
The king of the gods in ancient Nordic mythology
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Odin( Old Norse : 211240ð inn, English: Odin; The name means "mind", "inspiration", "anger", "madness" or "rage"), NORRON And Vikings Believable Asa Protoss He is the master of prophecy, kingship, wisdom, healing, magic, poetry, war and death. He is the second generation god Bauer And the Giantess Bestra 's son and his wife is a queen Frika A blood brother yes Willie and dimension , God of Trick Rocky yes Sworn brother Odin has hundreds of aliases Germanic It is traditionally called W ō den, Wednesday Hence the name. Because of their similarity, the goddess Freya 's husband Odd (211ð r) is believed to originate from Odin.
Odin is a Monocular A white bearded god wearing an eagle helmet and gold armor, holding Gun of Eternity Gangneir Gungnir ), wearing the Draupnir gold ring, sitting on the The highest throne (Hliðskjálf)。 At his feet are two ferocious wolves, Geri&Freki, ready to protect Odin. Two on the shoulder Raven Fujin and Wuni (Hugin&Munin), they flew all over the ninth boundary and returned to report to Odin. When Odin plans to travel, he will wear a cape and a wide hat and ride an eight legged horse Srepnier (Sleipnir) Across the sky and even into the underworld. His palace is the Valaskj á lf Valhalla Enjoy the banquet, but only drink and feed the meat on the table to two loyal wolves.
Because I already knew from the prophecy Dusk of the gods , muster enough troops to respond, and send Walkiri Collect the souls of the war dead, and make them heroes. Although he tried to avoid it, the end came, and he was also with the evil wolf Fenrir Sacrifice in the struggle. He said in the folk biography that Wild hunting Pioneer, leading a ghost team in winter, storm It is the omen of death brought by Odin. Scotland ballad Billy Blind, the guardian spirit of the family in Odin, is also a folk custom of Odin.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Mythological system
Asgard - Silver Hall
Prophecy, kingship, wisdom, healing, magic, poetry, war and death
Bauer Bestra
A blood brother
Willie dimension Prose Edda )、 Honir Lord Poetic Ada
Tor Tyr Bader Hoddle Bragi Helmdar Wali Vidal Helmod etc.
Eight legged horse- Srepnier
Key achievements
get Lune script , Kill the original giant Ymir And used its body to create the earth and human beings
Ethnic group
Asa Protoss


As Asgard The king of the gods, Odin's throne is located in the holy Hidskialf. It is said that he is about 50 years old. He is tall, has no eyes, and wears a wide brimmed hat. He is a wise and serious person. He wore a dark gray cloak with shining stars at the edge of the cloak and a wide brimmed hat as blue as the clear sky, reflecting the afterglow of the sunset in the sky. The deep and powerful single eye sees through the mystery of life and death. Holding the World Tree - Yggdrasil Long spear made of branches-- Gungnir ( Gangneir )[Other stories say it is underground dwarf This kind of contradictory stories NORRON ] occasionally appears in. When Odin Throw When the gun is fired, it will emit light across the sky. People on the ground call it "meteor". The gun will hit after it is fired. This gun is sacred. Once you swear to it, you can't go back. His finger also wears the symbol of wealth - the ring Droupnir Nine days Will be copied once. Its palace is called the "Golden Palace" - Gladsheim.
Odin's horse, Maobai Shengxue, has eight legs. It is the heavenly horse of the divine steed. Its name is“ Srepnier ”( Sleipnir)。 Nordic people believe that the storm is Odin riding a horse and collecting the dead. Therefore, when a traveller is unlucky in the storm, it is called by Meng Odin. However, it is also said that if travelers follow the rainstorm religiously, they can often get a reward from Odin: a pile of gold that was originally a horse's leg. Two big ones perched on his shoulders crow One is called "Hugin", representing "thinking"; The other is called "Munin", representing "memory". The two ravens fly around the world every day, and then report what they have seen and heard to Odin without reservation. There are two big wolves lying at their feet at the same time. One is called "Geri", which stands for "greed"; The other one is called "Freki", which represents "gluttonous food". He gave all the meat that people offered themselves to the two wolves. These two wolves are responsible for guarding.
In order to increase intelligence, predict the future and rule better, Odin is determined to drink the water in the wisdom well, that is, the holy spring beside the root of ash bark tree. But the giant who guarded the well, Mimier, asked him to pay for one eye. Without thinking, Odin hanged himself upside down in a tree for seven days and seven nights. After sacrificing himself, he blinded one eye, and then drank the water of wisdom to become a wise man.

Name and title


Original name

Odin is Nordic As Protoss Of Supreme God Is regarded as the king of gods, the king of the dead, the god of war, the god of power, and the god of magic. In the legend, Odin is tall, wearing gold armor and riding an eight legged horse“ Srepnier ”。 His heroic name was admired by the Vikings in northern Europe. The Vikings believed that if they died bravely, they could enter“ Valhalla ”, so the battle was extremely fierce, and its force had swept most of Europe.
Odin is As Protoss (Aesir) Main God Wednesday is regarded as the day of Odin, such as Germanic His names, Wotan, Wind and Wood, are related to his name. Because he suffered from hanging upside down, he was also called the god of hanging or the king of the gallows. He is warlike and resourceful, and runs through it thoroughly with himself NORRON Deep tragic mood.
Odin also likes to disguise himself as a human. He wanders around the world in many ways. If he wants to bring war, he will wear an eagle helmet; If it is peacetime, he will wear a black cloak and a wide brimmed hat to cover it Monocular

Other titles

In order to acquire knowledge, Odin once exchanged one eye for a sip of the spring of wisdom, so he was also the "God of Knowledge". Because of one eye, it is also called "one eyed dragon" and "one eyed man". And in order to cover his one eye, he will wear one Broad edge Therefore, it is also called "the man with wide brimmed hat".
He used a trick to steal the blood of human "Kuwahir", a wise man created by gods Mead And become the "god of poetry", so the world produces singing, language and other behaviors.
He is also good at magic and incarnation, and some people say that he learned from Warner Protoss Hostages sent Freya (Freya) Goddess. However, he is also the "Father of Magic", "Thousand Faced God" and "Old Magician" because it is often seen in the story that he uses magic.

Myth and legend


Odin created man

Odin sculpture
When the world began to take shape, the ancestors of God began to consider creating a creature to live on the rich and fertile land. The three gods often walk between heaven and earth with this problem to see their achievements in creating heaven and earth.
One day, when Odin Willie When He Wei was walking on the beach, the waves washed two pieces of wood, one of which was Ygdrasil , one part is Elm After picking them up, the gods thought they could be used as the material for creating people, and began to carve them into two human shapes with knives. Due to the elaborate carving of the gods, the ash became a lifelike man, and Elm It's like a woman. After the trees were formed, the three gods only injected life into them. [1]
Odin first held the human form in his hand and gave them life and breath; Willie then gave them soul and wisdom; Finally, Wei gave them the feeling of body temperature and facial features. Human beings were born. According to their origin, the ancestors of God named men Ask (meaning Ygdrasil ), the woman was named Ebola (meaning Elm )。
The gods let the ancestors of this pair of human beings live on the earth surrounded by the sea, so that they can get married and have children. Since Ask and Ebola, human beings have multiplied from generation to generation on the earth, and have been passed on to today.
While creating human beings and placing them on the earth, the ancestors of God also demarcated a dwelling place of God in the center of the whole universe as the Kingdom of God. The luminous elves, because of their beauty and gentleness, were able to live next to the gods and built an exquisite fairy country around the divine country. In the east of the land where human beings live, the gods set aside a place for giants to live. Giant Escaping from the Flood Berger Mi lives in this place called Yodunheim There are many frost giants in the country of giants. Because of their poor character, black dwarfs HolyPressure They have to live under the earth and must not be exposed to the light of the day, otherwise they will become stones or melt away. For this reason, the short dwarfs dug holes for nests under the soil or in the rocks, forming a country of black elves, or Dwarf country

Show your eyes to gain wisdom

Odin was not originally one eyed. The story of his blindness is as follows:
World Tree - Yggdrasil Three of taproot One is that it extends to the "giant country", and under this root there is a mysterious spring containing all "wisdom", which is responsible for guarding The fountain of wisdom It is the giant Mimir. In order to bring "wisdom" into the world of the gods, Odin wanted to taste this spring.
One day, he rode alone on Slepleny, crossed the rainbow bridge across the void, and visited the fountain of wisdom that the gods did not dare to approach. This place was called Jotunheim. As soon as I arrived, I saw the dense shade of the trees with a faint shadow of people. Staring at it, I clearly saw that it was Mimier who sat seriously beside the fountain of wisdom.
Odin dismounted beside Mimir and asked him for a spring. Although Mimier knew who the man in front of him was, he still shook his head slowly and refused to give water.
'Before that, many people wanted a cup of spring water, but when they heard the price of a cup of spring water, they were too scared to want it.'
'I have known for a long time that I would like to give you all the gold in the "kingdom of gods", or my right hand!'
Mimier smiled and replied, 'These are not what I want, Odin! The price of the fountain of wisdom is your sharp right eye! '
So, for the sake of the fountain of wisdom, Odin finally lost one eye forever and gained the wisdom of Runes.
Odin said to himself, "Nine nights I was hanging on a windy tree and was stabbed by a spear; I was sacrificed to myself as Odin's sacrifice, on a big tree that nobody knew! There was no bread to satisfy my hunger, no water to quench my thirst. I looked down, picked up Lunas characters, shouted while picking them up, and fell from the tree."
Because Odin suffered from hanging upside down Hanging stay Northern Europe Human law is very severe. stay Tarot One of them is called "upside down male", which is the symbol. In the West prisoners are hanging , called horseback riding, that is, Odin was hung upside down from the tree, so World Tree Yggdrasil means "Odin's horse".
Odin discovered the mysterious "Lune" writing and obtained Lunas' secret , by Nolan Three Goddesses of( Three Goddesses of Destiny Norns) engraved Odin's destiny written in this language on Huang Jinbao On the shield. He also took the risk to obtain the Shixian honey wine from the giant Suttung (it needs to be pointed out here that Odin used various means, including fraud and trickery), and anyone who tasted it could become a poet. He gave these two treasures to human beings (Chapter 7 of the Nordic Mythology abc said that it was left to Borachi Bragi, the son of Odin); He is a benefactor of mankind in all respects.
Although in“ Ragnarok ~Gotterdammerung "- Day of Doom( Ragnarok )In China, Odin will be doomed to perish with the universe. He still chooses to fight against the fate! He dominated the war in the "atrium" where human beings lived, and ordered the maids Valkyrie Walkiri )Bring the dead back to Val halla( Valhalla -Hall of the Spirit), and these heroes will fight side by side with the gods in the disaster of "the dusk of the gods".
Ve and Vili are Scandinavia The ancient gods of human (Scandinavian), both of them and Odin Bolsen were born by Bor (the name is the meaning of birth) and Bestla, the daughter of giants. In the creation myth of northern Europe, the three brothers defeated Giants , Kill Taichu Giant Ymir , jointly built the world and created the human race. The three of them are said to be similar in appearance, so one said that Odin, Ve and Vili are trinity, which may be a comparison made by Christian missionaries to explain the doctrine.

Poetic description

In some poems, Odin's self exile into the world was described. As a result, Vili and Ve ruled the "kingdom of gods"—— Yasgett , and shared Frigga until Odin came back. The story goes like this:
Once, his wife Frika (Frigga) stole a piece of gold from Odin's gold statue, and broke the statue so that it could not tell who the thief was (Odin used the Lunas spell on the mouth of the statue to make it speak). This move angered Odin. As a result, Odin left the "kingdom of gods" and wandered on the ground. During his absence, his brothers Vili and Ve replaced Odin. Since Vili and Ve look like Odin, Frigga doesn't know, but they don't have Odin's magic power, so the frost giants blocked the land with ice and destroyed all creatures. Fortunately, seven months later, Odin came back, and the two usurpers also ran away secretly. The frost giant dared not do evil again, and the world was full of vitality again. This is also the Nordic's explanation of why the cold winter will come. The Nordic's May Festival (on May 1st) is to celebrate Odin's return.
At dusk, Odin fights Fenrier
stay NORRON Medium, Lord of Gods Odin led the Asean Protoss to fight against their old enemy, the Giant. Odin is a one eyed god. He trades one eye for unparalleled wisdom, so he can know the past and the future. Odin's son Tor He is the nemesis of giants. He has infinite power. He often fights with giants and kills many giants. Therefore, he has the title of God of War. As Protoss It has always been the patron saint of human beings to prevent giants from invading the places where human beings live and protect them. In addition to the humanoid giants, there are two giants in the form of animals. One is a huge snake, which lives in the deep sea. It revolves around the world, biting its tail with its mouth. The other was a big wolf. It was very fierce, which made the Ass very afraid of it. So the gods used a trick to tie the big wolf to the mountain.
The end of the Asean Protoss is a battle called“ Ragnarok ”The battle of. Although Odin predicted the coming of the end, he did not tell other gods, because this was the fate that all gods could not escape. In this battle, all members of the giant family united to attack the Kingdom of God, and all the gods fought with all their strength. However, under the siege of the giant, God Ass died one after another. Finally, the god of war, Thor, killed him python , but he was also killed by snake venom, and Odin himself was also killed by the giant wolf Fenrir Swallowed and died, but then Finlil was killed by Odin's son Vader Kill. When the war ended, the surviving flame giants Surut Waving the flaming magic sword in his hand, he burned the whole world. When the fire went out, Vader, the son of Odin Wali Two human beings survived and established a new world, which was the end of the Nordic myth.

member of family

Odin was the first god king Bully (B ú ri)'s grandson, the second generation god king Bauer (Borr) and the Giantess Bestra (Bestla) Three sons One, and Bestra is a giant Bolthorn (B ö l þ orn). His two brothers are called Willie (Vili) and (V é), another rule is Honir (H œ nir) and Lord (Lóðurr)。 In addition, he and the god of mischief Rocky Loki is a sworn brother.
Odin and Frika
Odin had a man named Frika Frigg )His wife is the daughter of the male god Fj ö rgynn. But he actually has many lovers, including the giant race. Odin has no daughter, but several sons:
  • Odin gave birth to his wife, Frika Bader (Baldr)、 Hoddle (Hodur)。
  • Odin and the Giant Woman Jord (J ö r ð) or Fioqin (Fj ö rgyn) gave birth Tor (Thor)。
  • Odin gave birth to an unknown woman Tyr (T ý r), another said that Tyre was a giant Hymir (Hymir).
  • Odin gave birth to the Nine Goddesses Helmdar (Heimdallr)。
  • Odin and the Giant Woman Grid (Gr í ð r) Born Vidal (Víðarr)。
  • Odin gave birth to a mortal woman, Rindr Wali (V á li) It is said that Linda is a goddess or a giant woman.
  • Odin gave birth to an unknown woman Helmod (Hermóðr)。
  • muse Bragi (Bragi) is also his son. It is said that his mother is Frika Or the female giant, Gunnl ö ð.
Other names of Odin's sons are also provided in different materials, which are usually considered as later supplementary versions. For example, Etreksj ó, Hild ó lfr, Meili, Nepr, etc. Nip and Nana A father's name may be the same name. Hildorf is sometimes regarded as an alias for Odin. Merry's existence was personally confirmed by Thor, who said he was Merry's brother.
In addition to the above gods, there are also legendary kings: Skj ö ldr, Yngvi, and Sminger. Skiyod and Ingoway are Sweden And Denmark Odin gave Sweden to Ingoway and then Denmark to Skiyod. Smenger was the first king of Norway.
In addition, the dragon slaying hero Siegfried (Sigur ð) is also regarded as Odin Bloodline Of offspring It is said that Sigi, the ancestor of Odin, is the son of Odin. The son of Sigi is called Reir, and the son of Reir is called V ö lsung. Walsong is Zigfried's grandfather, and Higmund, Walsong's son( Sigmund )It was Siegfried's father.
stay Richard Wagner Drama Creation《 Nibelungen's Ring 》China, Wagner will Female martial god Br ü nnhilde was conceived as the daughter of Wotan (Odin). However, in traditional mythology, Brunhilde is not Odin's daughter, but usually the daughter of Swedish King Bu ð li.

Belonging treasure

Odin Throws Gunner of Eternity
Gun of Eternity Gangneir / Kungunir (Gungnir): Odin's weapon, made by dwarves, serves as javelin use. When Odin Throw It will emit light across the sky, and people on the ground call it "lightning" (another word is "meteor"). This gun is sure to hit the target when it is thrown. It can pierce all objects and then automatically fly back to the owner. This gun is sacred. Once you swear to it, you can't go back. The oath will come true, which is also against Meteor Wishes The origin of.
● Needle Svefn þ orn: It can make people fall asleep and won't wake up for a long time. On《 Volsunga saga 》Odin used it to make Brunhilde sleep until he was Siegfried Wake up.
● Ring - Droupnir: a symbol of wealth, this ring Nine days It will copy eight of them by itself.
● Silver Hall: its palace is called "Valaskj á lf", Odin's The highest throne "Hli ð skj á lf" is here. When Odin sits on the highest throne, he can look at all nine fields.
● Treasure ship Sk í ð bla ð nir:《 Biography of the King of Norway 》Among them, Skid Platney is the possession of Odin. It can be folded and put away because Odin's magic drives it to sail.
● Tianma - Srepnier (Sleipnir): Odin's horse, also the child of Rocky, is a god horse with eight feet. The Vikings imagined him riding around the world on this horse.
● Crows: Odin has two crows perched on his shoulders, Hugin representing "thinking" and Munin representing "memory". They're Odin's Eyeliner , will report to the owner what they see every day. When other gods were having a feast, Odin thought about what "thinking" and "memory" told him.
● Wolf: Geri representing greed and Freki representing hunger.

Lune script

Odin riding the eight legged god horse
Odin is the god of knowledge. He has a strong desire to pursue knowledge. Legend has it that he once hung upside down World Tree Nine days and nine nights. It is recorded in the Song of the Sage: "Nine nights, I was hanged on a windy tree and stabbed by a spear; I was sacrificed to myself as Odin's sacrifice, on a big tree that nobody knows! No bread To satisfy hunger, there is no water to quench thirst. I look down and pick up Lune script , shouting while picking up, and falling from the tree ". So Odin gained the wisdom of Runes.
Runes is a kind of incantation. As long as you carve it on wood, stone, metal or any material, you can get infinite power.
Odin obtained the secret of Lun characters NORRON In Three Goddesses of Destiny (Norns) Carve the fate recorded in this script on the gold shield.

Folk worship

Martial Northern Europe Soldiers believe that if they can be protected by Odin during the war, they can get a force with the spirit of a bear and the courage of a wolf, and become Berserker rage, that is“ Berserker ”(Berserker) or transliterated as "Basaka", he is invincible on the battlefield. They don't wear them on the battlefield an armor , often wearing Bearskin Or wolf skin, without weapons, can attack the enemy in a violent manner. It can kill the enemy with bare hands and bite the enemy's throat, but it will not hurt itself at all.