bromo Dengar Smoro Mountain National Park ”Inside, yes Dengar Mountain One of the three active volcanoes.
Brahma Volcano is located in Dengar Mountain On the top of the mountain. If you want to climb Mount Bromo, you must climb Mount Kaer first. Dengar Mountain is like a truncated cone, forming a large platform with high edge and low middle at the top. It is 9 kilometers wide from north to south and 10 kilometers long from east to west. Inside the platform is a sand sea formed by Dengar Volcano eruption in the past.
There are three active volcanoes standing in the sand sea, one of which is Borneo Volcano. The most attractive scenery of Brahmo volcano is when the red sun bursts out from the east. Walk or ride in the morning. At about four o'clock, the top of Brahma Mountain had been dyed golden.
The Boramo volcano is also a unique structure of a large volcano and a small volcano. Its huge outer volcano, the ancient Tengger volcano, was generated about 820000 years ago. Since hundreds of thousands of years ago, the landform here has undergone five major changes. At its peak, the volcano once reached 4500 meters high, which is the highest peak in Java. After the collapse of Gutengger volcano, a huge outer crater with a diameter of 16 kilometers was formed, which is very amazing.

Eruption history

The Mount Bromo in East Jawa, Indonesia, erupted dense smoke as high as 800 to 900 meters from 8:7 a.m. (local time) on December 20, 2010 to 21, 2010, and the volcano observation station raised to the highest red alert.
Borneo Volcano made a sound on November 8, and emitted white smoke and ash from its crater on November 23. Yesterday and today, the eruption of volcanic ash reached 1000 meters high and made a thunderous sound. The loud sound and thick smoke caused by the volcano made nearby residents panic and take refuge in safe areas.
The local government called on the people within 2km of the crater to be alert to the hot gas and lava erupting at any time.
Boramo volcano is located about 120km south of Surabaya, which belongs to the national park area with a relatively small population. Its last outbreak was in 2004, causing two deaths.
July 12, 2016, at Indonesia Bolomo volcano, about 150 kilometers southwest of Surabaya, continued to emit a large amount of smoke, attracting many tourists to visit. [1]

Eruptive effect

On December 24, 2010, Indonesia's Mount Bromo continued to erupt, with smoke as high as 1000 meters.
The Director General of the Culture and Tourism Administration of East Java Province of Indonesia, Charianto, recently told the media that the number of foreign and local tourists visiting the Mount Bromo volcano increased by 10% to 15% than usual. The spectacular scene of volcanic eruption still deeply attracts tourists to watch it.
Charianto said: "The Tourism Bureau works closely with the local government to jointly promote the tourism of Borneo, because Borneo volcano is one of the three" most beautiful volcanoes "in the world." It also has Twin Peaks, which is one of the must visit resorts for foreign tourists. In order to attract more tourists, the provincial government of East Java has vigorously promoted the "volcano tour" through domestic and foreign travel agencies. Tourists can enjoy the beautiful scenery from the outside two kilometers away from the crater.
On December 29, 2010, the Brahmo volcano in East Java, Indonesia, erupted again. Smoke and ashes led to the closure of the hotel, paralyzing the local tourism industry.
On December 29, 2010, the media reported that Lava View, Cemara and Bukit Cemara hotels in East Java had not received any tourists in the past few days. Due to the continuous eruption of the Brahmo volcano, the ash in the local streets is 15 to 40 cm thick. Volcanic ash from the Brahmo volcano covered the houses of residents in nearby villages with a thick layer of volcanic ash.
In addition, the power failure in East Java started on Tuesday, making the hotel operation more difficult. The unstable water supply forced the hotel to cancel all room reservations.
The local police chief Zufika said, "We have been cutting off the current since Tuesday. The volcano is erupting more and more frequently, which may lead to short circuit of power supply."
The local volcano monitoring center also warned aviation operators that volcanic ash may interfere with flight.

Play Guide

  1. one
    The most attractive scenery of Brahmo volcano is when the red sun bursts out from the east. At about four o'clock, the top of the mountain has been dyed golden. When the rising red sun and the surrounding scenery interweave into a colorful world, all visitors feel the mystery and magic of nature. [2]
  2. two
    Generally, tourists who go to Borneo Volcano will take a four-wheel jeep to the top of a mountain called Pananjakan at Tengger crater before sunrise in the morning, which is the best place to overlook Borneo Volcano and the whole Tengger crater. "The end of the world", "the lunar landscape" and other fascinating feelings are most thoroughly experienced there.
  3. three
    To reach the foot of the Brahmo crater, you need to pass through the soft Tengger crater sand sea. You can choose to walk or ride horses in this section. At the foot of the crater, climb the 253 steps to reach the crater edge. Various tourism supporting facilities are quite complete, and men, women, old and young can come to play.
  4. four
    From the crater edge to the inside of the crater, the bottom of the crater, which is riddled with holes and ditches, is emitting thick smoke. The crater edge is relatively narrow, and some places can only allow one person to pass through. If you accidentally slip, you will either fall at the foot of the rugged crater on the outside or fall into the hot crater on the inside.
  5. five
    Looking around from the Brahmo crater, Batok volcano is on the left front, and the sand sea in the vast Tengger crater is on the right front. The farthest mountain is Tengger Crater.
Brahma Volcano