Yao surname

One of Chinese surnames
zero Useful+1
Yao surname and Ji surname These ancient surnames all originated from the matriarchal clan society more than 2000 BC, and have been one of the longest surnames in China for nearly 5000 years.
The surname Yao comes from legendary emperor of great wisdom , Shun (Yu surname, name: Chonghua) was born in Yaoxu. His descendants took the land as their surname and called it the Yao surname.
The distribution of Yao surname in China is now mainly concentrated in Zhejiang, Anhui, Guangdong and Jiangsu provinces Song edition Hundred Family Surnames 》Nominal 101st in 2007 China Hundred Family Surnames Nominally ranked 51st.
Chinese name
a surname
Foreign name
The ancestor of De surname
legendary emperor of great wisdom
Take a surname
Major prefectures
Wuxing County Nan'an County
Main hall number
Lishan Hall, Gengli Hall

Historical development



  • Origin I
originate from Shun Yao Chonghua, generation after generation Legend has it that so far , known as Yao Shi in history Authentic The Southern Song Dynasty's "Tongzhi · Clan Strategy" records that "the Yao surname is the surname of Yu. Emperor Yu was born in Yaoxu, so he was born as a surname". Shun was born in Yaoxu, so his descendants took the land as their surname and called it the Yao surname. [1] See also [2-3] Shun Culture Yushun Culture
  • Origin 2
Originated from "Gui" (the name of Shun's wife), female+Gui=Yao.
In the ancient tribal alliance period, the ancestors of Yan and Huang ascended Mount Tai to pray, and the sky was ten heavenly stems (A, B, C, D, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, Gui). According to the will of heaven, Shenzhou names five clans, and casts ten tripods, which forever inscribes Tiande. Among them, the emperor marked "Guiwu".
Emperor (Guiwu). Wu, the son of the royal family, is the royal family. Ren, the leader of the royal family, married Ding and gave birth to Wu and Ji, the son. The emperor's son Wu married Gui, which gave birth to the imperial family. The word "Emperor" (Xi, Shun) is the combination of Wu and Gui. Gui+E=Emperor (or "Xi", "Shun"). Wu wields an axe and a battle axe. Gui, Gui also holds an open compass. The tribe of Wu is very interesting. They call themselves "I" (variant of Wu) and "I" (homophone of Wu). Their leaders call themselves "Xi", "Shun" or "Emperor", and the words "Xi" and "Shun" are also the combination of Gui+Wu. The descendants of Gui offered sacrifices to Gui Nu and never forgot, giving birth to an important surname - Jiang. Jiang=Kui+Female. The descendants of Gui Nu called themselves Jiang. Because Shun married a pair of sisters (two Yao), he married two Gui (E Huang, Huang Ying). One of the descendants of Gui Nu added "Nu" to his mother's "Gui" to form the surname of Jiang, and the other's descendants added "Nu" to the left of "Gui" to form the surname of Yao. Therefore, the Jiang surname and the Yao surname are descendants of two emperors of the same father and different mother. They are both descendants of the emperor. Because their mothers are different, they have different surnames. Yao and Jiang both took their mother's surname, and both were descendants of Gui Nu. Yao Shi is the successor of Shun and Gui Nu. Yao's pronunciation is the same as Guinu's father's "Yao".
Father marries mother
Parent+Parent=Co text
Other cooperation
To marry a man
Wu marries Gui
Gui+E=Xi/Shun; Female+Gui=Yao/Jiang
Marry B at Geng
Bing marries Xin
Gao Xin)
A man marries himself
  • Origin III
Redords of the Grand History of China In the early Spring and Autumn Period, there was the State of Yao. The descendants of Yu Shun took the state name as their surname and called it the Yao Family [4]
  • Origin IV Change of surname from minority nationality
⑴. From Qiang nationality It comes from Yi Zhong, the leader of the Qiang tribe, who was in charge of the Western Qiang Shao in the Later Han Dynasty. According to the historical records in the Book of Jin, Yi Zhong, the leader of the Qiang nationality in Xiping County, was originally a descendant of the Shaodang surname of Xiqiang in the Western Han Dynasty. Later, he changed his surname to Yao and called him Yao Yizhong. Among the descendants of Yao Yizhong, all took the surname Yao, which was changed by the leader [5]
⑵. From Mongolian , from the Yuer tribe of Mongols in the Yuan and Ming dynasties. According to the records in General Annals of the Qing Dynasty, Clan Strategy, and Mongolian Eight Banner Surnames, during the Ming Dynasty, there was Rao 50, a Mongolian, who was granted the Han surname Yao for his meritorious service to the imperial court, and was called "Yao Mingzhi" [5]
⑶. It originates from the Manchu nationality and comes from the Yuejia Department of Nuzhen in the Jin Dynasty. According to the historical record "General Annals of the Qing Dynasty · Clan Lue · Manchu Eight Banner Surname", the Manchu Yaojia surname originates from the Yuejia tribe of Nuzhen in the Jin Dynasty. The Manchu language is Yaogiya Hala. Its ancestors were originally Han people. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was carried by the Wuhuan tribe of Xianbei in eastern Liaoning, and then merged into the Xianbei nationality. Later, it gradually evolved into the Liaodong Nuzhen, who lived in Yehe (now Yehe Township, Lishu, Jilin) for generations. Later, many Han surnames became the Yao surname [6]
⑷. Originated from De'ang nationality , from the Ranai clan of De'ang in the Ming Dynasty. During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, when the central government vigorously carried out the movement of changing the land and returning to the mainstream, it was classified as the Yao Yingbing under the jurisdiction of Deng Zilong, the deputy commander of Yunnan, and stationed in Yao'an, so it took the Han surname as the Yao surname [5]
(5) Originating from other ethnic minorities, the surname is changed from Chinese to Chinese. Today's Miao Aquarium Qiang nationality Lahu nationality , Yi, Tujia, Zhuang, Bai Russian Yao people are distributed among other ethnic groups. Most of them were Han surnames given by local Han chief executives in the central and southern regions, southwest regions and northwest regions in the Ming and Qing dynasties when the central government carried out the movement of changing the land into exile, and some were brought in by Han soldiers when they were stationed in the border after marriage with various ethnic groups Han surname [5]
  • other
The Southern Classic of the Great Wilderness says that "the emperor and his wife, E Huang, were born into a country of three bodies, Yao, millet, and four birds", and so on. The Western Classic of Mountains and Seas · Overseas: "The country of three bodies started in the north after summer, and one body and three bodies." The country of three bodies should be in the southwest today, namely, Sichuan and Guizhou.

The ancestor of De surname

Portrait of Yu Shun
Yu Shun, the legendary leader of the late tribal alliance of the patriarchal clan society, was listed“ Five Emperors ”In the middle, as Huaxia to holy Its title is Youyu Family , Yao, Chonghua, Dujun, posthumous title: Shun. It is also called Yu because of its national name legendary emperor of great wisdom Born in Zhufeng (now a city in Shandong Province). He is Emperor Zhuanxu The sixth grandson of Poor cicada All are civilians. Emperor Shun received his father from childhood Blind old man The persecution of the stepmother and the son elephant born to the stepmother, after repeated tribulations, is still friendly and opposite, showing filial respect to their parents, and caring for their different mothers and brothers, which is highly praised by the people. Shun worked hard to cultivate crops Lishan , fishing and hunting Leiser (present genus Heze, Shandong ), fired pottery on the bank of the Yellow River Shouqiu (Today's Qufu, Shandong Province) made sundries for daily use in Farmington (Now Henan Junxian County )、 Negative summer (Today's Shandong Yanzhou )Do business in one area. Because of his noble character, he enjoys great popularity among the people.

Migration transmission

The Yao family is a multi-ethnic and multi origin surname group.
Pre Qin During the period, the Yao family name was mainly active in Gansu, Henan and Shandong [5] During the Qin, Han and Jin Dynasties, the Yao surname was moved to Wuxing County, and the rest moved to all parts of the north and southeast provinces. The rise of the Yao surname of the Qiang nationality in the northwest and its entry into the Central Plains greatly expanded the number of Yao people. At the same time, the Yao surname from Gansu and Qinghai went south to Sichuan and southwest regions. According to the General Annals of the Clan, "Shun has two surnames, Yao Yue Gui. The surname is Yao because of the birth of Yao Xu, and Gui because of the residence of Gui Shui. [7]
posthumous title of the Zhou-dynasty founder After destroying the Shang Dynasty, he found Guiman, a descendant of Emperor Shun. King Wu married his eldest daughter to Guiman and granted him Chen. It is said that when the surname Zhongjing lived in Wujun to avoid Wang Mang, his surname changed to Gui. It was said that after the fifth generation, it was renamed Yao. According to the records in the Book of the Tang Dynasty, the Lineage Table of Prime Ministers, and the Family Name Compilation of Yuanhe, Shun, one of the five emperors, was born in the place of Yao. Later generations took the place of his residence as their surname and called it the Yao family. It has been passed down from generation to generation, and has been called the authentic Yao family in history. Therefore, the history called Gui, Chen, Tian, Yao and Hu "Guirui". "Guirui", an ancient water name, is also called "Weirui". As mentioned above, Emperor Shun originally took the surname of Yao and got the surname of Gui because he lived in Guirui. This is the origin of the five surnames of Guirui, so the two surnames of Gui and Yao were of the same clan and used each other. In order to strengthen the unity among his children, Emperor Shun changed the Yao surname to Gui, and the Gui surname to Yao. Some of his children changed their own surnames to Yao, and some of them changed their own surnames to Yao later. Some of them did not change back, so they issued other surnames. After King Wu destroyed the Shang Dynasty, he found Gui Man, a descendant of Emperor Shun. King Wu married his eldest daughter to Gui Man, and granted him the place of Chen (today's Huaiyang, Henan Province), the origin of the Chen and Hu surnames. Some of the original surnames were changed back to the Yao family later. Some did not change back, so they published other surnames - "Tang Shu · Prime Minister's Lineage", and some changed back to the original name of Yao: Hu Gonggui, a descendant of Shun, was granted the title of Chen, and Chen Jingzhong (Chen Wan) became an official of Qi, and then changed to the Tian family name. Wang Mang granted his kinsman Tian Feng as a sacrifice to Emperor Shun on behalf of the Sui Hou. Later, Feng Zi Tian Hui moved to Wuxing County to avoid Wang Mang's rebellion and changed his surname to Gui. His grandson, Guifu, changed his surname back to Yao. Wang Mang also made Guichang, the same clan, the King of the Han Dynasty, the first feudal lord. One of the branches of Emperor Shun has experienced many changes from Yao to Gui to Chen to Tian to Chen. Shangshu of the Eastern Han Dynasty Gui Hao It also changed back to the Yao surname, the earliest of its own.
”The Yao surname is one of the oldest Chinese surnames. After Emperor Shun ascended the throne, his descendants took the emperor's name Shun as their surname. Yu granted Shang Jun, the eldest son of Emperor Shun, Yu, and Gui Man, the 33rd grandson of the first ancestor, Chen, with a posthumous title of Duke Hu. Their descendants either took the state name Chen as their surname, or changed their official title to Tao Tang, or took the posthumous title Hu as their surname, or took the title Man as their surname, which evolved into the Han Dynasty, The Yao family derives from: Gui, Yu, Chen, Hu, Tian, Yuan, Wang, Sun, Lu, Che, and so on, 60 kinds, with the same family name and the same vein. Among Chinese surnames, Gui, Yao, Tian, Chen and Hu have the same origin, and their blood ancestor is the Yao family of Emperor Shun. The earliest source of the Wang surname is the Yao surname. Some Yao clansmen have changed their surnames many times: from Yao to Gui, then to Chen, then to Tian. Some Tian changed back to the earliest Yao surname. Some did not change back, but continued to be the Tian surname. If the Tian surname changed again, it was changed to the Wang surname. Tian Jiansanzi, the king of Qi: Sheng, Huan, Zhen. Sheng and Huan changed their surname to Wang. Their descendants were Wang Mang of the Han Dynasty, the empress dowager of the Western Han Dynasty, and the monarch family. This was a major source of Wang's surname. In 368 BC, Tian He replaced the surname Jiang as the monarch of the State of Qi. It was said in the history that "Tian took the place of Qi". It was said that eight kings were destroyed by the Qin Dynasty, and their descendants were abolished as plebeians. One of them took the surname of the king as it thought it was a royal family of the State of Qi. Wang Mang granted the Yao surname of his ancestors to Tian Feng, the same clan, as the Marquis of Sui. Later, Tian Hui, the son of Feng, moved across the river to Wujun to avoid Wang Mang's rebellion, and changed his surname to Gui. His grandson, Guifu, changed back to the Yao surname. As mentioned above, Emperor Shun originally took the surname of Yao, and got the surname of Gui because he lived in Guirui. The original surname of the people who changed their surname was the Yao family. Later, they changed back to the Yao family: the State of Chen was founded by Guiman in 1045 BC, and died in 479 BC, lasting 566 years. In the 41st year of Ji Beggar, King Jing of Zhou, the State of Chen was destroyed by the State of Chu. King Hui of Chu established Chen County in the original place and later became the capital of the State of Chu. The children of Chen changed their surname back to Gui. After being passed on for five generations, they changed their surname back to Yao, the distant ancestor, which has been passed on from generation to generation.
The History of the Han Dynasty ·According to the Biography of Wang Mang, when talking about his own clan, Wang Mang said: "The Yu family first took the surname Yao, Yao, who was called Gui in Tao Tang, Chen in Zhou, Tian in Qi, and Wang in Jinan." Yao, Gui, Chen, Tian, and Wang are all descendants of Emperor Shun. Wang Mang summarized the history of the change of the surname of Emperor Shun. After thousands of years of reproduction and migration, the descendants of Emperor Shun became a famous family and derived more than 60 surnames from them, most of which were Chinese big names. In addition to the Yao, Chen, Tian, and Hu surnames, there were also Wang, Sun, Yuan, Xia, and Lu among the 100 big Chinese names. There are about 300 million Shun people in the world, of which the Chen family name is the most prosperous, accounting for about half. At present, there is the World Shun Family Fellowship established overseas. The World Shun Family Fellowship is a global civil society and a root seeking organization containing more surnames. Today, more than 10 surnames, including Yao, Chen, Yu, Hu, Tian, Pan, Sun, Che, Lu, Wang, Yuan, and Xuan, participate in this organization.
In the Tang Dynasty, the surname Yao began to enter Fujian and Guangdong after two southward migrations to the southeast. The surname Yao entered Taiwan in the early Ming Dynasty.
Song dynasty During the period, there were about 320000 Yao people, accounting for 0.41% of the national population, ranking 56th in the big family name. Hebei is the province with the largest Yao surname, accounting for about 25% of the total Yao population in China. The Yao family name is mainly distributed in Hebei, Zhejiang, Shaanxi and Jiangsu, which account for about 60% of the total population of Yao family name in China, followed by Sichuan, Shanxi, Guangxi, Anhui, Henan and Jiangxi. At that time, Hebei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shaanxi were the three major gathering centers of the Yao family name.
During the Ming Dynasty, there were about 560000 Yao people, accounting for 0.62% of the national population, making Yao the 33rd surname in the Ming Dynasty. The distribution in China is mainly concentrated in Zhejiang and Jiangsu, which account for about 48% of the total population of Yao, followed by Guangdong, Jiangxi, Anhui and Shanxi. Zhejiang is the largest province with Yao surname, accounting for about 33% of the total population with Yao surname. Over 600 years during the Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties, the Yao people migrated mainly to the southeast. The center of gravity of the Yao population shifted from north to southeast, Zhejiang Soviet short name for Jiangxi province Anhui It is a densely populated area of Yao surname.
  • Develop southward
The surname Yao developed mainly in Henan from its birth to the Spring and Autumn Period. Before the Qin Dynasty, the surname Yao had developed to Shanxi, Guangxi, Sichuan and other places. In 384 AD, the Yao family established the regime of the Later Qin Dynasty. The Yao family grew stronger with the addition of the Yao family from Longxi, Gansu. After the demise of the post Qin regime, according to the Jin Book, Liu Yu moved the Yao surname "Yu Zong to Jiangnan". Therefore, many of the Yao people in Jiangnan are descendants of this Yao family. Later, the family name Yao multiplied faster and spread more widely. Before the Tang Dynasty, it had become a prominent family in Wuxing, Zhejiang Province (today's Huzhou, Zhejiang Province) and Longzhou, Gansu Province. Later, a Yao family from Wuxing moved to Shaanxi. After the Tang Dynasty, the Yao family has multiplied more widely, and has spread all over China. In the Tang Dynasty, the surname Yao entered Fujian for the first time. According to historical records, when Chen Yuanguang entered Fujian to open up Zhangzhou, Yao was one of his companions. Among them, in the fourth year of Wude in the Tang Dynasty (621 AD), Yao Prefecture was specially set up because of the largest number of Yao people in Yao'an, Dayao and other counties in Yunnan. In the Song Dynasty, the surname Yao developed to Guangdong. The surname Yao in Putian, Fujian, was also transferred to other places [8-9] Yao Dongfu, the ninth grandson of Yao Tianming, took the surname of Yao in Putian. In the 28th year of the Song Dynasty, he moved from Putian to Chaozhou and founded the surname of Yao in Hengsha, which was derived from the surname of Yao in Haiyang (the old name of Chao'an County in Chaozhou). Yao Lifu, the ninth grandson of Yao Tianming, moved from Putian to Jieyang to settle down in the second year of the Song Dynasty. Later, the Kaizu in Xianyang, Haihu Village, Jieyang, was extended to the Yao surname in Jieyang. Yao Lou, the ninth grandson of Yao Tianming, served as the Sanren County Lieutenant in Chaoyang County, Chaozhou. In the ninth year of Song Chunxi's reign, the whole family of Putian moved to the west of Chaoyi City, and their descendants were also extended to the Yao surname in Chaoyang. The Yao surname in Putian was called Kunzhong. Three people created Sanyang, one Haiyang (Chao'an County, Chaozhou, etc.), two Jieyang, and three Haiyang. Since then, the Yao surname in Chaoshan has spread overseas. In the early Ming Dynasty, Yao Wuding, Yao Wukuan and Yao Wuguan, whose ancestral home is Putian, Fujian, and whose household is Guangxi, entered Hainan and became the ancestors of Yao's family name in Hainan. A branch of the Yao family name from Jiangxi also moved to Menghua (now Weishan County, Yunnan Province) in this period. In 2001, in Weishan Yi and Hui Autonomous County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, a "Yao Family Tree" with the preface written by Ouyang Xiu, a famous litterateur and historian in the Northern Song Dynasty, was found, It was signed as "In Xinhai, the fourth year of Xining, the present scholar of Wendian specially entered Ouyang Xiushu, the prince of the State of Shangzhu, and the scholar of Liuyi". The calligraphy is covered with a square seal character of "61 hermit". From the genealogy and the preface, we can see that the surname Yao of Weishan was originally from Jiangxi, and their ancestors had become a prominent family in the sea in the Tang and Song dynasties. The 24th Zu Keming and Kecheng of Yao followed the Ming army into Yunnan and became naturalized in Menghua (now Weishan County) Ouyang Xiu's authentic work should have been brought into Yunnan in the early Ming Dynasty and become the ancestral treasure of the Yao family in Weishan. In the Qing Dynasty, the surname Yao entered Taiwan and began to spread overseas.
  • Develop northward
The Yao family name has also developed northward to Inner Mongolia, Liaoning and other places while developing southward. The Yao people have made great contributions to the development of the Chinese nation. This can be seen from the couplets of the people surnamed Guan Yao in the past dynasties. For example, "father and son are in pairs, and the brother is called Er Yao". The first couplet said that Yao Cha, a regular servant of the Sui Dynasty, was ordered to write two history books, Chen and Liang, which were not completed until his death. His son inherited his father's will and completed the second history; The second line refers to Yao Lin, the commander of the Song Dynasty, with the word Junrui, who built a strong and determined military force with restraint and used it with determination and ingenuity. He does not boast of his meritorious service. He runs the army strictly and his subordinates are willing to serve him. The two brothers later made great contributions and were called "Er Yao". The upper couplet said that Yao Chong, a famous politician of the Tang Dynasty, and his family had made great achievements in politics, Yao Chong As the official prime minister, he once served as Wu Zetian and the prime minister of the Xuanzong Dynasty. He was clean and honest, and was widely respected. In the early years of the Kaiyuan era, he was granted the title of Liang State; The second line refers to Yao Nai, a prose writer in the Qing Dynasty, who was born in Tongcheng with the word Ji Chuan. During the reign of Qianlong, Jinshi was a scholar. Participated in the compilation of Siku Quanshu. He has presided over academies in Jiangning, Yangzhou and other places for 40 years. Yao Naigong and Fang Bao are representatives of the "Tongcheng School". His works include Compilation of Ancient Chinese Words, Xibaoxuan Anthology, Zhu Anthology, etc. In addition, when it comes to Yao's surname, Lamei and Yao Huang Peony can't help but say. The Chimonanthus praecox in Yanling County, Henan Province is the most famous in China. In Yaojia Village, west of the county town, every family has planted Chimonanthus praecox in front of and behind their houses, and has always enjoyed the reputation of "the yellow plum of Yaojia is the best in the world". Yao Huang, the famous product of peony flowers, is an ancient variety. It is said that it originated in the courtyard of a Yao family in the Song Dynasty and is known as the "flower king".
  • present situation
Yao surname
According to the latest statistics at the Global Chinese Public Memorial Meeting for Emperor Shun held in Lingling, Hunan Province in 2005, there are as many as 70 surnames derived from the Yao surname, such as Chen, Wang, Hu, Sun, Yu, Tian, Yuan, Che, Lu, and other surnames, which spread to more than 50 countries and regions in the world. If the descendants of the Yao surname are included in the Yao clan after changing their surname, there will be countless outstanding people of the Yao clan, It is one of the most famous surnames. On the surface, the number of people with the surname Yao ranks in dozens of places. In fact, including the Yao people who changed their descendants' names, the number of people with the surname Yao far exceeds the number of Chinese names such as Li, Zhang, and Liu. The descendants of Emperor Shun in the world have more than 100 surnames, with 260 million people distributed all over the world [10] Historical Records· Five Emperors' History 》The record: "All the virtues of the world began with Emperor Yu“《 Shangshu 》As the saying goes, "Virtue comes from Shunming [11] 。” Shun, also known as Emperor Shun, Emperor Shun, Yao surname, Chonghua, is one of the five emperors in ancient times, and also one of the cultural ancestors of the Chinese nation. According to the Book of History, Records of the Historian and other relevant ancient books, Yu Shun conducts himself, governs the country and manages politics, with morality as the guide and harmony as the goal, and pursues harmony, peace and harmony throughout his life. The connotation of harmony is very rich. The World Association of Shun Descendants, formerly known as the World Association of the Most Filial and Benedictive Shun Descendants, is an international association of kin with the names of Chen, Yao, Sun, Wang, Hu, Yuan, Yu, Tian, Lu, Che, etc.
In August 1982, initiated by the Hong Kong Zhixiao Duqin Community, the first annual meeting of the world to Kao Duqin Community Association was held in Hong Kong, and it was decided to organize the World Zhixiao Duqin Community. On May 15, 1986 (the seventh day of April in the lunar calendar), the 4377th anniversary of Emperor Shun's birth, an enlarged conference of the World Association of Most Filial, Benedictine, and Shun Descendants was held in Taiwan. The purpose is to contact relatives, strengthen ties, promote world harmony, carry forward the spirit of kinship of Shun people with different families, and decide to hold fellowship conferences in different places in turn every year; The Secretariat shall be set up at the location of each sorority as the contact center to handle the affairs of the sorority. In October 1992, the 9th World Filial Piety Benedictine Shun Association Conference was held in Kuala Lumpur. It was decided to change its name to the World Shun Association and accept the emblem, flag and song formulated by the Malaysian Chen Family Association for the Association. [2] According to historical records, the Mausoleum of Emperor Shun in Jiuyi Mountain, also known as "Lingling", is the oldest imperial mausoleum in China's history. Sacrifice to Emperor Shun began in the Xia Dynasty and has been passed down from dynasty to dynasty. Today, Emperor Shun's Mausoleum has become an important carrier for Chinese people at home and abroad to remember their ancestors and their ancestors. Every year, more than 1 million people from home and abroad go to Jiuyi Mountain to seek their roots and visit their ancestors. The public memorial ceremony for Emperor Shun is a national intangible cultural heritage.
Emperor Shun was one of the five emperors in ancient China and the founder of Chinese moral culture. For more than 4000 years, Emperor Shun's Mausoleum in Jiuyi Mountain has been a place for ancestor worship and pilgrimage. [12-13] The theme of this festival to Shun is "filial piety, loyalty, virtue, world Shun descendants, dreams of Jiuyi" and "carrying forward the moral spirit of Emperor Shun and building Yongzhou with quality and vitality". More than 10000 people from all walks of life in Ningyuan County attended the ceremony, including representatives of the World Shun Family Friendship Association, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China, the National Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, heads of the Ministry of Culture and relevant provincial departments, representatives from all walks of life in Yongzhou City, representatives of the seminar on "Shun Culture and the Chinese Dream", representatives from the tourism industry and the media, Fujian Shun worship representatives, and performance teams. The music and dance of the funeral ceremony consists of three movements: Xiao Shao attracting the phoenix, Qing Yun singing, and "South Wind" praying. "Xiao Shao attracting the phoenix" deduces the legend that Emperor Shun used Shao music to educate people, domesticate animals, and attract the phoenix to live in Jiuyi Mountain. "Qingyun Songs" praises Emperor Shun's great achievements in virtue and filial piety. "Pray for the South Wind" reappears the magnificent praying scene in ancient times, praying that heaven will bless Hunan and the country will be prosperous. The immortal music is leisurely, the dance steps are moving, the Shun virtue is eulogized for a long time, and the ages are everlasting.
At first, Yu Shun's way of harmony was embodied in his thought of "family harmony". Because of his noble character and ability to convince others by virtue, Yu Shun was later selected as the tribal leader by Yao. After Yu Shun acted as the "Son of Heaven" on behalf of Yao, he paid more attention to moralizing the people, being diligent and loving the people, so as to achieve harmony with the world.

population distribution

It ranks 62nd in the current family name list, belonging to the family name series, with a population of about 5.04 million, accounting for about 0.3% of the total population of the country. [5] The increase rate of Yao's population in the thousand years from the Song Dynasty to the present is in the shape of Λ. The distribution in the whole country is now mainly concentrated in Zhejiang, Anhui, Guangdong and Jiangsu provinces, accounting for about 26% of the total Yao population, followed by Henan, Sichuan, Hebei, Hubei and Hunan. Shandong, the six provinces, has another 33% of the Yao population. Anhui is the largest province with the Yao surname in the contemporary era, accounting for 8.7% of the total Yao population. The country has formed two high gathering areas with Yao family name centered on Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong and Hunan. During the 600 years from the Ming Dynasty to the present, the migration of Yao's family name from southeast to central, north and west China was very strong, greater than that from north to south. The distribution frequency of the surname Yao in the population shows that the surname Yao is widely distributed, but uneven. In most of Anhui, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Shanghai, northern Jiangxi, eastern and northwestern Hubei, western and northeastern Hunan, most of Guangdong, Guigui, eastern Yunnan, southwest Sichuan, southern Chongqing, southern Fujian, central Shaanxi, western Henan, southern Ningxia, eastern Gansu, southern Shanxi, eastern and western Heilong River, the Yao family name generally accounts for more than 0.44% of the local population, Among them, the central area can reach more than 0.8%, and the above coverage area accounts for about 19.4% of the total land area, and 50% of Yao people live there. In Qinghai Lake and other areas to the east of Yunnan Hengduan Mountains, the Yao family name accounts for 0.22% - 0.44% of the local population, covering about 45.3% of the total land area and living 49% of the Yao people.
On January 24, 2022, the Household Administration Research Center of the Ministry of Public Security released the 2021 National Name Report. According to the report, Henan is the province with the largest population distribution of Yao. [20]

traditional culture


Junwang Hall

  • influential families of a prefecture
Xiping County
It was established in the Western Han Dynasty, a branch of the Yao family in the Western Qiang Dynasty, and Yao argued the ancestors.
Wuwei County
In the Western Han Dynasty, Yao Bian was the main group.
Wuxing County
The Zhou Dynasty established counties, and the Qin and Han Dynasties established counties Wuxing County, the first year of Baoding (Bingxu, A.D. 266) of the State of Wu in the Three Kingdoms Period, was set up as a county. It was governed by Wucheng (now Wuxing, Zhejiang), and its jurisdiction is from Lin'an, Zhejiang Province to Yixing, Jiangsu Province. In the early years of Yixi in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (Yisi, A.D. 405), it was moved to Wuxing (now Wuxing, Zhejiang), where the jurisdiction was located in today's Lin'an, Huzhou, Yuyao, Hangzhou, Deqing, and also in Yixing, Jiangsu. In 13 BC, the minister of the Western Han Dynasty, the first grandson of Emperor Shun 69 Yao Ping The whole family settled in Wuxing, and was renamed Huzhou due to the proximity to Taihu Lake in the 2nd year of Renshou (Renxu, A.D. 602) of the Sui Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, Huzhou was changed into Wuxing County. The Yao family became a big and famous family in Wuxing, Wuxing became a prefecture of the Yao family, and the Yao family became the surname of Wuxing County. The son and grandson who moved to another place slandered the prefecture with Wu Xing. The Yao family in eastern Fujian, Fuzhou, is a branch of the Yao family in Wuxing. Therefore, genealogies and couplets all indicate the family names of Wu Xingwang, Wu Xingyan Sect and Wu Xingjun.
Nan'an County
In the Western Han Dynasty, the county was set up and governed by Didao (now Longxi County, Gansu Province). In the fifth year of Zhongping in the Eastern Han Dynasty (Wuchen, A.D. 188), Hanyang County was divided into two prefectures, and the administrative office was also in Didao (now the south bank of Weishui River in Longxi, Gansu). At that time, the jurisdiction was in the east of Longxi County, Dingxi County, and Wushan County. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Tianjian period (502-519 AD) of the Liang State was also set Nan'an County At that time, it had jurisdiction over the counties in the western part of Gansu Province today. It was one of the three counties in the province, governing Xing, Quan and Zhang. In the ninth year of the reign of Emperor Kaihuang of the Sui Dynasty (589 A.D.), the prefecture was changed into a county.
  • name of a hall
Sanwei Hall: From The Analects of Confucius Ji Shi: "A gentleman has three fears, namely, fearing the destiny of heaven, fearing adults, and fearing the words of saints.
Lishan Hall: In memory of the Holy Ancestor, Emperor Shun, who plowed the mountain before he conquered Yong.
Tang Shan Tang
Gengli Hall: In memory of the Holy Ancestor, Emperor Shun, who plowed the mountain before he conquered Yong.
Chaoshan Hall: Changle
Dome hall: Ningde
Zhongshan Hall: Minhou
Tianma Hall: Pingnan
Longshan Hall: Fu'an
Zhongqin Hall: Putian
Luoshan Hall: Jinjiang
Xianyuan Hall: Phellodendron chinense
Nanxi Hall: Pucheng
Shengren Hall: Emperor Shun was the most benevolent and wise emperor.
Qiu Zhengtang: It is named after Emperor Shun's holiness, benevolence, goodness, filial piety and righteousness.
Benevolence Hall
Cunren Hall
Nan'an Hall: Set up the hall by looking at it.
Shide Hall
Wu Xingtang: Set up the hall by looking at it.
Algae and Ytterbium Hall
Harmonious Filial Piety Hall
Chengde Hall
Chonghua Hall
Shangjun Hall
Swallow wing hall [14]

Ancestral couplets

  • Four character universal couplet
Calligraphy in Wei and Jin dynasties; Shi Zhuan, Liang Chen
The first couplet refers to Yao Shou, a painter in the Ming Dynasty, whose name is Gongshou, and whose name is Gu An, Yundong Yishi, Jiangxi Yishi, also known as Mr. Danqiu, a Jiashan person. He is good at painting mountains and waters, taking the method from Wuzhen and Wangmeng, and is good at making the scenery of the sand col and the water curve, and the ink color is pale and moist; It also writes about bamboo and stone; ICBC cursive script, copied from the Wei and Jin dynasties; He can also write poems, such as "Gu An Collection". The second couplet refers to Yao Silian, a historian in the early Tang Dynasty, who was originally from Wuxing and later moved to Guanzhong for ten thousand years. His father, Yao Cha, was a minister of the Ministry of Officials of Chen in the Southern Dynasty. He wrote Liang and Chen Ershi in the Sui Dynasty, and died before completing them. He learned the history of the Han Dynasty from his father when he was young and learned at home. He served as a valet in the Sui Dynasty for acting Wang Yang You, and became a bachelor in the Qin King's Literature Museum in the Tang Dynasty. During the Zhenguan period, he was an official and a regular valet. According to family manuscripts, he also collected other books and wrote 50 volumes of Liang Shu and 30 volumes of Chen Shu.
Jue Fengliang; Wenzhong Tongcheng
The upper couplet refers to Yao Chong, a minister of the Tang Dynasty. His original name was Yuan Chong, and his name was changed to Yuan Zhi. In order to avoid the new year, he changed his name to Chong, a Xiashi person in Shaanxi. He has successively served as Prime Minister of Empress Wu Zetian, Ruizong and Xuanzong. During the Tang Ruizong period, he was demoted because he asked Princess Taiping to leave the East Capital to weaken her power; In the early years of the Kaiyuan era, he served as prime minister again and was granted the title of Duke of Liang. He once asked eunuchs and noble relatives to prohibit interference in the government, to ban the construction of Buddhist temples and Taoist temples, to reward officials for advice, and to correct the bad habit of not daring to kill locusts at that time, and to implement the burning and burying method, which alleviated the disaster. The second couplet refers to Yao Nai, a essayist in the Qing Dynasty, who was born in Tongcheng, Anhui Province. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, he was a Jinshi, a doctor in the Department of Official Punishment, and a registered imperial historian. He has been in charge of academies in Jiangning, Yangzhou and other places for 40 years. He is the main writer of the "Tongcheng School", focusing on classics, as well as history, poetry and prose. There is the Complete Works of Xibaoxuan.
Learning from the Han Dynasty; Written by Liang Chen
The upper couplet refers to Yao Sui, a scholar in the Yuan Dynasty, who was born in Liucheng. You seldom travel from Xuheng, which is in the style of Western Han Dynasty. There are Guotong Lihe Table and Mu An Collection. The second couplet refers to Yao Cha, a free riding and regular attendant in the Sui Dynasty, who worked hard in his studies, was awarded the Secretary Cheng, and became Chen and Liang Ershi. Before he finished, he was on the verge of death, and the ring was thought to be clean. Civilization; Family voice of Yuande: According to the upper couplet, Shun was born in Yaoxu, because he took his surname. The Yushun era was the beginning of Chinese civilization. The second couplet refers to Shun's abdication to Yu, and Si was the great virtue of the Yuan Dynasty. Hongwen Bachelor; Lu Tomb Family Biography: The upper couplet refers to Yao Silian, a scholar of the Tang Dynasty who was tired of being an official and a scholar of the Hongwen School. The second couplet refers to Yao Qiyun, his son, grandson, great grandson, the fourth filial piety, and his death in the tomb of the Song Dynasty.
  • Five character Universal Couplet
Far away from the mountain and near the town; The slanting sun and sparse shade of trees
This couplet is a poem couplet of the Tang Dynasty poet Yao Lun's "Luoyang Guest House of Scholar Guo Zhang". Yao Lun joined the army as the governor of Yangzhou in the Tang Dynasty.
Dazian Guanghuaxia; Article Yao Tongcheng
The first couplet refers to the poetry painters in the Ming Dynasty Yao Guangxiao , from Cheung Chau. He was a monk for 14 years. He worked in poetry and painting, learned Yin and Yang, and was a counselor of the King of Yan. King Yan stands first in recording merit and pays homage to the prince. He tried to revise the "True Record of Taizu" and compile the "Yongle Classic". The second couplet refers to Yao Nai, a prose writer in the Qing Dynasty (1731-1815 AD), who was born in Tongcheng with the word Ji Chuan. Qianlong Jinshi was chosen as a scholar in the Imperial Academy. Participated in the compilation of the Complete Collection of Four Treasury Books. After resigning from office, he presided over Ziyang, Zhongshan and other academies in Jiangnan. As representatives of the "Tongcheng School", Gong Gu wen and Fang Bao advocated the tradition of ancient prose in the Tang and Song dynasties, which had a great impact on the classics and literature in the Qing Dynasty. His landscape articles, such as "The Tale of Climbing Mount Tai", were praised by later generations. There are "Compilation of Ancient Prose", "Xibaoxuan Anthology", "Zhu Anthology", etc.
History of father son pairing; Brother Eryao
The first couplet refers to Yao Cha, a casual and regular attendant in the Sui Dynasty. The second couplet refers to Yao Lin, the commander of the capital in the Song Dynasty, who was known as Junrui. He managed to build a strong and determined military force, and used the military with determination and ingenuity. Do not boast about your merits, run the army strictly and happily. All brothers have made great contributions, and their voices have been overwhelmed for a while. Guanzhong is called "Eryao"
  • Six character Universal Couplet
Jiande Changmian Shize; Shrimp Lake Pizhen Home Sound
This couplet is the ancestral hall couplet of Yao family in Guichi City, Anhui Province. The upper couplet indicates that the Yao family of this branch moved from Jiande County. The second couplet indicates that the temple is the former site of the Shrimp Lake (named after the production of large white shrimps)
  • Seven character Universal Couplet
But I feel that business is full at present; It must be noted that there are many miserable people in the world
This couplet was written by Yao Wenran, a scholar of the Ming Dynasty. Yao Wenran is from Tongcheng. In the Qing Dynasty, he was granted the title of a commoner and a lucky man in the National History Institute, and was tired of being a minister of the Ministry of Official Punishment. They know everything about the interests of the country, the gains and losses of officials, and the people's livelihood. The written memorials and collections of poems and essays are all solid and mellow, with ancient style. Their posthumous title is Duan Ke.
Stand the heel and erect the spine; Open your eyes and calm down
This couplet was written by Yao Wenzhi, a scholar and calligrapher in the Qing Dynasty. Yao Yuanzhi, also known as Boang, was born in Tongcheng. Official to Zuo Du Imperial Historian. Working clerical script, running grass and painting brush are also wonderful. There is "Bamboo Leaf Pavilion Miscellaneous Poetry Manuscript".
The sky is open, the scenery is beautiful, the wind and the clouds are calm; Spring brings a new atmosphere to the world
This is the Spring Festival couplet written by Yao Chen, the general judge of the Ming Dynasty. Yao Chen, born in Chaoyang, has the character of string and jade. The general judge of Fuzhou was transferred to the Tianzhi County, and the official was responsible for three days, that is to say, begging for support and filial piety. Many villagers have been influenced.
The village master always harmonizes with the noble woman; The Assassin's Daughter Has a Couple
The first couplet refers to the Yao Xiong event in the Song Dynasty. The lower couplet refers to the official ceremony of Yao Chong, a minister in the Tang Dynasty.
  • 16 character universal couplet
Resist the heart and hope for the past, and let it go; Containing millivitamin, move according to the truth
This couplet is the couplet of Yao Cha, a regular attendant on horseback riding in the Sui Dynasty, in his famous paintings.
Both warning and warning, benefit China; Come here for ten days, jade in Taiyuan
This couplet is a gift from Jiang Bishan to Yao Liangfu.

Totem culture

Peach wood is a sundial pole [15] The "omen" is "peach". It is said that Kua Fu used peach wood as the scepter, Yangping as the peach capital (Yao Xu, now the south of Fan County, Henan Province), and big peach wood as the sundial (r ì gu ǐ) (a device that uses the shadow cast by the sun to determine the time). He chased the sun in Taolin Pass (today's Lingbao in western Henan Province). This is the story of "Kua Fu chasing the sun".
Yao's Totem
In ancient times, the shadow of the sundial moves in the shape of "S", that is, "Er" of "Zhao". There are four seasons where heaven and earth meet at noon. It is recorded as "X" symbol. It is written together with "Er" as "Zhao". Next to "Nu", it means that it originates from the female ancestors of the father's family. "Zhao" and "female" combine to become "Yao".
Therefore, when the Chinese character "Yao" is taken apart, "Zhao" should be its original meaning, while women are the traces left by the matriarchal clan society. In ancient times, when divining, the tortoise shell was burned by fire, and the cracks in the tortoise shell were observed to account for good or bad luck, which became an omen or augury, and extended to an omen, meaning to be a prophet. Because Yao Xu, where Yu Shun lived, was rich in peaches, peach trees became the sacred and social trees of Yao people. Yao people inserted peach branches on the door and raised peach broomsticks to guide the way to ward off ghosts and exorcism. Later, objects made of peach trees evolved into tools for wizards, Taoists and other professions.
As Yao people regarded peach trees as gods, peach trees became the primitive totem of Yao tribe over time. The surname totem "" of the Yao surname is derived from the shape of the peach tree. It can be seen that the totem of Yao's surname originates from the peach tree and is related to the prediction of divination. In ancient times, forecasting divination was a kind of mysterious knowledge and special wisdom. This seems to indicate that Yao people will become a wise and intelligent ethnic group.

Genealogical literature

  • There are two volumes of Yao's genealogy in Qingxian County, Hebei Province, the author is waiting for examination, and two volumes of manuscripts. It is now collected in Xiaojiaohe Village, Wangzhen, Qingxian County, Hebei Province.
  • The genealogy of the Yao family in Zhoupu, Nanhui, Shanghai, was revised by Yao Renzhuo (Republic of China), and two volumes of woodcut movable type prints were printed in the fifth year of the Republic of China (1916 AD). It is now collected in Shanghai Library and Hangzhou University Library.
  • Yao's family tree in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province was rebuilt in 6 volumes, and Yao Tingfu (Qing Dynasty) majored in it. In the 9th year of Daoguang's reign in the Qing Dynasty, there were six volumes of Shidetang woodcut movable type prints in 1829. It is now collected in the library of Institute of History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
  • There are 30 volumes of Yao's genealogy in Piling, Jiangsu. The first volume is 1 volume. Master Yao (Qing Dynasty) and others rebuilt it. It was printed in movable type in the 11th year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty (AD 1872). It is now collected in the National Library of China, the Library of Jilin University, the National Museum of Tokyo, Japan, and the Utah Genealogy Society.
  • There are four volumes of Yao's genealogy in Runzhou, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, and four volumes of movable type woodcut copies of Haotang in the 18th year of Jiaqing (1813 AD) of the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in the National Museum of Tokyo, Japan, and the Utah Genealogy Society.
  • The pedigree of Yao's family, a Dantu in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, was rebuilt by Yao Wenfu (Qing Dynasty), and there was a handwritten book of Yan Yitang in the first year of Guangxu (1875 AD) of the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected by the Utah Genealogical Society.
  • The five revised genealogy of Yao's family, a Dantu in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, consists of four volumes, one volume for the first and two volumes attached. Yao Chengxian (Qing Dynasty) revised the genealogy, and eight movable type woodcut copies in the third year of Xuantong (1911 AD) of the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in the National Library of China, the Library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (2), the Library of the Institute of History of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the National Museum of Tokyo, Japan, and the Utah Genealogy Society.
  • The author of the revised genealogy of Yao's, a Dantu in Jiangsu, is to be examined, and the author is to be examined. There is one volume of manuscript. It is now collected in the National Library of China.
  • There are four volumes of Yao's genealogy, one volume in the first and two volumes attached, compiled by Yao Chengxian (Qing Dynasty), and eight volumes of woodcut movable type printed books in the third year of Xuantong (1911 AD) in the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in the Archives of Chinese Genealogy Website.
  • There are 12 volumes of Yao's genealogy in Wangchuanli, Changzhou, Jiangsu, which were rebuilt by Yao Yulian (Qing Dynasty), and four volumes of Dunmu Hall woodcut movable type printed in the 12th year of Tongzhi (1873 AD) of the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in the library of Nankai University.
  • There are 14 volumes of Yao's genealogy in Wangchuanli, Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, the (Qing) Yao Shuyuan, Yao Jiajun, etc. are renewed, and there are 6 volumes of movable type woodcut prints in the 29th year of Guangxu's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1903 AD). It is now collected in Hebei University Library and Changzhou City Library of Jiangsu Province (Volume 11 is missing).
  • There are six volumes of Yao's genealogy in Piling, Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, compiled by Yao Shifu (Qing Dynasty), and six volumes of movable type woodcut printed copies of Xixiaotang in the first year of Xuantong (1909 AD) of the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in the Archives of Chinese Genealogy Website.
  • There are six volumes of Yao's genealogy in Weiling, Wujin, Jiangsu Province. Yao Shifu and Yao Panfu (Qing Dynasty) are the major subjects. There are six volumes of movable type woodcut copies of Xixiaotang in the first year of Xuantong (1909 AD) of the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in the library of Institute of History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
  • There are 45 volumes of Yao's genealogy in Liyang, Jiangsu, the first 3 volumes, a continuation of Yao Qingfu, Yao Enpu and others in the Qing Dynasty, and 54 volumes of Zaoyitang woodcut movable type printed books in the 15th year of Guangxu (1889 AD) of the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in the Library of Hebei University and the Archives of Chinese Genealogy Website.
  • A study of the Yao family's lineage in the east of Changshu, Jiangsu, compiled by Yao Xizuo, Yao Erjun, etc., and printed in 2 volumes in the 31st year of the Republic of China (1942 AD). It is now collected in Nanjing Library, Jiangsu Province, and Changshu Library, Jiangsu Province.
  • Six volumes of Yao's genealogy in Ningbo, Zhejiang, were compiled by Yao Xuan (Qing Dynasty), revised in the 24th year of Jiaqing (1819 AD), and recalibrated in the 21st year of Guangxu (1895 AD). It is now collected in Ningbo Archives, Zhejiang Province.
  • The genealogy of the ancient Yuyao Yao family in Yuyao, Zhejiang Province, has six volumes, which were rebuilt by Yao Shengnan (Qing Dynasty) and others, and six volumes of movable type woodcut prints in the 17th year of Tongzhi (A.D. 1809) of the Qing Dynasty. Note: It was first built by Yao Enlian in the Tang Dynasty, and it was built for 8 times. It is now collected in the Archives of Chinese Genealogy Website.
  • There are 12 volumes of Yao's genealogy in Yunlou, Yuyao, Zhejiang Province, and Yao Fengquan, Yao Anzhi, etc. (Qing Dynasty) were compiled. In the 34th year of Guangxu's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1908 AD), the movable type woodcut version of Gengshan Hall is missing volumes 4 and 8. It is now collected in Lizhou Museum, Yuyao, Zhejiang Province.
  • Yao Family Ride in Yinxi Mountain, Yinxian County, Zhejiang Province, 2 volumes at the beginning and 2 volumes at the end, compiled by Zhang Qin (Republic of China), and printed in movable type in Chaluntang Woodcut in the 19th year of the Republic of China (1930 AD). It is now collected in the National Library of China and Tianyige Cultural Relics Management Institute in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province.
  • There are 30 volumes of Yao's genealogy in Cixi, Zhejiang Province. Yao Shoulie (Qing Dynasty) continued to repair the genealogy. In the 20th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu (1894 AD) of the Qing Dynasty, the woodcut movable type printed version of Jubentang is missing volumes 15 and 27. It is now collected in the library of Nankai University and the Tianyige Cultural Relics Management Institute in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province.
  • One volume of Yao's genealogy in Qianshan, Xiangshan, Zhejiang, was rebuilt by Wang Xinghua (Republic of China), and was copied in the 17th year of the Republic of China (1928 AD). It is now collected by the Cultural Relics Administration of Xiangshan County, Zhejiang Province.
  • The genealogy of the Yao family in Xiushan, Jiaxing, Zhejiang, was compiled by Yao Yinglong (Qing Dynasty), copied and supplemented by Yao Yunsheng in the 15th year of Daoguang, Qing Dynasty (AD 1835), and printed in movable type in the 24th year of Qianlong, Qing Dynasty (AD 1779). It is now collected in the National Library of China.
  • Yao's family furniture in Xiushan, Jiaxing, Zhejiang, re edited by Yao Shu (Qing Dynasty), and 5 volumes of woodcut movable type prints in the 34th year of Guangxu (1908 AD) of the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in the National Museum of Tokyo, Japan, and the Utah Genealogy Society.
  • There are 6 volumes of Yao Family Rides in Wuxing, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, which were recompiled by Yao Chunqi (Qing Dynasty), and 12 volumes of manuscripts in the second year of Yongzheng (1724 AD) of the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in the National Library of China (another one only has one volume) and Zhejiang Provincial Library.
  • The Yao Family Ride in Wuxing, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province has 20 volumes, one volume for the first, which was rebuilt by Yao Peichun and Yao Xuezhi (Qing Dynasty) in the 13th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu (1887 AD), and 12 volumes of woodcut movable type prints in the 23rd year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu (1897 AD). It is now collected in the Library of Renmin University of China (only volume 17 remains today), the Shanghai Municipal Library, the Liaoning Provincial Library, the National Museum of Tokyo, Japan, and the Utah Genealogy Society.
  • The Yao family lineage in Huzhou, Zhejiang has 1 volume, 1 branch volume, 4 genealogies, and 1 first volume. It was compiled by Yao Shixi (Qing Dynasty), and 4 manuscripts of the red column grid during the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in the library of Sun Yat sen University.
  • Yao Family Rider, Wuxing, Huzhou, Zhejiang, author to be examined, 12 volumes of manuscripts. It is now collected in Shanghai Library.
  • The genealogy of the Yao family in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, was revised by Yao Zhenzong (Qing Dynasty), and two copies of Shishishanfang manuscripts were added in the 28th year of Guangxu (1902 AD) of the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in the library of Jilin University.
  • Three volumes of the genealogy of the ancient Yao family in Shangyu, Zhejiang, were revised by Yao Riyan (Qing Dynasty), and five volumes of movable type woodcut prints were printed in the 7th year of Tongzhi (1868 AD) of the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in the Library of Peking University.
  • The genealogy of the ancient Yao family in Shangyu, Zhejiang, consists of 6 volumes, (Qing Dynasty) Yao Wendeng, Yao Rubin Xiu, and 6 volumes of woodcut movable type printed books in the 7th year of Tongzhi, Qing Dynasty (AD 1868). It is now collected in the National Library of China and the Library of Hebei University.
  • There are 6 volumes of Yao's genealogy in Shining, Shangyu, Zhejiang, compiled by Yao Peiran (Qing Dynasty), and 4 volumes of movable type woodcut printed copies of Gengshantang in the 4th year of Guangxu (1878 AD) of the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in the library of Institute of History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
  • Six volumes of Yao's genealogy in Shining, Shangyu, Zhejiang, were revised by Yao Jiafu (Republic of China) and others. In the 28th year of the Republic of China (AD 1939), there were six volumes of movable type woodcut copies of Zijing Shantang. It is now collected in the National Library of China.
  • There are 6 volumes of Yao's genealogy of Ma Yifang in Lanxi County, Zhejiang Province, whose author is waiting for examination, and 6 volumes of movable type woodcut prints in the 23rd year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (AD 1897). It is now collected in Lanxi County Cultural Relics Management Bureau of Zhejiang Province (10 in total).
  • There are 20 volumes of Yao's genealogy in Longshan, Lanxi, Zhejiang. The author is waiting for examination. It was printed in movable type in the 2nd year of the Republic of China (19l3 AD). It is now collected in Gongshanzhang Township, Lanxi County, Zhejiang Province.
  • The genealogy of Yao family in Lanxi, Zhejiang Province, with the author waiting for examination, the author waiting for examination, is a handwritten copy, and only the third volume remains today. It is now collected in the Cultural Relics Administration of Lanxi County, Zhejiang Province.
  • The genealogy of the Yao family in Lanxi, Zhejiang, has its author to be tested, its author to be tested, and its woodcut movable type print. It is now collected in Dengsheng Village Cultural Station, Lanxi County, Zhejiang Province.
  • There are six volumes of Yao's genealogy in Lanxi, Zhejiang Province. The author is waiting for examination. It is now collected in Dongyao Village, Dengsheng Township, Lanxi County, Zhejiang Province.
  • There are three volumes of Yao's pedigree in Shenan Wudan, Shexian County, Anhui Province, one volume at the beginning and one volume at the end, Yao Bangxie Xiu (Republic of China), and two volumes of woodcut movable type prints in the 20th year of the Republic of China (AD 1931). It is now collected in the library of Hebei University.
  • There are 24 volumes of Yao's seven revised genealogy in Maxi, Tongcheng, Anhui, the first volume, with 7 volumes of Yao's biography of first virtue, compiled by Yao Shouchang (Qing Dynasty) and others, 12 volumes of woodcut movable type printed copies in the fourth year of Guangxu (1878 AD) of the Qing Dynasty, and volumes 6-11 are missing today. It is now collected in the National Library of China, the National Museum in Tokyo, Japan, and the Utah Genealogy Society.
  • There are 24 volumes of Yao's genealogy in Maxi, Tongcheng, Anhui. The first volume is attached with 7 volumes of Yao's biography of the first virtue. Yao Guozhen and Yao Liankui (Republic of China) compiled the genealogy. In the 10th year of the Republic of China (1921 AD), there are 16 volumes of woodcut movable type prints. It is now collected in the National Library of China (two), the Library of the Institute of History of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Library of Renmin University of China, the Library of Liaoning Province, the Library of Jilin University, the Museum of Anhui Province, and the Library of Hubei Province.
  • The genealogy of the Yao family in Tongcheng, Anhui (fragmented volume), the author of which is waiting for examination, is a handwritten copy during the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in the Archives of Chinese Genealogy Website.
  • There are four volumes of Yao's genealogy in Xiahu Lake, Qiupu, Anhui Province, compiled by Cheng Wensu (Ming Dynasty), and four volumes of movable type woodcut prints in the third year of Longqing (1569 AD) of the Ming Dynasty. It is now collected in the National Library of China.
  • The Yao family in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province revised the appendix of the genealogy, and Yao Gongli (Republic of China) majored in two volumes of lead printed books in the 20th year of the Republic of China (AD 1932). It is now collected in Ganyu County Archives, Jiangsu Province.
  • The genealogy of the Yao family in Tai'an, Shandong, was compiled by Yao Keqian (Qing Dynasty), and four volumes of movable type woodcuts were printed in Jujingzhai in the 20th year of Jialu (1815 AD) of the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in the Library of the Institute of History of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Library of Tai'an County, Shandong Province.
  • There are 16 volumes of Yao's genealogy in Jinxi, Shanxi Province, and Yao Zhaoquan has rebuilt it. In the 24th year of the Republic of China (AD 1935), there were 16 volumes of the printed edition of the Huizongtang. It is now collected in the library of Nankai University.
  • The genealogy of Yao family in Mianchi, Henan Province, Volume 1, compiled by Yao Zhenhua (Republic of China) and others, in the 23rd year of the Republic of China (AD 1934), in stone print. It is now collected in the Archives of Mianchi County, Henan Province.
  • The author of Yao's genealogy in Shaanxi County, Henan Province is waiting for examination. It is now collected in the Archives of Shaanxi County, Henan Province.
  • The author of the Yao clan genealogy in the east of Henan Province is waiting for examination. The Yao clan is in public repair. It was printed in one volume during the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in the library of Hangzhou University.
  • There are 16 volumes of Yao's genealogy in Hanyang, Hubei Province, revised by Yao Fangxun (Republic of China) and others, and 17 volumes of movable type printed edition of Chengwutang in the 10th year of the Republic of China (1921 AD). It is now collected by the Utah Genealogical Society.
  • The genealogy of Yao family in Hanyang, Hubei, was first compiled in 8 volumes, and officially edited in 12 volumes. It was written by Yao Mushui, Yao Zhenghuan, etc. (in the Republic of China). In the 21st year of the Republic of China (AD 1932), there were 20 volumes of movable type woodcut copies of Chonghuatang. It is now collected in Wuhan Library, Hubei Province.
  • The continuation genealogy of the Yao family in Ningxiang, Hunan, the first two volumes, compiled by Yao Zong in the Qing Dynasty, and printed in movable type by Wu Xingtang in the 10th year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty (AD 1871). It is now collected in Hunan Provincial Library (only the first and second volumes of the first volume are left today).
  • Three volumes of Yao's genealogy in Pingyuan, Guangdong, three revisions by Yao Keming and Yao Hongying (Republic of China), and a lead printed version in the fifth year of the Republic of China (1916 AD). It is now collected in the Archives of Pingyuan County, Guangdong Province.
  • One volume of Yao's genealogy in Xuanhan, Sichuan, the author is waiting for examination. It is a handwritten copy in the first year of the Republic of China (AD 19l2). It is now collected in Sansheng Township, Xuanhan County, Sichuan Province.
  • The genealogy of Yao family in Xuanhan, Sichuan Province, 1 volume, author to be examined, manuscript. It is now collected in Qingxi Township, Xuanhan County, Sichuan Province.
  • The descendants of the Yao family in Wancui County, Sichuan Province rebuilt 15 volumes of the genealogy, Yao Bangmo (Ming Dynasty) compiled it, and four volumes of movable type woodcut prints were printed in the 40th year of Wanli (1612 AD) of the Ming Dynasty. It is now collected in the National Library of China.
  • Yao Family Ride 4 volumes, compiled by Yao Shu (Qing Dynasty), 4 volumes of Lizetang woodcut movable type printed edition in the 15th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu (1889 AD) of the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in the National Library of China.
  • Yao's genealogy has 6 volumes, (Qing Dynasty) Yao Shitong and others rebuilt it, and 4 volumes of Xuluntang woodcut movable type prints in the 16th year of Guangxu (1890 AD) of the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in the National Library of China.
  • Yao's genealogy has 4 volumes, 1 volume for the first one, (Qing Dynasty) Yao Kangze Xiu, and 4 volumes of Shunjingtang woodcut movable type prints in the 27th year of Guangxu (1901 AD) of the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in the Library of Peking University.
  • The author of Yao's genealogy in the west of the city is waiting for examination. Yao Renshou (Qing Dynasty) rebuilt the genealogy, and the Qing Dynasty banknote supplemented the 30th year of Guangxu's reign (1904 AD). It is now collected in the National Library of China.
  • An examination of the Yao family's lineage in the east of the city, compiled by Yao Xizuo and Yao Hongxiang (Republic of China), and printed in 2 volumes in the 31st year of the Republic of China (1942 AD). It is now collected in the Archives of Chinese Genealogy Website.
  • Yao's genealogy is 8 volumes, compiled by Yao Ji in Tang Dynasty, and printed in 8 volumes in the fifth year of the Republic of China (1916 AD). It is now collected in the National Library of China.
  • Yao's family furniture, whose author is waiting for examination, has 8 copies of woodcut movable type printed books during the Republic of China. It is now collected in Yangzhong County Library, Jiangsu Province.
  • Yao's continuation pedigree is 8 volumes, and Yongmu Hall woodcut movable type printing book is 8 volumes in the 13th year of Guangxu (1887 AD) of the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in the Archives of Chinese Genealogy Website.
  • Yao rebuilt 10 volumes of the pedigree, and printed 10 volumes of the Yongmu Hall woodcut movable type in the eighth year of the Republic of China (1919 AD). It is now collected in the Archives of Chinese Genealogy Website.
  • Yao's genealogy has been renewed, and the author has yet to be examined. During the Republic of China, there were 18 volumes of movable type woodcut printed copies of Mianjiang Hall, and only volumes 1 to 12 and 15 to 20 remain today. It is now collected in the Archives of Chinese Genealogy Website.

Generation ranking

  • The generation of Yao family in Yiyang, Hunan: "Shou Dao is like Zhenyou Dunxiu, a descendant of Jingxing Wizards, Sheng Ye inherits Xiancheng Jingshu, a scholar, and Lin Chongxun, a scholar, writes the Ding Ming".
  • The generation of Yao family in Pingjiang, Hunan: "The official ambition is to use uncle Ji Tingsi's self-study of British standards to win the world, to succeed in martial arts, and to make contributions to the Zhou Dynasty, to assist the civilization, to be able to hold the Jue Zhongxing Zude, to learn from the classics, to start the step of Yun Cheng, to apply the good life to the world, and to honor the ancient Moxunke and the ten thousand nations. The nine songs are just narrative rhymes".
  • The generation of Yao family in Enxi, Sichuan: generation sequence: "One man with ten thousand words and Yang Hongyou grows up like the sun and the week"; Preface: "The minister's heart is always chastened, the minister is like Yin Liang, the official, and the article emphasizes the virtues and virtues of the people.".
  • The generation of Yao family in Nanjiang, Sichuan: "The official ambition is to use uncle Ji to study English standards by himself to win the world, to succeed in martial arts and to make contributions. Zhou assisted Tingsi to make civilization, and to carry out the journey in Jue, Zude, Jinglun, Xue You and Yun Cheng to start the journey, and to apply good orders to the world, and to honor the ancestors of Moxunke and the world. Nine songs are just narrative rhymes".
  • The generation of Yao in Guangxi: "Cunzhong, Zuguang, Wanbo Xing, and then the astronomical generation, Changrong, Yuanyou, enlighten the world".
  • The generation of Yao family in Hefei, Anhui: "Li De Cong Da Ben".
  • The generation of Yao in Xuyi, Jiangsu: "Ruiyulan is brilliant".
  • The generation of Yao's Yongmu Hall: "challenge Cheng Zhen, Fu Shun, read Siyong Zhizheng, Sage, Germany, learn from Yu Kaishao, a good voice, shake up the great Qiyun, and don Xiu Wannianhua, a talented Kaiser of Guangyuan descent, Chaoxia Zong Qianyuan Huan, filial piety, and integrity of education for the first rank You Heng".
  • One generation of the Yao family: "(Pei) Zong Juncai Bingda Filial Piety Precious All Nations Health Zude Guangyuan grandson Rongchang".
  • A generation of Yao's: "Wen De Ru Yu Shang Run Xi Zhengyi Hong Xusheng celebrated Xi Wanfu Rong far away from his ancestors. If he is good, good and lucky, he will be famous and famous after the United States.".
  • Yao's first generation: Yong Changjiu, Fu Xiu, Xi Cheng, Yi Hong, Long Zhongxian, Quan De, Xin Ruizhao, Zhen Yuming [16]
  • The generation of Yao family in Ziyang, Sichuan: Shi Han's article, Chong Qingshi, Ruoyong Liangchen, Chang Zhenjing, Xuan Fan, De Huichang
  • A generation of Yao family in Fei County, Linyi, Shandong: Ru Shun Yu Yang Qizhang Ji Yu Lian Xi; Yingwen Jingde respected Buddhism and Confucianism; Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, trust, integrity and brightness; Temperament is passed down from patriotic family.
  • A generation of Yao family in Dangtu County, Anhui Province: Zhengzhi Guangming, Kechang Qishou.
  • The Yao family (descendants of Sangong) in Xiaozhai Village, Wanping Town, Yongshun County, Hunan Province generation: Liang Zongqian; The world is full of wisdom and ambition, and the heaven will always be able to pass the mission. It is just and wise, and it will be glorious and prosperous (Liang Zong); Shao Zu's origin is luxuriant, Dunlun's scene is prosperous, the imperial court has chosen Longshang, and Yingxiu has set up Lianfang; It has a great reputation to open a home, and the virtue of Xianxu is long. There is a bright future in front of the light, and Yongye will become a prosperous country.
  • A generation of Yao family: Chuanji Yongchun Hall opens a hundred generations of mountain junks, who have grown up and lived for thousands of years
  • Gongshengtang, Yao Zhufan Village, Ganyu County, Jiangsu Province Generation of Yao: Shengzai Yongshiji; Wan Kehuan Kaiming; Deli Yanjing; Zhao Jianshan Qingtong

Last name and reputation

  • Five Emperors Period
Shun (Pinyin: sh ù n) BC 2257 ~ 2208, ancient China three emperors and five sovereigns One of the Five Emperors of China. Yao's surname is Chonghua, with Chinese characters; Dujun. Born in Yaoxu (it is said that Yaoxu is located in Puyang, Henan Province today), the capital is located in Puban (Yongji, Shanxi Province today), and it is also said that the capital is located in Pancheng (Hebei Province today competes for deer). Shun, the leader of the four tribal alliance, was called emperor by Yao's "abdication", and his country name was "Youyu". Emperor Shun, Great Shun, Emperor Yu Shun, and Emperor Shun were all the emperors of Yu Shun, so later generations shortened Shun for short, and their descendants took Yao as their surname.
  • Later Qin Dynasty
Qiang, one of the sixteen countries Yao Chang Built. Chang'an (now Xi'an, Shaanxi). Shengshikong has modern Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and part of Shanxi and Henan. It has been three masters for 34 years. During the Yongjia (307-312) period of the Western Jin Dynasty, a branch of the Qiang tribe, led by Yao Yizhong, a powerful chieftain, moved from Chiting (now west of Longxi, Gansu) to Yumei (now east of Qianyang, Shaanxi) to live there. In 384, Chang called himself the Great General, the Great Danyu, and the King of the Qin Dynasty Later Qin Dynasty Yao Chang led his army into the northern part of the garrison (today's Yaoxian County, Shaanxi Province), and more than 100000 Qiang and Hu families in the northern part of the Wei River came under the control of Yao Chang. His power grew rapidly, and Fujian was captured and killed in 385. When Murong Yong led more than 300000 Xianbei to leave the Middle East, Yao Chang joined Chang'an and became emperor in 386, with the national title of Daqin.
  • Literary and historical circles
full name
full name
Western Han Confucian Classics
Ming Dynasty painter
Painters of the Southern Dynasties
Qing Dynasty litterateurs
Scholars in the Qing Dynasty
Painters in the Southern and Northern Dynasties
Catalogist of the Republic of China
Tang Dynasty historian
Writers of the Republic of China
Tang Dynasty poets
Yao Yiwei Yao Xueyin Yao Dienzhong Yao Ke Yaoyuan Yao Ruolong Yao Qian Zhang Geng (formerly Yao Yuxuan)
Contemporary Literature Writers
Ancient litterateur of Northern Song Dynasty
Contemporary historian
Poets of Southern Song Dynasty
Contemporary calligraphers and painters
Yuan Dynasty scholar
  • entertainment
  • Military and political circles
full name
full name
Prime Minister
Yao Gouer , Yao Ban
Doctor of the State of Zheng in the Spring and Autumn Period
Famous general
Guest Qing of Qin State in the Warring States Period
A famous official of the Southern Song Dynasty
Governor of Fujian and Zhejiang [17]
Qing Dynasty
Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi
A famous official of the Yuan Dynasty
Founder of the Later Qin Dynasty
Politician and Scientist
Politicians and eminent monks of the Ming Dynasty
Anti Japanese National Heroes
A famous official of the Qing Dynasty
first in the imperial examinations for military personnel
a founding father of a country
Famous Anti Japanese General of Shanghai Campaign
Vice Premier of the State Council
Untitled General
Founding Lieutenant General
Yao Chungui
Proletarian Revolutionist
Secretary General of the United Nations, surnamed Yao, surnamed Yao Yao Jiwen
  • sports circle
full name
brief introduction
National table tennis player
Excellent Dutch singles player
International basketball superstar
  • scientific community
full name
brief introduction
Famous pathophysiologist
Now Xi'an Jiaotong University Director of International Dielectric Research Center
Currently, he is the director of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
World famous computer scientist
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Metallurgy, aerospace materials experts, rocket materials and technology experts, and winners of two bombs and one star medal for meritorious service
Huangpu Military Academy Phase VI General, Anti Japanese National Hero
  • business community
full name
brief introduction
Yao Yongfang
Malaysian businessman
Malaysian businessman
Yao Senliang
Malaysian businessman
Yao Shangkun
Business representatives
Yao Wenqing
Business representatives
Overseas Chinese industrialists
  • other
full name
brief introduction
One of the three great virtuous mothers in Chinese history, respected as a virtuous mother by Chinese people [18]
Yao Chongrun
Republic of Korea president Lee Myung bak mother [19]

Textual research

Dialectics of Ancient and Modern Surname Books 》It is recorded that "Shun was born in Yaoxu and took the surname of Yao, and lived in Guishui and took the surname of Gui, so Yao Hui changed his surname to Gui, Gui Hao He changed his surname to Yao, knowing that Yao and Gui can communicate When King Wu had Yu Yan's father, he offered sacrifices to the Emperor Yu. It was for the Duke of Hu.
Shangshu ·According to the Yao Code, Shun "sent his two daughters to Guirui and his concubines to Yu. Before Shun became emperor, the four Yue had recommended Shun to Emperor Yao. Yao married his two daughters to him and let them live by the Gui River. Some of their descendants who stayed by the Gui River took Gui as their surname.