
One of the three walls
zero Useful+1
Taiweiyuan is Sanyuan One, yes Sanyuan The upper wall of Purple Placanticline Northeast below, Beidou South. About 63 degrees in the sky area Five Emperors It is the center, including 20 constellations, 78 positive stars and 100 added stars; Taiweiyuan includes some constellations such as Virgo, Afterhair and Lion.
Sanyuan originates from the Chinese people's understanding of the ancient stars Nature worship , is ancient Chinese mythology A combination of astronomy. Taiwei is the meaning of the government, and star names are often named by official names, such as Left law enforcement I.e a military rank Right law enforcement I.e imperial censor Etc. [1]
Chinese name
One of the three walls

Star name bearing

  • Star officials and number of stars
Taiweiyuan has twenty star officials.
Star official
English name of Xingguan
Number of stars
Taiwei Left Wall
Left Wall
Taiwei Zuoyuan has five stars, which are Zuo Faji, Dongshang Xiang, Dongci Xiang, Dongci Jiang and Dongjun
Virgo seat/back hair seat
Taiwei Right Wall
Right Wall
Taiwei Youyuan has five stars, which are Right Law Enforcement, West Admiral, West Cijiang, West Cixiang and West Shangxiang
leo /Virgo
Usher to the Court
Official name, responsible for receiving guests and being appointed as an envoy
three counsellors of state
Three Excellencies
Refers to Taiwei, Situ and Sikong
the nine great ministers of state
Nine Senior Officers
Nine senior officials
Five princes
Five Lords
Five Vassals , respectively Emperor Shi, Emperor You, Sangong, Doctor, Taishi
Inner screen
Inner Screen
The small wall inside the gate of the vassal's home
Five Emperors
Seats of the Five Emperors
Seat of Five Emperors
favourite courtier
Officer of Honour
Favored officials
crown prince
Crown Prince
crown prince
an official's personal aide
An attendant who can be close to the emperor or the emperor
Lang Jiang
Captain of the Bodyguards
Senior Military Officer
Emperor's Bodyguard
General of the garrison in the palace
Chang Chen
Imperial Guards
Beagle/Ursa Major
Lang position
Officers of the Imperial Guard
Commoner officer
The Hall of Glory
The place where the early emperors preached politics and religion
Astronomical Observatory
Astronomical Observatory
Junior Officers
Scholar doctor or general official
Leo/Little Lion
Long Wall
Border city wall
Three sets
Three Steps
It can be divided into three classes: ascending, middle, and descending. It refers to the three gods of Siming, Sizhong, and Silu, or to the three social classes from the Son of Heaven to the common people
ursa major
six [2]
  • Chinese and Western Star Name Comparison Table
Star official
Star name
Western Star Name
Five Emperors
Leo beta
Five Emperors Two
HIP 57646
Five Emperors Three
HIP 57320
Five Emperors IV
Leo 95
Five Emperors
HIP 57779
Add one to the Five Emperors' Seat
Leo 90
Five Emperors' Seat Add Two
Leo 85
Five Emperors' Seat adds three
Leo 88
The Five Emperors' Seat increases by four
HIP 57320
crown prince
Leo 93
an official's personal aide
Leo 92
favourite courtier
Rear engine seat GK
Five princes
Five princes one
Rear engine seat 39
Five princes and two princes
Rear engine seat 36
Five princes and three princes
Rear engine seat 27
Five princes four
Virgo 18 [Note 1]
Five princes and five princes
Rear engine seat 6
Five princes added one
Rear engine seat 40
Five princes added two
Rear engine seat 35
Five princes increase three
Rear engine seat 38
Five princes increased by four
Rear engine seat 25
Five princes increased by five
Rear engine seat 24
Five princes increased by six
Rear engine seat 11
Five princes increased by seven
Rear engine seat 3
the nine great ministers of state
Virgo ρ
Jiuqing Er
Virgo 32
Virgo 51 G [Note 2]
Jiuqing increased by one
Rear engine seat 29
Jiuqing increased by two
Virgo 36 [Note 3]
Nine Qing Increases Three
Rear engine seat 28
Nine Qing Increases Four
Virgo 34
Nine Qing increased by five
Virgo 27
Nine Qing Increases Six
Virgo 33
Nine Qing Increases Seven
Virgo 23 [Note 4]
Jiuqing increased by eight
Virgo 20
Nine ministers increase nine
Virgo 19 [Note 5]
three counsellors of state
Three Gongyi
Virgo R [Note 6]
Three public and two public
Virgo 31
Three public three
Virgo 35
Inner screen
Virgo ξ
Virgo ν
Virgo π
Virgo o
Virgo omega
Internal screen increased by two
Virgo A one
Add three to the inner screen
Virgo A two
Internal screen increased by four
Virgo 12
Internal screen increased by 5
Virgo 11
Add six to the inner screen
Virgo 7
Taiwei Right Wall
Virgo beta
Western Admiral (Taiwei Youyuan II)
Leo σ
Xi Cijiang (Taiwei Youyuan III)
Leo θ
West secondary phase increases by one
Leo 71 [Note 7]
West secondary phase increases by two
Leo 81
West increases three times
Leo 73
Leo δ
West upper phase increases by one
Leo 60
West upper facies increased by two
Leo 86
Taiwei Left Wall
Virgo η
Left law enforcement increased by one
Virgo 13
Eastern upper facies (Taiwei Zuoyuan II)
Virgo gamma
Eastern subfacies (Taiwei Zuoyuan III)
Virgo δ
Eastern secondary phase increases by one
Virgo 37
Virgo ε
Dongci will increase by one
Virgo 41
Dongci will increase by two
Virgo 42 [Note 8]
Dongci will increase by three times
Virgo θ
Backhair alpha
Two more East Admirals
Virgo 71
Three more East Admirals
Four more East Admirals
Lang Jiang
Rear engine seat 31
The Lang will increase by one
Rear engine seat 30
The Lang will increase by two
HIP62857 [Note 9]
Lang position
Backhair γ
Lang second
Rear engine seat 19 [Note 10]
Lang Daisan
Rear engine seat 14
Rank 4
Rear engine seat 16
Ranking fifth
Rear engine seat 17
Rank 6
Rear engine seat 13
Ranking seven
Rear engine seat 12
Ranking eight
Rear engine seat 21
Lang is nine
Rear engine seat 18
Rank ten
Rear engine seat 7
Rank 11
Rear engine seat 23
Rank 12
Rear engine seat 26
Rank 13
Rear engine seat 20
Lang 14
Rear engine seat 5
Rank 15
Rear engine seat 2
Rank increase by one
Rear engine seat 10
Rank increase by two
Rear engine seat 9
Rank increase by three
Rear engine seat 4
Chang Chen
Orion alpha
Chang Chen Er
Beagle 10
As usual
Beagle 9
Canis Beta
As is often the case
Beagle 6
As always
Beagle 2
The old saying goes
Ursa Major 67
Chang Chen Zengyi
Beagle 4
Chang Chen Zenger
Beagle 18
Chang Chen Zengsan
Beagle 20
Chang Chen Zengsi
Beagle 16
Chang Chen Zengwu
Beagle 15
Chang Chen Zengliu
Beagle 17
Chang Chen Zengqi
Three sets
Ursa Major
Onstage II (Three sets, two sets)
κ Ursa Major
One more on the stage
Tmall 27
Take the stage to add two
Tmall 26
Three more on the stage
Tmall 25
Increase 5% on the stage
Tmall 35
Go on stage and add six
Tmall 36
Tmall 41
Ursa Major λ
Ursa Major μ
One more in the middle
Lions Minor 14 [Note 11]
Middle office increased by two
Lions Minor 19
Middle office increased by three
Lions Minor 25
Four in the middle
HIP 50485
Big Bear ν
Ursa Major ξ
Step down and add one
Ursa Major 61
Step down and add two
Ursa Major 62
Leo 72
A little
Lions Minor 52
Little two
Leo 54
Little three
Lions Minor 41
Slightly four
Leo 52
One little increase
Lions Minor 39
Slightly increase by two
Lions Minor 40
A slight increase of three
Lions Minor 48
Slightly increase by four
Leo Minor 50
A slight increase of five
Lions 51
Slightly increase six
Leo 67
A little more than seven
Leo 64
A slight increase of 8
Lions Minor 49
Increase by a little
Leo 54
Changyuan I
Leo 46
Changyuan II
Leo κ
Changyuan III
Leo 53
Changyuan IV
Leo 48
Changyuan Zengyi
Leo 50
Changyuan increased by two
Leo 49
Changyuan Zengshan
Sextant holder 32
Changyuan increased by four
Sextant holder 23
Changyuan increased by five
Sextant holder 31
Changyuan increased by six
Sextant holder 34
Changyuan increased by seven
Sextant holder 35
Changyuan increased by 8
Sextant holder 37
Changyuan increased by nine
Sextant holder 38
Leo χ
Lingtai II
Leo 59
Lingtai III
Leo 58
Lingtai increases by one
Leo 56
Lingtai Add Two
Sextant holder 36
Lingtai increases three
Leo 55
Lingtai increased by four
Leo 57
Lingtai increases by five
Leo 61
Lingtai increases by six
Leo 66
Lingtai increases by seven
Leo 62
Lingtai increases by eight
Leo 65
Mingtang I
Leo τ
Mingtang II
Leo nu
Mingtang III
Leo 87
One more in Mingtang
Leo 89
Mingtang Add Two
Leo 80
Mingtang Add Three
Leo 79
Mingtang Add Four
Leo 75
Mingtang increases by five
Leo 69
Mingtang Add Six
Leo φ
Mingtang Add Seven
Leo e
Virgo 16
One more caller
Virgo 10
Two more callers
Virgo 17
Note 1 Five princes and four princes (Virgo 18): East Admiral Zeng Yi (Virgo 70).
Note 2 Jiuqingsan: It is actually 22 Virgo, without contrast star. The Chinese Western Comparison Star Chart and the Chinese Star Observation History correspond to HIP61579.
Note 3 Add two to nine (Virgo 36): the same as add one to nine (later hair 29).
Note 4 Cynanchum septicense (Virgo 23): no control star. The Chinese Western Comparison Star Chart is the same as Jiuqingsan (HIP61579).
Note 5 Jiuqing added nine (Virgo 19): the calculation or transcription error of East Admiral added two (Virgo 71).
Note 6 Three male and one female: they are actually 24 Virgo, without reference star.
Note 7 West secondary phase increases by one (Leo 71): error caused by transcription error of right ascension (the difference of right ascension is 2 °).
Note 8 East will add two (Virgo 42): no control star.
Note 9: Lang will add two: it is actually a late starter 34, and the five princes added two (late starter 35) due to calculation or transcription errors.
Note 10 Rank 2 (Backhair 19): calculation or transcription error of Rank 9 (Backhair 18).
Note 11 Add one to the middle platform (Leos 14): the coordinates of the longitude yellow are wrong.
References in this table: [3] [5-6]
Taiweiyuan, where the two kingdoms are separated from each other, enters the night, and the upper phase enters the night at 65 degrees and a half Twelve degrees , the secondary phase is 72 degrees, half into three degrees, and the general phase is 80 degrees Fourth degree Seventy five degrees into one degree. Right law enforcement Eighty four degrees into ten and a half degrees. All entry is wing. Qidong Left law enforcement Eighty six degrees into half, eighty seven degrees into one for the upper phase, eighty one and a half degrees into ten degrees for the second phase, seventy four and a half degrees into twelve and a half degrees for the second phase, and sixty-eight degrees into fourteen degrees for the second phase.

Ancient book records

The name Taiweiyuan first appeared in Early Tang Dynasty Xuan Xiang Poems. When people enter the land, they have moral orders. People are worried about it. They will die in the land. If you stay for 70 days, you will die. A guilty woman is in power. Jin Jin, the ministers killed each other, and there were worries about the place. The palace guards, evil ministers Ambush It is mainly from the generals and soldiers, or the prime minister and the official. If the Geng Tzu were to join in, Son of Heaven If you make a move, it will also be a water loss if you enter and stay behind. When Mercury sees it, people will think it is chaos, and there will be disaster or flood in the harem. The appearance of the guest star is strange Military bereavement In the case of a moderate offense, guard by riding, and assist by four, Monarch and minister If you are disrespectful, your assistant will punish you. The law enforcement officer is guilty.
Too small the west clan, will hold the power, and will not follow. Dongfan, Xiangzhimei, rejected the marquis. Where is Taiwei's power. Taiweiwei Tianting The principles and laws are flat, the supervisor is promoted to the level of morality, the governor is listed to receive symbols, the gods are dedicated to festivals, and they are comfortable and suspicious. Nanfan and Dongxing are Left law enforcement a military rank Image; The western star is Right law enforcement , the image of the imperial doctor. Law enforcement Raise a thorn The traitor is the southern gate of the two stars and the eastern gate of the left law enforcement armpit gate Also. Right law enforcement in the west and right door.
The order of the heaven is simple, the five systems are unified and the three systems are established, and the French style is organized. Select satellite as Foreign ministers , the western star will be in position, the eastern star will be in phase, Chinese law enforcement , the southern two star Duanmen, the left and right Yemen, the five princes.
You also know astrology There is no repetition. Silk plays with the king. Money is used to pay for food. I reached Wen with this remark, and Wen sighed, "Look at you for thirty years." Confucian books It's better to learn Registrar [3]
  • Taiweiyuan
Ten stars are too small《 Hanshu · Astronomy 》Said: "The image of Nanguan stars is one Scarlet Bird— guardian spirit of the south , by Right constellation and Heng constellation Composition. " The Book of Jin Astronomy said: "It is the court of the emperor and the throne of the five emperors, Twelve princes Your mansion. Its outer screen is the nine great ministers of state One view holds that Taiweiyuan is a balance, and balance is in charge of balance; It is also the heaven, which governs laws, judges cases, takes charge of promotion, appoints people with moral integrity, accepts Fuming from all stars, and observes laws from all gods, stretches their feelings, and explains difficulties. The two stars in Nanfan are called Duanmen. The east is called Left law enforcement , Yes a military rank The symbol of. The west is called Right law enforcement It is the symbol of the imperial doctor. Law enforcement is used to report and punish evil people. To the east of Left Law Enforcement, it's Left armpit gate To the west of the Right Law Enforcement is the Right Gate. The four stars of Dongfan: the first star in the south is called Shangxiang, and the north of Shangxiang is the East Sun Gate; The second star is called the second phase. To the north of the second phase is the East Gate of China; The third star is called Cijiang. To the north of Cijiang is the East Taiyin Gate; The fourth star is called Admiral, and these are the so-called four auxiliary stars. Xifan The first star in the south is called Admiral, and the west solar gate is in the north of Admiral; The second star is called Next time To the north of the second general is the west gate of China; The third star is called the secondary phase. To the north of the secondary phase is the Western Taiyin Gate; The fourth star is called Shangxiang, which is also called Sifu.
According to the Astronomical Annals of the Han Dynasty, "the twelve stars that act as assistant bodyguards are the officials who defend the emperor: the generals in the west, the prime ministers in the east, the law enforcement officers in the south, the main gate in the middle, and the side gates on the left and right sides of the gate, called Duanmen armpit gate 。” New Book of Ganxiang 》Record: Ten stars, five from east to west, are located in the north of Yixiu and Zhenxiu. The star on the north side of its west side is the upper phase, and the star on the right side of the south door is Right law enforcement The eastern and western provinces radiate light and are unstable, and the princes plot to commit crimes. The law enforcement star has moved, indicating that the punishment is particularly urgent. The movement of the moon and the five planets intruded into the orbit of Taimiyuan, indicating good luck; If you invade the sky area where you are sitting, it indicates that the criminal law has been completed. The moon intrudes into the sky where Taiwei Yuan is located, and the assistant ministers hate this situation, which also indicates that the king is weak, his ministers are strong, and the army in all directions cannot be controlled; The moon intrudes into the sky region where the law enforcement star is located, "Occupying in the Sea" He said, "In three years, some generals and ministers will be dismissed." The moon moved into the east and west gates, left and right armpit gate , and went out of Duanmen to the south, indicating that there would be rebellious ministers and the king would have trouble; The moon entered the west gate and went out from the east gate, indicating that the monarch would have trouble. The minister pretended to be the monarch's dragon power. The moon runs in the middle of the sky, invades Taiweiyuan's sky area, and takes the opportunity to stay in the sky area where Sifu is located, indicating that ministers have lost etiquette, and some of their assistants have been killed. happen lunar halo The Son of Heaven will lead the army to protect himself. In one month, the moon halos occurred three times in Taiweiyuan, indicating that there will be forgiveness. The movement of the moon covered up too small a wall, indicating that ministers would have trouble, and the emperor hated this situation.
Jupiter's movement into the orbit of Taimiyuan indicates that there will be forgiveness; The invasion of Taiweiyuan's heaven indicates that the law enforcement ministers will be in trouble; Jupiter enters the east gate, indicating that there will be an urgent war in the world; Jupiter stops here, indicating that generals, prime ministers Law enforcement officer The imperial historian will die; Jupiter enters the Duanmen and stops in the sky, indicating that a disaster is coming; Jupiter enters the South Gate. Going out from the east gate, it indicates that there will be drought; Jupiter enters the south gate and goes retrograde from the west gate, indicating that the country will have a funeral; Jupiter retrograde into the East Gate, from the West Gate, indicating that the country will perish. The movement of Jupiter and Mars invades the sky area where Taiweiyuan is located, and retrograde entry indicates that there will be war and funeral; If the operation intrudes into the sky area where the general is, it indicates that there will be troubles for the general; The movement intrudes into the sky area where Duanmen is located, and stops, which indicates that the country will perish, or three public conspiracies will be committed, and ministers will be killed; The operation intrudes into the sky area where the western general is located, indicating that the sky character will be open spaces beyond a city Fight and die; Running into the sky where Taiweiyuan is located, it is white and has no light, indicating famine in the world; If it does not run backward as usual, it indicates that there will be major cases; The operation invades the sky area where the Taiwei Gate is located, indicating that the left and right generals will die in battle; Run into the sky, located in the south of the screen star, from the left armpit gate If you leave, it means that the left will die in battle; if you leave from the right Yemen, it means that the right will die in battle; if you leave directly from the Duan Men, it means that there is no danger; Running into Taiweiyuan, invading the sky area where it is located, staying still, indicating that there will be war, and entering 20 days, a military rank They should bear relevant responsibilities. If they stay in the heaven for 10 days, they will be pardoned; If the operation intrudes into the southeast corner of the sky where Taiweiyuan is located, it indicates that famine will occur in the year, and the law enforcement minister will be worried; The operation intrudes into the heaven where the Prime Minister is located, indicating that the minister will die.
Saturn The operation of the intruded into the sky where Taiweiyuan is located, indicating that a virtuous decree will be issued and the Queen will be in power. If the reverse operation reaches the sky area where the law enforcement star and Sifu are located, and they stop, it indicates that there will be trouble; The operation intrudes into the sky where Taiweiyuan is located and stops, indicating that the country will perish; Operational intrusion Xifan If you stay in the sky, it indicates that the king will have trouble. The movement of Venus intrudes into the sky where Taiwei Yuan is located, indicating that it is war and ministers kill each other; If the operation stops, it indicates that there will be war and funeral; Venus and Saturn move together and invade the center of the sky where Taiwei is located. The king hates this situation; Run to the right armpit gate , leaving from the Duanmen indicates that the dignitaries will fight for power; In the daytime, seeing Taiweiyuan indicates that there will be war and funeral in the country. The moon hides Venus outside the Duan Gate, indicating that the country will suffer war. The operation of Mercury invades Taiweiyuan's sky area, and the emperor should assume relevant responsibilities, indicating that there will be internal unrest Running into the heaven indicates that the harem will be troubled, and there will be a big flood; The operation intrudes into the heaven where the left and right law enforcement is located and stops, indicating that war will break out and there will be amnesty; Running into the west gate, it indicates that there will be a disaster in the harem and a big flood; Entering from the west gate and leaving from the east gate indicates war, funeral and flood. The guest star intrudes into the sky area where Taiweiyuan is located, showing yellow and white, indicating that the Son of Heaven will be happy; Going in and out from the Duanmen indicates that the country will be in trouble; Entering and exiting from the Zuoye Gate indicates that there will be drought and national unrest; From right armpit gate In and out, it indicates that there will be harsh policies and cruel orders, and war will take place; 30 days after entering Taiweiyuan, there will be forgiveness; The operation intrudes into the sky area where Sifu is located, indicating that Assistant minister Dangerous.
comet The operation of the invades the sky where Taiweiyuan is located, indicating that the world will change dynasties; The comet left the sky where Taiweiyuan was, indicating that there would be trouble and fire in the palace; The operation intrudes into the sky area where the law enforcement star is located, indicating that the law enforcement officials will be removed; The movement invades the heaven, indicating that there will be a king on the throne; When the variable star moves to the wing and is close to the general of Taiwei, it indicates war and funeral; Variable star moves to Xifan , indicating the change of dynasties; The variable star moves to the sky area where the Five Emperors are located, indicating that the country will perish and the monarch will kill in the north. The meteor left Taiweiyuan, indicating that the minister will have foreign affairs activities; If the number of meteors leaving from the south gate is large, it indicates that the dignitaries will die; If you come and go in the sky where Taiweiyuan is located, it indicates that the monarch is weak and his ministers are strong; Run from the end gate to the sky area where Wing Su is located. The stars shine on the earth, accompanied by sound, indicating that there will be a supporting king. Clouds come and go in the small wall, and the color is slightly green, indicating that the king will lose his throne. Blue, white and black clouds enter the left and right armpit gate , indicating a funeral; If you leave from the left and right wickets, there is no danger. Red clouds enter Dongye Gate, indicating that the country will have a civil war. When the yellow and white clouds enter the sky area where Taiweiyuan is located, the monarch will have a happy event and extend his life. Entering the left and right Yemen, the Emperor will issue a decree of virtue. Black and pale clouds enter the sky where Taiweiyuan is located, indicating that the Son of Heaven will be in trouble, and there will be no danger if he leaves. The black cloud like a snake entered the gate of Taiweiyuan, indicating that there would be a funeral.
Inner Five Emperors within Five Emperors Five stars, one of which is in the tiny wall Yellow Emperor The throne of Including hub God. The actions of the Son of Heaven conform to the laws of heaven, and stop conforming to the wishes of the earth. His actions and behaviors are leisurely. If they conform to the laws of heaven, they will be bright and shining. If they are not bright, the king should seek the virtuous to assist in the laws; Otherwise, we will fight for power and power. There are four Emperors, which are two degrees away from the constellation of Huangdi. East, yes Emperor Cang The god whom the spiritual power worships. South, yes god of the south Red anger God. Western, yes White Emperor Be incorrigible God. North, yes Darkseid Yeguang Period God. Yellow Emperor starlight Bright, indicating the longevity of the Son of Heaven, and the implementation of the will; The star light is weak, on the contrary, the power is under the control of ministers; If the stars disappear, the Son of Heaven should take responsibility. When the moon appears in the north of the constellation Huangdi, disaster will be great; It appears in the south of the Yellow Emperor's constellation, disaster Small; It appears close to the Yellow Emperor seat, indicating that ministers will be killed, or there will be famine; The movement of the moon intrudes into the sky area where the constellation Huangdi is located, indicating that there will be officials plotting chaos. The moon's movement arrives at the constellation Huangdi, which indicates that a great deal of construction will be done. Appears in the sky where the constellation Huangdi is located lunar halo , indicating that there will be forgiveness.
According to Haizhongzhan, the movement of the moon intrudes into the sky area of the constellation Huangdi, and the monarch hates this situation. If the movement of the five planets intrudes into the sky area where the constellation of Yellow Emperor is located and stops, it indicates that the monarch will have trouble. Mars and Venus enter the constellation of Yellow Emperor, indicating that there are strong ministers. The movement of Jupiter intrudes into the sky area where the constellation of Yellow Emperor is located, and people who are not kings are made kings. The movement of Mars invades the sky region where the constellation Huangdi is located, indicating that the army will be in turmoil; Running into the heaven and arriving at the Yellow Emperor's seat, it indicates that there will be forgiveness. Venus enters the constellation Huangdi, and war takes place in the imperial palace. Saturn moves in the opposite direction and stops in the sky where the constellation of Yellow Emperor is located, which is the warning of the fallen monarch. The five planets enter the constellation Huangdi, showing white, indicating turmoil. The guest star is yellow and white, arriving at the constellation of Yellow Emperor, which indicates that the officials will offer beautiful women. Comet enters the constellation Huangdi. Some, like pink catkins, indicate that war and funeral will happen at the same time. The movement of the meteor intrudes into the sky area where the constellation Huangdi is located, indicating that the minister will have trouble; Arrive at four Throne It indicates that the assistant minister is in distress and the people are dying. The pale clouds arrive at the Yellow Emperor's seat, indicating that the Son of Heaven will be in mourning; The bluish red cloud indicates that the close officials will plot the monarch; The yellow and white clouds indicate that the Son of Heaven will have a happy event for his descendants. The movement of the moon intrudes into the sky region where the four emperors are located, indicating that there will be funerals and troubles for the princes. The movement of the five planets invades the sky region where the four emperors are located, indicating that Anxiety [4]
Prince Star
A Prince Star, located north of the constellation Huangdi, belongs to the emperor crown prince If the Crown Prince has virtue, then starlight Bright and round. Clouds enter the sky area where Prince is located, showing yellow to indicate happiness, and black to indicate distress. Venus , Mars Guest star The movement of the meteor intrudes into the sky area where Prince is located, and the meteor stops, indicating that it is all suffering. One view is that the movement of Venus and Mars invades the sky area where Prince Prince is located, stops, or enters Prince, either the Prince is deposed or there will be usurpation and rebellion.
  • Inner Five Marquis Stars
within Five princes Five stars, located at the nine great ministers of state To the west of, he served the Emperor in the imperial palace and did not go to the vassals. New Book of Ganxiang 》Said, "At Lang position To the south of Ritual education If it is correct and appropriate, the stars will be bright; If the five stars disappear, it indicates that the princes will be deposed. "
  • Cong Guan Xing, Xing Chen Xing
Congguan Star, located to the north of Prince Star, is a courtier. The absence of appearance is regarded as peace. One view is that the emperor cannot be peaceful if he does not appear, and is lucky according to the routine. Xingchen Star is located in the northeast of the constellation Huangdi. It serves the prince everyday and is lucky that the star is dim. New Book of Ganxiang Said: "Located in the east of Prince Star, the blue and red clouds enter, indicating that the close officials and subordinates will not succeed in plotting the monarch."
Inner screen Four stars, located within the Duanmen, near the right side of the law enforcement. The screen is used to cover the emperor's court.
  • Law Enforcement Star
One law enforcement star on the left and one on the right, located on both sides of the Duanmen a military rank The symbol on the right is the symbol of the Imperial Doctor, who is in charge of reporting the people who satirize the evil and evil. If between monarchs and ministers, refined and courteous , then starlight Bright and moist. New Book of Ganxiang 》Said: "Located in the south of the central platform, if the stars are bright, then the law is fair." The movement of the moon, the five planets and the guest star intruded into the sky region where the left and right law enforcement stars are located, and stayed there, indicating that the ministers who lost etiquette and assisted the monarchs and ministers were deposed. Mars and Venus move into the left and right law enforcement stars, indicating that there will be war. The meteor's movement intrudes into the left and right law enforcement stars' sky area, indicating that Shangshu will have trouble.
  • Lang Weixing
There are 15 Langwei stars, which are located in the northeast of the constellation Huangdi. One view is that they are attached to Wulang Mansion. Yuan scholars in Zhou Dynasty and Han Dynasty Qing Guanglu Zhongsan Doctor official in charge of admonition and arbitration Yi Lang Doctor They are all in charge of protecting and guarding. If these stars cannot all appear, it indicates that there will be disaster for the empress and concubine, and the favored officials will be killed. If starlight When it is bright, the star will become larger, or the guest star will enter the Langdi star, indicating that the minister will make trouble, and the Yuan scholar will be worried. The movement of comets and variable stars invades the sky region where Langevin is located, indicating that A doctor Will lose power. Comet Pervert arrow The appearance of the star in the position of Lang indicates that Lang officials and assistant officials will plot against each other. The movement of Mars intrudes into the sky region where the planet Rangius is located, and stops, indicating that there will be war and funeral. The red cloud enters Langwei Star, indicating the outbreak of war; It is yellow and white, indicating auspicious It appears black, indicating danger.
  • Lang Jiangxing
A Langjiang Star, located to the north of Langwei Star, is in charge of the inspection equipment, which is used as an armed armament. Like the left and right Zhonglang generals. New Book of Ganxiang 》Said: "It is located in the northeast of Taiweiyuan." If starlight Bright, indicating that the minister will rebel. The movement of the guest star intrudes into the sky area where Lang Jiangxing is located or stops, indicating that Lang will be killed. Yellow and white clouds enter, indicating that Lang will be rewarded. The movement of the meteor intrudes into the sky area where Langjue is located, and stops, indicating that the general is worried.
  • Evergreen
Chang Chen Seven stars, like Net Shape of, located in Five Emperors To the north of palace guards Is brave warrior , used to guard against emergencies. If the stars are unstable, it indicates that the Son of Heaven will lead troops to go to war in person; If the stars are bright, you should use brave soldiers; If the star light is weak, it indicates that the soldiers are also weak. The movement of the guest star intrudes into the sky region where Chang Chen star is located, indicating that the king will execute the killing.
  • Jiuqing Star, Sangong Star
the nine great ministers of state Three stars, located at three counsellors of state The north side of the star is in charge of all kinds of affairs. It is the symbol of Jiuqing. New Book of Ganxiang 》Said, "Inside Five princes South of Telege Same. "
Three public stars, located at Audience To the northeast of, is the place where the inner seat meets. The New Book of Ganxiang said: "Located in the south of Jiuqing, the relevant accounting experience and Purple Placanticline The three are the same. "
  • Visiting Star, Santai Star
A visitor star, located at Left law enforcement The northeast of the star is in charge of praising guests and resolving doubts. New Book of Ganxiang 》He said: "It is located to the north of Zuojian in Taiweiyuan." If the stars are bright, it indicates that all the foreigners come to pay tribute.
Six three stars, arranged in pairs, from Amphioxus At first, arrange it to Taiweiyuan. One view is that Tianzhu is the position of Sangong. It is called Sangong in the world and Santai in the sky. It is in charge of developing virtue and publicizing government orders. The two stars near Wenchang in the west, called Shangtai, are Siming, who is in charge of longevity; The next two stars are called Zhongtai Division , in charge patriarchal clan Family; The two stars in the east are called stepping down. Yes Sloan , in charge of the army: These are used to show virtue and stop evil. Also believes that Three sets It's the sky step, Taiyi The emperor stepped on it to go up and down. One view is that the upper star is the Son of Heaven, and the lower star is the Queen; The upper star of the middle class is the three princes, and the lower star is the minister; The lower level upper star scholars are common people: they are all used to reconcile yin and yang and govern all things. It is also believed that Yanzhou Yuzhou Xiaxing is in charge of Jingzhou and Yangzhou; Satellite director of the middle platform Liangzhou Yongzhou, director of Xiaxing Jizhou Outgoing Star Director Qingzhou , director of Xiaxing Xuzhou. If the king likes war, the upper stars are sparse and red. If the palace is built to expand the garden and make wanton noises, then the two stars on the upper level will be folded and arranged horizontally. If the king is weak, then the two stars of the upper order are approaching, starlight Dim. If princes and princes will betray the Son of Heaven and lead the army to wage war, then the upper star of the middle class will appear red. If the barbarians invade and the border counties are in turmoil and panic, then the lower stars of the middle level are sparse, horizontally arranged and white. If Doctor Qing abandons the right path and turns to the wrong path, then the lower stars of the middle level are sparse and red. If people do not obey orders and break the law and become thieves, then the lower level stars will appear black. If you abandon your own business to engage in the last business and advocate luxury, then the upper stars of the lower level are widely spaced, horizontally arranged and white. If the monarch and his subjects get along well, the tax is reduced, and the punishment is fair, then the higher rank will become closer. If the vassals pay tribute and ask for employment, high-ranking officials Try your best to be loyal, then the middle rank will be close. If the common people practice enlightenment, Corvee If the assignment is reasonable, then the lower level is intimate. If the monarch is arrogant, extravagant and lustful, and often occupies the people's agricultural time, then the upper rank will be contested. If the princes Trespass Brave, autocratic and greedy ministers alienate the middle rank. If candidate of the civil service examination Chasing the end of life with common people, hero Bullying each other, then the lower level will expand the gap. If the third order is stable, the yin and yang will be harmonious, the weather will be favorable, the grain will be abundant, and the world will be at peace; If it is unstable, the opposite will happen. If the stars of Santai do not appear completely, the world will lose its plan. If starlight If they are bright, orderly and symmetrical, the monarch and his subjects can be harmonious and the decrees can be implemented; If the starlight is weak, the opposite is true.
One view is that the Celestial Column Star does not appear, and the king hates the appearance of this situation. If the Smithsonian disappears, there will be no farming in spring. If the Si Zhongxing does not appear completely, there will be no cultivation in summer. If the company Star God of Rank and Affluence There is no harvest in autumn until it appears completely. One view is that the starlight of Santai is blue, indicating that there will be a disease epidemic in the world; In red, there will be war; Yellow and starry, indicating kindness; It is white, indicating a funeral; It appears black, indicating that it is a matter of distress. The moon moves into the three stars, indicating that the king will be in trouble, his ministers will rebel, and the princes and nobles will rebel. The moon moves into three stars and occurs lunar halo , indicating that Sangong will be arrested and put into prison. When the guest star moves into Santai, it indicates that your officials will receive rewards to be knighted; If the guest star leaves Santai Pale , indicating that the courtiers will be deprived of their titles; If the operation of the guest star intrudes into the sky region where the three stars are located and stays still, it indicates that the minister will be deposed, or that the dignitaries will have many patients. The comet's movement intruded into the sky region where Santai was located, indicating that Sangong would be deposed. The meteor's movement into the three stars indicates that the soldiers and generals in the world are in trouble; Meteor arrives at Zhongtai, indicating that Xiangjiang There are worries, and the king hates this situation. Clouds enter Santai Star, showing pale color, indicating that people are hurt; It is yellowish white and starlight Moisturizing indicates the stability of the people and the joy of the king; It is yellow, indicating that the generals and ministers will be happy; Red indicates distress; It is green and black, indicating that Sangong is in trouble; Showing pale, it indicates that Sangong will be deposed.
The two stars on the stage are located to the north of Liusu, and the stars on its north extend into Liusu's six degree position. Of the two stars in the middle platform, the star in the north enters the second degree position of Zhang Su. The two stars that step down are located in Taiweiyuan Xifan To the north, its north star extends into wings Two degree position. Wu Mi wrote: "Three seats belong to Ghosts , and belongs to Willow , of chiriko 。” New Book of Ganxiang 》He said: "Going up to the stage belongs to Liu Su, the middle stage belongs to Zhang Su, and stepping down belongs to Yisu."
There are four Changyuan stars, located to the south of Shaomeixing, in charge of the border territory and the north. Mars moves into Placanticline, indicating that nomadic people Invade the Central Plains. The movement of Venus into Changyuan indicates that Jiuqing will have plans and the generals at the border will rebel. The movement of comets and variable stars invades the sky area where Placanticline is located, indicating that there will be no peace in the northern region. The meteor moves into Changyuan Star, which indicates that there is war in the north and it is about to invade the Central Plains.
  • Shaomeixing, Lingtaixing
"Sky Step Song"
Oligomerite Four are located to the west of Taiweiyuan, which is the position of scholar officials. Also called recluse , also the prince of the emperor, Some people It is believed that the doctor is in charge of the guard. The first star in the south is called Chushi, the second is called Yishi, the third is called Doctor, and the fourth is called Doctor. If the star light is bright, the star body becomes larger and yellow, then the virtuous person will be recommended. The movement of the moon and the five planets intruded into the sky region where Chushi was located, and stayed there, indicating that the queen would have trouble and the prime minister would change. Jupiter's movement intrudes into the sky where Chushi is, indicating that villains are appointed and loyal officials are in danger. The operation of Mars invades the sky where Chushi is located, indicating that virtuous people are Screen back Saturn's movement intrudes into the sky where Chushi is located, indicating that the prime minister will be replaced and the queen will have trouble. The operation of Venus intrudes into the sky region where Chushi is located, indicating that ministers will be killed. It is also said that the master star of the sky region where Venus is located will be used for verification. The movement of the guest star and variable star intrudes into the sky region where Chushi is located, indicating that the monarch is in trouble, and there are many treacherous ministers. The movement of the comet intrudes into the sky where the clerks are located, indicating that the meritorious minister will be punished. One view is that the minister in charge of law will be killed. Meteors leave the sky where Chushi is located, indicating that virtuous people can be employed and relevant principles and methods are adopted. Clouds enter the Virtuous Star, showing a pale color, indicating that the virtuous people will suffer and the ministers will be deposed.
There are three Lingtai stars, located in the west of the Mingtang Hall. The shrewdness of the gods is called Lingtai, and the tall buildings around are called Taitai. They are in charge of observing the cloud phenology, observing auspicious signs, and accounting for disaster variations. Wu Mi said: Si Guai The occupation of stars is the same.
Huben Star, Mingtang Star
One Huben star is located in the south of the next star, which is believed to be located in Taiweiyuan Xifan To the north of Jingshi and to the south of Xiatai Star are the riding officers of Jingshi's yak head. If the star is bright, it indicates that the minister is obedient, and the situation of accounting is the same as that of the riding star.
Three Mingtang stars are located outside the southwest corner of Taiweiyuan, which is the palace where the emperor issues decrees. If the star light is bright, it is auspicious; if the star light is dim, it is dangerous. The movement of the five planets, the guest star and the comet invades the sky area where Mingtang Star is located, and the monarch cannot live in the palace.
The above arrangement is Shangyuan Taiweiyuan Constant star There are 19 in total, 78 in total, but there are few records in the Jinshu Astronomical Annals Changyuan Four stars each, belonging to Tianshiyuan , and "Sky Step Song" The records of are different.
Star official Star official English name Constellation Number of stars notes
Left Wall Virgo / Backseat 5 Taiwei left wall five stars, respectively Left law enforcement Eastern upper facies Eastern subfacies Dongci Jiang East Admiral Taiwei Rightwall Right Wall leo /Five stars on the right side of Virgo 5 are Right law enforcement , Western General Xi Cijiang Western subfacies Westward upper facies
Audience Usher to the Court, the official name of Virgo 1, is responsible for receiving guests, and is also ordered to send envoys ("Yee" Cantonese "Choke")
three counsellors of state Three Excellencies Taiwei , Situ, Sikong
Five princes Five Feudal Kings Backseat 5 Five vassals, namely Emperor Shi Emperor friend , Sangong, Doctor, Taishi
Inner screen Inner Screen Virgo 4 Small wall in the front door of princes' homes
Seats of the Five Emperors leo 5 Seat of Five Emperors
Honor Officer of Honor
Prince Crown Prince Leo 1 Prince
Retinue Leo 1 can be close to the emperor or the emperor's attendants
Lang Jiang Captain of the Bodyguards Backseat 1 Senior military officer
Huben Imperial's Bodyguard 1: General of the garrison in the palace (Ben Yueyin Ben)
Imperial Guards Beagle / ursa major seven Guard
Lang position Official of the Imperial Guard 15 Commoner officer
Mingtang Cosmological Temple leo 3 The place where the early emperors preached politics and religion
Lingtai Astronomical Observatory
Junior Officers Leo/ Leo Minor 4 Doctor or general official
Changyuan Long Wall Leos 4 Border City Wall
Three sets Three Steps: 6 points for Ursa Major to take the stage, middle stage and step down. It is the sky step used by the Emperor of Heaven to go up and down in the sky. Or Siming Division Sloan The Three Gods refer to three social classes, from the Son of Heaven to the common people.

Bu Tiange

The Shangyuan Tianting is a tiny palace, which makes the sky clear.
Bu Tiange
The Duanmen is just in the middle of the gate, and the left and right law enforcement gates are in the west and east.
Gate Left Imperial Clothes I Audience , followed by Wu three counsellors of state
Three black the nine great ministers of state Next to the public back, the five black princes and princes will leave behind.
Four door owners Xuan Screen The Five Emperors are seated in Zhongzheng.
The crown prince of Xingchen was also subordinate to the officials, and the empress of Wuliedi was determined from the east.
Lang Jiang Huben Around, Chang Chenlang comes next.
Chang Chen The seven stars are consistent, Lang position Chen Dong-15.
two sides Miyagi ten Starcloth , the number of left and right law enforcement is its number.
There are three Lingtai Marquis Yunyu in the Palace of Bureaucracy outside the Palace.
In the northwest corner of a little four-star, Changyuan is located in the west.
To the west of the north gate is Santai, which is relatively free of war.
Too tiny yuan Purple Placanticline Lower northeast foot.
Five Emperors Block is the center of Taiweiyuan. There are five stars in the constellation of Five Emperors. The center is the hub of the Yellow Emperor, and the east is the hub of the Yellow Emperor Emperor Cang Lingweiyang, the Red Emperor in the south Red anger , west White Emperor White flare, north Darkseid Yeguang Period
Around the five emperors were the prince, officials, officials Five princes the nine great ministers of state , Lang Jiang, Lang Wei Audience Etc. In foreign countries, there are two screens, each with five stars. The law enforcement between Dongfan and Liangfan is called Duanmen. Outside Tibet, there are Changchen Santai in the north, a little in the northwest, Changli in the southwest Lingtai , Mingtang. Taiweiyuan is the south palace of the Emperor of Heaven, in charge of law and military affairs.
The Five Emperors should be bright and bright, so that the Son of Heaven can gain the spirit of heaven and earth; Otherwise, the Son of Heaven will lose his place.
The five stars of the five princes are bright and moist. If a star is dark and dry, it means that there is a disaster or death or exile. If the Five Stars are wavering, it is the local officials who are autocratic and intimidate the Imperial Court.
Shaowei is composed of four stars, namely, a scholar, a counselor, a doctor, and a doctor. Four stars are big and Huangrun , then some sages will be promoted. If it is dark, the opposite is true. If the Five Stars offend, it means that the Chushi is in trouble and the central court needs to change the prime minister.
Santai is also called Taijie, which is divided into upper, middle and lower stages, so it is called Santai. There are two stars in each order. The upper star of the upper level is the male leader, and the lower star is the female leader; The upper star of the middle class is the three princes, and the lower star is the minister; The upper star of the lower level is a scholar, and the lower star is a commoner. The third level is the combination of yin and yang, good weather and peace. Unevenness leads to rebellion in the world, and wars are frequent. If the construction and building platform are built in a large scale Garden Park , laboring people and wasting money, anger and resentment will lead to the corruption of the two stars in the upper level.
If it is too small, the sky will pass. South Gate Pass is thousands of miles away, divided into left and right Yee. Taiwei Palace is the court of the Emperor. The edification of God is the seat of the Five Emperors. Taiwei is the court of the five emperors. Mingbaoshe, Twelve princes Mansion. Foreign countries, the nine great ministers of state Also. Xuanyuan For power, too little for balance.
Too small, Lord Scarlet Bird— guardian spirit of the south Also. Hometown of strong wind, Zhuniao. Taiwei Tianting , the emperor drew a picture with records, with five stars and gods Conspire Therefore, the general should not help each other, enforce the law Lang position . A little doubt. Taiwei, the son of heaven often serves in the local palace. Taiwei is the palace of the emperor.
Xifan The first star in the south is the general, and the west gate of the sun is in the north. The two stars in the north of the gate are the second general, and the west gate of China is in the north. The three stars in the north of the gate are the secondary phase, and the west gate of Taiyin is in the north. Four stars at the north end are the upper phase, and this is the four auxiliary phases.
Dongfan has four stars in the north and south columns, the first star in the south is the upper phase, and the east gate of the sun is in the north. The two stars in the north of the gate are the secondary phase, and the east gate of China is in the north. The two stars in the north of the gate are the second general, and the east gate of Taiyin is in the north. The four stars at the north end are the general and also the four auxiliaries.