Lethal gold

The crime movie directed by Du Qifeng in 2012
Life Taking Gold is a criminal film produced by Galaxy Image, Huanya Film Production Co., Ltd., directed by Du Qifeng, and starred by Ou Jian'er, Zhang Jiajie, You Naihai, and Liu Qingyun, Ren Xianqi. It was released in China on February 3, 2012. The film tells the story of Teresa, a bank employee, "three legged leopard", a gangster, and Zhang Zhengfang, a police inspector, who were contacted by a mysterious robbery. In 2011, the film was nominated for the Golden Lion Award at the 68th Venice Film Festival. As of June 21, 2024, the cumulative box office of the film in the world is 4.847 million dollars. >>>
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essential information

Life Taking Gold is produced by Galaxy Image and Huanya Film Production Co., Ltd [9] Du Qifeng Directed, Ou Jian'er Zhang Jiajie Touring the Nai Sea Writer, Liu Qingyun Ren Xianqi Leading criminal film, which was released in China on February 3, 2012 [6]
This film tells the story of Teresa, a bank clerk, "three legged leopard", a gangster, and Zhang Zhengfang, a police inspector, who were contacted by a mysterious robbery [7]
In 2011, the film won 68th Venice International Film Festival ·Golden Lion Award nomination [8] As of June 21, 2024, the cumulative box office of the film in the world is 4.847 million dollars [10]
Chinese name
Lethal gold
Foreign name
Death of a Hostage
Life Without Principle, etc [9]
Other translations
Tear up a ticket [9]
Production company
Galaxy Image, Huanya Film Production Co., Ltd [9]
Production area
Hong Kong, China
Issuing company
Huanya Film Distribution (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd [9]
China Film Group Corporation
China Film Corporation
Issuing company
Indomina Releasing, etc
Du Qifeng [11]
Ou Jian'er [11] jacky Touring the Nai Sea
film producer
Xia Zexin [11]
Ren Xianqi [11] Liu Qingyun He Yunshi Apricot fruit
107 minutes
Release time
February 3, 2012 [9] (China)
Box office
US $4.847 million [10] (As of June 21, 2024, worldwide)
major awards
Nomination for Golden Lion Award at the 68th Venice Film Festival [8]
Production time

Film plot

Pictorial 2
Life Taking Gold borrows three roles with different backgrounds: Teresa, a bank clerk( He Yunshi Ornament ), Mafia Chinese Tripod Panther( Liu Qingyun )And Police Inspector Zhang Zhengfang( Ren Xianqi Ornament ), connected by a strange robbery. A stock market crash and a bag of cash triggered the ultimate contradiction of this era. Teresa was forced to change from a bank teller to an investment adviser, and his big guest Zhong Yuan( Lu Haipeng Ornament )When withdrawing tens of millions of cash, she found that she didn't need so much. She asked Teresa to deposit it back in her account. Teresa, who was determined to change her fate and build a life entrepreneurial experimental field, was greedy. On the other side, as a three legged leopard who is a member of the gang, he knows nothing about stocks. At the beginning of his painstaking research, he encountered a stock disaster. He is a prominent eyed dragon operating the black market index( Jiang Haowen Ornament )They also lost a lot of money. They decided to borrow money from Zhong Yuan, but in fact they robbed him. Zhang Zhengfang, the honest police inspector in charge of this case, is also facing the huge changes in life, which makes him start to shake a huge sum of money and be coveted by people of different identities, playing scenes of money and morality struggle The dark side of human nature.

screen credits



Liu Qingyun Ornament Three legged leopard
Dubbing -
Remarks Little gangster
Ren Xianqi Ornament Zhang Zhengfang
Dubbing -
Remarks Senior Inspector of the West Kowloon Serious Crimes Unit in Hong Kong
He Yunshi Ornament Teresa
Dubbing -
Remarks The investment consultant of Wantong Bank has poor performance and is on the verge of dismissal
Lu Haipeng Ornament Zhong Yuan
Dubbing Liu Yinsheng
Remarks Operation of usurious Teresa key customers
Apricot fruit Ornament Connie
Dubbing Zhao Bingbing
Remarks Wife of unemployed Zhang Zhengfang
Jiang Haowen Ornament Bulbous oculus
Dubbing Zhang Jiping
Remarks Underworld people, three legged leopard, old watch
Su Xingxuan Ornament Zheng Xiaojuan
Dubbing Lin Xiaoping
Remarks Teresa customer's original name is Zheng Xiaojuan
Tan Bingwen Ornament Li Kun
Dubbing Sun Yanchao
Remarks Underworld people, uncle and father generation, big three legged leopard
Huang Rihua Ornament Senge
Dubbing Zhang Jiping
Remarks Underworld people, three legged leopard brothers, official waste paper recycler
Che Wanwan Ornament Jackie
Dubbing Yan Xiaotao
Remarks The boss of Teresa, the investment manager of Wantong Bank, stressed that "money is used to buy"
Chen Ziyao Ornament T.T.Chau
Dubbing Zhou Jun
Remarks Teresa colleague has the best personal performance
Liang Junyi Ornament Guan Dawen
Dubbing -
Remarks Miss He's boyfriend is encouraged by his girlfriend to rob Zhong Yuan
Huang Zhixian Ornament Li Haoda
Dubbing Lin Langjun
Remarks Zhang Zhengfang is subordinate to the West Kowloon Serious Case Group
Yin Ziwei Ornament Mr. Song
Dubbing Tan Wanghong
Remarks The mastermind behind the "Golden Pineapple Futures Index Stock Trading System"
Zhang Zhaohui Ornament Wu Yaohua
Dubbing Zhao Wei
Remarks Underworld people, three legged leopard brothers
Jia Xiaochen Ornament Miss He
Dubbing Yutou
Remarks Zhong Yuan's subordinate Guan Dawen's girlfriend
Guo Feng Ornament Li Zhiren
Dubbing Yellow River

Employee List

publisher Zhuang Cheng
producer Xia Zexin
Supervised by Du Qifeng
director Du Qifeng
Associate Director (Assistant) Mai Qiguang
Scriptwriter Ou Jian'er jacky Touring the Nai Sea Ye Tiancheng
Photography Zheng Zhaoqiang Tao Hongwu
clip David Richardson Liang Zhanlun
prop Qu Haojun
Casting director Li Zhenlong
dubbing director Chen Zhaoxi
Art Direction Ye Shuhua
Art Design Ye Shuhua
clothing design Ye Shuhua
lighting Hu Guochao
sound recording McGuian
Theatrical affairs Zhao Zhicheng
Field record Lin Shangting
(Reference for cast member list) [2]

Role Introduction

Three legged leopard
performer Liu Qingyun
dubbing -
The gangsters are loyal to their brothers and have no hesitation; I don't know how to change with the times. After years of wandering in the Jianghu, I am still muddleheaded and accomplish nothing. When he met the black market index again, he opened his eyes and began to study the stock market. In a stock market crash, the Bull Eye Dragon lost a huge sum of money. The three legged leopard finally saw that the more money the world was, the more dangerous it was. But he did not shrink back. He took risks for his brothers. [3]
performer He Yunshi
dubbing -
For many years, he only worked as a bank counter attendant. With the change of the times, he was forced to transfer to a bank investment adviser. In order to catch up with the turnover, she had to lobby regular customers to invest in high-risk products, but she felt very uncomfortable. Later, stock market crash occurred and human nature was revealed. Zhong Yuan, a big client, died suddenly. She was obsessed with the huge sum of five million yuan left, and became greedy. [3]
Zhang Zhengfang
performer Ren Xianqi
dubbing -
The senior inspector of the West Kowloon Serious Crimes Unit is calm, shrewd and capable. He has always lived an affectionate and comfortable life with his wife. At the same time, there were various pressures around him. Some of them used their savings to pay the first installment of his wife in order to insist on buying a house. Others were his father who was seriously ill and orphaned his half sister. Zhang Zhengfang was full of contradictions, and his principles that he had always adhered to began to waver. [3]
performer Apricot fruit
dubbing -
Mrs. Zhang Zhengfang, who has been married for many years, has always been very affectionate. However, the sharp rise in property prices makes Connie feel insecure and eager to own property to ensure the future. However, Zhang Zhengfang insisted on living in the dormitory instead of buying property. The two started to rub elbows. Connie privately used their savings to buy a luxury house. At the same time, Zhang Zhengfang suddenly learned that his father had brought him a half sister, which pushed their relationship to the brink of collapse. [3]

Music soundtrack

water overflows golden hill

Behind the Scenes

1. As the 22nd competitive film, "Life Taking Gold" was shortlisted in the 68th Venice Film Festival, becoming the successor of Wei Desheng《 Sydek Bale 》Xu Anhua《 Sister Tao 》Then the third Chinese film hit the Golden Lion. This film is also Du Qifeng's third film to fight in Venice Film Festival.
2. The film was originally named "Tear the Ticket" and later changed to "Life Taking Gold". Du Qifeng said it was to commemorate his first film《 Enigmatic Case 》。
3. Du Qifeng said the film was imitated Jia Zhangke Means. [3]

Award record

particular year
Specific awards
two thousand and twelve
The 31st Hong Kong Film Awards
Best Supporting Actress
the best supporting-actor
Best Picture Nomination
Life Taking Gold
Best Director Nomination
Best Writer Nomination
Galaxy Creative Group Ou Jian'er Huang Jinhui
Best Actor Nomination
Film editing
David Richardson
Nomination for Best Original Film Song
The water overflows the golden mountain. The music composer and lead singer of "Lethal Gold": Yue Wei, lyrics: Lin Xi
Golden Horse Award
Best Director
Du Qifeng
the best actor
Liu Qingyun
Original screenplay
Ou Jian'er, Huang Jinhui, Galaxy Creative Group
Best Drama Nomination
Life Taking Gold
Best Actress Nomination
He Yunshi
Film editing
David Richardson
Chinese Film Media Award
the best actor
Liu Qingyun
Best Director
Best Supporting Actress
He Yunshi
best screenplay
Huang Jinhui
Asia Pacific Film Festival
the best supporting-actor
Lu Haipeng
Best Film Award

Behind the scenes production

Pictorial 3
The whole opening was performed in a Buddhist ceremony. There was no pork, fat or chicken. After a group of actors worshipped God, they only ate chocolate and fruit to cure their stomachs.
After Du Qifeng became famous internationally, he has always been obsessed with the production of style films. A film can be shot for several years. When He Yunshi, who started several days ago, thought that the content of this film directed by Du was most clear about the fund and investment, Liu Qingyun said that the film "Life Taking Gold" had been shot for several days years ago.

Film evaluation

The narration of "Lethal Gold" is divided into three clues, although slightly staggered, it is actually independent in the plot direction. The core of the three heroes is the little gangster "Three Legged Leopard".
The struggling grass-roots financial staff in the workplace, the plainclothes policemen trapped in family difficulties and unable to export, and the hooligans who are busy with their daily life are all blown to pieces in a global financial storm. Du Qifeng It has created a cramped, gloomy and stressful social environment in Hong Kong. Under the heavy burden of life, everyone lives in fear. For the vast majority of grassroots civilians, although they live in an important financial town, "finance" has nothing to do with them. For them, this is a wealth game controlled by the rich. If they are careless, their hard-earned money will be lost.
The modern financial industry is the inevitable result of social development. However, in "Life Taking Gold", finance is clearly demonized and degenerates into the extortion of the rich from the poor. In front of the financial rules formulated by the rich, the poor can only be willing to gamble and lose, and the only possibility of winning is to rely on the sky.
Du Qifeng really let the sky drop. The 10 million cash gift package and the stupid property speculators from the mainland finally let the three heroes easily get rid of the living dilemma, which is the black humor created by Du Qifeng. (Jinqian Online
Du Qifeng's failure to bring back a "lion" from the Venice Film Festival with his "Life Taking Gold" has something to do with the overall pattern of the film and the consistent Jianghu atmosphere of Du Qifeng's film since his debut. "Jianghu loyalty" has always been Du Qifeng's love. In "Life Taking Gold", Du Qifeng quietly embellishes his Jianghu loyalty everywhere in details.
Although Du Qifeng focused on the financial genre this time, the inner bottom, whether in the financial world or the underworld, is just a place for him to tell his Jianghu feelings. The three legged leopard is his ideal spokesman. Although he is penniless and the people around him have trampled on the loyalty of the Jianghu, it is totally irrelevant, but he is still willing to stick to it.
Life Taking Gold shows the ups and downs of human nature and the struggle between good and evil of each character with the ever-changing stock market, but the focus of the film is not here. In general, the drama of the film is not strong enough, lacking twists and turns. As two main characters, the female staff and the three legged leopard appear separately. In the linear progression plot, there is no intersection between the two people. Their narrative content is too gentle, without big ups and downs, conflicts and collisions between roles, and no action and funny scenes to support and refresh them, which may make some audiences impatient.
The thrilling feeling of finance in the film is brought to the audience in the very natural and seemingly dull scenes. The director is trying to remove the traces of dramatization, throw away too much sense of design, and hope to present a life like image. In this life oriented story, contingency is what the director values. [5] (Beijing Evening News)