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Yellow or white fatty semi-solid food
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Cream refers to milk Centrifugal separation The cream is then obtained, and the dairy products are made by ripening, stirring and pressing. Milk fat is the main component of cream, which is rich in nutrition and can be eaten directly or used as the raw material of other foods such as ice cream [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Main raw materials
Whether preservative is contained
Main nutrients
Fat, Protein
Main edible effects
Vitamin A supplementation
side effect
Storage method
First wrap the cream carefully with paper, and then put it into a cream box or sealed box for storage

Food nutrition

Food name cream
Content Reference Amount of food per 100 grams
energy 879 kcal
protein 0.7 g
Fat 97 g
cholesterol 209 mg
Saturated fatty acid 42.8 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 17.4 g
Monounsaturated fatty acid 31.3 g
carbohydrate 0.9 g
sodium 268 mg
magnesium 2 mg
phosphorus 11 mg
potassium 226 mg
calcium 14 mg
iron 1 mg
copper 0.42 mg
zinc 0.09 mg
selenium 0.7 μg
vitamin A 297 μg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.01 mg
vitamin E 1.99 mg

Cream classification

The cream sold on the market today is mainly divided into animal cream and vegetable cream.
Animal butter, also known as light cream or thin cream, is separated from whole milk and has a strong natural frankincense. During the separation process, the fat in the milk will float on the top layer and become cream because of the different specific gravity of the fat. The fat content of animal cream is 30% - 38%, and its nutritional value is between full fat milk and butter, which is relatively expensive.
Vegetable cream, also known as margarine and fat cream, is often used as a substitute for light cream. It was invented by American Weiyi in 1945. Vegetable butter is mostly made by hydrogenation of vegetable oil, adding artificial flavor, preservative, pigment and other additives. If you pay close attention to the ingredient label of vegetable cream, you will find that there is no milk fat and cholesterol in it, but there is trans fatty acid. Excessive intake will lead to high cholesterol and increase the incidence of cardiovascular disease.
In use, according to send The consumption of animal cream is more. Beating rate refers to the volume expansion rate of cream after high-speed mixing. The cream is sent by filling a lot of air, which makes the cream expand and become solid. The whipping rate of animal cream is very low. It can only swell to 1:2 at most, and generally it can only be beaten to 1:1.5. But vegetable butter has at least a 1:3 expansion rate. If the temperature is appropriate, it can even reach a 1:4 or above expansion rate, which will greatly save raw materials.
Compared with vegetable butter, animal butter contains more water, less oil, and is easy to melt Piping It is difficult to keep the shape of the cake after it is stored at room temperature for a long time, and it will become soft and deformed. It needs to be refrigerated between 0 ℃ and 5 ℃. As vegetable butter does not contain milk fat, its melting point is higher than that of animal butter, and its stability is strong, so it can make all kinds of fancy and even three-dimensional shapes, and can not melt at room temperature for one hour. To distinguish the two kinds of cream, the most intuitive way is to use the hand rubbing method to judge: apply animal cream and vegetable cream on the palm respectively, and rub them. The animal cream will soon disappear in the palm, leaving only a small amount of grease in the palm, as if smeared Hand Cream But the vegetable cream is still in the palm after being rubbed for a long time. As the rubbing time increases, the vegetable cream will even take shape in the palm.
When using animal cream, the cake is naturally milky white and slightly yellow in color; In terms of aroma, the higher the grade of animal cream, the more Milk fat The richer the amount, the stronger the milk flavor. As vegetable cream is artificially synthesized, its color is mostly bright white, which is more snow-white than animal cream; Vegetable cream is a synthetic flavor prepared according to the public taste, which smells "delicate".
Of course, whether it's margarine or natural animal cream, Fat The content is high. It is recommended to take it moderately, 2-3 times a week, about 30g a time.