
The ancestor of the Zhou Dynasty, the ancient duke and his father, the imperial concubine
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Tai Jiang, the ancestor of the Zhou Dynasty Ancient Danfu Of Imperial Concubine King Wen of Zhou My grandmother. She is "chaste" feminine beauty , become the husband's powerful assistant, yes Zhou Dynasty A virtuous woman at the time of entrepreneurship. There are three sons living together.
Full Name
Zhou Dynasty
Ethnic groups
Huaxia nationality
Character relationship
Taijianggu Danfu wife Seasonal calendar Mother
Gentlemen say that Jiang is more extensive in moral education

Character's Life


Go on horseback

Filial piety to Zhou Jiang (the one who sits upright is Tai Jiang) [1]
According to the Records of the Historian, Zhou Benji: Bin State minister of agriculture under legendary Shun remote descendants Ancient Danfu Forced by Di, he led Taijiang people to migrate from Tai to Shaanxi Qishan Hereinafter referred to as Zhou nationality All the people in Bin place helped the old and the weak, and returned to the old and the old. People from other countries have heard Gu Gong Benevolence and virtue are also attached.

Teach children well

Statue of Walking Horse
Too much ginger Taibo Zhong Yong and Wang Ji She was able to set an example for her three sons, so that they could be free from moral mistakes from childhood to adulthood. Moreover, whenever the Tai Wang met with a big event, he would discuss it with her, and never came up with a bad idea.

member of family




The eldest son: Taibo, also known as Taibo
second son: Yu Zhong , also known as Zhong Yong
Sanzi: Seasonal calendar , also known as public season Wang Ji [2]

Historical records

Rubbings of Biography of Lienv · Biography of Mother Yi
Historical Records · Zhou Benji:“ Gu Gong The eldest son called Taibo, and the next one Yu Zhong Tai Jiang begets a young son Seasonal calendar Seasonal calendar If you marry Tairen, you will be a virtuous woman, born prosperous, and blessed. "
Biography of Lienv · Biography of Mother Yi: Tai Jiang, Wang Ji She is the mother of the Tai family. The king married as his concubine. Sheng Taibo Zhong Yong Wang Ji Chastity leads without fault. When the king plans to move, he will be with him. Ginger. A gentleman says that Jiang is broad Moral education
The Book of Songs · Da Ya · Shi Mian of King Wen: Ancient Danfu , come and go. Lead the West Marsh, as for the difference. Yuan and Jiang's daughter, Yu came to Xu Yu.