
TCM name
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Trichosanthin, the name of traditional Chinese medicine. Materia Medica Justice 》: The so-called trichosanthin in the medicine shop is used for slicing the root of Trichosanthes. It has the name of powder, but has no powder. Trichosanthin is Cucurbitaceae Botany Trichosanthes kirilowii Its root is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine Clearing away heat and purging fire The specific effect of these drugs is clearing away heat and purging fire, Promoting fluid production and quenching thirst Purulent drainage detumescence. Main indications: treatment fever Thirst Quench thirst jaundice , Lung dryness Hemoptysis abscess , Hemorrhoid flaccidity. For treatment diabetes , commonly used with Yin Nourishing Medicine Use together to achieve the effect of treating both symptoms and root causes.
Chinese name
Trichosanthin, root of Trichosanthes kirilowii, pollen, root of Trichosanthes kirilowii
Trichosanthes kirilowii
Distribution area
Henan, etc
Acquisition time
Best in Autumn

Application site


Sexual taste

Sweet, slightly bitter, slightly cold.

Meridian tropism

Returning to the lung Stomach Meridian


Clearing away heat and purging fire, Promoting fluid production and quenching thirst , detumescence and drainage.


Fever and thirst, lung heat and dry cough, internal heat and thirst quenching, sores and swollen poison.

Relevant compatibility

1、 fever Tired of thirst. This product is sweet and cold. It can not only clear the excess heat of the lung and stomach meridians, but also produce fluid and quench thirst. Therefore, it is often used to treat fever and thirst. It can be used with Reed root , asparagus, etc Rehmannia glutinosa , Schisandra chinensis, such as Smallpox powder (《 Renzhai Zhizhi Fang 》); Take this product to stimulate fluid and quench thirst Radix Codonopsis , ophiopogon japonicus, polygonatum odoratum, etc., can cure dryness injury to lung and stomach, dry throat and thirst, such as Decoction of Glehnia and Ophiopogon (《 Differentiation of epidemic febrile diseases 》)。
2. The lung is hot and dry. This product can not only purge fire to clear lung heat, but also produce fluid to moisten lung dryness Dry heat injures lung Dry cough Fewer sputum Phlegm Lung heat and dryness cough with blood can be used with asparagus, ophiopogon japonicus, rehmannia glutinosa and other medicines, such as Zizao Drink (《 Origin of Miscellaneous Diseases 》); Take this product's function of producing fluid and moistening dryness, and use it with ginseng to treat cough and asthma caused by dryness, heat, lung injury, and qi and yin injury hemoptysis , such as Ginseng flower powder (Ten Thousand Diseases Rejuvenate).
3. Internal heat quenches thirst. This product is good at clearing lung Stomach heat . It can produce fluid and quench thirst, which can be treated Accumulated heat Intrinsic and dry Injured fluid of Diabetes syndrome , often mixed with asparagus, reed root White thatch root And other medicines (Qianjin Recipe); If ginseng is used, it can cure internal heat and quench thirst, and injure both qi and yin, such as Yuhu Pill (Renzhai Zhizhi Fang).
4、 Sore Swollen poison. This product can Clearing away heat and purging fire And detoxification can also reduce swelling Purulent drainage It is used to treat sores. When the sores begin to appear, the hot poison is very hot. Those who have not become pus can dissipate it. Those who have become pus can fester and discharge pus, often with honeysuckle Angelica dahurica Pangolin Equivalent, such as Xianfang Huosheng Drink (The Complete Prescription for Women); Take this product for heat clearing and detumescence Mint Divide equally into the end, Watermelon Juice Delivered to the hospital for treatment Wind heat Upward attack, Sore throat , such as Silver key (《 One Hundred Effective Books of Surgery 》)。

Usage and dosage

Fried clothes, 10-15g.


Not suitable for Aconitum Medicinal materials are the same.

Processing method

Rinse, remove the skin, cut into segments or longitudinally into flaps, and dry.

Physiological characteristics

Climbing vine, up to 10m long. root tuber Cylindrical, plump, rich in starch. The stem is thick, multi branched, with longitudinal ribs and grooves, and white spreading pubescence. Flowering from May to August, fruiting from August to October. his Original plant It likes warm, humid and sunny environment, is not drought tolerant, and is afraid of waterlogging and waterlogging. It is suitable for growing in low and middle mountain areas that are warm in winter and cool in summer. Annual average temperature At about 20 ℃, the average temperature in July is below 28 ℃, and in January is above 6 ℃ plant Of Growth and development

Main origin

It is distributed in Henan and other places.

Relevant discussion

1、《 Compendium of Materia Medica 》: "The root of Trichosanthes kirilowii, Delicious Slightly bitter, acid can produce fluid, so it can quench thirst, moisten and wither, slightly bitter can reduce fire, unwilling be harmful to the stomach In the past, people only said that it was bitter and cold, and it seemed that they did not deeply investigate it. " [1]
2、《 Summary of this draft 》: "Trichosanthin can reduce the heat of the five internal organs, such as a hot heart and dry tongue, Lung fire Sheng Er Pharyngeal swelling Laryngeal arthralgia Splenic fire The mouth and tongue become swollen, Phlegmatic fire Sheng Er cough Restless. if Liver fire Under the threat of inflation, the injection will go away, Kidney fire of Steamed bone Dysphoria , or Carbuncle gangrene It has collapsed but not collapsed, and Hot poison Do not disperse, or Pentaicterus The body and eyes are all yellow, and if the small water is wet and astringent, it is all caused by heat and stagnation. Only this medicine can open the stagnation, reduce phlegm and fire, and cure it. It is also sweet and cold in nature. It is good at curing thirst Tonic It is essential to treat thirst by cooling it with cold medicine, by depressing it with qi medicine, and by tiring it with blood medicine. "
3. Encounter the Source of the Classic:“ Trichosanthes kirilowii Root, superior to descending diaphragm Hot phlegm It can nourish your thirst, dispel seasonal diseases, mania, and wine Wet yellow , treat carbuncle, detoxify and discharge pus. "
4、《 Seeking truth from primitive script 》: "Trichosanthin, compared with Trichosanthes kirilowii It is a little flat, not like impotent and urgent, but has the power to push the wall and fall down. In the "Jing", there is a saying that there is no continuity in peace, which seems to be wrong, but it means that its heat can eliminate its own peace. "
5、《 Shennong's Herbal Classic 》: "Main Quench thirst Body heat , full of boredom, intense heat, invigorate the deficiency and calm down, and continue the injury. "
6、《 Herbal medicine of southern Yunnan 》: "Governance Carbuncle It is swollen and toxic, and stops coughing with blood. "
7、《 Herbal Medicine Meng Quan 》: "Treatment of partial hernia."