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swan It is also called a swan, [11 ] Anatidae [7 ] Cygnus [8] Large waterfowl. [7 ] The swan is white all over, [9 ] The neck is slender, exceeding or equal to the body length; The mouth base is high and the front end is flat, and the eye gland is exposed; The tail is short and round with dozens of tail feathers; The web is strong, but the back toe does not have a flap web. [10 ]
Swans are distributed in all continents except Africa and Antarctica, [10 ] It mainly inhabits large lakes or marshes with rich aquatic plants. The swan is a kind of winter migratory bird. In March and April every year, it flies from the south to the north in groups to spawn and breed. After October, it moves south again in groups and winters in warmer climates in the south. When flying, swans often form a small group of six to twenty, and sing while flying. The speed is very fast. They feed on insects, shellfish, fish, frogs, alfalfa, grains and weeds. After four years of age, it is sexually mature. The nest is composed of water grass and soil. Each nest lays 4-6 eggs. The incubation period is 35 to 40 days, and the eggs are incubated by females; [9 ] The service life is about 20 years, and the longest can be more than 35 years. [12 ]
According to Compendium of Materia Medica, swan meat is "pickled and roasted to benefit people's strength and internal organs", and swan oil is "used to remove carbuncle and swelling and treat infantile malnutrition". A swan has more than 25000 feathers. The hard feathers can be used to make fans, clothing and crafts. The fluffy feathers are soft and soft, with strong warmth retention, which is far better than duck feathers. [13 ] Because of its white feathers, beautiful posture, moving voice and loyal behavior, swans are regarded as the symbol of purity, loyalty and nobility in both Eastern and Western cultures. [14 ] There is a record of "white bird is white and fat" in the Book of Songs. Until now, "white bird" in Japanese means swan. [15 ] Swans can fly over Mount Everest, the "roof of the world", with a maximum flying height of more than 9000 meters, making them one of the highest flying birds in the world. [9 ]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Latin name
Animal kingdom
Distribution area
except Africa Antarctica It is distributed all over the world
Named by and date
Bechstein, 1803
Ecological group
Migratory bird

morphological character

Swans are the Anatidae [7 ] Cygnus. [8] It is also called "swan". [11 ]
form : Swan is Large waterfowl. [7 ] The swan is white all over, [9 ] The neck is slender, exceeding or equal to the body length; The base of the mouth is high and the front end is flat, and the muzzle nail is located in the middle of the mouth end, not occupying the whole mouth end; Adult eye gland exposure; The nostril is oval, close to the mouth base; The first primary Flying feather Its length is about half of that of the second and almost the same as that of the third, and it is the longest among the flight feathers; The tail is short and round, with dozens of tail feathers. The web is strong, but the back toe does not have flap web. It is located at the rear of the body, and the front edge of the tarsometatarsal is covered with mesh scales; The toes are strong. The posterior toe has a groin membrane. The color of both sexes is the same, or the female body is slightly lighter (such as black swan )。 Most young birds are brown. [1] [7 ] [9-10 ]

Habitat environment

Swans mainly inhabit large lakes or marshes with rich aquatic plants. [9 ] It mainly inhabits open lakes pond , marshes, rivers with slow flow, and adjacent tundra lowlands and tundra marshes. In winter, they mainly inhabit large lakes, reservoirs, ponds and river bends with reeds, cattail grass and other aquatic plants, and also appear in wet grasslands and flooded plains, marshes, beaches and estuaries, sometimes even in farmland fields.

Life habits

The habitat of swans
The swan is a kind of winter migratory bird. In March and April every year, it flies from the south to the north in groups to spawn and breed. After October, it moves south again in groups and winters in warmer climates in the south. When flying, swans often form a small group of six to twenty, and sing while flying. The speed is very fast. They feed on insects, shellfish, fish, frogs, alfalfa, grains and weeds. [9 ]
In China, in March and April every year, they fly from the south to the north in large groups to spawn and breed in the northern border provinces of China. While the female goose hatches, the male goose guards beside her and does not leave for a moment. After October, they will move south in groups. Overwintering in a warmer climate in the south for rest. More than 20 people formed a small group and formed a "one" or "person" line, flying and singing. Move southward in the middle of September every year, often in the north from June to August.
The swan is the champion of flying high, with a flying height of 9 kilometers, and can fly over the highest mountain in the world - Mount Everest,

Distribution range

Swans are distributed in all continents except Africa and Antarctica. [10 ] There are three species in China, namely the giant swan( C.cygnus ), Little Swan (C.columbianus )And wart nosed swan( C. olor )。 It is found in northern China in summer and moves to the south for winter after autumn. [5]

Reproductive mode

Swans become sexually mature after four years of age, and breed in May to June. The nest is composed of water grass and soil. Each nest lays 4-6 eggs. The incubation period is 35 to 40 days, and the eggs are incubated by females. [9 ] The service life is about 20 years, and the longest can be more than 35 years. [12 ]
Swans mate for life spouse Courtship behavior includes beak to beak or head to head contact. The female swan hatches the eggs, and the male swan keeps watch nearby; In some species, males also replace eggs. The young have short neck and dense villi; You can run and swim a few hours after coming out of the shell. Swan in nature The service life is about 20 years, and the longest can be more than 35 years. [12 ] Because swans are very heavy, they have to run a distance forward on the water or ground when taking off. The swan couple stay together all their lives and are very responsible for their offspring. In order to protect their nests, eggs and young children, they dare to fight with foxes and other animals to death.
swan Sexual maturity It lasts for 3 to 4 years, and reproduces once a year after sexual maturity. The eggs are large, and the young birds are young. Swan courtship behavior is rich, the male and female will tend to make the same action, but also considerate to comb each other's feathers.
In China, for example, swans breed mainly in the north and west of China, and winter in central and southeast coastal areas. Each swan maintains a rare "lifelong companion system". When overwintering in the south, both food and rest are paired. When the female swan is laying eggs, the male swan is guarding beside it. When encountering enemies, it slaps wing Go forward to meet the enemy and fight bravely. They not only help each other in the breeding period, but also in pairs at ordinary times. If one of them dies, the other can really "keep the festival" for it and live alone for life. [2-3]

Main varieties

1. Big Swan Cygnus cygnus
alias : Swan (common name in ancient times), cough swan, white goose (common name in Hebei, Inner Mongolia and Southeast China).
geographical distribution : It breeds in northern China and winters in central and southeast coastal areas. Abroad, it breeds in the north of Eurasia and the northwest of North America; Overwinters in central Asia, Europe, northwest corner of Africa and parts of northwest North America.
Distinguishing feature : snow white all over; The macula on both sides of the mouth base protrude forward under the nostril along the mouth edge; neck Slender, often straight on the water. The whole proportion of the body is bigger than the cygnet.
form : (According to Nominative subspecies )Adult birds (reproductive feathers): male and female are the same color, female is slightly smaller than male; The whole body is white, only the head is slightly stained with brown.
Dark brown iris; The mouth is black, and the macula on both sides of the base of the upper mouth extends forward to below the nostril; The tarsomersault, web and paw are black.
Subspecies differentiation: there are two subspecies. There is only one subspecies in China, namely named subspecies Cygnus cygnus cygnus
Breeding in Inner Mongolia Hulunbeier City , Ordos, Inner Mongolia, northern Tianshan, Xinjiang; Migrate through North China to the Yangtze River; Middle and lower reaches and southeast coastal provinces overwintering Abroad, bred in eurasia In the north, it moves to central and southern Asia in winter, and northwest corner of Europe and Africa.
2. Cygnet Cygnus columbianus
alias : short billed swans, white geese, geese eating (southern and northern China).
geographical distribution : Overwintering occurs in the Yangtze River basin and the southeast coast of China. Abroad, it breeds in the extreme north of Eurasia and North America; Overwintering in central Europe, Asia and America.
Identification characteristics: The body and feather are white and slightly smaller than the swan. The macula on both sides of the mouth base does not protrude forward under the nostril along the mouth edge. In the wild, it is very similar to the swan, and its neck is often stretched straight, and its neck and mouth are shorter.
form : (According to Ussuri subspecies): Adult birds (reproductive feathers) are covered with snow white, only slightly stained with light brown yellow from the head to the pillow. The male and female are of the same color, and the female body is slightly smaller.
Iris brown; The mouth is dark gray, and the macula on both sides of the base of the upper mouth extends forward near the nostril; The tarsometatarsal, webbed and claw are black.
Subspecies differentiation This species is divided into 3 subspecies. There is only one subspecies in China, namely:
Cygnus columnianus jankowskii
It was found in northeast China, Inner Mongolia, northern Xinjiang and northern China during migration; Overwintering in central and southeast coastal China.
Cygnus olor
3、 Cygnus olor Cygnus olor
Alias: Asian swan, red billed swan, white goose
Cygnus olor
geographical distribution : Breeding in central and northern Xinjiang, Qaidam Basin in Qinghai, weak water in northwest Gansu, Wuliangsuhai in Inner Mongolia; Migrate through Northeast, Shandong and Hebei; Overwintering in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River; It is a lost bird found in Taiwan. Abroad, it mainly breeds in central Asia and Mongolia, Scandinavia, Caspian Sea and surrounding areas of the Black Sea in Europe, and winters mainly in the eastern Mediterranean Sea and northwest India. It was introduced to western Europe long ago, and then to eastern North America, Australia, New Zealand and other places.
Cygnus olor
Distinguishing feature : Similar to the swan in shape and feather color. Red mouth, black forehead Verrucous process , which is obviously different from the other two swans.
form : Adult male birds (breeding feathers): snow white all over, light brown from the head to the pillow. The eye is exposed first, and it is black.
Adult female bird: the feather color is the same as that of the male bird, the body size is small, and the warts on the forehead are not significant.
iris Brown; The mouth base and mouth margin are black, the rest are red, the front end is nearly cinnamon, and the mouth nail is brown; The tarsometatarsal, webbed and claw are black.
Nestling : gray head, slightly stained with light brown; Upper body and two flanks are light brown; The lower body is silver gray. Iris blue brown; The slate is gray, and there is often a white spot at the front end; The tarsometatarsis is dark gray.
Young bird : The head and neck are light brown and gray, the forehead and eyes are first exposed black, but there is no wart process; Gray feather; The tail is light brown and gray, and the end is dirty and white; The lower body is light, light brown gray. The iris is brown, the mouth is red gray, and the tars are green brown.
ecology The wart nosed swan often forages and wanders in the river bend with abundant water and grass and on the open lake surface. She is alert in nature and can overlook the movement several miles away when her neck is stretched out. The voice is hoarse and deep, like "koup koup", so it is also called "dumb swan". When taking off, they usually hit the water with both wings and advance about 50 meters, then slowly leave the water for takeoff. When flying, the neck is stretched forward, the flying posture is beautiful, and the speed is moderate. The webbing is strong and the rowing is fast.
When moving south, it was first seen in Hebei Province in mid September, and when returning north, it passed Beijing and Beidaihe from mid March to early April. As for the food habits of the wart nosed swan, Shou Zhenhuang carried out an autopsy in Hebei Province from 1934 to 1935, and the results showed that there were aquatic plants and a lot of gravel.
The wart nosed swan is a rare bird, which is protected in China. [4]

Key values


Medicinal value

According to Compendium of Materia Medica, swan meat is "pickled and roasted to benefit people's strength and internal organs", and swan oil is "used to remove carbuncle and swelling and treat infantile malnutrition".

economic value

A swan has more than 25000 feathers. The hard feathers can be used to make fans, clothing and crafts. The fluffy feathers are soft and soft, with strong warmth retention, which is far better than duck feathers. [13 ]

Related culture


Cultural elements

The four white swans distributed in the Northern Hemisphere have long been known. Because of their white plumage, beautiful posture, moving voice, and loyal behavior, the Oriental and Western cultures in Eurasia coincidentally regard the white swans as a symbol of purity, loyalty, and dignity. In ancient China, swans were called swans, swans crane swan , white swan crane, yellow swan, yellow crane, etc. Many place names still contain these words, such as Yanmenguan, Huling, Huze, Yellow Crane Tower, etc. Up to now, some places are still important channels for migration of swans and other wild geese. The Book of Songs 》There is a record of "white bird is white and fat," and so far in Japanese, "white bird" refers to swan. The word "swan" first appeared in the Tang Dynasty Li Shangyin "Pull out the string to warn the fire phoenix, and turn the fan to brush the swan".
swan Because of its white feathers, beautiful posture, moving voice and loyal behavior, swans are regarded as the symbol of purity, loyalty and nobility in both Eastern and Western cultures. [14 ] There is a record of "white bird is white and fat" in the Book of Songs. Until now, "white bird" in Japanese means swan. [15 ] Swans can fly over Mount Everest, the "roof of the world", with a maximum flying height of more than 9000 meters, making them one of the highest flying birds in the world. [9 ]

architectural art

The Big Wild Goose Pagoda is a famous tourist attraction in Xi'an. Built in the third year of Yonghui in the Tang Dynasty (AD 652), Xuanzang built the pagoda for collecting classics. The pagoda has seven floors and a total height of 64.5 meters. It is regarded as the symbol of Xi'an, the ancient capital. On January 17, 2011, Xi'an Big Wild Goose Pagoda Tang Paradise Scenic Area was officially approved as a national 5A tourist attraction.
The Little Wild Goose Pagoda is located in the Jianfu Temple on the south side of the east section of Youyi West Road, outside the south gate of Xi'an. It is a national key cultural relics protection unit. It is a typical pagoda with dense eaves, facing east and west with the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. Because it is smaller than the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, it is called the Little Wild Goose Pagoda. It is one of the two important signs that have been preserved in Chang'an, the ancient capital of the Tang Dynasty. The "Morning Bell of the Wild Goose Pagoda" is also one of the eight sights in Guan. Although the Small Wild Goose Pagoda is not as grand as the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, it has a quiet environment and beautiful scenery, which makes it unique in the ancient city. [6]

National image

Japan is one of the wintering places of swans. There are more than 20 ancient names of swans in Japanese. Some, such as "Hong" and "Hu", are introduced from China, some are the names of the areas where swans live, others use onomatopoeic words for swan calls, and some describe swan shapes. There are many stories about swans in Japan. They are regarded as the emissaries of the sky and "divine birds". There were many descriptions of swans in ancient Greece, Aristotle Zoology of the Swan discussed the habits and behaviors of swans, as well as the records of swan morphology and anatomy. The book "Greek Bird Manual" has a moving description of the swan's dying song, which is the source of the western culture that calls the literati's dying swan song.
Swan courtship
In Britain, outstanding poets or singers can compare with swans, for example Shakespeare Its nickname is "Aifeng's Swan". The image of a swan is also found in western music and literature. The dance drama The Death of a Swan [16] Tchaikovsky Dance drama of《 Swan Lake 》Both of them have the noble and holy image of swan, and Andersen interpreted a moving article with the change of swan feather color《 ugly duckling 》。 The constellation in the sky also has the figure of a swan (Cygnus), which is the incarnation of Zeus in Greek mythology. Many artists have created handed down art works based on Leda and swans. There are countless place names named after swans all over the world. Swan in the surname also comes from this beautiful and white bird.