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Shi'an County

County seat in the Eastern Han Dynasty
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In 522, the third year of Liangping in the Southern Dynasty, Quxian County was set as Shi'an County (today's Guang'an District ), under Liangzhou Beidangqu County (Governing Qu County today).
Chinese name
Shi'an County
Ancient County Name
Cure by reason
Jin Guang'an

Home of Western Han Dynasty

It belongs to Lingling County, Jingzhou. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was the Marquis of Shi'an, with its capital in Guilin today. In the Three Kingdoms period, it belonged to Shu first, and then to Wu. In November (December) of the first year of Wu Ganlu in the Three Kingdoms Period (265), Sun Hao divided the southern governor of Lingling County into Shi'an County, which was under the jurisdiction of Shi'an County. In the sixth year of Liang Datong in the Southern Dynasty (541), Guizhou was ruled. In the ninth year of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty (589), Shi'an County was abolished and set up as Guizhou General Manager's Office. Shi'an County was governed by Guizhou General Manager's Office. In 634, the eighth year of Zhenguan in Tang Dynasty, Shi'an County was renamed Lingui County.
Water injection 》Zhong said:“ Xiang Out of Lingling Tomb Shi'an County Yanghaishan Haiyangshan or Haiyang River )... Hunan and Lishui are of the same origin, divided into two rivers, Lishui in the south, Xiangchuan in the north and northeast [1] 。”

Southern Dynasties Liang Zhi

It was set in 522, the third year of Emperor Liangwu in the Southern Dynasty. The county is located in today's Jinguang Township, Guang'an City, Sichuan Province. It belongs to Beidangqu County. In the second year of the Western Wei Dynasty (553) when the Emperor was abolished, it belonged to Qingliu County. It was abolished in the third year of Emperor Kaihuang of the Sui Dynasty (583).

Tang home

In the first year of Wude, Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty (618), Zongcheng County was changed to Shi'an County. genus Quzhou Wude Seventh Year (624) Tongzhou governor's office Quzhou In the first year of Emperor Xuanzong's Tianbao (742), Shi'an County was changed to Qujiang County. The county seat is now Wangjiaping, Xiaoxi Township, Guang'an City, Sichuan Province.