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Solar neutrino

Products of nuclear fusion reaction of the sun
Electron neutrinos are sunlight conduct nuclear fusion A product of the reaction from this source neutrino be called Solar neutrino At present, the largest neutrino crossing the earth is the solar neutrino.
Chinese name
Solar neutrino
Foreign name
Solar neutrino
It's the sun nuclear fusion A product of the reaction

Production mechanism

The main mechanism of producing solar neutrinos comes from Proton proton chain reaction , which is:
Or in other words:
86% of solar neutrinos are produced through this reaction. Standard solar model Solar neutrinos in( Proton proton chain reaction )Partial, deuterium will interact with another proton Resulting from integration Helium 3 atom (He) and Gamma ray , this reaction can be written as:
The isotope helium 4 atom (He) can be produced by the aforementioned He reaction:
When helium 3 and helium 4 exist in the same system, beryllium It can be generated through fusion:
There are currently four protons and three protons neutron Beryllium can have two different reaction pathways. The first is to capture an electron and generate Lithium 7 atom And an electron neutrino:
This reaction produces 14% of solar neutrinos. The resulting lithium 7 will fuse with the proton to produce two helium 4 atoms.
The second reaction path is to capture a proton (numerous in stars) and generate Boron 8 atom
The boron 8 atom will penetrate Beta (+) decay Convert to Beryllium 8 atoms , and release positron And electron neutrinos:
This reaction produces about 0.02% of the solar neutrinos, although a small number, but its energy is high.

observation data

Solar neutrino flux It is directly derived from proton proton chain reaction, and has low energy, up to 400 keV There are several other production mechanisms that result in neutrino energies as high as 18 MeV. The neutrino flux on the earth is about 7.10 particles/ centimeter / second
pass through Standard solar model The number of neutrinos can be predicted, but the number of electron neutrinos actually measured is only 1/3 of the predicted value, which is solar neutrino problem Subsequent solutions include Neutrino oscillation And pointed out that neutrinos can change its taste stay Sudbury Neutrino Observatory After measuring the total flux of various types of solar neutrinos, the correctness of this concept is confirmed, and it is confirmed that neutrinos have mass.
The solar model can also predict the energy spectrum of solar neutrinos. Energy spectrum is a key information in research because different neutrino detection experiments have their own energy ranges with high detection sensitivity. Homstick experiment Use chlorine instead of Beryllium isotope The solar neutrinos produced by Be decay reaction are most sensitive; Sudbury Neutrino Observatory The equipment of Boron isotope Neutrino produced by B reaction is the most sensitive; Gallium detectors are most sensitive to neutrinos produced by proton proton chain reactions.
In 2012, called Borexino The joint research plan of, reported the results of the detection of low-energy neutrinos, which originated from the proton electron proton reaction (English: Proton electron proton, PEP; see Proton proton chain reaction )Every 400 deuterons in the sun will produce one low-energy neutrino. The detector of this plan uses 100 metric tons of liquid, and three detection events occur on average every day (because Carbon 11 generation ), the origin is relatively rare Thermonuclear reaction
Neutrinos can trigger nuclear reactions. Ancient ore veins of different ages are exposed to neutrinos of different degrees, and the time scale is as long as Geologic Age Meter; By observing these veins, we can study the sun luminosity Change in time. according to Standard solar model The solar luminosity changes with time. [1]