A good wife

TV series directed by Luo Canran in 2020
open 2 entries with the same name
Chinese Mainland 56 episodes
zero Useful+1
The Good Wife is produced by Zhejiang Dingfeng Film Co., Ltd. and Horgos Dingfeng Film Co., Ltd, Luo Canran Directed by, scripted by Summit scriptwriting studio, Betty Li Wei Zhou Linjia Li Tai Leading actor, Zhao Wenxuan Xia Lijun Yue Yueli Source analysis Zhu Xiangyang Xu Rongzhen Urban women's emotional inspirational drama starring [1-2] [6]
The play tells the story of Li Jiayu, who was betrayed by her husband and her friends, and with the help of Lin Tianming, she regains herself and gains a happy life [8]
The play will be broadcast on Tencent Video on May 7, 2020 [2]
Luo Canran [6]
Premiere time
May 7, 2020
Chinese name
A good wife
Foreign name
Good Wife

essential information

Chinese name
A good wife
Foreign name
Good Wife
Tear up your lies
Type of work
Urban, female, emotional, inspirational
Betty Li Wei Zhou Linjia Zhao Wenxuan Li Tai Xia Lijun Kingly way Always bright Source analysis Zhu Xiangyang Xu Rongzhen Jerry [6]
Opening song
The Hidden Pain [6]
The Past [6]
Production area
Chinese Mainland
Luo Canran [6]
Summit scriptwriter studio [6]
film producer
Liu Chunli (General Manager) [5]
Production company
Zhejiang Dingfeng Film Co., Ltd., Horgos Dingfeng Film Co., Ltd [6]
Suzhou, Hangzhou, Shanghai
Premiere time
May 7, 2020
Network broadcast platform
Tencent Video
Broadcast status
Number of sets
56 episodes
Duration of each episode
45 minutes
Issuing company
Zhejiang Dingfeng Film Co., Ltd [6]
Production time
Issuance License No
(Shaanxi) QSZ (2016) No. 005 [12]


Li Jiayu, a good wife at home, has taken care of her husband He Haoze's family for many years. When her father-in-law suffered from acute liver cirrhosis, she needed her to donate some liver. She said nothing. Unexpectedly, after the operation, Li Jiayu found that her husband He Haoze was deeply in love with his girlfriend Zhou Xinyan. The devastated Li Jiayu accidentally fell off the cliff when he was relaxing in the mountains, causing amnesia. Lin Tianming, a righteous and kind-hearted man, saved Li Jiayu and gave her meticulous care. With the help of Lin Tianming, Li Jiayu discovered his talent for developing coffee and began his inspirational journey in the coffee industry. When the true feelings between the two people sprouted, Li Jiayu recovered all her memories, but instead of complaining and blaming, she helped He Haoze and Zhou Xinyen, and through her unremitting efforts, she consolidated the economic foundation and won the custody of her daughter. In this process, Li Jiayu was deeply moved by Lin Tianming's persistence. While becoming an excellent barista in the industry, Li Jiayu happily married Lin Tianming and married her lover [3]

Diversified plot

    Episode 1
    Li Jiayu used to have a happy family, who loved her father-in-law, lovely daughter, and her beloved husband. But a liver replacement operation sent Li Jiayu from a fool's paradise to hell. After Li Jiayu donated her liver to his father-in-law He Zhenguo, Ben was recuperating in the hospital, but someone kidnapped her while she was asleep. Li Jiayu struggled on the back seat of the car. His wound opened and a lot of blood flowed. At this time, the car was suddenly blocked by the falling rocks in front of it. The driver got off to check. Li Jiayu took the opportunity to escape, but he fell to the ground because of the pain caused by the open wound in his abdomen. The driver looked at her grimly, not worried about her escape. At this time, a burst of car lights came on, Li Jiayu desperately shouted for help, but the car forced her to the edge of the cliff. Li Jiayu slipped and fell, instinctively grasping a small tree on the edge of the cliff. At this time, the driver in the car came out, and her girlfriend Zhou Xinyan unexpectedly. Li Jiayu begged Zhou Xinyan to save her, but Zhou Xinyan looked at her coldly until the branch broke and Li Jiayu fell off the cliff. Zhou Xinyan then exhaled. Li Jiayu's disaster was not accidental. It was all planned by her husband He Haoze, who she thought loved deeply, and her girlfriend Zhou Xinyan. He Haoze secretly fell in love with Zhou Xinyan when he was young, but he was forced to marry Li Jiayu because Li Jiayu's father helped him when the business of the He family ran into difficulties. He has not forgotten Zhou Xinyan for the past ten years, just playing the role of a good husband in front of Li Jiayu. He hated Li Jiayu for having separated him from Zhou Xinyen for ten years. He Zhenguo had cirrhosis and needed liver transplantation, but Li Jiayu's liver was successfully matched. He Haoze persuaded Li Jiayu to donate liver, but he didn't let her tell anyone. Li Jiayu is about to go to hospital to donate liver, but in front of his daughter Ruirui, she said she would travel. Ruirui never left her mother when she was young, so she cried and begged Li Jiayu not to leave her. Li Jiayu calmed her for a long time, and Ruirui's mood calmed down and sent her to the school bus. Gu Min, He Zhenguo's girlfriend who has lived together for ten years, thought Li Jiayu was going to look for her father Li Zhengdao, so she asked her to borrow 100000 yuan. At ordinary times, He Haoze doesn't give Li Jiayu much money. Li Jiayu can't do anything about it. Gu Min's face immediately changes. He accuses her of giving money to her parents. When Li Zhengdao's business was big, Gu Min courted Li Jiayu. Now his business failed and he was forced to leave his hometown. Gu Min began to exclude Li Jiayu everywhere. Gu Min's snobbishness was too much for the servant aunt, and she privately felt aggrieved for Li Jiayu. Li Jiayu did not care. In this hospitalization, Li Jiayu was worried about her mother, Shen Fanfang. Since Li Zhengdao left home, the Li family's life has been in trouble. Li Jiaxing, Li Jiayu's younger brother, was also forced to stop studying abroad and return home. Li Jiayu had no time to meet her younger brother at the airport. She gave Shen Fanfang the money she saved and saved, and advised her to take care of herself until Li Zhengdao returned. He Haoze didn't even want to accompany Li Jiayu to the hospital. He asked Li Jiayu to go to the hospital alone on the pretext that the company had a meeting. He carefully designed everything and even let Li Jiayu hide from her mother. Stupid Li Jiayu has always regarded He Haoze as a good husband. He thought he was always thinking for himself, but he didn't want to fall into their trap step by step. Li Jiayu came to the hospital alone, and just wanted to take the elevator to the ward, but Lin Tianming, the young owner of Adia Coffee Company, was locked out of the elevator. Lin Tianming and his father, Lin Guodong, have always had a bad relationship. He put his successor aside, but opened a coffee shop outside with his own ability. When he saw the news in the newspaper that he was going to be the project leader of a coffee chain store, he angrily ran to the hospital to question his father, Lin Guodong. As soon as they met, the father and son were very angry. Zheng Yanan, Lin Tianming's childhood friend, saw that something was wrong and ran away to let them resolve the conflict. Li Jiaxing was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. Now his family is in decline. He can only return home in economy class. At the airport, he only saw his mother Shen Fanfang pick up the plane, full of complaints. Especially when he saw their family living in a dilapidated attic, he complained that Li Jiayu only cares about his own happiness and doesn't care about their mother and son. He Zhenguo is going to have a liver transplant, but Li Jiayu, his always virtuous daughter-in-law, is not around. Gu Min tells He Zhenguo and He Haoze that Li Jiayu is a jinx, bringing bad luck to their family. He Zhenguo has always believed in Li Jiayu's personality, scolded Gu Min, and refused to allow her to slander Li Jiayu, and warned He Haoze not to abandon Li Jiayu. Li Jiayu was watched to death by the nurse, who refused to let her leave until He Haoze came in. However, before Li Jiayu even bothered to keep warm with He Haoze, He Haoze got a call from Zhou Xinyan and walked away. Before the operation, He Haoze came to visit Li Jiayu with hypocrisy and praised her one by one. Li Jiayu was very nervous, but she forbore her husband. He Zhenguo's liver transplantation operation was very successful, and Li Jiayu was sent to the ward for recuperation after the operation. When Li Jiayu was in a coma, Zhou Xinyan came to the ward and hated her when she saw her sleeping soundly. When Li Jiayu was found by her alcoholic father, she lost her chance to study and became a tool for her father to earn money. Later, Li Jiayu married He Haoze again, making her lose her lover. Zhou Xinyan was filled with hatred and put her hand around Li Jiayu's neck. Li Jiayu dreamed that someone was going to kill her and held her by the neck. She thought she was dreaming, but the dream was too real. Seeing the pinch marks on her neck, she was more sure that it was real. Li Jiayu called He Haoze and asked him to come to the hospital to accompany her, but He Haoze refused because he was busy with his work.

    Episode 2
    Li Jiayu always dreamed that someone was going to kill her. She wanted to go home, but the nurse said that she had hallucinations because she had used pain killers. He Haoze advised Li Jiayu to rest in peace, and he hurried back to the company to deal with business. When He Haoze saw that the pinching marks on Li Jiayu's neck were clearly visible, he suspected Zhou Xinyan. He called her privately, but Zhou Xinyan denied it. Gu Min is dissatisfied with Li Jiayu's leaving at the critical moment of He Zhenguo's operation without even calling. She loses her temper in front of Shen Fenfang and warns her that if Li Jiayu doesn't come back, she should never enter their He home again. Shen Fenfang tries to contact Li Jiayu, but her mobile phone has been unable to connect. Shen Fenfang can't help worrying. Zhou Xinyan urges He Haoze to divorce Li Jiayu as soon as possible, but He Haoze wants to wait two days until Li Jiayu is fully recovered. Shen Fenfang could not contact Li Jiayu, so she called He Haoze. He Haoze felt guilty and dismissed her in a few words. Shen Fenfang sees He Haoze and Zhou Xinyan get on the bus and leave at the gate of the company. When Zhou Xinyan saw He Haoze mention the divorce, she dodged. She didn't say anything, but she had other plans in mind. Li Jiayu is lying in the hospital, while He Haoze and Zhou Xinyan are having affairs outside. Lin Guodong originally asked Zheng Yanan's father to persuade Lin Tianming to go back to the company to help, but so far it has not worked. Lin Guodong has no patience to wait any longer. He decides to force Lin Tianming to go home by his own means. First, he confiscates Lin Tianming's beloved motorcycle, and then he takes back his apartment. Lin Guodong's tough tactics did not make Lin Tianming surrender. He left the key of his apartment and was ready to drive away. But when he hit the steering wheel, he remembered the accident of that year, and finally calmed down and drove away from the apartment. Li Jiayu, worried about Ruirui, came to the garage with his injury and wanted to drive back, but he didn't want the injury to recur and fainted in the underground garage. Zhou Xinyan and Big Nine were about to come to the hospital to have a showdown with Li Jiayu. When they saw Li Jiayu who had fainted, they felt evil and asked Big Nine to drive Li Jiayu away. Li Jiayu woke up to find that she had been kidnapped by Brother Jiu, and at that time the wound in her abdomen had opened again. Halfway through the car, the road was blocked by rocks falling from the mountain. Brother Jiu went down to check. Li Jiayu took the opportunity to escape, but fell to the ground because of pain. Li Jiayu grabs the sand on the ground and sprinkles it on Big Nine's face, taking the opportunity to escape. At this time, Zhou Xinyan drives her car to follow her. Li Jiayu rushes up for help, but Zhou Xinyan forces Li Jiayu off the cliff step by step. In order to destroy the evidence, Zhou Xinyan and Big Nine pushed Li Jiayu's car down the cliff. As they drove away, they just passed Lin Tianming's car. Li Jiayu fell on the lawn. When she woke up, it was raining cats and dogs. She tried to climb the cliff, but the mountain road was wet and slippery. The wound on her abdomen opened again, and the pain was unbearable. Li Jiayu tried his best to climb onto the road and fell in front of Lin Tianming's car. Lin Tianming helps Li Jiayu onto the bus and takes her to the hospital. Lin Tianming sent Li Jiayu to the hospital. The doctor was busy saving him. Lin Tianming did his duty and left. Zhou Xinyan told He Haoze the news that Li Jiayu had fallen into the cliff, and suggested to him that Li Jiayu should be charged with fleeing with money. The three men conspired in collusion with each other, with the same caliber, and pushed their own crimes to a clean slate. He Haoze cleared away all of Li Jiayu's personal belongings left in the ward, and gave the nurse a sum of money to keep her mouth shut. The police found Li Jiayu's car, but did not find her person. He Haoze was worried that Li Jiayu was not dead and that something would happen to him. But Zhou Xinyan calmly asked him to continue to arrange their plans. He Haoze told Shen Fenfang that Li Jiayu took all the valuable things of the He family and ran away from home. His villain complained first and poured dirty water on Li Jiayu. Shen Fanfang didn't believe her daughter would do such a thing. He Haoze warned Shen Fenfang that Li Jiayu was committing a crime and asked her to contact him once she learned about Li Jiayu.

    Episode 3
    Shen Fanfang returns home in a state of shock. She turns her anger on Li Zhengdao, grabs the photos on the cabinet and throws them on the ground. Li Jiayu is in a coma. The hospital needs to give her a CT scan, so we can only contact Lin Tianming and ask him to come and go through the formalities. Lin Tianming and Li Jiayu were strangers and didn't want to interfere, but Li Jiayu reminded her of the car accident many years ago. He couldn't bear to let her go, so he rushed to the hospital. At this time, Brother Jiu was searching around the hospital for Li Jiayu. Li Jiayu wakes up from the coma. She is delirious and feels that everyone wants to hurt her. She rushes out of the ward and is seen by Brother Jiu. Li Jiayu rushed out of the hospital, and the eldest brother was about to catch her when Lin Tianming arrived. Li Jiayu immediately got into his car and begged him to take him away. After getting into Lin Tianming's car, Li Jiayu relaxed and fell asleep, but she kept holding on to Lin Tianming's clothes. Lin Tianming takes her back to the villa. Brother Jiu informed Zhou Xinyan of the news that Li Jiayu had been rescued. Zhou Xinyan blamed Brother Jiu for his incompetence, but Brother Jiu was confident that he could find Li Jiayu. He Haoze has done something shameful and has trouble sleeping and eating. He is afraid that Li Jiayu will come back and expose everything. Shen Fangfang went to the police station to report the case. The evidence she provided was limited, and the police could only deal with it as if she had run away from home. He Haoze decided that Li Jiayu would not come back, blamed all the charges on her, and told He Zhenguo that Li Jiayu had left home with money. He Zhenguo did not believe what He Haoze said and insisted on meeting Li Jiayu. Li Jiayu is sleeping soundly in the Lin family's villa. Lin Tianming can't help feeling pity for her when he sees her. He thinks of his mother who died early. In order to make He Zhenguo accept Zhou Xinyan, He Haoze unexpectedly said that Li Jiayu would not donate his liver to him, but that the liver he transplanted was donated by Zhou Xinyan. He Haoze and Zhou Xinyan arranged everything in the hospital. Zhou Xinyan checked into Li Jiayu's ward and pretended to be very weak. He Zhenguo believed that she had just finished the operation. Zhou Xinyan wants He Zhenguo to let her marry He Haoze, but He Zhenguo doesn't agree. Their painstaking efforts failed, and Zhou Xinyan was enraged. Shen Fenfang sends a notice of looking for someone on the street, and relies on her own strength to find Li Jiayu everywhere. Li Jiayu wakes up and forgets her identity. After she recovers, she stays in Lin Tianming's shop to help. Lin Tianming named her Mengchen. Li Jiayu was very diligent and almost fell off the ladder when he helped Lin Tianming clean the camera on the shelf. Fortunately, Lin Tianming caught her in time. Li Jiayu and the camera were intact. But when Li Jiayu fell into Lin Tianming's arms, both of them felt very excited. Lin Tianming couldn't help taking many pictures of Li Jiayu. Zheng Yanan was jealous when he saw that. He didn't want Li Jiayu to stay in the store any longer. He hinted to Lin Tianming to let her leave. Lin Tianming refuses her at once. Zheng Yanan doesn't like it and deliberately tells Lin Tianming and Li Jiayu that he wants to go on a blind date. Lin Tianming is indifferent to this, but he teaches Li Jiayu to make coffee himself. Li Jiayu, under Lin Tianming's guidance, made a cup of coffee. Lin Tianming watched her try the coffee and couldn't help lifting her hair. They were embarrassed. Zhou Xinyan often walks around the He's house. Gu Min acts on the wind and repeatedly helps Zhou Xinyan to make her stay with Haoze. He Zhenguo doesn't give her a chance at all. Zhou Xinyan uses the hard meat trick to pretend to be pitiful in front of He Zhenguo. He Zhenguo's heart softened a little, and Zhou Xinyan privately gave Gu Min a beauty card to win people's hearts. Gu Min is a greedy woman. Now she is totally on Zhou Xinyan's side. Shen Fenfang asks Li Jiaxing to send a notice for him on the street. Li Jiaxing feels ashamed and asks Shen Fenfang to ask the He Family for money. Shen Fenfang scolded him, but Li Jiaxing lost his temper and blamed his family's decline. He had no face in front of his friends. Shen Fenfang cried bitterly when she saw her son become like this. Li Jiaxing felt that he had gone too far.

    Episode 4
    Li Jiayu and Lin Tianming were confused by what happened in the coffee shop during the day. They couldn't sleep, and couldn't help thinking of what happened during the day. Li Jiayu unconsciously wrote down Lin Tianming's name in his notebook. Zheng Yanan complained to his parents that Lin Tianming ignored him and was a little enthusiastic about Li Jiayu. Zheng's father had already seen that Lin Tianming had no intention of Zheng Yanan, but Zheng's mother regarded Lin Tianming as the first choice for her son-in-law. In Ruirui Kindergarten, parents are invited to participate in activities. Gu Min asks He Haoze to take Zhou Xinyan with him. Ruirui weeps and refuses, insisting on his parents to participate together. He Zhenguo accused He Haoze of not continuing to look for Li Jiayu, and blamed himself for not taking good care of Li Jiayu's family. He Haoze said that he had no nostalgia for Li Jiayu and hoped that He Zhenguo would not force him. He Zhenguo has always liked Li Jiayu, and no one can slander her, even his son. When Zheng Yanan saw Lin Tianming buying a hairpin for girls, he thought it was for him. But Lin Tianming gave the hairpin to Li Jiayu. Li Jiayu immediately pinned his hairpin to his hair and smiled sweetly. When Zheng Yanan saw the hairpin on her head, it was a bit tasteful. She deliberately opened Li Jiayu and asked her to help fetch the paper cup. Brother Jiu happened to pass Li Jiayu holding a paper cup on the street. When he found the notice posted on the street, he immediately felt bad. He found Shen Fenfang's house according to the address on the notice, but did not find any trace of Li Jiayu's contact with his family. He Haoze has a business to cooperate with Lin's Group. He wants to start with Lin Tianming, so he asks his staff to inquire about Lin Tianming and is ready to meet him. Li Jiayu accidentally lost the hairpin she was wearing on her head, which was picked up by Zheng Yanan. She deliberately threw it into the garbage can. Li Jiayu hurries to look for the hairpin in the trash can. He Haoze, who came to the coffee shop to look for Lin Tianming, just missed him. Lin Tianming is unwilling to cooperate with He Haoze and asks him to find Lin Guodong, but He Haoze doesn't give up and leaves the materials behind. Li Jiayu finally found the hairpin. She turned her head and saw He Haoze's back. She had a strong sense of familiarity, but she just couldn't remember. Gu Min gives Zhou Xinyan a chance to get along with Ruirui, but Ruirui doesn't accept her. Zhou Xinyan deliberately acts considerate and generous in front of He Haoze, but she hates Ruirui as a big trouble. Brother Jiu found Lin Tianming's villa and learned from the nanny that Li Jiayu had gone to the coffee shop in the city. Zheng Yanan, jealous of Li Jiayu, disliked her for being an eyesore and affecting his solitude with Lin Tianming, deliberately led her into the door lock and damaged the printing room, locking her in. Who knows Zheng Yanan's self defeating tricks, Lin Tianming is hiding in the printing room because he is upset. Zheng Yanan's move gave Lin Tianming and Li Jiayu a chance to be alone. They were interested in each other. This time, they were locked in the same room, warming up their feelings. Lin Tianming couldn't help kissing Li Jiayu. Zheng Yanan, however, failed to find Lin Tianming everywhere, so he had to ask the unlocking company to open the lock. However, just after the door was opened, Lin Tianming and Li Jiayu came out. Both of them looked a little strange. Zheng Yanan was very angry. After a kiss in the secret room, the relationship between Lin Tianming and Li Jiayu has made a breakthrough. Lin Tianming gave Li Jiayu the developed and printed photo and left the most beautiful one beside him. When Zhou Xinyan saw the financial statements of He Haoze Company, she found that their company's finance was very tight. She wanted to go to work in the company, but He Haoze didn't want her to worry about it, and asked her to help keep it secret. She didn't want He Zhenguo to know the company's situation. Zhou Xinyan promised He Haoze, but secretly changed the financial statements. When He Zhenguo saw the bleak financial statements, he became furious and scolded He Haoze for his incompetence. He Zhenguo was already in poor health. After losing his temper, he was a little excited and almost fainted. Zhou Xinyan eavesdropped on everything outside, laughing to herself, but pretending to care. Zhou Xinyan helped He Haoze operate privately. She went to see her old classmate, President Zhang, and asked him to help her. Zhou Xinyan saw Li Zhengdao in her graduation photo in President Zhang's office, and several pictures flashed through her mind. At that time, Li Zhengdao fell into a coma in the Philippines and was buried in the woods.

    Episode 5
    On his birthday, Lin Tianming specially left Li Jiayu to celebrate with him. Lin Tianming used his birthday to tell Li Jiayu that he didn't know who he was and didn't think he was worthy of him. Lin Tianming doesn't care about her past, but only wants to have her present and future. Lin Tianming is deeply attached to him, and Li Jiayu is deeply moved. Zheng Yanan pesters Lin Tianming like a follower. Lin Tianming ignores her, but his eyes never leave Li Jiayu. Zheng Yanan is so angry that he wants to go to the classmate party. Li Jiayu is envious when he learns that she is going to the classmate party. Zheng Yanan suspects that she has recovered her memory and deliberately refuses to leave. Lin Tianming protects Li Jiayu and urges Zheng Yanan to go out. Lin Guodong just sees him. When Lin Guodong saw Lin Tianming and Li Jiayu together, he showed a long lost smile. Zheng Yanan met Li Jiaxing at a classmate party. The two had never dealt with each other. When they met, they pinched each other. The landlord urges Shen Fangfang to pay the rent. Shen Fangfang finds that the money is missing and suspects Li Jiaxing has taken it away. Shen Fenfang runs to the bar where Li Jiaxing's classmates meet and asks him for money. Li Jiaxing, afraid of losing face in front of her classmates, pushed Shen Fenfang away and asked her to go home quickly. Zheng Yanan sees that Li Jiaxing bullies Shen Fenfang and helps her fight against injustice. Zhou Xinyan has not answered He Haoze's phone calls. He Haoze is worried that she will deliberately alienate him because she knows that the company is not doing well. Secretary Jin told him that the bank was pressing for repayment, and He Haoze was more anxious. At this time, the bank called to agree with them to postpone the repayment time, and said that Zhou Xinyan came out to intercede. He Haoze felt even more inseparable from Zhou Xinyan. Lin Tianming unexpectedly stopped business at noon when business was at its peak and took Li Jiayu on a date. When they went to the countryside for a picnic, Lin Tianming took many photos of Li Jiayu. Li Jiayu saw a little girl crying in the countryside. She couldn't help running to her. She was confused about her abnormal behavior and was excited for a moment. She fainted. Zhou Xinyan uses Ruirui as a tool to intentionally direct a play. She saves Ruirui who was almost hit by a car in front of He Zhenguo. He Zhenguo and Gu Min are very grateful to her. When He Haoze heard the news, he couldn't sit still any more. He went to find He Zhenguo and told him that Zhou Xinyan had solved the company's dilemma. He Haoze threatens to resign and forces He Zhenguo to agree to his marriage with Zhou Xinyan. He Zhenguo agrees to divorce He Haoze and Li Jiayu. He Haoze immediately tells Zhou Xinyan the good news. Zhou Xinyan finally got everything she wanted. He Haoze filed a divorce lawsuit on the grounds of Li Jiayu's donation abscond. Li Jiayu found that Zheng Yanan had made the wrong coffee for the guest, but Zheng Yanan relied on his old age to sell his old age. He felt that he had done nothing wrong, and in turn blamed Li Jiayu for deliberately targeting her. Lin Tianming checks in person and finds that Zheng Yanan has taken the wrong coffee beans. Seeing that Lin Tianming doesn't help himself, Zheng Yanan runs away angrily. He Zhenguo is trapped by Zhou Xinyan and agrees to let her enter He's home. Zhou Xinyan is very hypocritical. She pretends to be generous and decent in front of the second old man of the He family, but she doesn't hide her ambition in front of the servant aunt. Before she formally enters the room, she asks her aunt to throw out all of Li Jiayu's belongings. Gu Min supports Zhou Xinyan's approach and asks her aunt to throw away all of Li Jiayu's things. Shen Jiaxing was spoiled from childhood and could not live a hard life. He even asked Shen Fenfang to beg He Haoze to give them money to improve their lives. Shen Fenfang hates this worthless son. The court sent the summons to Shen Fanfang. She saw that her legs were weak and she fell on the ground. Zhou Xinyan cleans up all the things of Li Jiayu, and even the photos of Li Jiayu are thrown away. Ruirui can't see the photos, crying and making noises. Gu Min bails out Zhou Xinyan and says that she threw away Li Jiayu's things, but the nanny aunt says that Zhou Xinyan asked her to throw them away. He Zhenguo's face immediately became ugly.

Diversity scenario reference [4]

screen credits



Betty Ornament Li Jiayu
Dubbing -
Li Wei Ornament Lin Tianming
Dubbing Wu Lingyun
Zhou Linjia Ornament Zhou Xinyan
Dubbing Ji Guanlin
Li Tai Ornament He Haoze
Dubbing Bianjiang River
Source analysis Ornament Zheng Yanan
Dubbing -
Zhu Xiangyang Ornament Li Jiaxing
Dubbing Knowing the way and acting
Zhao Wenxuan Ornament Lin Guodong
Dubbing Zhou Yemang
Xia Lijun Ornament Shen Fenfang
Dubbing -
Yue Yueli Ornament He Zhenguo
Dubbing Soup rain
Xu Rongzhen Ornament Gu Min
Dubbing -
Kingly way Ornament Li Zhengdao
Dubbing Xuan Xiaoming
Always bright Ornament Jiang Dajiu
Dubbing -
Shen Lei Ornament Zheng Liangwei
Dubbing -
Rosewood Ornament Wu Meili
Dubbing -
Concubine Li Luofei Ornament Helium stamen
Dubbing -
Ge Jiwei Ornament Secretary Liu
Dubbing -
Xiang Hao Ornament Secretary Jin
Dubbing -
Zhao Zibo Ornament Jiang Chengyu
Dubbing -
Qi Baixue Ornament Lawyer Cui
Dubbing -
Jinhui Ornament Zhang Shuzhe
Dubbing -
Zhang Xinhua Ornament Dr. Lin
Dubbing -
Chen Ye Ornament Zhang Zhijie
Dubbing -
Yin Chendi Ornament Zhang Wei
Dubbing -
Wang Zhengjia Ornament criminal police
Dubbing -
Zhang Jingyi Ornament Li Dan
Dubbing -
Jerry Ornament Little Tianming
Dubbing -
Zhou Haodong Ornament Zhou Liguang
Dubbing -
Han Feng Ornament Security Captain
Dubbing -
Yan Jingyao Ornament Rebekagin
Dubbing -

Employee List

publisher Sun Zhonghuai Liu Chunli Wang Jianjun Gao Yunfei (General Manager)
producer Chen Xi, Zhang Meng, Ren Qiang, Wang Wenqing (producer), Li Xiaowei, Pan Shujia (executive producer), Xu Hua, Fang Fang, Liu Chunli (chief producer)
Supervised by Chen Yuren, Han Zhijie, Wang Dazheng (General Manager), Jin Ailing, Cui Hongwei, Wu Wentao
director Luo Canran (General Manager) Huang Yingsheng (Group B)
Associate Director (Assistant) Liu Yuan, Liu Xingzhou, Huang Jian (acting deputy director), Li Linsen, Zhong Kui, Xu Jingtong (deputy director assistant), Zhang Weiwei (director assistant)
Scriptwriter Summit scriptwriter studio
Photography Batu Ujj, Batu Uqirira, Ke Wenlong, Urighiratu, Zeng Yongle
clip Huang Guoxin
prop Wang Tiecheng
Casting director Dingfeng Film Studio, Chang Liang
dubbing director Liao Jing, Zhang Wei
Art Design Bowstone
Modeling design Yanzi
clothing design Zhushasha
lighting Wang Junjie, Sun Shuibing
sound recording Zhao Kun, Zheng Jing
Field record Wei Dongli, Zhang Yige
issue Liu Chunli
Performer List Reference [5-6]

Role Introduction

Li Jiayu
performer Betty
dubbing -
From a good wife at home to a workplace beauty in a coffee company.
Character: Although born into a wealthy family, he is pure hearted, and can transmit positive energy, making people around him happy and happy. He still has an optimistic smile when encountering misfortune, and is tenacious.
Lin Tianming
performer Li Wei
dubbing -
From a "rebellious prince" to a "guard heroine" coffee knight.
Character: Before encountering the heroine, he was a cold, arrogant and rebellious man due to family reasons. After encountering the heroine, he was a careful and warm man who always helped and guarded the heroine.
Zhou Xinyan
performer Zhou Linjia
dubbing -
From a "fake princess" who was fostered in a rich family to a "devil" who was scheming, from a "fake princess" who was fostered in a rich family to a "devil" who was scheming. The breakdown of a small family and the displacement of people have resulted in sensitivity, suspicion, scheming, extreme inferiority and selfishness. She was Li Jiayu's best friend, but she had an affair with her husband He Haoze, and she still purposely approached him.
He Haoze
performer Li Tai
dubbing -
From the CEO of a coffee shop to a despicable man who forgets his righteousness. Character: clear goals, interests first; He was arranged by his father to marry Li Jiayu. After marriage, she was fascinated by Zhou Xinyan, Li Jiayu's "best friend". So He Haoze and Zhou Xinyan jointly set a trap to let Li Jiayu's love, family and friendship collapse.
Lin Guodong
performer Zhao Wenxuan
dubbing -
Lin Tianming's father, chairman of Adia Coffee Company. Lin Guodong was a workaholic when he was young, and his relationship with his son Tianming was weak. As time went by, Lin Guodong began to regret it. In order to improve the precarious father son relationship and pass on the Malu Empire built by himself to his son Lin Tianming, Lin Guodong has formulated a father son relationship repair plan and put it into practice.
Shen Fenfang
performer Xia Lixin
dubbing -
Li Jiayu's mother. With the love of her husband, Li Zhengdao, she has lived a perfect life of calm and smoothness. She is a typical good wife and mother, always caring for Zhou Xinyan's existence.
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Role Introduction Reference [4]

Music soundtrack

Song name
The Hidden Pain
He Huihui, Li Yang
He Huihui, Wang Zitong
Zhao Lu
Opening song
The Past
He Huihui, Li Yang
He Huihui, Wang Zitong
He Huihui
Behind Happiness
He Huihui, Li Yang
He Huihui, Wang Zitong
Zhang Xiaoyi, Tian Tian
reference material [6]

Behind the scenes production

Original intention of creation
This is a good story that shows women's positive energy, and brings "good wife, good woman" in a variety of professional fields into the audience's view with colorful life music [7]
shooting process
On July 8, 2015, the play was officially launched in Suzhou [9] On November 2 of the same year, the play was officially completed in Suzhou [10]

Broadcast information

Publicity activities
On October 8, 2015, the play exposed a group of hand drawn posters [11] On May 7, 2020, the show was announced to be exclusively broadcast on Tencent Video [2]
Broadcasting platform
Broadcast time
Broadcasting platform
May 7, 2020
Tencent Video [2]
July 20, 2020
Nanjing Film Channel [13]
December 12, 2021
Wuhan No.2 [14]
April 22, 2022
Nanjing Film Channel [16]
January 28, 2023
Hunan TV Drama Channel [15]

Drama evaluation

The Good Wife breaks away from the traditional framework of similar themes, focuses on women's self discovery and growth, shows the audience the diversity of women as partners, mothers, daughters, professionals and other different roles with vivid details, and depicts the soft but tough character of women, which is really surprising. The core focus of the play coincides with the overseas play "The World of Couples". Both of the two works have made in-depth expressions of social phenomena such as men and women's infidelity, marriage breakdown, etc. in combination with their own language. When the emotional crisis between the sexes has become a popular source of material in film and television works, the social and practical significance behind it is self-evident [8] Netease Entertainment Review)