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Comet Obers

Periodic comet discovered in 1815
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Comet Obers is a periodic comet discovered by Carl Friedrich Gauss on March 6, 1815.
Chinese name
Comet Obers
Periodic comet
solar system
Discovery time
March 6, 1815
Obers is in the comet Bremen, Germany. Its orbit was first established by Carl Friedrich Gauss in March thirty-one According to the daily calculation, Friedrich William Bessel calculated its orbital period as 73.9 Julian years, while other astronomy experts calculated it between 72 and 77 Julian years.
The comet returned in 1956 last time and 2024 next time, but in January 2094 ten It will be the closest time to the earth.
Some people speculate thirteen Comet P/Aubers will produce a meteor shower on Mars, with Junshi I (Beta Canis Major) as the radiation point.