Gu Zang

The first county of Wuwei County in the Han Dynasty, the seat of Yongzhou and Liangzhou Administrations
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Gu Zang, today Gansu Province Wuwei City Liangzhou , Han Dynasty Wuwei County The first county was called Liangzhou City in ancient times. since Western Han Dynasty During the reign of Emperor Wu, the name "Gu Zang" appeared Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Temporal Later Tang Dynasty During the Tiancheng period (926-930), the name "Guzang" existed for a thousand years.
Guzang City is an important city in Chinese history northwest Big cities. From the perspective of the history of population lineage, nearly half of the population of the Li family is "Gu Zang" name of a mountain in Hebei Province ”, Yin, Duan, etc. are "Guzang" influential families of a prefecture ”。 From the perspective of urban evolution, the architectural regulation of Guzang City is Luoyang Nanjing Model of city building (such as“ End gate ”"Gongbei Shinan"). From the perspective of city status, Guzang City is Precooling Aftercooling Nanliang Northern Cool Da Liang The capital of. From the perspective of ancient urban population structure, Tang dynasty Former Gu Zang Tong Yizhou Yangzhou Equal fame. From the perspective of city size and function, before the Tang Dynasty, Chang'an Luoyang , Gu Zang are parallel. From the strategic position, Gu Zang is the Silk Road The lifeblood and gateway of Liangzhou Assassin Ministry, Liangzhou dadudu Fu Hexi Festival Envoy The Ministry is located in Guzang. [1]
Chinese name
Gu Zang
Foreign name
Wuwei City, Gansu Province Liangzhou

Historical evolution

Guzang City Border Hun The Huns called it Gaizang City, and the Han people called it Guzang according to the pronunciation of the Huns.
Redords of the Grand History of China 》《 The History of the Han Dynasty 》It is recorded that the Huns divided the Hexi area into Hunxie King King Xiutu The king of folding orchids , Lu Hou Wang, etc. Wuwei area is the territory of King Xiutu. King Xiutu is now Wuwei City Sancha Village, Siba Township, at the junction of Liangzhou District and Minqin County, built Xiutu Town as a palace. [2]
Martial Emperor During this period, King Hunxie killed King Xiutu and led more than 40000 people to the Han Dynasty. Guzang City still exists.
Martial Emperor During this period, Gu Zang was Wuwei County The first county (with a county magistrate, it has 10000 people). The History of the Han Dynasty 》Record: "Wuwei County, so the Huns King Xiutu Land. The fourth year of Taichu (101 BC) of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was opened. There are seven thousand five hundred eighty-one households and seventy-six thousand four hundred nineteen households. County 10: Gu Zang. " [3]

City location

The note in The Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Records of Emperor Guangwu: "Wuwei County, the old city is in the northwest of Guzang County, Liangzhou, so Liangcheng is also".
According to the Records of Ming Dynasty Unification, "Guzang Waste County is two miles northeast of (Liangzhou) Wei".
The Annals of Wuwei County by Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty recorded that "the old city is two miles northeast of the county".
The Unified Annals of the Qing Dynasty records that "Guzang's old city is now the county seat of Wuwei". [4]

Urban layout

According to the Tongjian, "Gai Tinglun, the military envoy of Hexi, and Shang Hu An, the ninth surname of Wuwei, gathered 60000 people to kill Zhou Mi, the governor of Wuwei. Among the big cities of Wuwei, there are seven small cities, and Hu is the fifth, and two cities stick to it. Cui, the magistrate of Zhidu, said that Liu Rixin, the envoy of China, attacked it with two cities. Ten days has seven days, and it is flat.".
Hu Sansheng's note: "Wuwei Prefecture, Liangzhou, Zhigu Zang, the old city built by the Huns, seven miles from north to south, and three miles from east to west. The Zhang family built four more cities based on the Hexi River, with thousands of steps each, and the old city was five. The remaining two cities are unknown.".
According to the Annals of Yuanhe County, Liangzhou City is called "Bird City" because it is not square and has two wings at the head and tail.
According to the Zizhi Tongjian, "The spring is as big as a river in the north of Guzang City. It flows into the desert from the remaining ditches, and there is no dry land in between. So this edict is issued to explain your doubts".
"The Book of Jin · The Biography of Suo Jing": "At first, Jingxing went to the south of Guzang City and said, 'From now on, I will become a palace. When I arrived at Zhang Jun, I set up the south city, built a temple, and built a palace there.". [5]

City Building

Guzang City has always been a prosperous place in history. Eastern Jin Dynasty the Sixteen Kingdoms When, Precooling Aftercooling Nanliang Northern Cool All of them had their capital here. especially Precooling The city of Guzang was expanded, and "the palaces and pavilions were greatly renovated, and the decorations were made with beautiful colors". The seven cities are connected, with 22 gates, connected by streets and streets, magnificent in scale and magnificent in appearance; The palace, pavilion and pavilion in the city are exquisitely designed and luxuriously decorated. (《 Water injection 》Citation Wang Yin Jin Shu 》)。
Jin Shu ·According to the biography of Zhang Jun, "in the third year of Taining (325 years), Zhang Jun set up four leading officials at the left, right, front and back, and repaired the Southern Palace".
The Record of Hou Liang recorded that "(Lv) usurped to summon Lv Hong's wife and men and women to set up the Eastern Palace and caress it".
Jin Shu ·The biography of Zhang Chonghua records that "in the second year of Yonghe (346 years), Chonghua ascended the throne, and respected his mother Yan as the queen dowager of the king, living in Yongxun Palace; his birth mother Ma was the queen dowager, living in Yongshou Palace".
Liangzhou 》It is recorded that "Lv usurped the Mingguang Palace in the west of Jiantai, with gold, jade and pearls as the curtain foil".
It is recorded in Volume II of San Fu Record that "Weiyang Palace has a Gui Palace in the west and a Mingguang Palace in the middle. All the gold, jade and pearls are curtain foils. The moon beads are everywhere, and the golden majesty and jade steps are bright day and night".
It shows that there are palaces, palaces and sleeping rooms for the king and queen to deal with government affairs and residence in Guzang city buildings; There are halls and workshops for holding grand ceremonies, entertaining guests and serving as study rooms; There are temples, temples and pagodas for religious belief; There are pavilions, pools and platforms for peace and sightseeing.
Linyuan Pond, Xianyu Pond, Lingquan Pond, Wanqiu Pavilion, Zige Pavilion and Xiaoyao Garden have all disappeared, but the preserved Lingjun Platform, Haizang Temple, Luoshi Temple, Dayun Temple and other buildings can vaguely find the characteristics of ancient buildings in the past. [6]