zero Useful+1

Augustus the Strong

stephan bathory
Augustus the Strong Polish : August II Fryderyk Moncny, May 12, 1670 - February 1, 1733), stephan bathory (1697-1706, 1709-1733) and Holy Roman Empire -Saxony elector (1694-1733, called Friedrich Auguste I , German: Friedrich August I der Starke).
He is regarded as one of the most remarkable figures in the European court from the end of the 17th century to the beginning of the 18th century, and is nicknamed "Strong King" because of his massive figure and boundless strength“ iron hand ”, it is said that he can break it with bare hands horseshoe . Break the wall with one hand. He visited when he was young (1687) France , and Palais de Versailles And Louis XIV His absolute monarchy was admired very much, so he took Louis XIV as his idol all his life. But his achievements in life are very limited, and he only established Saxony Of Absolute monarchy And gain the illusory monarchy poland A crown; Its territory and population have not increased substantially Halfling Our ambition is to seek hegemony.
Chinese name
Augustus the Strong
Foreign name
August II Fryderyk Moncny
Friedrich Auguste I Powerful King iron hand
Ethnic groups
date of birth
May 12, 1670
Date of death
February 1, 1733
Key achievements
send Dresden Become a shining cultural city
Established Saxony's Absolute monarchy
one's native heath

Character experience


The first grand picture

Augustus the Strong
Friedrich Auguste Elected Saxony John Georg III He was the son of his brother John Georg IV in 1694 elector Title. 1697 poland king Yang III After his death, Friedrich Auguste converted to Catholicism and obtained Habsburg Emperor of Austria Support, from 18 bits competitor Was elected as stephan bathory Auguste II, and successfully defeated the most threatening France Candidates - Prince Conti He greatly strengthened Saxony's Absolute monarchy , which not only successfully suppressed the opposition of the hierarchical parliament, but also levied generous ordinary excise tax And expanded the standing army from less than 20000 to 30000 (equal to Prussia). He therefore has sufficient financial resources to emulate the French Sun King And carry out luxury display and cultural construction.
By 1700, Saxony alone had a population of 2 million people and financial resources (Saxony Holy Roman Empire Prussia, a traditional powerful state in China with a population and financial resources far more than 1.2 million people, is the most populous vassal state in Germany.) Friedrich Auguste took a firm seat Germany The throne of the strongest princes, let alone the one that is still on the surface Eastern Europe Powerful poland (with a population of more than 9 million); The only regret is that Auguste lost the trust of European Protestants due to his conversion to Catholicism, and made Saxony lose the aura of "Protestant Dharma Protector" forever (at the beginning of the religious reform in the 16th century, the Elector of Saxony took the lead in converting to Lutheran Sect and effectively protected Martin Luther). However, Saxony still participated in the Protestant Alliance, only to be replaced by Prussia Leadership nothing more.

Northern War

Friedrich Auguste ended in 1699 Polish Turkish War , together Austria Russia Venice and Ottoman Empire Signing《 Kallowitz Peace Treaty 》。 Although winning the war Habsburg Dynasty Selfishness, poland Only the Ukraine region on the right bank was recovered, and no big cake was shared. The biggest beneficiary of the peace treaty was Austria, and the Habsburg Dynasty was able to Transylvania Regional annexation.
Friedrich Auguste and Russia in November 1699 Denmark Form an opposition Sweden king Karl XII Of Northern Alliance In August 1700, Friedrich Auguste joined Russia and Denmark in opposing Sweden's Great Northern War (1700-1721). Although he had 30000 Saxony troops and 18000 Polish troops, the progress of the war soon proved that Saxony Poland lacked the military capability to confront Sweden. In 1701, Carl XII defeated in the Battle of Riga Polish Army By 1702, he had conquered the Polish capital Warsaw On July 12, 1704, Aristocratic meeting Under the threat of Karl XII, he announced the dethronement of Friedrich Auguste and the election of pro Swedish Stanislav Leszczynski by stephan bathory Stanislav I )。 But this decision was opposed by most of Poland's petty nobles. In 1706, when the Swedish army invaded Saxony, Auguste II was forced to Unconditional surrender , signed the peace treaty of Altlanstedt and relinquished the Polish throne. However, in 1709 Peter I stay Battle of Poltava The defeat of Lieutenant General Karl XII led to Auguste II's re accession to the Polish throne. Stanislav I fled to Prussia.
In 1714, Auguste II and Russia, Denmark Prussian Confederation Opposing a comeback Karl XII In 1721, Auguste II signed a contract with Sweden Stockholm Treaty And restore the pre war borders. At that time, Poland and Saxony were in ruins, and the population of Saxony fell from 2 million to 1.7 million; More than a decade later, Saxony's national strength was surpassed by Prussia, which was ruled by the "Soldier King"( Friedrich Wilhelm I Vigorously advocate frugality, and expand the army from 38000 to 80000; The population under administration increased from 1.55 million in 1713 to 2.25 million in 1740).

And Saxony

City and Economic Construction
Although Auguste II's poland The capital is in Warsaw But he has lived in the capital of Saxony for a long time Dresden (Polish name Drezno). Because of his love for his home country, he carried out large-scale construction in Dresden, making it a shining cultural capital, a famous Zwenger Palace This is an example. He once said a famous saying: "The king makes himself immortal through his buildings".
As he planned to make Dresden the most important royal residence, he also began to discover the secret of Chinese made porcelain ("white gold"); Under his rule, in Dresden and Mason Invented Europe China. He also attracted many of the best architects and painters from all over Europe to Dresden. During this period, in J A. Under the direct guidance of Hasai, the music life of the city also began to be active. In 1718, the luxurious Sempel was established opera house And invited the famous handel Come and perform. His rule marks that Dresden has begun to take a leading position in technology and art among European cities, so Dresden is also known as“ Elbe River Florence on.
He practiced mercantilism The policy not only established Saxony in the early days poland Trading company, successfully entering the Baltic And make Poland's agriculture and Saxony's industry cooperate with each other, making Saxony's economy Great Northern War After that, the strong recovery was greatly conducive to the growth of Saxony's wealth.
The Charm and Limitation of Powerful King
Augustus the Strong
In the early days of his reign, the people of Saxony elector Full of doubts and discontent, because he abandoned Protestantism in 1697 in order to obtain the Polish crown Lutherans , converted to Catholicism, and even his election wife refused to convert to Catholicism, so she separated from him for life and never left Dresden On the one hand, her stubbornness and piety are loved by many people, on the other hand, she has also attracted a lot of criticism. However, as time has proved, Auguste II did not introduce Catholicism into Saxony and still maintained the dominant position of Lutheranism in Saxony, so the people gradually accepted this charming "king". Many people even like to worship the legendary king with a joyful mood (such as breaking up with empty hands horseshoe , hanging two strong men with one finger), calling him "Saxon Hercules", which is just that Augusta II actively imitated the Sun King Louis XIV Positive effects.
Although Auguste II's deep love for Saxony and tireless construction made him widely loved by the Saxony people in the middle and later periods, and he was long remembered as the "father of art" after his death; However, the Lutheran nobles in China were still dissatisfied with his conversion to Catholicism and rebelled against his centralized measures. Especially in 1717, he let his son and heir Augustus III After the conversion to Catholicism was made public (also for the purpose of inheriting the Polish throne), it caused an uproar among the nobles. Each of them resisted the administration and interference of election candidates in their fiefs, and reduced the number of central government Cooperation. Although the aristocratic and hierarchical councils were continuously suppressed by the monarchy in the 1730s, the city councils continued to thrive; However, the nobles are unwilling to serve as officers in the army, which makes it difficult for Saxony to exceed 40000 soldiers, which is not like Prussian Juncker nobility Such active service, full of loyalty to the royal family Martial spirit
Competition with Prussia
The "Soldier King" of neighboring Prussia at that time Friedrich Wilhelm I They are accumulating money with unbearable stinginess, and implementing the policy of building up the army and raising armaments with all their strength. Auguste II, on the other hand Cultural construction Complacent, boasted that its capital Dresden was Germany's Athens (implying its elegance), and compared the neighboring Prussian capital Berlin to Germany Friedrich William I was very happy after hearing this evaluation. After the two died Militarism The policy has been proved to be correct; His brilliant son—— Friedrich II After assuming the throne (expanding the army to 160000 people), in 1756, it was easy to break through the weak Saxony (the army was less than 40000) and establish the hegemony in North Germany.
In 1730, Auguste II openly allied with Prussia; He also held a grand military parade in the summer. A total of 36000 Saxony troops were equipped with excellent and eye-catching equipment, demonstrating Saxony's strong military and economic strength to neighboring countries. Young Prussia at that time crown prince Friedrich II He also watched the ceremony on the spot. It is said that he was afraid of Saxony's national strength Seven Year War (1756-1763), the first goal was to occupy Saxony and extract its resources.
Thomas von Fritsch, the great statesman who assisted the government in 1763-1765, was born in 1700-1775 middle class In 1763, he fairly commented that the last ten years of Auguste II's reign (1723-1733) was the unique peak in the history of Saxony, and no Saxony monarch ever enjoyed such glory and glory. (1763 Electors of Saxony Friedrich Auguste in Russia Under strong pressure, no longer serve concurrently stephan bathory )Frisch planned a series of reconstruction plans for Saxony during his tenure, which will rescue Saxony's national strength and economy from the ruins within ten years.
Auguste also refused to sign Holy Roman Empire emperor charles vi To ensure that his daughter Maria Tracia inherit Austria The throne, which requires all monarchs and princes to sign State edict , hope it can be later War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748).

And Poland

Statue of Auguste II
Auguste II is committed to restoration poland In 1715, without the consent of the Polish Noble Congress (Thum), the nominal monarchy imposed new taxes and improved the efficiency of the government. As a result, the Polish nobility launched a rebellion and attempted to overthrow Auguste II. He tried to use 25000 Saxon troops to suppress the rebellion and carry out his will. As a result, Polish nobles Russia Of Peter I ask for help. Peter seized the opportunity to benefit from it. In 1717, he ended the dispute in Poland in the name of centering coordination. As a result czar Since then, he has become the actual controller of Poland and the future partition poland Key antecedents of. The few achievements of the 1717 agreement stipulated that the state should maintain 24000 people standing army (about one tenth of that of Russia), and it has strengthened the country's existing Administrative functions The problem is that the king has no standing army control power As a result, the remaining central power has become the struggle target of several powerful families. The rivalry between the powerful and the noble strengthened the eccentric will of the nobles, and they were more eager for the intervention of foreign powers. In 1719, he tried to communicate with Britain Austria The alliance can effectively balance Russia's huge influence in Poland, but Alliance Plan Forced to give up because of aristocratic rebellion.
1721 Great Northern War After that, because Poland's economy and society recovered from the destruction, and after Peter I passed away in 1725, Russia's external influence weakened, Auguste II's power in Poland has gradually increased. But Poland is deeply rooted Golden Liberty (Thum's“ Free veto ”)Let Big Power and Nobility easily destroy his attempt to promote the monarchy. In 1727, he completed the construction of the extraordinary Saxony Garden in Warsaw, and Open to the public , promoting his popularity in Poland.
In 1733, Auguste II Warsaw because diabetes And died of illness. He tried to change the Polish throne to Hereditary system In order to pass it on to their own descendants, and ultimately failed to maintain the throne Electoral system But fortunately, in foreign aid Russia With the support of Austria, his son Auguste III War of Polish Succession (1733-1738), he was successfully elected as the king of Poland in 1734 (because Russia and Austria reached a consensus, making it easier to control the election of Saxony, a second-class national power, as the king of Poland).

interpersonal relationship

interpersonal relationship
Year of birth and death
brief introduction
Marquise Cristiana Eberhatine of Brandenburg Bayreuth
Brandenburg Bayreuth
Christina Eberhatine
December 19, 1671-
September 4, 1727
On January 20, 1693, he married the Marquis Cristiana Eberhatine of Brandenburg Bayreuth. They had only one son.
After Auguste became the king of Poland, Christina may have refused to move to Poland with her husband out of anger at her husband's conversion to Catholicism. She would rather spend her time in the Pressch mansion on the Elbe River, where she also died [1]
Augustus III
Friedrich Auguste II
October 17, 1696-
October 5, 1763
Elector of Saxony, king of Poland from 1734 to 1763 Augustus III
August 20, 1719 Maria Josephus Archduke Franz Joseph I The eldest daughter of
Countess Maria Aurora von Koenigsmark
Maria Aurora von Koenigsmark
(Maria Aurora Gräfin von Königsmarck) [2-3]
April 28, 1662-
February 16, 1728
It was related from 1694 to 1696.
She was a member of the noble family of Konishimak in Brandenburg, and later became the provost of the monastery of Quedrinburg.
The two have an illegitimate son [2-3]
(Moritz von Sachsen) [2-3]
October 28, 1696-
November 30, 1750
French Marshal Herman Morris de Sacks
On March 12, 1714, he married Johanna Vitoria Tugenrich von Lebens, and there were no surviving descendants. The two divorced on March 21, 1721;
Through his illegitimate daughter Maria Aurora, he is george sand 's great grandfather [2-3]
Maximiliana Hitler von Jojo
Maximiliana Hitler von Jojo
(Maximiliane Hiserle von Chodau) [2-3]
June 28, 1738
He also worked as Alexander Benedict Sobesky( Jan Sobesky Son's mistress [2-3]
Ursula Katarina von Altenbokum
Ursula Katarina von Altenbokum
(Ursula Katharina von Altenbockum) [2-3]
November 25, 1680-
May 4, 1743
Promoted to Princess Taishen( Fürstin von Teschen )。 The two had an illegitimate child;
In 1722, she married Prince Friedrich Ludwig of Wuerttemberg Wennenta [2-3]
Johann Georg
Johann Georg
(Johann Georg von Sachsen) [2-3]
August 21, 1704-
February 25, 1774
General of Saxony Elector and Governor of Dresden.
Unmarried and childless [2-3]
Maria Aurora von Spiegel
Maria Aurora von Spiegel
(Maria Aurora von Spiegel) [2-3]
It was related from 1701 to 1706.
She was a Turkish woman, whose real name was Fatima, who was captured during the Buda siege (1686) and grew up in Sweden as the goddaughter of Maria Aurora von Konishimak. Later, she married Von Spiegel.
They have two illegitimate children [2-3]
Friedrich Auguste
Friedrich Auguste
(Friedrich August) [2-3]
June 19, 1702-
March 16, 1764
Count Rutowski, Marshal Saxony.
Married Ludwika Amalia Lubomirska (daughter of Alexander Jacob Lubomirsky) on January 4, 1739, and no surviving offspring [2-3]
Maria Aurora / Maria Anna Katarina
(Maria Aurora / Maria Anna Katharina) [2-3]
Have several marriages, have offspring [2-3]
Anna Constantia von Brocdorf
Anna Constantia von Brocdorf
(Anna Constantia von Brockdorff) [2-3]
October 17, 1680-
March 31, 1765
She was named the Countess of Kozel, and the two later became enemies. She died after 49 years in exile.
They have three illegitimate children [2-3]
Augusta Constantia
Augusta Constantia
(Augusta Constantia) [2-3]
February 24, 1708-
February 2, 1728
On June 3, 1725, he married Heinrich Friedrich, Earl of Friessen, and had a son [2-3]
Frederick Alexandrina
Frederick Alexandrina
(Friederike Alexandrine) [2-3]
October 27, 1709-
December 16, 1784
On February 18, 1730, he married Jan Candy, the lord of Moshenskiber, and had two sons [2-3]
Friedrich Auguste
Friedrich Auguste
(Friedrich August) [2-3]
August 17, 1712 - October 15, 770
General Saxony Infantry.
On June 1, 1749, she married Countess Frederick Cristiana of Holzendorf and had offspring [2-3]
Henriette Renard
Henriette Renard
(Henriette Rénard) [2-3]
May 26, 1721
They have an illegitimate daughter [2-3]
Illegitimate daughter
Anna Carolina Ozelska
Anna Carolina Ozelska
(Anna Karolina Orzelska) [2-3]
November 23, 1707-
September 27, 1769
He married Carl Ludwig Frederick of Schleswig Holstein Sandburg Baker on August 10, 1730, had one son and divorced in 1733 [2-3]
Angelique Deepak
Angelique Deepak
(Angélique Duparc) [2-3]
It was related in 1708.
French dancers and actors [2-3]
Maria Magdalena Billingska
(Maria Magdalena Bielinska) [2-3]
Had two marriages [2-3]
Edmund Sophie von Disco
Edmund Sophie von Disco
(Erdmuthe Sophie von Dieskau) [2-3]
February 25, 1698-
April 23, 1767
Had two marriages [2-3]
Baroness Henriette von Osterhausen
(Henriette von Osterhausen) [2-3]
1721-1722. [2-3]