zero Useful+1

Sky Girls

J. C. STAFF's original animation works
Tianxiang Girl (Japanese name: スカイガールズ, English name: SKY GIRLS) and KONAMI's model series "Junwuniang" are also designed by Shimada ミカネ, using the route of machinery plus girl (weapon woman). It belongs to the animated route of Junwuniang, close to the design of armed Shenji. This is Ishida's first animated work.
The full one story OVA animation of "SKY GIRLS" is the original case of Shimada Wenjin × Black Star Red and White as the characters, and was created by J C. STAFF was jointly produced by KONAMI and officially launched on August 25, 2006 at a price of 6090 yen (tax paid). At 25:00 on July 5, 2007, the TV animation of "Flying Girl" premiered on Aichi TV Station. In charge of the original case and animation production of TV animated characters of "Tianxiang Maiden", it is still Shimada Wenjin, black star, red and white combination and J.C.STAFF Company. The TV animation supervisor has not been replaced, and Ryomi Iwasaki continues to serve as the supervisor.
Chinese name
Sky Girls
Foreign name
スカイガールズ,Sky Girls
Tianxiang Yinv
スカイガールズ,Sky Girls
Konami Digital Entertainment
Number of sets
Animation production
Production time
July 2007 (TV version)


TV version
In 2071, a group of aggregates based on nano machinery appeared in the world, and the world collectively referred to them as "Weapons Of Raid Machine" O. R.M./Insects. And W O. The appearance of R.M. began to carry out a series of devastating attacks on human beings, eliminating the oil refineries, power plants and military bases in the human world.
In 2073, the world lost about 1/3 of its population, forcing global governments to form a human united army O. R.M. fought back.
In 2074, the dispassionate mankind used weapons of mass destruction against W O. R.M. attacked and finally annihilated W O.R.M., But it also paid a huge price. The main continent split, the Antarctic continent disappeared, 50% of the earth's surface was covered by water, and more than 90% of men aged 20-30 disappeared.
In 2084, two girls recruited by the army and one girl for her own purposes gathered at Zhuihan Base to start a dream journey of flying in the sky.
OVA version
W. The year of appearance of O.R.M. was 2079, the year of losing 1/3 of the world's population was 2081, and the year of using weapons of mass destruction was 2083, without mentioning the year of the story

Role Introduction

Sonic Diver
● Age: 16
● Height: 159cm Blood type: O type
● Boarding: ソ ニ ッ ク イ バ ー (レ イ ジ ン)
A pilot who looks forward to the sky and acts as a zero god. Bright personality, always looking forward. My favorite thing is to fly in the broad sky, and also to create a machine to bring active atmosphere to the team. He has the superb ability inherited from his grandfather's swordsmanship arena, and was once a diving fisher. With a straightforward personality, once you start running, you can't stop. He is a person who takes good care of them. It may also be because of this personality. Sometimes it is clearly intended to care about others kindly, but it often turns into meddling. Influenced by the missing twin brother when he was a child, he has the same vision of the sky. Due to her disastrous personality of being too informal, she is often blamed by the team leader Ying Hua. With superhuman action and swordsmanship, he is active as a charging figure in the team. He is a quarrelling friend with Ju Liaoping, a mechanical manager.
Sakura wild sound feather
● Age: 16
● Height: 158cm Blood type: AB
● Boarding: ソ ニ ッ ク イ バ ー Fengshen (フ ジ ン)
It is mainly the operator of Fengshen, which is supported by the rear during combat operations. With the mind of IQ200, I jumped to college and started my dormitory life. He is quite serious, but extremely introverted. He can't even speak to the opposite sex except his brother. The motor nerve is worse than the other two. He was an excellent student who aimed at a doctor at the age of 16, but he has excellent dynamic vision. He can analyze complex data instantly and take immediate countermeasures. It is an indispensable presence in the action of the team. She thinks that it is very happy to live an ordinary life every day, so she is very bad at looking for higher goals and envisioning the future. My homework every day is to send a letter to my brother, the only relative.
Garden Palace Pity
● Year: 17
● Height: 165cm Blood type: Type A
● Boarding: ソ ニ ッ ク イ バ ー Raytheon (ラ イ ジ ン)
As the leader of the team, he has calm judgment and steel will. As a young talent pilot, I was expected to be a great pilot, but because something was an opportunity, I volunteered to join the team. As a famous lady of a plutocracy, she has both talent and appearance, high self-esteem, and extremely hates to admit defeat. Although I didn't have any outstanding talent, I worked very hard. Yinghua is a little dissatisfied that, as the only person with military experience, she has become the education director of Yinyu when she notices. Although I like sweet food sometimes, I still hate letting people see my heart. Contrary to Yin Yu, who always shows his feelings, he feels distrustful of his boss who doesn't look like a soldier after winter.
An Ying flower
Alijie von Dietrich (エリーゼ・フォン・ディートリッヒ(ELISE VON DIETRICH),(CV: Yumei Tsujiya
Age: 15
Nationality: Germany
Position: He was the first person to drive SD in Japanese history before entering the training camp, and was called a genius driver
Driving model: wagtail No. 1 (バッハシュルツェェV1, not made by the training camp itself)
A talented girl who grew up in the Western European base and can speak six languages. After being attacked at the base, he was sent to the Japanese SD Force. She is naive and childish, and has a sense of confrontation with Yinghua, but she agrees with her leadership after losing in the duel. The plane is Bachstelze V-1. Although it is mass produced, it is the only one due to the attack on the Western European base.
Alijie von Dietrich
Asha Krishnam (アイーシャ・クリシュナム )
The daughter of Dr. Krishnamu, who invented the nano medical system, was born with W O. R.M. has a lot to do with SD. She is still an enemy when she has not entered the training camp (because one has lost, she must be determined to find the person who has won her and enter the training camp).
Asha Krishnam
The 13th aviation group
● Year: 29
● Length: 180cm Blood type: O
Belonging to the 13th Aviation Regiment of the Far East Side Brigade of the United Human Army, it has the title of commander of the experimental force for the pilot special aircraft, and is the commander of the experimental force. The former military rank was Zhongzuo, and later promoted to Dazuo. The advantage of the base at the seaside is that you can often do your favorite fishing. At ordinary times, I can't even find the slightest drive, but I love my subordinates very much. I will never give in to unreasonable things. I am a very enthusiastic person. Because the aircraft used to fly was a dark body with the seal of a knight on it, it was once called "Black Knight" and was a top pilot. There is also a legend that no matter what kind of battle you encounter, you can survive. When fighting with mysterious creatures, his arms were injured and he had to retire from his post as a pilot. Although I can't fly fighter anymore, I stayed in the army because of my past achievements... In fact, I have always felt inferior to myself.
How pale it is after winter
● Year: 19
● Height: 178cm Blood type: Type A
● Be responsible for the mechanical maintenance and repair of Zero God
Genius mechanical maintenance personnel, but they are always rejected by Yinyu because of their frivolous personality. In a word, I like playing with mechanical things very much. But since the war, iron and oil resources are seriously insufficient, which leads to that my favorite cars and motorcycles can no longer be driven, so I simply joined the army. But the reality is that even if the money saved desperately to buy gasoline, only enough to drive around the road. So his dream is to see when he can push the accelerator to the bottom and drive fast. For Yin Yu's pure hope to fly in the air, orange has a deep sympathy. Although peacetime is a quarrel, when something happens, they become the best partners.
Ju Liaoping
● Year: 15
● Height: 155cm Blood type: B
● Person in charge of information management&control
As the eldest daughter of six brothers and sisters in a single parent child family that is not uncommon in this era, she studies hard to support her family. Finally, after passing the army's special enlistment test, junior high school students have become soldiers. Therefore, on the contrary to her appearance, Tengzhi's personality is very calm and calm, which often makes people unable to tell who is older than Yin Yu or poor. But her dream is to become an ordinary bride, a family man. As a result of studying hard, my eyes become extremely short-sighted. Without glasses, I can't see anything. Although the breast is well developed, I am afraid that others will call me "giant breast".
Fujichi Qihui
● Year: 23
● Height: 176cm Blood type: Type A
● Serve as the assistant officer for the development of the flight team
● CV: Toshima
A person who is very quiet and won't show his feelings. In order to achieve their goals, they will issue some orders that are considered callous. He often confronts with the post winter commander and is a character with many mysteries.
Fei Yueling
Quick water skill (Fast water)
Age: 16
Height: 168cm
Blood type: Type A
The correspondent, who is also a kitchen assistant, loves photography and finds the poor lost pen (presented by his brother), but is mistaken by Yin Yu and Ying Hua for harassing the poor, so he gets to know them. He was very talented and liked flying, so he became a correspondent.
Yuzi Shenlanzi [Yuzi Shenlanzi (みこがみらんここここみらんここここセらんここ124 5. : Bika Kumiko
Age: 20
Height: 165cm
Blood type: B
The sister of the twins is responsible for the preparation of Thor.
Yuzi Shenqingzi [Yuzi Shenqingzi (みこがみはるここ)] C 5. : Shichuan Peach
Age: 20
Height: 165cm
Blood type: B
The younger sister of the twins is responsible for the preparation of Fengshen.
Large household governance [Tado Daiji (おおとといじじ)] C V.: Tanaka finished
The leader of the servicing team is also responsible for the servicing of wagtail V-1.
Attack the Dragon
Gate threat Cao Yilang [Men 脇 Cao Yilang (か ど わ き そ い ち ろ)] C.V.: Shinji Ogawa
Captain of Dragon Attack Ship
Kajima Akira [Kajima Qiushong (しきたかかかききかかかきききかかきかき12363 Qingshantou (OVA)/Axes (TV animation)
First Mate of Dragon Attack Ship
The above two are active soldiers in the last Wam War, who were asked by the military to re serve after the completion of the construction of the dragon attack
Anqi Xizi [An Qi Xizi (きゆこ)] C V.: Nabatame Hitomi
Exclusive medical staff for dragon attack.
Yuanbo [Yuan さ ん (げ ん -)] C.V.: He He Yixiong (OVA)/ Wu Hu (TV animation)
Leader of Dragon Attack Catering Team.
Ji Lizi, King of Zhou [King Jilizi of Zhou (すおきりこここきここきこききりこ)] C.V.: Akiko Kimura
SD system developer.
Feiqi Array [Feiqi Array (ひ ざ き じ ん)] C.V.: Suwa visited Shunyi
The main pilot of the military self-developed fighter Vic Viper was once a comrade in arms after winter.
Sakuraye Tianshan [桜 Yetian Mountain (さ く ら ん ざ ん)] C.V: Dachuatou
Yin Yu's grandfather
Sakurano flower painting [桜 Wild Flowers (さ く ら か)] C V.: Yuko Kato
Yin Yu's Mother
Sakurano Yoshi [桜さくらゆき]
Yin Yu's twin brother and Yin Yu were taken away by Wam when they contacted Wam alone, and became the core of Wam system - messenger.
An English instrument (One British instrument) C V.: Guzeche
Yinghua's father has the rank of commander
A Still Child (A stator) C V.: Ooura Fuyuka
Yinghua's Mother
Rattan fiddle (Fujichi Qinnai) C V.: Ryōko Ono
It should be Qihui's mother
Dr. Krishnamu (Dr. ク リ シ ュ ナ ム) C V.: Jiangong Kanghong
Aixia's father, the root of Wamu, is also the founder of the 'nano medical system', who has made great contributions to the treatment system. After his daughter's human experiment was made public, he lived in seclusion in the mountains of India. When he found that the problem of the online nano medical system was about to evolve into Wamu, he reported it to the military for many times but failed to accept it.
Characters appearing only in the novel version
Shuiqi Xiangnan
Maple Tree (Maple Tree)
Fanjiang Zhenya

Setting Commentary

Its full name is Weapons Of Raid Machine. It is a collection of nano machines that can add infinite value. It suddenly appeared in 2071 (the OVA version was 2079) and concentrated on attacking oil refineries, power plants, industrial areas and military bases in the world, causing 1/3 of the world's population to die.
The 13th aviation group
The 13th Aviation Regiment of the Special Independent Force is a special force to test the application value of Sonic Drive and also to test Sonic Drive against W O. The task of R.M. capability.
Sonic Drive
Flying exoskeleton Sonic Drive, SD for short. New weapons developed for the use of new concepts and similar biological synchronization systems require the suitability of the driver's DNA level. The G (Glider glider) configuration that can freely change high-speed flight or A (Armor enhanced exoskeleton) mode that can flexibly imitate the movements of the pilot's limbs, but if the pilot drives without nano thin layer attachment, it is like suicide.
Sports tights
The special driving clothes of Sonic Drive can fix the driver's body and enable the nano thin layer to protect the driver to give full play. The drivers' evaluation is "thinner than the swimsuit".
Nano thin layer
It can completely protect the simulated biological shield of Sonic Drive driver, and can maintain the life activities of the user at high altitude and high speed, and can coordinate the physiological coordination of the system and the driver. However, it requires a special machine, nano dispersion machine, and can only attach to the user for 21 minutes and 32 seconds, and can only attach for 8 minutes when the power supply is insufficient.
Sky Girls
The abbreviation of the team name "the girl falling from the sky" publicized by the SD team has become an informal team name since the seventh sentence
Material Vibration Sword
Theoretically, it is the standard equipment for all SD machines, but only the zero god of Yinyu has been used.
Let the W O. R.M. forces the same Homer effect into nano shedding and then eliminates it.
Material Vibration Lance
The version of the molecular vibration sword on Alice's wagtail V-1 can be used as a rebound knife.
The enhanced version of Delta Lock requires Zero God, Aeolus, Thor, and wagtail V-1 to be used together, which can kill more cells (larger) or combine with higher grade W O.R.M.
Vic Viper
The newly developed secondary main fighter (previously used the F-22 and F-35 during the war) can use long-distance operation to shoot the Pod "Option" at high speed, and top pilots can use four at the same time for all-round attack. The source is the main character machine of Konami's famous works Gradius and Saroman Snake.
Final Encounter
The last victim is a pair of younger siblings (Sakano twins) who met an unknown luminous object (Wamu monomer) after the war, and the subsequent disappearance of their younger brother is an important volt line in this film.

Animation production


OVA version

  • Original case: Shigo Kumasaka (Kolomei)
  • Original case of the character: Shimada フミカネネカネネネ Black Star Red and White
  • Script: Yoshioka Yoshioka Yoshioka
  • Performed by: Yohei Suzuki
  • Character design and painting supervision: Hexian Iwakura
  • Mechanical concept design: Shimada
  • Mechanical setting: Yokota Kenzo
  • Art supervisor: Hiroshi Yixian
  • Color design: Miyuki Ishida
  • Audio supervision: Mingtian Chuanren
  • Summary supervision: Maru Maoliya
  • Compiled by: Xi Shanmao
  • Producer: Yoji Matsukura( J.C.STAFF ), Xiongban Shengwu (Kolomei)
  • Animation production: J C.STAFF
  • Produced by: Kelomei Digital Entertainment [1]

TV version

  • Original case: Shigo Kumasaka (Kolomei)
  • Original case of the character: Shimada フミカネネカネネネ Black Star Red and White
  • Director: Ryomi Iwasaki
  • Script: Yoshioka Yoshioka Yoshioka, Yasuki Yamada, Hiroshi Akishima, Yui Kazuho, and Michiko Ito
  • Character design: Hexian Iwakura
  • Deputy character design: Kimoto Maoshu
  • Object design: Akiko Iizuka
  • Mechanical concept design: Shimada
  • Mechanical design: Minggui Meijia
  • W. O.R.M design: Shiyuan is pure
  • Machinery ・ W O. R.MLO supervision: Yanlong Zhi
  • Art supervisor: Suzuki Lang
  • Color design: Miyuki Ishida
  • Audio supervisor: Mingtian Chuanren
  • Summary supervisor: Iwai Heya
  • Compiled by: Xi Shanmao
  • Music: Guangzong Xinji
  • Producer: Yoichiro Toyoda
  • Animator: J.C.STAFF
  • Animation production: J C.STAFF
  • Produced by: Kelomei Digital Entertainment [2]

Voice actor

Note: C. of important supporting roles and minor supporting roles 5. Attached to the character introduction

Each speech production

Number of conversations
Animation director
Animation director
Chief Painting Supervisor
Woody trees
Ge Gu goes straight
Cold water from Ji He
Miko Nakajima
Woody trees
Two bottles of Yongyi
Higashi Yamauchi
Shibata Zhilang
Yuko Yamada
Rest day street corner
Michiko Ito
Jasminum sagittatum
よろしく! ゼロ
Yukawa, male
Yamazaki Shigeru
Caimu Kangkuan
Last Hiroshi Naogui
Woody trees
Seven Secrets
Yujing ☆ Hao
Takeichi Tanaka
Ueda reproduction
Saito Yahe
Akiko Iizuka
Naming, ス カ イ ガ ー ル ズ
Yasuhiro Yamada
Two bottles of Yongyi
Guangchuan Jiyi
Aoye Haoxing
Meifu Usuta
Woody trees
The hot spring is full of dragons!
Yujing ☆ Hao
Miko Nakajima
Miyagi Suzuki
Xiao Lin Liang
Akiko Iizuka
Red Star Administrator
Yukawa, male
Daisuke Takashima
Kawaguchi Guangchun
Woody trees
Michiko Ito
Jasminum sagittatum
Akiko Iizuka
Four girls
Two bottles of Yongyi
Ma Yingui
Shinai Shinhao
Yumiko Musha
Woody trees
Xionggu Jiangren
Yoko Ono
Akiko Iizuka
Attack the Dragon and leave the port
Yasuhiro Yamada
Yoshihiko Omino
Ueda reproduction
Miko Nakajima
Woody trees
Red Star Administrator
Yukawa, male
Miyagi Suzuki
Kawaguchi Guangchun
Akiko Iizuka
Father and mother
Michiko Ito
Two bottles of Yongyi
Minichi Hashimoto
Sago Zongichiro
Woody trees
Port of departure
Jasminum sagittatum
Kochi Minya
A lucky meal
Akiko Iizuka
South Island
Yasuhiro Yamada
Higashi Yamauchi
Makumi Okamoto
Yumiko Musha
Woody trees
Red Star Administrator
Two bottles of Yongyi
Ma Yingui
Shinai Shinhao
Shibata Zhilang
Akiko Iizuka
Takeichi Tanaka
Hidden Book
Sadakazu Zetian
Matsuoka Xiuming
Woody trees
Yasuhiro Yamada
Masada Minyan
Xionggu Jiangren
Xiao Lin Liang
Miko Nakajima
Akiko Iizuka
Red Star Administrator
Yukawa, male
Miyagi Suzuki
Woody trees
Michiko Ito
Jasminum sagittatum
Kochi Minya
Akiko Iizuka
Loss of wing
Takeichi Tanaka
Ishikawa Kuichi
Yumiko Musha
Keiichi Ishida
Woody trees
Two bottles of Yongyi
Ma Yingui
Miko Nakajima
Yoshida Ijiuxiong
Akiko Iizuka
Yin Yu, ふたたび
Red Star Administrator
Takeichi Tanaka
Ueda reproduction
Kawaguchi Guangchun
Yumi Nakayama
Woody trees
Yoshiaki Iwasaki
Keiichi Ishida
Akiko Iizuka
Woody trees
Akiko Iizuka

Animation music

OVA Theme Song
Episode: "Baby's Tears" Kozaka
Trailer: "Shooting star" Saori goto [1]
TV Theme Song
Episode: "Virgin's high!" MELL (I've)
Early postscript: "True Blue" Goto Shaxu Li
Postscript postscript: "Diamond Sparkle" [2]