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Tianmen, the official name of stars in Chinese mythology. genus Cornucopia It originates from the Chinese people's worship of ancient stars and is the product of the combination of ancient Chinese mythology and astronomy. be located Virgo Sky area. Including 2 stars, clear《 Examination of appearance and image 》Add 11 stars, 13 stars in total. The place where the Lord's Heavenly Gate caters. The Celestial Gate in English is said to be the gate of the ecliptic.
Chinese name
Star official name
Related literature
Jin Shu ·Chronicles of Astronomy I《 Bu Tiange


  • Jin Shu ·Astronomical Annals: "The two stars in Tianmen are in the north of Pingxing."
  • Bu Tiange 》: "The left flat star on the lower corner of the Tianmen, both horizontal Storeroom building "

Astronomical data

Basic information of Tianmen official star
Star official name
Astronomical name
Apparent magnitude
Distance (light year)
Virgo 53
one hundred and eleven
Tianmen II
Virgo 69
two hundred and eighty
Tianmen Zengyi
Virgo 57
Tianmen Add Two
Virgo 55
Tianmen increased by three
Virgo 54
Tianmen increased by four
Virgo 61
twenty-seven point nine
Tianmen increased by five
Virgo 63
Tianmen increased by six
Virgo 75
Tianmen increased by seven
Virgo 83
Tianmen increased by eight
Virgo 83
Tianmen increases nine
Virgo 89
Tianmen increased by ten
Virgo 87
Tianmen Add Eleven
Virgo 73