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Solar radiant heat

Heat transported from the sun to the earth
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The radiant heat of the sun is the heat transmitted by the sun to the earth. 60% of them are absorbed by the atmosphere, continents and oceans, and become the main energy sources for the activities, development and exchange of materials and energy between the atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. A series of external forces are generated, such as wind, flowing water, glaciers, waves, etc. There are also cosmic rays from outer space, meteorite impact energy, and heat released by chemical reaction and crystallization on the surface. [1]
Chinese name
Solar radiant heat
Engineering Geology (Second Edition)
one endogenic geological process It is due to geological processes that can be generated in the earth's interior, including tectonic movement, magmatic activity, earthquake and metamorphism. These geological processes mainly occur deep underground, and some can reach the surface. It makes the lithosphere deformed, displaced, or metamorphosed, or material remelted, so as to form new rocks. 2. External geological processes can be generated from the outside of the earth, which mainly occur on or near the surface of the earth.