
The system whereby slave owners own slaves
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Slavery refers to the system that slave owners own slaves. The labor activities must be dominated by slaves, unpaid, and free. Slaves generally came from prisoners of war, indigenous people in occupied areas, debtors and criminals. Most of the slaves in recent and modern times were abducted from Africa and other places to European colonies.
The most typical slavery in ancient times is Ancient Rome In addition, ancient Babylon, ancient Egypt Ancient Greece , Ancient China, Civil War former U.S.A South, and some of the previous britain France Russian Empire All of our colonies belonged to slavery. However, about slave society Whether it is a necessary stage for any region or country is still controversial.
Chinese name
Foreign name
finger Slave owner have slave System of
Typical countries
Ancient China, Roman Empire, Egyptian Empire, Tubo
Inter tribal land annexation war
Production relations Inherent limitations

brief introduction

slave It generally comes from prisoners of war, debtors and criminals, and also from Africa and other places Slave market People.
The most typical slavery in ancient times is Imperium Romanum , in addition, ancient Greek , Egypt before the 33rd Dynasty Babylon, Cuba , China before the Warring States Period, Civil War Slavery existed in the former South of the United States, some former British, French, Russian colonies and many parts of the world.
Slavery was born from a system of ownership and control that one person considered legitimate to another under the socio-economic conditions that produced surplus products. In a typical slave society, the law recognizes a slave as the private property of the slave owner, who has the right to kill or die and can take it at will Enslaved , trading and kill Slaves have no independent personality, no freedom or rights, and their descendants have been slaves for generations. The early slaves mainly came from prisoners of war. Custom forbids members of the tribe to enslave other members. Later, after the establishment of the system that members of this tribe can serve as slaves, sometimes some members of this tribe were also served as slaves, but they were often used as a punishment, such as debtors who were unable to pay their debts and those who were sentenced to serve their crimes.


slave society Bringing humans The Age of Civilization , promoting society productivity It is a great progress in history. But at the same time, slavery is also a The most savage This can be clearly illustrated by the characteristics of slavery production relations and the experiences of the vast number of slaves.
one Slave owner class And the slave class in the relations of production
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Means of production In terms of possession: the slaveholders owned all the means of production and the slaves themselves; slave No one is free, it is the private property of slave owners.
Status and interrelationship: the relationship between the slave owner class and the slave class is naked exploitation In relation to exploitation, slaves were deprived of all rights violence I am engaged in the most intense and arduous work.
In terms of product distribution, the slaveholders class possessed and controlled all the fruits of slave labor, leading a luxurious parasitic life; Slaves had very little means of subsistence to sustain themselves.
2. Characteristics of slavery production relations
The slave owners possessed the means of production and completely possessed the slaves; Slave owners and slaves are naked exploiters and Exploited The slave was totally free and forced to work by the slave owner; All the products created by slave labor were owned and controlled by the slave owners, who only gave the slaves the minimum means of subsistence.


Bipolar world theory In succession and development Historical materialism In the process of analysis, it is pointed out that after the invention of agriculture, the competition relationship based on land has become the main driving force for the evolution of human society. When the land based annexation war among tribes reached a certain scale, the slave class, the slave owner class and the slave state came into being. [1]


The ancient slavery refers to the social system after the primitive society and before the feudal society.
Slavery in China began in the Xia Dynasty, went through business, the Western Zhou Dynasty, the Spring and Autumn Period, and gradually disappeared in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties.
Arbitrary execution of slaves
In the Shang and Zhou dynasties, most slaves were born in wars. They were captured from the tribes around the enemy and became slaves, especially in the Shang and Zhou dynasties Western Zhou Dynasty Probably the vast majority of the slaves came from these people. From Yin Ruins Oracle It can be seen from the inscriptions on bronze wares of the Western Zhou Dynasty that both the Shang Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty and their rival tribes strive to capture prisoners of war and capture each other's population in military operations. A large amount of money obtained by the nobles in the Shang Dynasty Qiang people , captive of the barbarians, partly used as Sacrifice for others Some became slaves. There are also those who have been demoted to slavery because of crimes, including official slaves and private slaves.
The ancient Greek historian Arian wrote in his book Indica: "This is also noteworthy in India, that is, the whole India is free, and no Indian is a slave at all. In this regard, they and Laconia People are the same. however Laconia use Hilot As a slave, India has no slaves at all, let alone any Indian becoming a slave. " But India has a caste system with serious racial discrimination.
Ancient Rome
Slaves were bought and sold in a way called Mancipatio. stay The Republic of Rome About 15% - 20% of the population in the period and the early Roman Empire were slaves, and the owner could legally kill the slaves. Until the 2nd century AD, the law on the protection of slaves was established. However, such a situation rarely occurs due to various complex social reasons. The Cornelian Act, enacted in 82 BC, prohibited masters from killing slaves on any occasion; The Petronian Act of the first 32 years prohibited the master from forcing slaves into the arena to fight. The ancient Roman historian Suetonius wrote that Claude I During the rule period, if the master ignored the health problem of the slave and caused his death, the master would be sentenced to murder; Moreover, if a slave gets medical treatment and recovery in the Asclepius Temple, he will be free.
trajan Temporal Stoic School The speaker Dio Chrysostom made two speeches (14 and 15) condemning slavery in the forum of the rally in two days Seneca the Elder recorded in the first century AD that those masters who were cruel to slaves would be humiliated in public. 2nd century AD Hadrian Cornelian method and Petronian method are modified.
Ulpian, a Stoic jurist in the Caracalla period in the 3rd century AD, passed laws to prohibit parents from selling their children as slaves. The last famous pagan emperor, Diocletian, at the end of the third century and the beginning of the fourth century AD, decreed that creditors should not enslave debtors, and that men should not sell themselves to become slaves to pay their debts. A Roman resident, Vedius Pollio, is said to have fed the bodies of his slaves to fish; Gratian, the Christian loving Roman emperor in the 4th century, stipulated that any slave who sued his master should be burned immediately, but this law was generally used only for those who tried to harm the emperor, and Roman slaves who participated in rebellion would usually be crucified. In the Greco Roman period, slavery was usually associated with infanticide. Some abandoned babies will be saved by slave traders, and then they will baby To raise as slaves.
ancient Greek
One of the unique features of Spartan city states is that they rely on the Black Labors to engage in almost all economic activity This makes Spartan We can go all out to carry out military training and war preparations, which can be used to prevent slave riots. Until the 12th century, Byzantium There are a large number of pagan slaves working for the country and individual families.
At the end of the 12th century, the resistance to slavery became stronger and stronger, but like the United States Emancipation Proclamation The movement has never appeared. In the early Byzantine period, male slaves were usually castrated, a tradition that originated in the Roman Empire. Even some important generals of the army and navy, such as Narses, the conqueror of Persia, were castrated. This is usually because eunuchs cannot threaten the emperor, so they are more likely to hold higher positions (the emperor is never castrated). However, once Western ideas prevailed in Byzantium, castration had a meaning of shame.
Ancient Egypt
In the early Middle Kingdom, Egypt was a slave dynasty from the 1st to the 22nd dynasties of the Old Kingdom. Later, the embryo of the feudal society in the Middle Kingdom had begun to sprout, which was the rise of a special class - Nejas
The reform carried out by Pharaohs Polkholis of the 24th Dynasty of Egypt to alleviate the situation of too many free people turning into debt slaves abolished debt slavery. Its contents are as follows: (1) The sum of principal and interest is prohibited to exceed twice the principal, that is, the interest cannot exceed the principal; (2) The creditor can only claim the debtor's property for compensation, but cannot take the debtor's person, because the property belongs to individuals, and the citizen's person belongs to the state, and the state needs them to serve. It is unknown how this reform will result, but it may have little effect. (Solon's order to relieve negative attitudes has drawn useful lessons from this reform)


Performance: It is slavery to deliberately not use advanced tools in slave labor Production relations Inherent limitations.
Reason: Slave owners do not care about the improvement of production technology; Slave resistance to forced labor. This led the slave owners to use only clumsy and indestructible production tools for slaves.
Example: The use of metal tools: from the perspective of the types of bronzes, most of them were production tools in the early stage, and more ritual weapons and weapons in the later stage.
In terms of types, tools focus on handicraft production. Stone tools are still mainly used in agricultural production, both in China and Europe.
stay Metalware In terms of development, the production tools were neglected. The production of metal tools is not mainly for the development of production, but subject to the consumption needs and ruling needs of slave owners.
The limitations of the slavery production relations always existed in the slave society. Only in the early and middle stages of the slave society, they did not become the dominant production relations. Only in the late stage of the slave society did the slavery production relations become an obstacle to the development of productivity. Therefore, The process in which the limitations of the slavery production relations are increasingly exposed is the process in which the slavery production relations change from promoting the development of productive forces to hindering the development of productive forces.
The development of productive forces and the relative backwardness of production relations in the late slave society
The limitations of slavery production relations were fully exposed after the emergence of new production tools. The emergence of new production tools is a sign of the development of productivity to a new level, but more advanced production tools cannot be widely used in slave labor, which proves that slavery production relations have become production development Shackles Has. In this sense, the date of the emergence of the new tools of production is also the time when the slavery production relations are declining.
Productive labor is the foundation of social existence and development. In the later period of the slave society, slaves hated labor extremely, and slave owners despised manual labor extremely. Many fields are deserted, handicraft industry is declining, business is stagnant, population is decreasing, and the economy is depressed.
according to Interaction between productivity and production relations The relations of production must meet the requirements of the development of productive forces. When the productive forces develop to a certain extent, the old relations of production no longer meet the requirements of the development of productive forces, but become an obstacle to the development of productive forces. The decline in the late slave society is an important manifestation of the gradual incompatibility between the slavery production relations and the development of productive forces.
In this case, adapt productivity The new relations of production required by development are ready to emerge, the slave society has come to an end, and the feudal system is ready to take over.


In the period of Elizabeth I, at first, England's state-owned pirate ships (privateers) obtained 300 black slaves by means of accidental plundering. At this time, they were not really a slave system. It was not until 1619 that the first batch of ships full of black slaves arrived in England.
When Britain finally began to try to ban the slave system, Bishop of Exeter reluctantly sold his 655 slaves on the premise that the government promised compensation.
In 1839, Britain formally legislated to prohibit black slavery. [2-6]
(1) History
In the colonial period of North America, the trade and enslavement of African slaves constituted primitive accumulation of capital Important content of. The direct reason for the development of slavery in the North American colonies was that the colonies needed a large number of labor.
American Anti Slavery Cartoon
During the 100 years from 1686 to 1786, about 250000 African blacks were trafficked to British North American Colonies The position of black slaves in the North American colonies was extremely tragic, especially those who worked all day in the fields. They were used as "ploughing rich" and were forced to work 18-19 hours a day. Moreover, there were a large number of white indentured slaves in the United States at that time.
United States of America After its establishment federal constitution But the Constitution preserves slavery and upholds it slave trade By 1860, Black Americans The number of slaves has reached 4 million. In the first half of the 19th century, the American people launched a broad anti slavery movement. Since the 1930s, abolitionism has been widely popular in the United States. Abolitionist Garrison He Nazeng edited and published the weekly "Liberator", announcing that "we should fight for the immediate liberation of our enslaved people". Garrison founded New England The Anti Slavery Association led the establishment of the American Anti Slavery Association, a national abolitionist organization. By the 1940s, there had been 2000 abolitionist groups, forming a powerful Mass movement Although the reactionary forces suppressed and persecuted in many ways, abolitionists still persisted in carrying out various activities. They published books, newspapers and distributed leaflets, made speeches everywhere, accused slave owners of their crimes, exposed and attacked the evils of slavery. The abolitionists also organized "underground railways" to guide and assist a large number of black slaves to escape from the South through secret routes and accommodation stations. Tubman, a heroine born as a female slave, risked her life 19 times to sneak back to the south alone, helping hundreds of slaves escape from the south and gain freedom. This activity of organizing the escape of slaves shook the foundation of slavery to a certain extent.
In the 1840s, some abolitionists began to advocate political struggle. Douglas He formed the Liberal Party with the Tapan brothers and others to promote abolitionism. Some people tried to advocate armed struggle, but Garrison and others insisted on using only moral preaching to oppose the organization of abolitionist parties and armed struggle. Although there are differences in the means of struggle Abolition Movement Progress is still being made on different paths.
In 1852, Stowe 's novel《 Uncle Tom's hut 》When published, the book gave a moving description and exposure of the tragic life of black slaves, which aroused strong repercussions in the society and effectively promoted the development of the abolitionist movement.
In 1859, abolitionists john brown Led 21 white and black uprisings, and pushed the abolitionist movement to a climax.
In 1861, American Civil War Burst. In 1862, the President of the United States Lincoln publish Emancipation Proclamation , announced that the black slaves were free, which fundamentally disrupted the fighting power of the southern rebel states and reversed the war situation. In January 1865, the United States Congress passed the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which stipulated that slavery or forced servitude could not exist within the territory and jurisdiction of the United States. On December 18, 1865, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution came into force, and Mississippi finally ratified the 13th Amendment to the Abolition of Slavery on February 7, 2013. Since then, slavery has been abolished in the United States.
On July 29, 2008, the House of Representatives of the United States Congress passed a non binding resolution by oral vote, apologizing to those African Americans who had suffered from slavery and the "Jim Crowe Act" and their descendants. An aide to the member who introduced the bill said that it was US Federal Government And a parliamentary body for the first time formally apologizing for slavery. The bill recognizes that people of African descent are treated "cruelly, humiliatingly and inhumanely" under slavery, and their names and traditions are deprived. To this day, slavery and“ Jim Crow Laws ”The influence on black Americans still exists.
Carolyn Chicks Kilpatrick, chairman of the Committee of Black Congressmen, said: "Today is a milestone for our country in correcting the mistakes made in the past."
(2) Impact
(1) Labor force: because of the abolition of black slavery, blacks can be employed freely, making the capitalism Industry and commerce obtain sufficient and cheap labor force;
(2) Raw materials and markets: Before the civil war, the slave owners of plantations in the south were often more willing to export industrial raw materials such as cotton, indigo and sugar cane to European countries such as Britain in exchange for high prices, and at the same time buy cheap industrial products from European countries. This made the north lose the market of raw materials and industrial products in the south. The civil war solved this problem;
(3) Capital: After the Civil War Plantation slavery With the abolition of the economy, some enlightened former slave owners began to invest capital capitalist industry and commerce , which has strengthened the capitalist economy
(4) Land: The question of whether to establish a "free state" or a "slave holding state" for the newly developed land in the western region, which was hotly debated before the civil war, was solved with the victory of capitalism in the north. Capitalist economy has gained broader development space;
(5) System: Before the civil war, the slavery in the south was an extremely backward and barbaric system. The civil war ended in the victory of the north, which itself was the victory of the democratic system. It has made the democratic system of the United States more deeply rooted and gained broader development space;
(6) Thought: issued by President Lincoln during the Civil War《 emancipation proclamation 》, as well as the final liberation of black slaves after the Civil War, making bourgeois ideas such as "democracy, equality, freedom" more popular and becoming an important part of the American national spirit and national will;
(7) Party: After the civil war, with the establishment of the "free state" on the newly developed land in the west, the balance of power between the "free state" and the "slave holding state" before the civil war was broken, and the "free state" completely occupied the overwhelming majority—— That is to say, the "Republican Party", which represents the capitalist forces in the north, has an overwhelming absolute advantage in both the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Congress, compared with the "Democratic Party", which represents the former slave planter forces in the south.


International Labour Organization A report published in May 2005 showed that more than 12.3 million people in the world still live under slavery.
In China, the labor force less than 14 years old is called child labor, which generally occurs in poor and backward areas. Black cave Illegal employment of child labor in coal mining is the target of severe government crackdown. If it is temporary labor, it is not called child labor.
Sexual slavery encompasses a wide variety of situations:
(1) Forced prostitution
(2) Provide sexual services for fixed owners;
(3) Forced to provide sexual services in traditional religious ceremonies;
(4) The main purpose is not to provide sexual services, but having sexual relations with the owner is a common or socially permissible slave.
stay maltreat And Masochism In general, those who voluntarily accept the domination of others are not considered as sex slaves.
In short, the nature of slavery means that slaves can only be used goods : And female slaves are sexual abuse And sexual slavery. In today's world, sex slaves are closely related to human trafficking. World War II comfort woman It is also an example of sexual slavery.


1. Political governance
① National institutions of slavery: In order to maintain the slavery system, slave owners constantly strengthen the military, prisons, courts and other national institutions to rule slaves and suppress their resistance.
② Slavery is the most inhumane Oppressive system , especially in the use of slaves Human sacrifice or Human martyrdom
③ Slave owners often took pleasure in destroying the lives of slaves.
2. Ideological governance
In order to maintain their rule, the slave owners also cheated and paralyzed the slaves in thought fallacy He said that slavery would last forever, so that the slaves would be content with the status quo, resigned to their fate and not resist. The vast number of slaves received tangible and intangible chains Under the yoke of the cruel exploitation and oppression, they lead the darkest and most miserable life.