Celestial equator

[tiān chì dào]
The great circle obtained by the intersection of the equatorial plane and the celestial sphere
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Celestial equator, an astronomical term, refers to Equatorial plane And celestial sphere The big circle obtained by cutting. The celestial equator divides the celestial sphere into the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. [1]
Chinese name
Celestial equator
Foreign name
celestial equato
earth equator Directly above
The base circle (or main circle) of the celestial equatorial coordinate system
A large circle perpendicular to the earth's axis of rotation
See publications
Astronomical Terms (Second Edition), Science Press
Time of publication
1998 [4]

weather phenomenon

Celestial equator, astronomy A noun is a big circle on the celestial sphere. The celestial sphere is a concept used to represent the position of the ecliptic in the sky.
Encyclopedia x ignorance: four graphical phenomena
The base circle (or main circle) of the celestial equatorial coordinate system is formed by cutting the celestial sphere from the infinite expansion of the equatorial plane of the earth. The celestial equator and the ecliptic intersect at the equinox, with an intersection angle of 23 º 26 '(AD 2000), known as“ Yellow declination angle ”。 [2]


An imaginary large circle on the celestial sphere perpendicular to the earth's rotation axis is in the same plane with the earth's equator. It can also be said that it is a large circle perpendicular to the earth's axis that bisects the celestial sphere into north and south halves. Theoretically, it has an infinite radius. Relative to the ecliptic plane, the celestial equator inclines 23 º 26 ', which is called the "ecliptic angle" and is the result of the tilt of the earth's axis.
When the sun shines directly on the celestial equator, day It is equal to night everywhere, so the celestial equator is also called the day night centerline or the day night bisector; At that time, both the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere were at the spring or autumn equinox. Twice a year, the sun will be on the celestial equator. As long as the equator of the earth continues to expand outward to infinity, this infinite circle is the celestial equator. In short, it is a large circle that intersects the celestial sphere after the earth's equatorial surface extends infinitely. It is called the celestial equator, or the celestial equator.
be relative to Ecliptic surface , the celestial equator inclines 23.5 º, which is the result of the tilt of the earth's axis. When the sun is on the celestial equator, day and night are equal everywhere, so the celestial equator is also called the day night equinox or the day night equinox; At that time, both the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere were at the spring or autumn equinox. [3]