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Ji Pengfei

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Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Fifth National People's Congress
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Ji Pengfei (February 2, 1910 - February 10, 2000) , formerly known as Ji Hongbin, formerly known as Gilo [1] , experienced and loyal communist fighters, proletarian revolutionaries, outstanding leaders of China's diplomatic front, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Fifth National People's Congress, former Vice Premier of the State Council, former Standing Committee member of the Central Advisory Committee of the Communist Party of China [1]
Chinese name
Ji Pengfei
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
date of birth
February 2, 1910
Date of death
February 10, 2000
one's native heath
Dongzhang Town, Dongzhang Village, Linjin County (today's Linyi County), Shanxi Province
Political outlook
CPC member

Character's Life

Ji Pengfei in his youth
On February 2, 1910, he was born in Dongzhang Village, Dongzhang Town, Linjin County (now Linyi County), Shanxi Province. He lost his mother when he was young. After finishing the first grade of junior high school, he went to Xi'an to make a living at the age of 16 and was admitted to the army hospital run by Feng Yuxiang. During this period, he was edified by the revolutionary spirit of the Communists, read the Communist Manifesto and other Marxist works and other progressive books, and participated in the memorial service for the murder of Comrade Li Dazhao.
In December 1931, Comrade Ji Pengfei participated in the "Ningdu Rebellion" and later served as the head of the military medical department of the Fifth Red Army Corps. He took part in the campaigns of Ganzhou, Longyan, Zhangzhou, Shuikou, etc. in the Central Soviet Area against "encirclement and suppression".
He joined the Communist Party of China in February 1933. In August of the same year, he was transferred to the post of Minister of Health of the Fifth Red Army.
In October 1934, he served as Deputy Director of the Health Bureau of the Ministry of Health of the Central Military Commission and led the field hospital to participate in the Long March.
In May 1935, he was appointed as the director of the Health Department of the First Red Army. After the Long March arrived in northern Shaanxi, he successively served as the head of the medical administration section of the Ministry of Health of the Military Commission and the head of the rear health department of the Central Military Commission.
Since January 1937, he has systematically studied the basic theory of Marxism Leninism in the Central Party School, the Anti Japanese University and the Institute of Marxism Leninism.
In November 1938, Comrade Ji Pengfei moved from Yan'an to Anhui, served as the director of the rear political office of the New Fourth Army and the political assistant of the medical office of the New Fourth Army, and participated in the establishment of the rear hospital of the New Fourth Army.
In the spring of 1940, he served as the director of the political department of the North Jiangsu March Column of the New Fourth Army. He resolutely implemented the development policy of the New Fourth Army of "consolidating to the south, fighting to the east, and developing to the north" determined by the Party Central Committee, participated in the command of the Guocun defense battle and the Huangqiao battle, which were called "the prelude to the eastward march", and made contributions to the New Fourth Army's foothold in southern Jiangsu and the construction of the Central Jiangsu Anti Japanese Base Area.
January 1941“ Southern Anhui Incident ”Later, Ji Pengfei was appointed Director of the Political Department of the First Division and First Brigade of the New Fourth Army. In September of the same year, he was transferred as a political member of the Third Brigade of the First Division and Secretary of the Military and Political Committee of the Fourth Subregion of Central Jiangsu, Secretary of the Fourth Local Party Committee of Central Jiangsu, and Political Member of the Military Subregion, and Deputy Political Member and Director of the Political Department of the Central Jiangsu Military Region. He was fully responsible for the leadership of the Party, the government, the military, and the masses in the region.
From April 1943 to October 1944, under the guidance of the superior party committee, he mobilized and united the people of all walks of life, insisted on armed struggle in situ with tenacious fighting spirit, and used flexible tactics to successfully smash the crazy comb style "Qingxiang" of the Japanese and puppet regime in the river network area, writing a brilliant page for the Anti Japanese War. After Japan announced its surrender, he took part in commanding the Xinghua and Yancheng campaigns, pulling out the Japanese puppet strongholds along the canal and on the Tongyu Road, making the Liberated Areas of Northern, Central and Southern Jiangsu united, creating favorable conditions for the subsequent Central Jiangsu campaign.
During the War of Liberation, Comrade Ji Pengfei successively served as commander and political member of the Seventh Column of the Central Soviet Military Area, political member of the Tenth Column, secretary of the Party Committee of the Central Soviet Area, political member of the Central Soviet Military Area, deputy political member of the Central China Command Post, political member of the Eleventh Column, deputy political member and director of the Political Department of the Northern Jiangsu Corps, Vice political member and director of the Political Department of the Seventh Corps of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, vice political member of the Zhejiang Military Region and other posts, made outstanding contributions to the successful seven victories in the seven wars in Central Jiangsu, the Huaihai Campaign, the Yangtze River Crossing Campaign, and the capture of Hangzhou. He is an excellent political worker and military commander of our army. Comrade Ji Pengfei has made great contributions to the cause of liberation of the Chinese people.
In November 1949, the Central Committee transferred Comrade Ji Pengfei to the diplomatic front.
Since September 1950, he has been appointed head of our mission to the German Democratic Republic and the first ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary. He actively promoted friendly exchanges between the two peoples, worked hard to develop friendly relations between the two countries, and effectively fulfilled the important diplomatic mission entrusted by the Central Committee. He actively carried out diplomatic activities, won the respect and admiration of the countries in residence with the new diplomatic style of New China, and was praised as an outstanding representative of the Chinese government and a friendly envoy of the Chinese people. In accordance with the Central Committee's policy on diplomatic work in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, he carried out creative exploration and practice on the establishment of China's overseas institutions and the training of the first batch of diplomats. His experience was recognized and praised by the Central Committee, and promoted in overseas institutions.
Since September 1954, Comrade Ji Pengfei has served as Vice Minister, Executive Vice Minister, Acting Minister and Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 20 years. During this period, he firmly implemented the diplomatic line formulated by Comrade Mao Zedong. Under the direct leadership of Comrade Zhou Enlai, he participated in the formulation and implementation of a series of major foreign policies and guidelines in China. He participated in major diplomatic activities such as restoring China's legitimate seat in the United Nations, establishing diplomatic relations between China and Japan, and normalizing China US relations. He has rich diplomatic practical experience. In dealing with foreign affairs and diplomatic negotiations, he adhered to principles and effectively safeguarded the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. He attached great importance to the construction of the diplomatic team of New China, paid attention to teaching by example, tried to root the fine tradition and ideological work style formed by the Party in the long-term revolutionary struggle in the diplomatic cadre team, and attached great importance to the training and cultivation of various diplomatic professionals. In terms of the appointment of cadres, he adhered to the principle of having both ability and integrity, and adhered to the mass line, laying a solid organizational foundation for the development of the diplomatic cause. He is good at uniting a group of people, giving full play to democracy, and paying attention to the role of other leading members. He has devoted all his efforts to the development of China's diplomatic work and the construction of diplomatic teams, and has made great contributions to the diplomatic cause of New China.
During the "Cultural Revolution", Comrade Ji Pengfei was brutally persecuted and attacked by Lin Biao and the Gang of Four. In the face of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four's serious destruction and interference of the Central Committee's diplomatic line, he adhered to principles and truth and fought tit for tat. He endured humiliation and was loyal to his duties. Under extremely difficult and complex conditions, he unswervingly implemented the foreign policy formulated by the central government and maintained the dignity of our country.
In January 1975, Ji Pengfei was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Fourth National People's Congress and Secretary General of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. In accordance with the spirit of the Central Committee's instructions, he actively participated in the reconstruction of relevant institutions of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress paralyzed in the "Cultural Revolution". In 1978, he participated in leading the preparations for the Fifth National People's Congress, and was later elected as the Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the Standing Committee of the Fifth National People's Congress. He carried out pioneering work for the National People's Congress to resume and comprehensively carry out its work, especially to strengthen friendly exchanges between the National People's Congress and parliaments around the world.
Since January 1979, Comrade Ji Pengfei has successively served as Vice Premier and Secretary General of the State Council, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the State Council, Minister of the Foreign Liaison Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, State Councilor, Deputy Leader of the Central Leading Group for Foreign Affairs, etc. He has done a lot of work to strengthen the construction of the organs of the State Council and restore and carry forward the fine traditions of the Party. Entrusted by the Central Committee, he has handled a large number of foreign affairs concerning the Party, government, military and civilian affairs. He led the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to set things right, redress unjust, false and wrong cases, sum up historical experience, restore the principles of "seeking truth from facts" and "independence" in dealing with inter party relations, and decisively adjust the party's foreign exchange policies; Relations with the Communist Party of various countries have been restored successively; Establish and expand friendly cooperation with national democratic parties in developing countries; We broke away from traditional ideas and began to contact and interact with the Socialist Party, the Social Democratic Party, the Labour Party and other types of political parties in various countries, making friends widely and making the Party's foreign work unprecedented expanded and active. He has made great contributions to comprehensively resuming China's foreign exchanges and developing friendly and cooperative relations with other countries.
In August 1983, Ji Pengfei concurrently served as the Director of the Office of Hong Kong and Macao Affairs under the State Council, responsible for the preparations for the return of Hong Kong and Macao to the motherland. He followed Comrade Deng Xiaoping's instructions, followed the principle of "one country, two systems" and a series of policies on Hong Kong formulated by the Central Committee, and participated in and guided the Chinese government delegation to hold tough negotiations with the British side on the future of Hong Kong. He made great efforts.
After the Sino British Joint Declaration was officially signed in December 1984 and came into force the following year, he was appointed Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the National People's Congress, leading the members of Hong Kong and the mainland to creatively complete the drafting of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, which is of great historical significance, in four years and eight months. He also guided the negotiations between the Chinese government delegation and the Portuguese side on the Macao issue, served as the chairman of the drafting committee of the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the National People's Congress, and played an important role in the signing of the Sino Portuguese Joint Declaration and the smooth completion of the drafting of the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region. During his work in Hong Kong and Macao, he extensively contacted and contacted people from all walks of life in Hong Kong and Macao to publicize the principle and policy of "one country, two systems". Despite his old age, he visited Hong Kong and Macao several times, made friends, listened to the opinions of compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao, and was praised and respected by people from all walks of life in Hong Kong and Macao. Comrade Ji Pengfei has made outstanding contributions to the smooth return of Hong Kong and Macao [1]
At 13:52 on February 10, 2000, Comrade Ji Pengfei died in Beijing at the age of 91 [1]

Previous position

Comrade Ji Pengfei is a member of the 10th and 11th CPC Central Committee. Elected as a standing member of the CPC Central Advisory Committee at the 12th and 13th National Congresses [1]

Character evaluation

Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Comrade Ji Pengfei has firmly supported Comrade Deng Xiaoping in leading the whole Party to achieve a historic great turning point, and supported and resolutely implemented the Party's basic line. He paid attention to the study, research and publicity of Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory, and sincerely supported the Party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin as the core. After he left the leading post, he still cared about the major events of the party and the country, and the great cause of the peaceful reunification of the motherland.
Comrade Ji Pengfei has always been loyal to the Party and the people, and has a firm belief in socialism and communism. In his revolutionary career of more than 70 years, he has always adhered to the principle of party spirit, considered the overall situation, maintained unity, strictly observed the Party's discipline and political life standards, adhered to democratic centralism, and maintained the authority of the Party Central Committee. He studies hard, studies hard, integrates theory with practice, and is good at analyzing and solving problems with Marxist positions, views, and methods. He has been dedicated to the cause of revolution and construction for decades. He insisted on the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, and always maintained the identity of the people's public servant. He is aboveboard, frank and indifferent to fame and wealth. He is open-minded, democratic, good at listening to different opinions, and adheres to the mass line. He is approachable, fair and upright, strict with himself, lenient towards others, and good at uniting comrades. He respects knowledge, talents, comrades, and cadres, especially young cadres. He is clean and honest, does not seek personal gain, and is strict with himself. His selfless revolutionary spirit and lofty moral quality are admired and praised by the cadres and the masses.
Comrade Ji Pengfei's life is a revolutionary life, a glorious life, a life of struggling for the communist ideal and the cause of the Party, and a life of serving the people wholeheartedly. His death is a great loss to the Party and the people. We should learn from Comrade Ji Pengfei's noble character and fine style of work, closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin as the core, work hard with one heart and one mind, and strive hard to constantly advance the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and complete the great cause of peaceful reunification of the motherland.
Comrade Ji Pengfei is immortal! (Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 16, 2000) [1]
Comrade Ji Pengfei's life is a revolutionary life, a glorious life, a life of struggling for the communist ideal and the cause of the Party, and a life of serving the people wholeheartedly. We should learn from his strong will to be steadfast in his ideals and beliefs and loyal to the Party and the people; Learn his revolutionary sentiments of openness, openness and firmness; Learn his excellent style of hard study, seeking truth from facts and being down-to-earth; Learn from his excellent qualities of respecting talents, caring for cadres and uniting comrades. (Symposium to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Comrade Ji Pengfei) [2]