unemployment rate

Ratio of unemployed population to working population
zero Useful+1
Unemployment rate is a reflection labour market The indicators of supply and demand are macro-control The main objectives of. According to different data sources, they are divided into Survey unemployment rate and Registered unemployment rate , via sampling survey The unemployment rate obtained is the survey unemployment rate. [20]
Monthly changes in unemployment data can appropriately reflect economic development. Unemployment rate and economic growth rate have opposite corresponding change relationship.
On February 29, 2024, the National Bureau of Statistics issued the Statistical Bulletin of the People's Republic of China on National Economic and Social Development in 2023. The average urban unemployment rate in 2023 was 5.2%. At the end of the year, the unemployment rate in cities and towns nationwide was 5.1%. [23-24]
On June 17, 2024, it was reported that according to the operation of the national economy in May 2024, the unemployment rate of urban survey declined year on year. From January to May, the average unemployment rate of the national urban survey was 5.1%, 0.3 percentage points lower than the same period of the previous year. In May, the national urban survey unemployment rate was 5.0%, the same as last month, 0.2 percentage points lower than the same month last year. [25]
Chinese name
unemployment rate
Foreign name
Unemployment rate
Unemployed population occupy Working population Ratio of
China's first communique
September 9, 2013
Cyclical unemployment Natural unemployment Hidden unemployment
Judge the employment situation of all the working population in a certain period

brief introduction



The unemployment rate is a core indicator reflecting the utilization of labor resources in a country or region. Generally speaking, the rise of the unemployment rate means that more labor resources cannot be effectively used. The increase of the unemployed leads to the decline of the total social demand, and the power of economic growth will also be weakened. Therefore, governments of all countries have always taken the unemployment rate as a judgment Macroeconomy It is an important basis for the introduction or adjustment of relevant macroeconomic policies and employment policies. [21]
unemployment rate
Unemployment occurs when people are without work and actively seeking work The percentage of the total number of people working (except children, the elderly, and those unable to work) can also be translated into unemployment rate. It is an important indicator of the capital market Lagging indicator Category. The increase of unemployment rate is a signal of economic weakness, which can lead to the relaxation of the government money , stimulating economic growth; On the contrary, the decline of unemployment rate will lead to inflation , make the central bank Tighten the money , decrease Money supply stay U.S. Department of Labor It is announced on the first Friday of each month, and investors in the market pay close attention to it.
In addition, the opposite of the unemployment rate is the employment data, of which the most representative is Non agricultural employment data The non-agricultural employment figure is one of the unemployment figures, which mainly counts agricultural production The changes in positions other than the number of employees can reflect the development and growth of the manufacturing industry and service industry. A decrease in the number means that enterprises reduce production and the economy enters a depression. When the social economy is fast, consumption will naturally increase, and the number of positions in consumer and service industries will also increase. When the number of non-agricultural employment increases significantly, theoretically exchange rate Should be advantageous; The opposite is true. Therefore, this data is an important indicator to observe the degree and status of socio-economic and financial development.


Unemployment rate%=number of unemployed persons/(number of employed persons+number of unemployed persons)%
In the United States, the unemployment rate is announced on the first Friday of each month. stay Taiwan , the Executive Yuan will Accounting Division publish. Monthly changes in unemployment data can appropriately reflect economic development. Most of the information has been Seasonal adjustment The unemployment rate is regarded as a lagging indicator.
This indicator can be used to judge the employment situation of all the working population in a certain period. For a long time, the unemployment rate is regarded as an indicator reflecting the overall economic situation, and it is the first economic data published every month, so the unemployment rate indicator is called all Economic indicators It is the most sensitive monthly economic indicator in the market. How to interpret this indicator? In general, the decline of unemployment rate represents the healthy development of the overall economy and is conducive to currency appreciation; The rise of unemployment rate means that economic development slows down and recession, which is not conducive to currency appreciation. If the unemployment rate is matched with the corresponding inflation By analyzing the indicators, we can know whether the economic development at that time was overheated, whether it would pose pressure to raise interest rates, or whether it was necessary to stimulate economic development by cutting interest rates.


Number of urban registered unemployed and registered unemployment rate in 2003-2007
Cyclical unemployment: employment level depends on national income And the national income depends on Aggregate demand Cyclical unemployment is the periodic unemployment caused by insufficient aggregate demand, which generally occurs in economic cycle The depression stage of.
Natural unemployment: The employment state when periodic unemployment is eliminated is full employment, and the unemployment rate when full employment is achieved becomes Natural unemployment rate
Hidden unemployment: People who have jobs on the surface but have no contribution to production actually are those who have "jobs" but not "jobs".


There are many reasons for unemployment, so the structure and changes of unemployment are the focus of observation. The causes of unemployment can be divided into:


Frictional unemployment
Frictional unemployment (Financial unemployment): It refers to the unemployment phenomenon when people are looking for jobs or changing jobs. Increasing vocational training plans and improving information communication (so that the unemployed can truly grasp employment opportunities) can reduce unemployment in this regard. In the actual labor market, the unemployment rate always fluctuates around the natural unemployment rate. One of the reasons is that it takes time for workers to find the most suitable job for themselves. It is the temporary unemployment caused by the changes of various factors in the economic operation and the functional defects of the labor market. The economy is always changing. It takes time for workers to find jobs that best suit their hobbies and skills. A certain amount of frictional unemployment is inevitable. That is, the unemployment caused by the time consumption between the laborer wanting to work and getting a job.


structural unemployment (Structural unemployment): refers to the result of market competition or the unemployment caused by the change of production technology. Structural unemployment usually lasts longer than frictional unemployment, because structural unemployment often means that people need retraining or relocation to find jobs.
Every change of economic industry requires that the labor supply can adapt to the change quickly, but the structural characteristics of the labor market do not coincide with the demand of society for labor. The resulting unemployment is called "structural unemployment", which is mainly due to economic structure (including industrial structure product mix , regional structure, etc.). Structural unemployment is long-term in nature and usually originates from the demand side of labor force. Structural unemployment is caused by economic changes that cause the demand for specific types of labor in specific markets and regions to be relatively lower than their supply.


Seasonal unemployment (Seasonal unemployment): Agriculture, construction and tourism are particularly vulnerable to seasonal factors. Seasonal unemployment is a kind of Natural unemployment It has two negative impacts on the society: one is that the income of seasonal employees is affected due to the short employment time (despite the compensatory wage difference); Second, seasonal unemployment is not conducive to Labor resources Effective use of.
The career guidance for seasonally unemployed people should focus on information services to guide them to take flexible forms (such as part-time work) for temporary employment in the off-season.


Cyclical unemployment
Cyclical unemployment (Cyclic unemployment): short-term unemployment caused by insufficient aggregate demand generally occurs in the depression stage of the economic cycle. The main reason for cyclical unemployment is the decline of the overall economic level; Because it is inevitable, cyclical unemployment is also the last thing people want to see. Great economy in 1930s depression The period of unemployment is totally cyclical unemployment. Every worker is engaged in the work they have been engaged in, so there is no frictional unemployment. Compared with the unemployment caused by people holding money rather than consumption and enterprises being forced to cut output, structural unemployment is also extremely insignificant.
Cyclical unemployment is different from structural unemployment, frictional unemployment and other unemployment situations. Cyclical unemployment has a large number of unemployed people and is widely distributed. It is the most severe situation of economic development and usually takes a long time to recover. While China's economy is still in the stage of rapid development, China has experienced serious problems before and in the coming decades recession And cyclical unemployment.


Involuntary unemployment (Involuntary unemployment): If Wage products The price of wage goods rises slightly relative to the currency. The total supply of labor willing to work under the current monetary wage level and the total demand for labor at this wage level will both be greater than the existing employment, so the workers are in an involuntary unemployment state. In 1936, British economists Keynes In his works General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money The concept proposed in.
Keynes believed that if the price of wage products money wages With a slight increase, workers are willing to provide labor supply under the current monetary wage, and the total labor demand at the same time is greater than the existing employment, then there is Involuntary unemployment The exists of.


Statistical statement of unemployment rate
The unemployment rate can judge the employment situation of all the working population in a certain period through the unemployment rate indicator. It is generally believed that frictional unemployment, structural unemployment and voluntary unemployment are unavoidable, and they have nothing to do with the total demand level of the economic society and the economic cycle. Therefore, they are also collectively referred to as natural unemployment. The ratio of natural unemployment to total labor is Natural unemployment rate The natural unemployment rate is generally considered to be difficult to eliminate in the economic society, because frictional unemployment, structural unemployment and voluntary unemployment always exist, and it has nothing to do with cyclical unemployment, economic operation cycle and total demand level, so it is relatively stable, and is the lowest unemployment rate that can exist for a long time in a country. When there is no cyclical unemployment in the economy, and all unemployment is frictional, structural, seasonal and voluntary unemployment, it is considered that the economy has reached full employment, that is, the social employment situation after the elimination of involuntary unemployment or cyclical unemployment. Therefore, it can be said that the unemployment rate in full employment is the natural unemployment rate. Full employment means not only the full use of labor resources in a country, but also the full use of all economic resources in a country. When the actual unemployment rate is equal to the natural unemployment rate, a country's economy is Long term equilibrium Status, all economic resources They have been fully utilized, that is, the balance of full employment has been achieved.

Current situation abroad



On October 1, the National Bureau of Statistics of Japan released data showing that Japan's unemployment rate in August was 4.1% after seasonal adjustment, up 0.3% month on month, the first deterioration in six months. Among them, the number of employees was 63.1 million, an increase of 290000 or 0.5% year on year; The number of unemployed people was 2.71 million, a year-on-year decrease of 60000, or 2.2%.


On March 4, 2022, the US Department of Labor released data that the US non-agricultural sector added 678000 jobs in February, the unemployment rate dropped to 3.8%, 0.2 percentage points lower than the previous month. [10] On June 3, the data released by the U.S. Department of Labor showed that the U.S. unemployment rate in May 2022 remained at 3.6% for the third consecutive month, still higher than the level before the COVID-19 epidemic. [12] On August 5, the data released by the U.S. Department of Labor showed that the U.S. unemployment rate in July 2022 was 3.5%, and the number of new jobs in non-agricultural sectors was 528000. [13]
On February 3, 2023, the United States Department of Labor released data that the non-agricultural sector of the United States will create 517000 new jobs in January 2023, with an unemployment rate of 3.4%. This created the lowest unemployment rate in the United States since 1969. [15]
On March 1, 2023 local time, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released data showing that the U.S. national unemployment rate will reach 3.6% [17]


The latest data released by the Greek government shows that, affected by the financial crisis and economic recession, Greece's registered unemployment rate climbed to 25.1% in July 2012, a record high. This indicates that the situation of the employment market is still deteriorating.
At present, the Greek economy is experiencing severe contraction. Official data show that the size of the Greek economy has shrunk by 20% since the 2008 debt crisis. The youth unemployment rate has exceeded 50%, reaching a worrying level. Economists estimate that the Greek economy may decline for the sixth consecutive year in 2013.
Angelos Tsakanikas, a researcher of the Greek IOBE Foundation, said: "This is the inevitable result of the economic recession." He said: "The future of Greece will be more uncertain."
According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of Greece, the unemployment rate has risen from 24.8% in June to 25.1%, the same level as that of Spain in August.
Greece and Spain have the highest unemployment rate among the 17 member countries of the euro area. The average unemployment rate of the euro area has climbed to 11.4%, the highest level since 1999.
The Greek Statistical Office reported that about 1.26 million Greeks lost their jobs in July, and nearly 1000 lost their jobs every day. The most affected group is young people aged 15-24. The unemployment rate of young people in this age group is as high as 54.2%.
Before the financial crisis broke out in July 2008, the number of registered unemployed people in Greece was only 364000.

Existing relationship


Natural unemployment rate

Natural rate of unemployment: refers to the unemployment rate under full employment.
It is the sum of frictional unemployment rate and structural unemployment rate. because population structure Changes, technological progress, people's Consumption preference There will always be frictional unemployment and structural unemployment in the society due to changes and other factors. In the long run, Boom cycle The resulting unemployment often disappears, leaving only natural unemployment in the society. The definition of "nature" is not clear, and no one can clearly point out what the natural unemployment rate of a society is. It will change with the change of population structure, technological progress, and industrial upgrading. In Taiwan, the natural unemployment rate is generally believed to be between 1.5% and 2.5%.
Release time of unemployment rate (Beijing time)
Issued at 20:30 on the first Friday of each month

Phillips curve

Phillips curve It shows that the economic growth rate and Price rise rate The relationship between them can be called "output price" Phillips curve. This is what many economists used to do later. This Phillips curve replaces the unemployment rate in the second Phillips curve with the economic growth rate. This substitution was made by“ Okun’s law ”Implemented.
American economist Okun In 1962, it was proposed that the unemployment rate and the economic growth rate have a reverse corresponding change relationship. In this way, the relationship between the economic growth rate and the price rise rate shows a corresponding change in the same direction. In the study of this relationship, the economic growth rate indicator is often not directly used, but "the deviation of the real economic growth rate from the potential economic growth rate", or "the reality" Output level yes Potential output level Deviation from ". This "deviation" indicates the gap between total social supply and demand and the pressure of rising prices in a certain period.
Real economic growth rate It indicates that within a certain period of time Total social demand The output growth determined by, and Potential economic growth rate It indicates that the human, material and financial resources of the society can provide Aggregate supply The status of. The potential economic growth rate can have two meanings: one is the normal potential economic growth rate, that is, the economic growth rate that can be achieved when various resources are normally fully utilized; The other refers to the maximum potential economic growth rate, that is, the economic growth rate that can be achieved when various resources are used to the maximum extent.
The first meaning is adopted here. This Phillips curve is a curve with a positive slope sloping from the bottom left to the top right on the coordinate chart with the deviation of the actual economic growth rate from the potential economic growth rate as the horizontal axis and the price rise rate as the vertical axis. The trend of this curve is opposite to the first and second Phillips curves. This curve shows that the deviation of the actual economic growth rate from the potential economic growth rate and the price rise rate are in the same direction, that is, positive correlation. When the deviation of the actual economic growth rate from the potential economic growth rate rises, the price rise rate also rises; When the deviation of the actual economic growth rate from the potential economic growth rate decreases, the price rise rate also decreases. In a round of short-term and typical economic cycle fluctuations economic fluctuation With the expansion of demand, the deviation of the actual economic growth rate from the potential economic growth rate rises, and the price rise rate rises accordingly; In the falling period of economic fluctuation, with the contraction of demand, the deviation of the actual economic growth rate from the potential economic growth rate decreases, and the price rise rate decreases accordingly. In this way, the curve is represented as a curve ring that first moves from the bottom left to the top right, and then from the top right to the bottom left. The curve ring is inclined slightly to the upper right, with low potential and relatively flat shape. "Tilting upward to the right" indicates that the deviation of the actual economic growth rate from the potential economic growth rate is in the same direction as the price rise rate; "Low potential" indicates that the price rise rate is at a low level; "Slightly" inclines to the upper right and "relatively flat", indicating that the price rise rate has not changed much.


Unemployment rate data of China's urban survey in 2020
National urban survey unemployment rate
Unemployment rate of population aged 16-24
January 2020
February 2020
March 2020
5.9% [7]
April 2020
May 2020
June 2020
5.7% [5]
July 2020
August 2020
September 2020
November 2020
December 2020
5.2% [6]
Unemployment rate data of China's urban survey in 2021
National urban survey unemployment rate
Unemployment rate of population aged 16-24
January 2021
February 2021
March 2021
April 2021
May 2021
June 2021
July 2021
August 2021
September 2021
October 2021
November 2021
5% [8]
14.3% [9]
December 2021
Unemployment rate data of China's urban survey in 2022
National urban survey unemployment rate
Unemployment rate of population aged 16-24
Unemployment rate of population aged 25-59
January 2022
five point four
February 2022
five point four
March 2022
October 2022
5.5% [14]
17.9% [14]
4.7% [14]
Unemployment rate data of China's urban survey in 2023
National urban survey unemployment rate
Unemployment rate of population aged 16-24
Unemployment rate of population aged 25-59
February 2023
4.8% [18]
November 2023
5% [22]
December 2023
Unemployment rate data of China's urban survey in 2024
National urban survey unemployment rate
Unemployment rate of labor force aged 16-24
Unemployment rate of labor force aged 25-29
Unemployment rate of labor force aged 30-59
Unemployment rate of local registered labor force survey
Unemployment rate of migrant registered labor force
May 2024
4% [26]
4.7% [25]
Unemployment percentage
The unemployment rate is the percentage of unemployed people in the labor force.
In China, those who have reached a certain minimum age, have the ability to work, and are required to remuneration The unemployed population refers to the population who has not yet obtained the job position but has not yet got the job. Unwilling to work Idleness People who have not yet reached the minimum age despite their desire to work shall not be counted as unemployed. Commonly known in China unemployed Population.
Most countries in the world adopt two methods of unemployment statistics. One is the administrative registered unemployment rate, and the other is the labor force sampling survey Unemployment rate. Both unemployment rates are important basis for government decision-making.
The registered unemployment rate counts the number of unemployed people who go to public employment service institutions to register for unemployment, enjoy unemployment insurance benefits and seek employment. Because public employment services and social insurance The level of development varies, and the registered unemployment rate cannot be compared between countries. The sample survey of unemployment rate is basically based on the international definition of unemployment, which can be compared internationally.
Outline of the Eleventh Five Year Plan for Labor and Social Security
therefore the registered urban unemployment rate And unemployment rate are two different concepts, and the statistical methods used are also different. The urban unemployment rate announced by China is the registered unemployment rate, which is the result of the registration statistics of unemployed people by the employment service agency of the labor and social security department. It should be said that the urban registered unemployment rate is the main reference basis for the government to formulate employment policies. Because of China Employment service system And the social security system is not perfect, the number of unemployed people who register for employment in the employment service agency of the labor security department is not comprehensive, and the employment and unemployment registration methods are not perfect and standardized, so there is a phenomenon that the actual unemployment rate is higher than the registered unemployment rate.
Some scientific research institutions have calculated the urban unemployment rate in one way or another, but the statistics are different. These data can be used as a reference, but not as a basis for decision-making. The unemployment rate disclosed by the Academy of Social Sciences is“ Delphi method ”It was investigated. In fact, this method is to solicit opinions from a certain number of experts and scholars on the contents of the survey, and then synthesize the opinions to form a conclusion. This time, more than 50 scholars engaged in employment and labor statistics research and experts (officials) from relevant government departments were selected to send questionnaires asking them to judge and predict the unemployment rate, urban unemployment tolerance and other issues. These experts and scholars have been paying attention to this field for a long time, paying attention to collecting information in this field, and their judgments should be based.
The registered unemployment rate is not equal to the actual unemployment rate. China has not carried out a sample survey of labor force, so there is no sample survey of unemployment rate. In the future, the labor sampling survey system will be gradually established. However, the urban registered unemployment rate will continue to be used after the sample survey method is used to determine the unemployment rate.
In the first half of 2013, China's unemployment rate was 5%. [1]
Secretary for Labour and Welfare of Hong Kong Zhang Jianzong At the opening ceremony of the Recruitment Expo yesterday, it was pointed out that the latest unemployment rate in Hong Kong remained at 3.1%, the lowest level in 16 years, and the 8.9% unemployment rate of high-risk groups aged 15 to 19 also improved significantly, even the lowest level in 6 years; In the fourth quarter of last year, the median monthly salary of teenagers working full-time was 10000 yuan (Hong Kong dollars, the same below), much higher than 7000 yuan 10 years ago. After deducting inflation, there was also a real increase of 8.6%. He said that the current good job market, many jobs are "workers", disguised as making it easy for young people to find jobs. [2]
The Statistics Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government announced on January 19, 2015 that the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate from October to December 2014 was 3.3%, the same as the figure from September to November 2014, and the underemployment rate also remained unchanged at 1.6%. [3]
According to the website of the National Development and Reform Commission, in the first half of 2015, under the increasing downward pressure of the economy, all local departments conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, made solid progress in employment, and the employment situation was generally stable.
First, new urban employment increased steadily, and the unemployment rate was basically stable. From January to June, 7.18 million new urban jobs were created in China, 71.8% of the annual target. Among them, 5.47 million new urban jobs were created in the second quarter, an increase of 90000 over the same period last year. At the end of the second quarter, the urban registered unemployment rate was 4.04%, down 0.04 percentage points year on year. At the end of June, the unemployment rate in 31 major cities and towns was 5.06%, 0.13 percentage points lower than that at the end of the first quarter, maintaining a basically stable trend.
Second, the demand for labor in the market remained stable, and the number of people seeking increased steadily. In the second quarter, the labor market demand rate was 1.06, more than 1 for 19 consecutive quarters. In terms of regions, the demand rate of eastern, central and western regions is 1.03, 1.11 and 1.08 respectively, and the demand for personnel is greater than the supply. In terms of technical level, the demand for senior technical posts in junior high schools is greater than the number of job seekers.
Third, the reform has achieved further results, and "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" has continued to increase employment. With the promotion of the reform of the commercial system, the market vitality has been further enhanced. In the first half of the year, there were 2.01 million newly registered enterprises nationwide, with an average of more than 10000 per day. Entrepreneurship and innovation drive employment momentum. By the end of June, there were 264 million self-employed and private economy employees nationwide, an increase of 28 million or 11.6% over the same period in 2014.
Public data
On September 9, 2013, China disclosed the relevant data of the unemployment rate survey for the first time. Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council, published a signed article in the Financial Times, "China will deliver a message of sustainable development to the world", and said, "Since this year, China's economy has made steady progress, with GDP growth of 7.6% year-on-year in the first half of the year; the unemployment rate of 5% and the inflation rate of 2.4% are both reasonable and controllable."
The survey unemployment rate of 5% is higher than the registered unemployment rate of 4.1% in the first and second quarters announced by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. In fact, the employment pressure in 2013 was relatively large. An expert from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said that it was closely related to the current economic situation.
Initial public survey of unemployment rate
The 5% unemployment rate survey mentioned by Premier Li Keqiang in the above signed article is the first official public survey of the level of unemployment rate.
As for the level of unemployment rate, experts from the All China Federation of Trade Unions said that although the data had not been released in previous years, it should be close to the data in 2013. The expert said that the unemployment rate of 5% is not high. Premier Li Keqiang pointed out in the above article that in the next ten years, China will have hundreds of millions of people integrated into cities.
Whether more people entering cities will increase urban employment pressure? Experts from the All China Federation of Trade Unions said that urban employment pressure is not only related to labor supply, but also related to the speed and mode of economic development. We need to pay attention to the new jobs created after the transformation of the mode of economic development. On the whole, the employment pressure is relatively large. [4]
On January 22, 2016, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security held a press conference, announcing that 13.12 million new urban jobs were created in 2015, 5.67 million urban unemployed people were re employed, 1.73 million people with employment difficulties were employed, the registered urban unemployment rate at the end of the year was 4.05%, and the goal of more than 10 million new urban jobs and controlling the registered urban unemployment rate within 4.5% was fully achieved.
In May 2022, the employment survey results of the Bureau of Statistics and Census of the Macao Special Administrative Region Government showed that the overall unemployment rate from February to April 2022 was 3.5%, and the unemployment rate of local residents was 4.5%, both equal to the previous period (January to March 2022); The underemployment rate rose 0.2 percentage points to 3.0%. [11]
Hong Kong
On April 25, 2023, the Statistics Department of the Hong Kong Government announced that the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in Hong Kong from January 2023 to March 2023 was 3.1%, down 0.2 percentage points from 3.3% from December 2022 to February 2023, down for 11 consecutive months; The underemployment rate dropped from 1.3% to 1.2%.
According to industry analysis, the unemployment rate of consumption and tourism related industries (retail, accommodation and catering services) fell 0.1 percentage points to 4.2%. Among them, the unemployment rate of the retail industry and the accommodation service industry both fell by 0.1 percentage points to 3.8%, and the unemployment rate of the catering service activity industry rose slightly by 0.1 percentage points to 4.9% after a continuous decline in the past year or so. Unemployment rates in other industries vary. The unemployment rate in some industries fell, especially the building decoration, repair and maintenance industry and the wholesale industry.
Total employment increased by about 3900 people to 3654100 people; The total working population was 3.7692 million, an increase of about 3200; The number of underemployed people decreased by about 1200 to 46700. [19]
On February 28, 2023, the National Bureau of Statistics issued the Statistical Bulletin of the People's Republic of China on National Economic and Social Development in 2022. According to preliminary accounting, the average unemployment rate of the national urban survey throughout the year was 5.6%. At the end of the year, the unemployment rate in cities and towns nationwide was 5.5%. [16]
On January 17, 2024, according to the press conference on the operation of the national economy in 2023, the average unemployment rate of the national urban survey in 2023 will be 5.2%, 0.4 percentage points lower than the previous year. [23]