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Disorder of memory
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synonym Amnesia (Human disease) generally refers to amnesia (disorder of memory)
Wang Jianning (Chief physician) Beijing Dongcheng District Mental Health Care Hospital
Amnesia is a disease caused by brain trauma, mainly divided into Psychogenic Amnesia and Dissociative amnesia Amnesia is characterized by the destruction of consciousness, memory, identity, or the normal integration function of the environment, thus causing trouble to life, but these symptoms cannot be explained by physiological factors. Patients often do not know who they are, or often feel that there are many "I".
TCM disease name
Amnesia Loss of memory Amnesia
Visiting department
Psychiatry Department
Common location
Common causes
Brain injury
common symptom
The normal integration function of consciousness, memory, identity and environment is destroyed, and life is troubled


Amnesia is a disorder of memory. In short, it is the loss of memory. The causes of amnesia are organic or functional. Organ causes include brain trauma or disease, or the use of certain (usually sedative) drugs. The reason for functionality is psychological factor , such as defense mechanism An example of this is the hysterical post-traumatic amnesia. Amnesia may also be spontaneous, as for transient complete amnesia. This general type of amnesia is more common in middle-aged people, especially men, and usually lasts less than 24 hours.
Another effect of amnesia is the inability to envision the future. A recent research report published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that, Hippocampus Damaged Amnesia The patient cannot imagine the future. This is because when a normal person imagines the future, they will use their past experience to build a possible situation. For example, when trying to imagine the situation that will occur in a future party, one will use past experience to help build the situation in the future party in all aspects.
(1) Psychogenic amnesia ① The patient loses the memory of past experience, and amnesia is caused by psychological reasons. ② The memory lost by the patient is sometimes limited to the events of a certain period of time, that is, only remember the past and forget the present. ③ Some of the memory lost by patients is limited to the important things without memory, which is called "episodic amnesia".
④ Some of the memory lost by the patient occurs suddenly after suffering a painful blow, and may recover after a period of time.
(2) Dissociative amnesia Dissociative amnesia is considered the most common Dissociation The most common form of this disease is amnesia of personal identity, but the memory of general information is complete. In fact, among all dissociation disorders, amnesia is the most common symptom. There are more women than men in dissociative amnesia patients, and more young adults than older ones. The onset of amnesia in such cases is usually very sudden, and the patient will not be able to recall the previous life or personality, and will mainly lose the past memory, especially traumatic life events
Patients with this disease usually have more than two types of personality. In different periods, a certain personality will become the main personality and ignore each other. When one personality appears, the other personality will disappear. Two personalities have their own memories, emotions Behavior mode , attitude, etc., and the difference is usually very large, as if two souls live in the same body.
2. According to the length of amnesia
It can be divided into temporary amnesia and permanent amnesia.
(1) Temporary amnesia ① Temporary amnesia is caused by the brain's violent collision with the outside world Hematocele clot Pressing part of the memory nerve leads to amnesia. Wait until surgery Back After bleeding, memory will be restored. ② Temporary amnesia usually causes severe social problems Psychological pressure By Personal awareness Sudden and temporary changes in identity or behavior coordination are likely to cause physical and mental collapse. If consciousness changes, you can't remember important personal events, and psychogenic amnesia occurs. If you are too nervous, you will lose memory temporarily. For example, when you suddenly forget the lyrics or lines when performing on the stage, it is also temporary amnesia. It is similar to the second temporary amnesia.
(2) Permanent amnesia is the loss of human memory, such as Computer memory The data disappeared and could not be found.


1. Local amnesia
The patient completely loses memory of the situation within several hours before and after some traumatic events
Individuals selectively remember and forget some things that happened in a certain period of time. It refers to a person who forgets something he or she does not want to remember or escapes from after receiving external stimulation or brain collision.
3. Total amnesia
It refers to an individual who completely forgets his/her life background, including name, address, etc.
four Continuity Amnesia
A person forgets his past experience since a certain year or before an event.

clinical manifestation

1. Mild patients
It's easy to forget what just happened, so it's hard to learn new things. Sometimes I get lost on the familiar road, and then I get depressed, dare not go out, and can't respond to or deal with a lot of letters or bills. Therefore, at this time, he may still be able to work and get off work well, which is not much different from normal people. However, if it is slightly more serious, it is difficult to travel, travel, or plan things, such as holding a banquet, and work efficiency Obvious degradation.
2. Moderate patients
The situation of forgetfulness worsened, and gradually I forgot the name of my old friend and what I had done before. Always repeat a thing, or ask the same question again and again, or ask your family to give it again because you think you haven't eaten. I will make headlines about what I said to myself, or make up stories to come to Tangsai. I can't carry out what I have written down and agreed to do. The behavior is gradually out of control hotbed , weird and wandering around. The clothes are untidy or inappropriate or wear the same suit every day. Thinking confusion, or delusions, fantasies and hallucinations. Increasingly unable to bathe and use toilet equipment by oneself, so that incontinence Etc.
3. Severe patients
Even family members and friends don't recognize each other, and they gradually lose the way to communicate with others. They will yell and hit people aimlessly, unable to take care of themselves. Finally, they can't even move or swallow, but need their families to get up and out of bed and Inserting gastric tube Come feed.


At present, there is no clear Treatment measures , usually based on psychotherapy, including identification and appropriate treatment Pressure source Appropriate listening Hypnotherapy Or use drug assisted talks to encourage patients to overcome symptoms (such as memory).