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Ji Yanfang

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Former company commander of the police company directly under the Sixth Aviation School of the Air Force
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Ji Yanfang, Henan Community flag People. Member of the Communist Party of China. He started working in 1974. armed police Major General police rank He joined the army in 1974. He served as the company commander of the police communication company directly under the Sixth Aviation School of the Air Force, the leader of the student training team, and a student of the National Defense University.
Chinese name
Ji Yanfang
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Henan Sheqi
Political outlook
CPC member
In 1988, he served as the Deputy Chief of Staff and Vice President of the Sixth Air Force Flight Academy, Director of the Administration Bureau of the Armed Police Force Command, and Deputy Director of the Logistics Department. In December 2009, he served as the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Armed Police Headquarters. In 2002, he was promoted to the rank of Major General of the Armed Police Force. [1]