Sun sweat

The subjugated monarch of Naiman tribe
zero Useful+1
Sun Khan (? -- 1204), formerly known as Baibuhua, name of a Nestorian ethnic group situated in western Mongolia that was wiped out by Yuan The human voice is falsely called "sun sweat", which originated from the North of the Gobi desert nomadic people The title of the leader "King", also translated as“ The sun is rare ”,“ Tayang Khan ”, "Sun Khan" and so on, are Naiman ministers and arrogant Unbridled
Sun Khan, Tayang Khan, Sun Han, Sun Khan
Ethnic groups
one's native heath
Date of death
The fourth year of Jiatai (1204 AD)
Key achievements
The subjugated monarch of Naiman tribe
True name
Do not worship
Sun Tzu
Open temperature
Great grandson
Transcribe one's thoughts

Character's Life

Before the rise of the Mongols, the Naiman Ministry had been very powerful, had established national institutions, and had a sophisticated and large army, often with Kereit A war broke out.
The father of Taiyanghan is also difficult for the eldest son of Chihan to say "Do not want Lu Khan", and the second son is not willing to pay homage to each other. After his father died, each tribe lived separately, and the sun sweat became name of a Nestorian ethnic group situated in western Mongolia that was wiped out by Yuan Minister, inheriting the title of his ancestors, is called "Sun Khan". Genghis Khan And Wang-khan coalition forces Once attacked the tribe under the control of Buyi Luhei Khan, the front of the army reached the south of Jinshan. No, Luhei could not resist the enemy and fled northward to Yazhou (today's Russia Tuva And Khakassia). Keke Xuewu, the general of Sun Khan, sent troops to rescue and defeated the army led by Zhahe, the younger brother of Wang Han, who dared not to join Sangkun, forcing Mongolia - The Allied Army of Crewe withdrew.
But in Tiemuzhen During the period, the Naiman Khanate had gradually declined, and the Sun Khan himself was also a Stupor The king is arrogant, Frivolity Pride, in Jamuqa When Tie Muzhen came to surrender after defeat, he listened to the advice of his country's empress and heard whether they were alive in the presence of civil and military officials sheep odor Taste, and laugh with others for fun; Wang-khan After being defeated by Tie Muzhen, he fled to Naiman Khanate alone, and was killed by soldiers of Sun Khan at the border. Sun Khan ordered Wang Han's head to be cut off and sent to the palace for identification. He confirmed that Wang Han was indeed the queen of Wang Han. First, he said that he would be buried heavily, and cast a head for him with pure silver. Later, he doubted that Wang Han's soul was still there, and ordered Wang Han's skull cast in silver to be broken.
stay Tiemuzhen Rout Kereit Later, on the grassland naimans Have the strength to fight Tiemuzhen, grassland and Genghis Khan The leaders of the enemy Mongolian tribes are like Mi'er begging Tuohetao Zamuhe of the Mongolian Ministry turned to the Sun Khan one after another. The Sun Khan took up the mission of crusading against Tiemuzhen. Looking at these grand forces, the Sun Khan thought it was a safe bet and planned to launch a surprise attack on Mongolia, so he led troops eastward to the Ouerhan River (today's Mongolia) in Jintai and the fourth year (1204) Orhun River )。 Tie Muzhen received the news that Naiman had sent troops. He did not wait for the enemy to come, but also urged the army to advance Hang Aishan They camped and confronted each other in the area. However, Sun Khan himself was vulnerable without battle. As a result, the Naiman army led by Sun Khan was defeated in the war with Tiemuzhen. After the battle of Nahuya, the seemingly powerful Naiman tribe was completely destroyed. Sun Khan died, and most of the Naiman people followed their sons Kuchlug Escape over Jinshan (today's Altay Mountain), and vote in his uncle Buyi Luheihan, moving westward to this day Kazakhstan east.
The next year, Genghis Khan crossed the golden mountain to the south, eliminated the power of Buyi Luhei Khan, and Qu Chulv escaped again to the southeast Uyghur The northern boundary is 18 miles away, and then south of Tianshan Mountain to Kucha (today's Xinjiang Kuqa ), arrived at Chuihe River (today's Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan The border between the two countries Chu River )Watershed The tiger thinks well of the ear Defection Western Liao Dynasty Western Liao Dynasty The Last Emperor Zhilugu He accepted Qu Chulv and married a princess. Qu Chulv became the emperor's son-in-law in the Western Liao Dynasty.
At the end of Zhilu's ancient rule, the power of the Western Liao Dynasty was declining. In the first year of Taizu (1206), Prick submodule Refusing to pay tribute and betraying the Western Liao Dynasty. Qu Chulv took this opportunity to gain the trust of Zhilugu, collect the remnants of Naiman scattered in the north of Tianshan Mountain, and gather strength secretly. He privately reached an agreement with Khwarazmia to carve up the territory of the Western Liao Dynasty. In the fifth year of Emperor Taizu of the Yuan Dynasty (1210), Qu Chulvcheng Zhilugu sent troops to fight Hezhong Prefecture (Samarkand) led the army westward and plundered Syr River The state treasury of the lower reaches of Xiliao, after winning the battle, marched eastward into the Shayechuan Valley and attacked Husiwou, the capital of Xiliao, but was defeated by the defenders of Xiliao. Later Qu Chulv took advantage of Zhilugu's hunting to launch a surprise attack and capture him at one fell swoop overlord , usurped the Western Liao regime. Sent by Genghis Khan in the 13th year of Emperor Taizu of the Yuan Dynasty (1218) Jebe Chasing leads to law. Kuchlug Escape westward from Keshihar and enter Badaha wounded area. They are captured by local people and handed over to the Mongolian army for execution. Qu Chu, the grandson of law Transcribe one's thoughts It was acquired by the Mongolian army, and later became an official in Genghis Khan

Family members

full name
Narhei · Sun
Yi'nanchi · Bilag Buguhan (Yi'nanchi Khan)
Not Yilu Black sweat (Not like Lu Khan)
Open temperature

Artistic image

1987 Teleplay《 Genghis Khan Lu Zhenshun Decorate the sun sweat (don't spend it) [1]
TV series in 2004《 Genghis Khan 》This character has appeared in.