slave society

[nú lì shè huì]
One of the five social forms of Marxism
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Slave society is Marxism Big Five social formation one of.
Marxism believes that with the development of stone tools, the emergence of metal tools, and the further development of production, labour productivity It has been greatly improved. Social products In addition to the necessity of maintaining people's lives, there began to be surplus. Remaining products The emergence of physical labor , specializing in social management And culture Scientific activities It provides possibility, thus promoting the development of production; On the other hand private ownership The production of prepared conditions. along with private ownership The emergence of exploiting class and Exploited class Primitive society It began to disintegrate and the slave society came into being. Slaves are regarded as Slave owner Property, can Free trade Slave owners can force slaves to work, and labor activities must be dominated by slaves, with no remuneration and personal freedom. One human society If most substances Production field Labourers are slaves, and the social form is slave society.
Chinese name
slave society
Foreign name
The Slave Society
time frame
2070-476 BC
One of the five social forms of Marxism
Lord oppression

essential information

Slaves are regarded as the property of slave owners, which can be bought and sold. Slave owners can force slaves to work. The labor activities must be dominated by slaves, without pay, and without Personal freedom One human society Medium, if most substances Production field Labourers are slaves. Such a society is called slave society.
The society that people exploit people after the collapse of primitive society. It is characterized by the slave owner's possession of the slave's body and the practice of super economic slavery. In the slave society, the slave owners Superstructure occupy leading role Slave possession mode of production It determines the basic development direction of the whole society. Slave society first appeared in Egypt , West Asia and India, and then in Greece, Italy and other places. At the end of the primitive society productivity And the development of division of labor, labour productivity To enable workers to produce Remaining products So as to make it profitable to enslave others. In this case Human history The first form of human exploitation by the last person is Slave possession The earliest slave owners were differentiated from within the primitive society Gentile aristocracy The earliest slaves were other clans captured in the clan tribal war. With the disintegration of primitive society Polarization between rich and poor As the situation worsened, the rich clan nobles increasingly enslaved the poor clan members, whose main form was debt servitude. The poor clan members who were unable to pay their debts were often sold by creditors to other clan tribes as slaves. In addition, punishment of criminals, piracy, human trafficking, slave trade, domestic slaves, etc. are also important sources of slaves. As the conflicts and struggles between slaves and slave owners become increasingly fierce Slave owner class Repressing slaves and other tools of the exploited Slave state emerge as the times require.
Marxism believes that the earliest Asia Africa and Europe The emerging countries are all slavery countries. class structure And class struggle In slave society, residents are divided into Free people And slaves; Within the free people, they can be divided into slave owners who own slaves and self-employed workers who do not own slaves; The slaves were divided into several groups; There are still many things between free people and slaves Transitional Class. Within the free people, there is a struggle between the civilians facing the danger of becoming slaves and the slave owners and nobles; Between free people and slaves, between slave owning countries and enslaved Foreign countries There is obvious opposition between people or subjects. The struggle of slaves against slave owners, and the struggle of enslaved clan tribes against conquerors, are often manifested in large-scale uprisings. However, the way slaves revolted against the slave owners was more often to slacken off, flee, destroy production tools or kill individual vicious slave owners. In the struggle against exploitation and enslavement by slave owners, slaves sometimes acted jointly with civilians among free people. With the improvement of labor tools and production skills accumulation Division of labor Development of slavery Production relations It is increasingly in contradiction with the further development of social productivity. At the end of the slave society, a group of Big Land owner The majority of free people gradually became the exploited and oppressed class in the same situation as slaves, social contradictions Increasingly intensified. Through long-term revolutionary reforms in different forms, the slave owning countries gradually embarked on the road of feudalism, and the large land owners evolved into Feudal lord Slaves and freemen turned into serfs. Mainly exploiting serfs Feudal mode of production Gradually replacing slavery Production mode

Historical Yearbook

From the 21st century BC Xia Dynasty It was a slave society in China from the beginning to the end of the Spring and Autumn Period in 476 BC.
Xia, founded by Yu, was the earliest slavery country in China. In the 16th century BC, Xia Wang Jie When in position, is Shang Tang Lead the army to destruction.
16th to 11th century BC Shang Dynasty Is the development period of slave society. In the Shang Dynasty, agriculture and handicraft industry were relatively developed, and bronze smelting and casting reached a high level. The history of Chinese writing began in the Shang Dynasty. King Zhou of Shang Dynasty When ruling, King Wu of Zhou The Shang Dynasty perished when the army attacked Zhou.
The Western Zhou Dynasty, from the 11th century BC to 771 BC, was a period of prosperity for the slave society. Western Zhou Dynasty The ruler implemented Enfeoffment system and Minefield system When King Li of Zhou ruled“ Chinese riots ”, King Li Zhou Escape, and the regime was held by Zhou and Zhao Ergong. In 771 BC, the Western Zhou Dynasty was destroyed by Canrong.
The Spring and Autumn Period from 770 BC to 476 BC was a period of gradual disintegration of the slave society. During this period, the Zhou royal family declined, Vassals contending for hegemony Thanks to the use of ironware and the emergence of cattle farming, productivity has increased, privately owned farmland Increase, promote Slavery State owned land Based Minefield system Gradually disintegrated, slavery collapsed Feudalism replace. During the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a cultural prosperity.

Important events

More than 2000 years ago, Rome It is a slavery society. When the Romans conquered other countries, they turned local residents into slaves. Slaves are called "talking tools". They are the property and goods of their masters, without any rights. Even their children belong to their masters. Slaves are not protected by law, and slave owners can kill their own slaves at will.
Slave owners let slaves wear Fetters Do all kinds of hard labor and pick out the strongest and bravest Gladiatus , on Colosseum They were forced to fight or kill each other with wild animals for their own entertainment. This kind of fight is extremely brutal. The result of the fight is that all the gladiators die or leave the last one. This article Spartak And ten other slaves were gladiators.
Spartak Uprising It took place in Rome in the late 1970s BC. In 73 BC, Capua Two hundred gladiators, unable to stand the darkness of life, fled to Mount Vesuvius Spartak An uprising was held under the leadership. Many slaves converged on Spartak from all directions. The force of the uprising grew rapidly and formed a group of 70000 people Insurgent army In 71 BC, the Rebellion and Roman army A decisive battle was launched. The insurgents were poorly armed and tired, and could not stop the crazy attack of the Roman army, so they failed. Spartak fought bravely until he died.
Spartak Leading slave uprising yes Ancient history The most glorious struggle of the oppressed class in China, this uprising severely hit the rule of slave owners. Spartak's heroic deeds are always praised by people. teacher of the revolution Marx I was reading Appian Written《 History of Rome 》He praised Spartak and said, "Spartak is the most brilliant person in the whole ancient history Great Commander (unlike Garibaldi), noble character, ancient proletariat " (《 Complete Works of Marx and Engels 》Vol. 30, p. 159) [1] Lenin Praise Spartak is“ One of the most outstanding heroes in the largest slave uprising. " (The Complete Works of Lenin, Vol. 29, page 438) [2]


The theoretical analysis of the bipolar world points out that after the invention of agriculture, the competition relationship based on land has become human Social evolution The main driving force of. When the land based annexation war among tribes reached a certain scale, the slave class came into being Slave owner class and Slave state [3]

historical significance

Slave society It is a great progress. It broke the parochialism of clan tribal relations in primitive society, thus facilitating the expansion of social production scale, physical labor and mental labour The development of division of labor material civilization And the further development of spiritual culture. In this historical change, Slave owner Undoubtedly, they can get rid of heavy physical labor, engage in mental labor or not participate in labor. At the same time, it should be noted that slaves also get benefits. Some prisoners of war slaves avoid the fate of being defeated and killed living standard It is better than the primitive society as a whole.




Slave society replacement Primitive society And created necessary conditions for the development of productive forces. The main reasons are
1. Preservation of a large number of labors
stay Slavery Under the circumstances, prisoners of war were no longer killed, but became slaves, saving a large number of labor. Labourers are human factors in productivity. Saving a large number of labor force is likely to create more wealth for the society, which is conducive to the development of the whole social economy.
Slave owners possess a large amount Means of production And a large number of slaves, concentrated in their own manors and workshops, may organize large-scale production, thus improving production efficiency And complete huge projects.
3. Development of division of labor and collaboration
A large number of slaves productive labor In order to make the division of labor between different departments and within the same department more and more detailed Labor skills And increasing proficiency, labour productivity It also improved rapidly. This has promoted the further improvement of the level of social productivity.


Bronze tools Widespread use of
After entering the slave society, human beings Social production Has made great progress in various fields, especially Metallurgical technology Greatly improved, bronze tools have been widely used.
Bronze tools have been widely used in production, which is the main symbol of the development of productive forces in slave society.
handicraft industry Development of
Bronze smelting is an important branch of handicraft industry. In slave society, bronze tools were also mainly used in handicrafts. The handicraft industry in the slave society was an important window to show the production development at that time, which was mainly manifested in the complete handicraft industry, large scale, and fine craftsmanship.
③ Commercial development and urban prosperity
With the development of handicraft industry, commodity exchange It also became more and more frequent. Finally, in the slave society, there appeared merchants specialized in commodity trading to make profits from it. Their appearance promoted the development of production. The development of commerce has promoted the prosperity of the city.
Conclusion (Measurement social system Main criteria for progress):
The main criterion for judging whether the transformation of one social system into another is historical progress or retrogression lies in the new social Production relations Whether it is compatible with the development of productivity at that time. It turns out that, Slavery The establishment of the slave society basically adapted to the requirements of the development of the productive forces at that time and greatly promoted the development of the productive forces, so the slave society replaced the primitive society as human beings social development A great progress in.

written words



The emergence of characters has gone through a long process. In general, this process can be summarized as follows:
No words - physical records (knots, beads, engravings, etc.) - Pictorial text -- Hieroglyphics
Pictograph is very similar to the shape of things. It has a recognized fixed shape and pronunciation. It is a real character. Because of the need of managing the country, business, labor and science, hieroglyphics developed rapidly in slave society. in the world country with an ancient civilization Most of them have created their own hieroglyphs.


Since the slave society, mankind has had a written history. The emergence of characters has made human production experience and Natural knowledge It has been inherited, accumulated and spread, which has prepared the necessary conditions for the development of science and culture.
The appearance of characters is the entrance of human beings The Age of Civilization Logo of. Since the slave society, mankind has had a written history.

Division of labor opposition


Division of labor

① The Necessity of Division of Labor: Society productivity With the rise of social class oppression, the vast number of slave workers can provide more Remaining products This enables some people in society to get rid of physical labor and specialize in mental labour Others can only engage in physical labor, and they are mainly slaves, so the division of labor between physical labor and mental labor appeared in slave society.
② Possibility of division of labor: slave society, Manual laborer Having been deprived of the right to education, in a slave society with a low level of productivity, it is inevitable to go through this division of labor before entering The Age of Civilization This division of labor is not only the objective requirement of the development of social productive forces, but also scientific culture The development of has created the preconditions.
③ Progressive division of labor: the division of mental labor and physical labor was an important aspect of social division of labor at that time. It meets the objective requirements of the development of social productivity, and also creates preconditions for the development of science and culture. It can be said that in slave society, without the division of labor between mental and physical labor, there would be no great achievements in modern science and culture. Therefore, in the slave society, the division of labor between mental labor and physical labor is a historical progress.


We should also see that in the slave society, Mental worker Achievements in science and culture cannot be separated from the activities of manual workers. No manual workers work hard to produce various Means of subsistence Brain workers cannot survive, let alone Invention Without the manual labor of slaves and craftsmen, only the design of brainworkers will not create any civilized achievements; Without the production practice of the vast number of slaves and other workers, mental workers will lose the rich source of creation of science and culture. Therefore, any achievements of mental workers are, in the final analysis, based on the work of the majority of manual workers.
After the separation of mental labor and physical labor, engaging in mental labor becomes Slave owner The slave was deprived of the privilege of accepting Scientific and cultural education Rights. Slave owners divorced from physical labor and regarded it as a mean thing. They also use their own science Cultural knowledge To strengthen the rule of slaves. In this way, the opposition between mental labor and physical labor is formed class society This opposition reflects exploiting class And Exploited class Class opposition between.

Exploitation and oppression


Barbaric exploitation

Slave society has brought mankind into the era of civilization and promoted the great development of social productivity, which is a great progress in history. But at the same time, slavery is also the most barbaric system Slavery relations of production This can be clearly illustrated by the characteristics of the "Three Kingdoms" and the experiences of the vast number of slaves.
(1) Different positions of slave owners and slave classes in production relations
In terms of the possession of means of production, the slaveholders owned all the means of production and the slaves themselves; Slaves have nothing Personal freedom It's the slave owner's Private property
In terms of status and interrelationship: between the slave owner class and the slave class, there is a naked relationship of exploitation and exploitation. Slaves are deprived of all rights and engage in the most intense and arduous labor under violence.
In terms of product distribution: the slave owner class owns and controls all slaves Labor achievements , living a luxurious life; Slaves had very little means of subsistence to sustain themselves.
(2) Characteristics of slavery production relations
From the above, we can see that the characteristics of slavery production relations are: slave owners own the means of production and completely own slaves; The relationship between slave owners and slaves is that of exploitation and exploitation. Slaves have no personal freedom and work under the compulsion of slave owners; All the products created by slave labor were owned and controlled by the slave owners, who only gave the slaves the minimum means of subsistence.

Cruel oppression

In order to maintain the slavery system, slave owners constantly strengthened the military, prison, court and other national institutions, ruled over slaves and suppressed their resistance.
② Slavery is the most inhumane system of oppression, which is highlighted by the use of slaves as human sacrifices or Human martyrdom
③ Slave owners often took pleasure in destroying the lives of slaves.
(2) Ideological rule:
In order to maintain their rule, slave owners also deceived and paralyzed slaves ideologically. They fabricated all kinds of fallacies and said that slavery was permanent, so that slaves could be content with the status quo, resigned to their fate and not resist.
In short, the vast majority of slaves were bound by tangible and intangible shackles, suffered cruel exploitation and oppression, and lived the darkest and most miserable life.

Obstacles to development

(1) The inherent limitations of slavery production relations
Performance: Intentionally not using advanced tools in slave labor is the inherent limitation of slavery production relations.
Reason: Slave owners don't care Production technology improvement; Slave resistance to forced labor. This led the slave owners to use only clumsy and indestructible production tools for slaves.
Example: Use of metal tools
From the perspective of the types of bronze ware, most of them were production tools in the early stage, and more ritual weapons and weapons in the later stage.
In terms of types, tools focus on handicraft production. agricultural production Stone tools are still mainly used, both in China and Europe.
stay Metalware In terms of development, the production tools were neglected. The production of metal tools is not mainly for the development of production, but subject to the slave owners Consumption needs And governance needs.
It should be noted that the limitations of the slavery production relations always existed in the slave society. Only in the early and middle stages of the slave society, they did not become the dominant production relations. Only in the late stage of the slave society did the slavery production relations become an obstacle to the development of productive forces. Therefore, The process in which the limitations of the slavery production relations are increasingly exposed is the process in which the slavery production relations change from promoting the development of productive forces to hindering the development of productive forces.
(2) The development of productive forces in the late slave society and the relatively backward production relations
The limitations of slavery production relations were fully exposed after the emergence of new production tools. The emergence of new production tools is a sign of the development of productivity to a new level, but more advanced production tools cannot be widely used in slave labor, which proves that slavery production relations have become shackles of production development. In this sense, the date of the emergence of the new tools of production is also the time when the slavery production relations are declining.
Productive labor is social existence And development. In the later period of the slave society, slaves hated labor extremely, and slave owners despised manual labor extremely. Many fields are deserted, handicraft industry is declining, business is stagnant, population is decreasing, and the economy is depressed.
According to the principle of interaction between productivity and production relations, production relations must meet the requirements of productivity development. When the productive forces develop to a certain extent, the old relations of production no longer meet the requirements of the development of productive forces, but become an obstacle to the development of productive forces. The decline in the late slave society is an important manifestation of the gradual incompatibility between the slavery production relations and the development of productive forces.
Under such circumstances, new relations of production that meet the requirements of the development of productive forces have come out, and the slave society has come to an end, Feudal system We are ready to take over the shift
Few countries in the world have experienced slave society. Is there a slave society in China Development stage Since the 1980s Serfdom representative figure Huang Xianfan Zhang Guangzhi Chao Fulin And other scholars. With more and more supporters, the influence is growing.




According to Marx Historical theory The Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties were characterized as slave societies, and this view is controversial. In the slave society, the majority of slaves in the lower social strata played the main role in production. However, according to the traditional literature records and archaeological excavations, no Chinese people were found ancient times Evidence of widespread slavery during the period.
Karl Marx summary ancient Greek Ancient Rome Hegu Germanic nationality Of Social history The original form of the primitive society evolved into a secondary form when it moved towards civilization, and slavery or serfdom replaced the original form clan commune , he believes that primitive Gentile system The disappearance of is inevitable. However, in ancient China, the clan system did not disappear, but it remained tenaciously for a long time. National Budding stage , the original clan commune system could not carry out effective management And evolved into a kind of clan feudal Hereditary system Degrees. Again Western Zhou Dynasty The period evolved into patriarchal clan system Feudal system Effective implementation Slavery It needs a perfect centralized system and a powerful military force Xia Dynasty Not available.
China has implemented small-scale slavery in three generations, but it has never achieved Western Civilization Scale. In the ancient Greek city-state, the slave population generally exceeded the free population, and the slave population accounted for ancient Rome Italian Peninsula More than 40% of the total population. The main bodies of the three generations of society are "people" and "common people", although social position Low, they are still civilians with families. Their crops are handed over through "tribute", "assistance" and "thoroughness" instead of free plunder under slavery. Real slaves are only criminals and prisoners of war who account for a small proportion. They have not replaced the majority of the common people as Xia Shang Zhou The main labor force during the period was mainly used for Human sacrifice

North Korea

stay Joseon Dynasty If an official is convicted of treason, his or her family will be used as an official servant. These officials and maidservants have very low status, which can be said to be equivalent to the untouchables of the country. However, on the other hand, the state also provides these officials and maidservants with an opportunity to turn over: if they are lucky enough to be admitted to medical science and become medical officials or Medical woman Medical officials can remove the qualification of untouchables, while medical women cannot.


Iran (formerly known as Persia) was the first civilization to abolish slavery and use paid labor in all empire building and military. Persian Empire Created by Cyrus the Great In his human rights Charter Slavery was abolished in, and this charter is still in existence British Museum Li.


ancient Greek historian Philosopher Lucius Flavius Arrianus' Xenophon ' Alexander the Great The book "Indica", a legend of the expedition to India, wrote: "This is also noteworthy in India, that is, the whole India is free, and no Indian is a slave at all. In this regard, they are the same as the Lacanians. However, the Lacanians use the Hilot as slaves, but India has no slaves at all, let alone any Indian as a slave." It is reported that the background time of the legend is from 336 BC to 323 BC, and it is in India Times of nations late. At this time, India had a serious population discrimination Caste system For more than 600 years, civilians with humble surnames were in the same situation as slaves.

Academic disputes

Academically, Slavery It is different from the slave society, and most people are easy to confuse it.
Serfdom school ”Compared with the "slave school", it advocates“ Chinese history There is no slave society "and" Chinese ancient history should be re divided ".
Serfdom ”The leader is Guo Moruo, and the representative scholars are historian Jian Bozan Lv Zhenyu Hou Wailu Etc“ Serfdom ”Leaders are Huang Xianfan , represented by Zhang Guangzhi Hu Zhongda Shen Changyun Chao Fulin And others (i.e. five masters of the "serf free school"). In 1979, Huang Xianfan The professor published the article "Discussion on the absence of a slave society in China's national history", in which he pointed out: "I firmly believe that there is no slave society in China's history, and the Han people do not, ethnic minority Most do not. Greece in Europe, Rome From a clan society to a slave society, it is not human Law of social development It is a general rule in the world, but a special case in history. " They think that by Germanic Yugoslavia , West Slav, East Slav arab , India, Japan, North Korea Vietnam? And other ethnic groups and countries Ancient history Through the brief discussion of“ Asiatic mode of production ”Through the interpretation of the ancient society of Greece, Rome and the ancient society of the East comparative study Through the analysis of "people", "people", "city", "square", "xi", "shu", "li", "chicory", "servant", "minister", "zai", "li" and“ Serfdom ”,“ tool of production ”,“ Private ownership of land ”"Martyrdom", "family", "number of slaves", "family slaves", "prisoners of war"“ Gong Zhuche Husband "“ Patriarchy Paternalism ”From which we can draw three conclusions:
(1) The historical development of ancient countries in the world, the vast majority of which directly entered the slave society feudal society That is, the typical slave society in Greece and Rome did not enter the slave society directly at the beginning.
(2) From a classless society to a classed society, the first class that was oppressed and exploited was serfs, not slaves. Serfs came into being before slaves. Because the feudal social system of serfdom is the easiest to rural communes Combine systems. The conditions for the birth of serfs were also simpler than those of slaves, so it happened first.
(3) The birth of family slavery was also relatively easy. All countries in the world have ancient history. People often misunderstand them as a slave society, and most of them do so. However, the system is a phenomenon, not an essence, which is one thing. Whether it can reach the slave society is another thing, which cannot be mentioned and reduced. "
Professor Hill of Anthropology, Degenson University, Pennsylvania, USA communicated with Fei Xiaotong in Liangshan Yi nationality In the study of the nature of ancient society, Hill believed that "Xiao Liangshan before the collectivization reform in the 1950s Slavery The unique social and economic process shows that Nuosu society was once a society with slaves, but it was not a slave society. "
Modern Japan Studies China Onychology Famous master Island male (1908-1977) flatly denied Guo Moruo's“ Yin Dynasty The slave society theory "cannot be ignored. In his posthumous manuscript "A Certificate of the Non slave Society in the Yin Dynasty", he applied his knowledge of oracle bones oracular inscriptions on tortoise shells and bones In the argumentation of "agriculture, animal husbandry, sacrifice" and other words and records, Guo Moruo refuted the argument that the word "public" in the Yin Dynasty was "slave" and that the Yin Dynasty was a slave society one by one, and put forward a credible proof of the non slave society in the Yin Dynasty. This understanding of Hill and Shimbun, just like the above American and Japanese scholars' positive attitude towards Huang Xianfan's proposition of "slavery free theory", shows that the proposition of China's "slavery free school" has in fact influenced foreign countries, and has been echoed by some foreign scholars' understanding of the "slavery free theory" of ancient Chinese society. This shows a different characteristic between the "non slavery school" and the "early non slavery theorists" in the 1930s.