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Astronomical phenomenon

A special phenomenon caused by a celestial body arriving at a specific position or state
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Astronomical phenomenon is a special phenomenon caused by a celestial body arriving at a specific position (objective position) or state. Some astronomical phenomena are hot topics in astrology. In fact, observing astronomical phenomena is a good opportunity to study and photograph celestial bodies, such as asteroids Occultation The shape and size of asteroids can be determined by the joint observation of. Some specific astronomical observation activities become the fun of amateur astronomers. [1-2]
Chinese name
Astronomical phenomenon
Foreign name
Astronomical phenomena
Celestial phenomena
Predictable; Unpredictable
Observe History
It has a long history of thousands of years

Eclipse phenomenon

The phenomenon of hiding eclipse between celestial bodies, such as "eating", "covering", "moving", etc. For example: day Food: Total solar eclipse partial solar eclipse and annular eclipse

Location prediction

Forecast positions of various celestial bodies, such as the sun, the moon planet Planetary satellite , Asteroid position
Replacement of the relative positions of celestial bodies, the earth and the sun
Relative position of the moon and the earth: new moon - upper chord - looking - Bottom chord Too far (near) to the moon
Inner planet Visual movement: upper closure (external closure) - East large distance - Reserved - inner closing (lower closing) - Reserved - west large distance - upper closing (outer closing)
Two star systems collide, facing the Milky Way for 900 million years
Exoplanet Visual movement : Leave - Chong Ri - Leave - Helion

Astral position

Astronomical phenomena (Venus conjunct the moon)
Between celestial bodies Visual position Approach, such as Planetary conjunction , double (three or more) Star associated moon , Saturn conjunction Praesepe Five star Lianzhu wait. [3]
comet Close to the sun and the earth
Variable star Extremely low and high luminosity

Sudden astronomical phenomena

Sudden and unpredictable celestial phenomena, such as anomalies on the surface of planets (such as Martian sandstorm Changes in Jupiter's cloud belt Saturn white spot )、 Fireball Nova Supernova aurora Zodiacal light Sunshine Even comets hit Jupiter and meteors hit the moon; Iridium satellite, etc. in the past decade Artificial satellite space station (or with flash, which may be close to or visually pass through the surface of celestial bodies) Strictly speaking, although it is not an astronomical phenomenon Visual position And time can be determined according to its Track calculation It is also one of the objects observed by astronomers.
be careful: Solar halo lunar halo Rainbow, rainbow and other phenomena derived from the atmosphere or related atmosphere are not astronomical phenomena. In 1999, the media in Hong Kong and mainland China mistook the wake of an airplane seen at dusk for an unusually bright comet.

Celestial phenomena

Astronomical phenomenon (total solar eclipse)
Transit: visible on the earth Inner planet Phenomena, such as Mercury transit Venus transit
Helion : The Sun is the celestial body Visual position In the same direction as the sun (see Yellow meridian Equal definition), at this time, the celestial body rises and sets with the sun, and cannot be seen due to the influence of the sun.
Chong Ri : With the Earth as the center, when the planet moves in the opposite direction to the sun (strictly defined as the difference of 180 degrees between the longitude of the Yellow River), the planet rises eastward after sunset. When the planet falls to the horizon, it is sunrise. Therefore, the celestial body can be seen all night. If the sun is charged by planets or asteroids, it is also the brightest and most suitable time for observation.
Planetary alignment : Planetary alignment means that the positions of planets are all in a certain direction (within a small included angle), and it is also defined as taking the sun as the center of the circle, and the included angle of several planets is within a certain minimum degree (such as the 1982 Nine star Lianzhu )。 Planetary alignment is said to be the cause of gravity imbalance leading to natural disasters. Of course, there is no scientific basis for this.
There is another saying: three (or more) of the five water, gold, fire, wood and earth planets can be seen with the naked eye in the same direction in the morning or dusk in a period of time (from two to three days to half a month). For example, the five-star alignment in May 2002 (appeared in the west after dusk)
Occultation : Also called the phenomenon of concealing food, mostly Lunar occultation star Planets cover stars Asteroids cover stars, planets cover their satellites, etc; There are rare moons covering planets, planets covering planets Comet obscures star Etc, day lunar eclipse It is also a kind of occultation.

Astronomical phenomena over the years

  • 2009
January 3 - Quadrant Meteor Shower Extremely
January 26- annular eclipse
Annular zone It starts from the coast of South Africa, east and north of the Indian Ocean, and passes through the Indian Ocean to Sumatra and Borneo , most of southern Africa, Southeast Asia, and most of western Australia partial solar eclipse
February 9- Penumbral eclipse
This penumbral eclipse belt will pass through most of eastern Europe, Asia, Australia, the Pacific Ocean and western North America.
February 25th- new moon
This solar eclipse is the time when Saturn is closest to the Earth, and it is also the best time to observe and photograph Saturn and its satellites.
March 11 - Full Moon
March 20 - 11:44 at the vernal equinox (UT)
This day is the first day of spring.
March 26 - New Moon
April 9 - Full Moon
April 25 - New Moon
May 9 - Full Moon
May 24 - New Moon
June 7 - Full Moon
June 22 - New Moon
June 21 - 5:45 at the summer solstice (UT)
On this day, the northern hemisphere sun is at the highest point in the sky, and it is the longest day of the day, which is also the first day of summer.
July 7 - Full Moon
July 7 - penumbra lunar eclipse
this time lunar eclipse It will pass through most of Australia, the Pacific Ocean and North and South America.
July 22 - New Moon
this time Eclipse zone It starts in the middle east of India and Nepal, and extends through China to the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
A partial eclipse can be seen in most parts of East Asia and Hawaii.
August 6 - Full Moon
The eclipse belt will pass through most of the Americas, Europe, Africa and western Asia.
This huge planet will be the closest to the Earth on this day, and it is also the best time to observe and photograph it and its satellites.
August 17 - Neptune rushes into the sun
This blue planet will be the closest to the Earth on this day. Although it is still a small blue spot in the largest telescope, it is also the best time to observe Neptune.
August 20 - New Moon
September 4 - Full Moon
September 17 - Uranus strikes the sun
This blue-green planet will be the closest to Earth on this day. Although it is still a small blue-green spot in the largest telescope, it is also the best time to observe Uranus.
September 18 - New Moon
September 22 - 21:18 (UT)
The day and night in the Northern Hemisphere are equal, and it is also the beginning of autumn.
October 4 - Full Moon
Astronomical phenomena (Venus and Saturn)
October 13- Venus and Saturn
In the early morning sky, we can see that Venus and Saturn are only half a degree apart.
October 18th- new moon
November 2 - Full Moon
November 16 - New Moon
December 2 - Full Moon
December 16 - New Moon
December 21 - Winter Solstice, 17:47 (UT)
The sun is at the lowest point in the sky. At the same time, it is the shortest day and the longest night in the Northern Hemisphere. It is also the beginning of winter.
December 31 - Full Moon
this time lunar eclipse The belt will pass through most of Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania and other places!
  • 2010
Partial lunar eclipse on January 1
2:51 Initial loss ,3:23 Food gluttony ,3:54 Compound circle The food score is 0.082.
Astronomical phenomenon (fireball)
January 3rd Mars conjunct the moon
January 4th Quadrant Meteor Shower extremely
January 5th Mercury Xiahe Day
At 16:00 on January 6, Saturn conjunct the moon
January 12, the conjunction of Venus
January 15th annular eclipse
From 15:00 to 15:30 in China Initial loss In some areas of Yunnan, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Henan and Shandong, circular eclipse can be seen. At 1:00, Saturn stayed and became retrograde.
January 16th Mercury , becomes direct, Venus conjunct the moon
At 19:00 on January 25 Pleiades
At 19:42 on January 29, Mars rushes toward the sun , -1.32, etc
At 9:00 on January 30, Mars conjunct the moon
At 0:00 on February 3, Saturn conjunct the moon
February 16 Venus conjunct the moon, Jupiter conjunct the moon
At 9:00 on February 26, Mars closed with the moon
At 9:00 on March 2, Saturn conjoins the moon
At 16:00 on March 11, Mars stayed and became direct
March 14th Mercury Shanghe Day
At 1:32 on March 21, the vernal equinox
At 037 on March 22, Saturn rushes toward the sun , 0.4, etc
At 16:00 on March 25, Mars closed the moon
At 12:00 on March 29, Saturn conjures the moon
Mercury with Venus in early April
At 18:00 on April 11, Jupiter conjunct the moon
At 11:00 on April 16, Venus conjunct the moon
April 19th Mercury , becomes retrograde
April 22nd Lyra Meteor Shower Maximum, 10 hours, Mars conjunct the moon
April 25 Venus conjunction Pleiades At 21:00, Saturn conjunct the moon
April 29th Mercury Xiahe Day
May 6th Eta Aquarids extremely
At 13:00 on May 9, Jupiter conjoins the moon
Mercury will stay on May 11 and become direct
From 18:00 to 19:00 on May 16, The moon covers Venus
At 11:00 on May 20, Mars closed with the moon
At 2:00 on May 23, Saturn conjoins the moon
At 0:00 on June 1, Saturn will stay and become direct
At 8:00 on June 6, Jupiter conjoins the moon
At 9:00 on June 15, Venus conjunct the moon
At 18:00 on June 17, Mars conjunct the moon
At 5:00 on June 19, Saturn conjures the moon
At 19:28 on June 21, the summer solstice
18:16 Initial loss ,19:38 Food gluttony ,21:00 Compound circle Food score is 0.542. It can be seen in parts of eastern China Moonrise with eclipse
June 28 Mercury conjunct
At 0:00 on July 4, Jupiter conjoins the moon
At 1:00 on July 15, Venus conjoins the moon
At 12:00 on July 24, Jupiter left and became retrograde
July 30 Mars and Saturn
August 5-15 Venus, Mars and Saturn meet
Early morning of August 13 Perseid meteor shower Maximum, 3:00, Saturn conjunct the moon, 15:00, Venus conjunct the moon At 16:00, Saturn will conjoin the moon. In the evening, Venus, Saturn and Mars will accompany the moon
At 10:00 on August 18, Venus joined Mars
August 20th Mercury , becomes retrograde, Jinxing East Large Distance
August 27 Jupiter conjunct the moon
September 3rd Mercury Xiahe Day
At 19:00 on September 9, Saturn conjunct the moon
At 10:00 on September 11, Mars conjunct the moon At 20:00, the moon covered Venus
On September 12, Mercury will stay and become direct
At 11:35 on September 21, Jupiter rushes toward the sun , -2.94, etc
At 5:00 on September 23, Jupiter conjunct the moon, 11:09, the autumnal equinox
September 24 Venus is the brightest
September 30 Saturn conjunction
At 11:00 on October 7, Mercury conjunct moon At 12:00, Saturn conjoins the moon
At 17:00 on October 8, Mercury joined Saturn, Dragon Meteor Shower Extremely large, Venus left, turning into retrograde
At 3:00 on October 10, Venus conjunct the moon At 6:00, Mars closed with the moon
October 17th Mercury Shanghe Day
At 9:00 on October 20, Jupiter conjunct the moon
October 22nd Orion Meteor Shower extremely
October 29, the conjunction of Venus
At 5:00 on November 4, Saturn conjunct the moon
At 16:00 on November 5, the moon covers Venus
At 11:00 on November 7, Mercury conjoins the moon
At 5:00 on November 8, Mars conjunct the moon
At 10:00 on November 16, Jupiter will conjoin the moon, Venus will stay, and become in direct motion
The north and south Taurus meteor shower is extremely large in the first ten days of November
November 18th Leonid meteor shower extremely
December 1st Mercury East Large Distance At 18:00, Saturn conjoins the moon
At 19:00 on December 2, Venus conjunct the moon
Venus is the brightest on December 5
At 5:00 on December 7, the moon covered Mars
December 10th Mercury , becomes retrograde
At 22:00 on December 13, Jupiter conjunct the moon
December 15th Gemini meteor shower extremely
December 20th Mercury Xiahe Day
December 21st lunar eclipse
14:32 Initial loss ,15:40 Eating both ,16:17 Food gluttony , 16:53 Shengguang, 18:01 Compound circle Food points 1.261. It can be seen in parts of eastern China Moonrise with eclipse
December 22nd Little Ursa Meteor Shower Great, 7:38, winter solstice
At 23:00 on December 28, Saturn conjunct the moon
On December 30, Mercury will stay and become direct
At 16:00 on December 31, Venus conjunct the moon
  • 2011
At 0:00 on January 1, Venus conjunct the moon Venus is 7.0 ° north of the moon
At 23:00 on January 2, Mercury conjunct moon Mercury 3.8 ° north of the moon
The partial solar eclipse on January 4, Northwest China so
At 21:00 on January 4, Mercury and Uranus, Mercury is 0.5 ° south of Uranus
On January 5, the quadrant meteor shower was extremely large
At 0:00 on January 9, Venus West Large Distance ,47.0 °
At 22:00 on January 9, Mercury West Large Distance ,23.3°
At 1:00 on January 11, Jupiter conjunct the moon , Mercury is 7.0 ° south of the moon
At 18:00 on January 25, Saturn conjunct the moon Saturn is 8.1 ° north of the moon
At 16:12 on January 27, Saturn stayed, turning from direct to retrograde
At 12:00 on January 30, Venus joins the moon, and Venus is 3.5 ° north of the moon
At 1:00 on February 5, Mars conjunction
At 18:00 on February 7, Saturn conjoins the moon, and Jupiter is 6.8 ° south of the moon
At 1:00 on February 22, Saturn conjoins the moon, and Saturn is 8.0 ° north of the moon
At 7:26 on February 25, Bottom chord month
At 17:00 on February 25, Mercury Shanghe Day
At 12:00 on March 1, Venus conjunct the moon Venus is 1.6 ° south of the moon
At 20:00 on March 4, Mars conjunct the moon Mars is 6.2 ° south of the moon
At 7:21 on March 21, the vernal equinox
At 8:00 on March 21, Saturn conjunct the moon Saturn is 8.0 ° north of the moon
At 9:00 on March 23, Mercury East Large Distance ,18.6°
At 1:00 on March 31, Mercury will stay, turning from direct to reverse
At 21:00 on March 31, Venus conjoins the moon, and Venus is 6.0 ° south of the moon
At 23:00 on April 6, Jupiter Helion
At 4:00 on April 10, Mercury Xiahe Day
At 16:00 on April 17, Saturn conjunct the moon Saturn is 8.0 ° north of the moon
At 23:00 on April 19, Mercury joined Mars, and Mars was 0.6 ° south of Mercury
April 22nd Lyra Meteor Shower extremely
At 13:00 on April 22, Mercury , from retrograde to forward
At the beginning of May, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter will meet
At 7:00 on May 1, Venus conjunct the moon Venus is 7.0 ° south of the moon
At 15:00 on May 1, Mercury conjunct moon , Mercury is 7.8 ° south of the moon
At 12:00 on May 1, Mercury joined Jupiter, and Mars was 0.4 ° north of Jupiter
At 3:20 on May 2, Jupiter conjunct the moon Jupiter is 5.9 ° south of the moon
At 3:42 on May 2, Mars conjunct the moon Mars is 5.5 ° south of the moon
May 6th Eta Aquarids extremely
At 3:00 on May 8, Mercury West Large Distance ,26.6°
Venus, May 9-13, Mercury , Jupiter party
At 24:00 on May 9, Mercury, the alloy star, is 1.5 ° south of Venus
At 23:00 on May 11, Venus conjunct Jupiter Venus is 0.6 ° south of Jupiter
At 4:00 on May 12, Mercury merged with Jupiter, and Mercury was 2.0 ° south of Jupiter
At 23:00 on May 14, Saturn conjunct the moon Saturn is 8.2 ° north of the moon
At 17:00 on May 16, Mercury alloy star, Mercury is 1.4 ° south of Venus
May 19-25 Venus, Mercury , Mars party
At 9:00 on May 21, Mercury joined Mars and Venus was 2.1 ° south of Mars
At 16:00 on May 23, Venus joined Mars, and Venus was 1.0 ° south of the moon
At 23:00 on May 29, Jupiter conjunct the moon Jupiter is 5.6 ° south of the moon
At 4:00 on May 31, Mars conjunct the moon Mars is 3.8 ° south of the moon
June 2nd partial solar eclipse , visible in Southeast Asia
June 8 Venus conjunction Pleiades
At 5:00 on June 11, Saturn conjoins the moon, and Saturn is 8.2 ° north of the moon
At 8:00 on June 13, Mercury conjunct
At 12:37 on June 14, Saturn stayed, from retrograde to forward
June 16th lunar eclipse
2:22 Initial loss , 3:22 Eating both 4:13 Food gluttony At 5:3, light came on, at 6:2 Compound circle The eastern region has eclipsed sunsets, and the western southwest region can see the whole process.
At 16:00 on June 18, Venus joined Aldebaran, and Venus was 4.8 ° north of Aldebaran
At 1:17 on June 22, the summer solstice
At 17:00 on June 26, Jupiter conjunct the moon Jupiter is 5.4 ° south of the moon
At 3:00 on June 29, Mars conjunct the moon Mars is 1.7 ° south of the moon
At 17:00 on June 30, the moon covers Venus, which is 0.1 ° north of the moon
July 1st partial solar eclipse , invisible in China
At 10:00 on July 3, Mercury conjunct moon Mercury stay A desperate battle 5.5 ° north
At 15:00 on July 6, Mars and Aldebaran Mars is 5.5 ° north of Aldebaran
At 12:00 on July 8, Saturn conjunct the moon Saturn is 8.0 ° north of the moon
At 13:00 on July 20, Mercury East Large Distance ,26.8°
At 9:00 on July 24, Mercury conjoins the moon, and Mercury is 5.0 ° south of the moon
At 1:00 on July 28, the moon covered Mars, and Mars was 0.5 ° north of the moon
At 15:00 on August 2, Mercury , from forward to reverse
At 20:00 on August 4, Saturn conjoins the moon, and Saturn is 7.7 ° north of the moon
August 13th Perseid meteor shower extremely
At 20:00 on August 16, the conjunction of Venus
At 11:00 on August 17, Mercury Xiahe Day
At 20:00 on August 20, Mercury conjunct moon Jupiter is 4.8 ° south of the moon
At 7:25 on August 23, Neptune rushes into the sun
At 22:00 on August 25, Mars conjunct the moon Jupiter is 2.7 ° north of the moon
At 12:00 on August 26, Mars stayed and turned from retrograde to forward
At 9:00 on August 28, Mercury conjoins the moon, and Mercury is 2.6 ° north of the moon
At 1:30 on August 31, Jupiter stayed, turning from direct to retrograde
At 7:00 on September 1, Saturn conjunct the moon Saturn is 7.3 ° north of the moon
At 14:00 on September 3, Mercury West Large Distance ,18.1°
At 10:00 on September 9, Mercury close Xuanyuan XIV , Mercury at 0.7 ° of Xuanyuan 14
At 2:00 on September 17, Jupiter conjunct the moon Jupiter is 4.7 ° south of the moon
At 16:00 on September 23, Mars conjunct the moon Mars is 4.8 ° north of the moon
At 8:14 on September 26, Uranus rushes to the sun
October 2, Mars and the Miracle Cluster
At 20:00 on October 3, Jinxing Cornucopia
At 4:00 on October 14, Jupiter will conjoin the moon, and Jupiter is 4.8 ° south of the moon
October 21st Orion Meteor Shower extremely
At 8:00 on October 22, Mars closed the moon, and Mars was 6.5 ° north of the moon
At 9:41 on October 29, Jupiter rushes toward the sun
On November 5, there was a huge meteor shower in Nanjinniu
At 3:00 on November 10, Jupiter conjunct the moon , Jupiter is 5.0 ° south of the moon
At 5:00 on November 10, Venus will conjoin with Venus at Antares 4.0 ° north
At 13:00 on November 11, Mars joined Xuanyuan 14, and Mars was 1.4 ° north of Xuanyuan 14
November 12th Northern Taurus Meteor Shower extremely
At 17:00 on November 14, Mercury East Large Distance ,22.8°
November 18th Leonid meteor shower extremely
At 18:00 on November 19, Mars conjunct the moon Mars is 7.7 ° north of the moon
At 17:00 on November 24, Mercury , from forward to reverse
November 25th partial solar eclipse , invisible in China
At 12:00 on November 27, Venus conjunct the moon Venus is 2.8 ° south of the moon
At 17:00 on December 4, Mercury Next month
At 4:00 on December 7, Jupiter conjunct the moon Jupiter is 5.2 ° south of the moon
December 10th lunar eclipse
20:45 Initial loss 22:6 Eating both 22:31 Food gluttony At 22:57, light came out, and at 0:17 the next day Compound circle There are good observation conditions all over China.
At 10:00 on December 14, Mercury left, turning from retrograde to forward
At about 1:00 a.m. on December 15, Gemini meteor shower extremely
At 21:00 on December 17, Mars conjunct the moon Mars is 8.5 ° north of the moon
At 18:00 on December 20, Saturn conjunct the moon Saturn is 6.5 ° north of the moon
At 13:30 on December 22, the winter solstice
December 22nd Little Ursa Meteor Shower extremely
At 11:00 on December 23, Mercury West Large Distance ,21.9°
At 12:00 on December 23, Mercury conjunct moon Mercury 2.6 ° north of the moon
At 19:26 on December 26, Jupiter stayed, from retrograde to forward
At 19:00 on December 27, Venus conjunct the moon Venus is 6.4 ° south of the moon
  • 2012
At 10:47 on January 3, Jupiter conjunct the moon , Jupiter is 5.0 ° south of the moon
At 15:00 on January 4, there was a huge meteor shower in the quadrant, ZHR =120
At 14:49 on January 14, Mars conjunct the moon Mars is 9.1 ° north of the moon
At 02:48 on January 17, Saturn conjunct the moon Saturn is 6.4 ° north of the moon
At 08:33 on January 25, Mars stayed and turned from direct to reverse
At 02:44 on January 27, Venus conjunct the moon Venus is 6.8 ° south of the moon
At 22:38 on January 30, Jupiter joined the moon, and Jupiter was 4.5 ° south of the moon
At 17:02 on February 7, Mercury conjunct
At 20:24 on February 8, Saturn stayed, turning from direct to retrograde
At 19:31 on February 10, Mars conjunct the moon Mars is 9.7 ° north of the moon
At 08:48 on February 13, Saturn conjunct the moon Saturn is 6.2 ° north of the moon
At 13:50 on February 23, Mercury conjunct moon Mercury 6.0 ° south of the moon
At 05:43 on February 26, Venus conjunct the moon Venus is 3.3 ° south of the moon
At 14:17 on February 27, Jupiter conjunct the moon Jupiter is 3.8 ° south of the moon
At 04:10 on March 4, Mars rushes toward the sun
At 00:59 on March 6, Mars was the closest to Earth, 0.6737AU
At 17:34 on March 5, Mercury East large distance 18.2°
At 13:31 on March 8, Mars conjunct the moon Mars is 9.8 ° north of the moon
At 14:40 on March 11, Saturn conjunct the moon Saturn is 6.2 ° north of the moon
At 04:55 on March 12, Mercury , from forward to reverse
At 13:14 on March 20, the vernal equinox
At 03:21 on March 22, the Mercury sunset
At 07:58 on March 26, Jupiter conjunct the moon Jupiter is 3.1 ° south of the moon
At 02:21 on March 27, Venus joined the moon, and Venus was 1.8 ° north of the moon
At 15:44 on March 27, Jinxing East Large Distance 46.0°
At 14:00 on April 3, Mercury stayed, turning from retrograde to forward; Jinxing Pleiades
At 10:44 on April 4, Mars conjunct the moon Mars is 8.9 ° north of the moon
At 21:47 on April 7, Saturn conjunct the moon Saturn is 6.3 ° north of the moon
At 20:23 on April 15, Mars stayed and turned from retrograde to forward
At 02:26 on April 16, Saturn rushes toward the sun
At 02:44 on April 16, Saturn was closest to Earth, 8.72AU
At 01:22 on April 19, Mercury West Large Distance 27.5°
At 09:57 on April 19, Mercury conjunct moon Mercury 7.6 ° south of the moon
At 13:00 on April 22, Lyra Meteor Shower extremely, ZHR =18
At 10:22 on April 25, Venus conjunct the moon Venus is 5.7 ° north of the moon
At 21:31 on May 1, Mars conjunct the moon Mars is 7.9 ° north of the moon
At 05:43 on May 5, Saturn conjunct the moon Saturn is 6.4 ° north of the moon
At 3:00 on May 6, Eta Aquarids Maximum, ZHR=70
At 21:22 on May 13, Jupiter conjunct the sun
At 01:19 on May 16, Venus stayed, turning from direct to reverse
At 19:19 on May 27, Mercury Shanghe Day
At 19:16 on May 29, Mars closed the moon, and Mars was 6.9 ° north of the moon
At 13:24 on June 1, Saturn joined the moon, and Saturn was 6.5 ° north of the moon
Initial loss At 17:59:53, Food gluttony At 19:3:12, Compound circle At 20:6:28
At 09:08 on June 6, Venus conjunct the sun, Venus transit
At 16:26 on June 17, the moon covered Jupiter, which was 1.1 ° south of the moon
At 07:09 on June 21, the summer solstice
At 02:59 on June 22, Mercury conjunct moon Mercury 5.7 ° north of the moon
At 17:10 on June 26, Saturn stayed, from retrograde to forward
At 23:00 on June 26, Mars conjunct the moon Mars is 5.8 ° north of the moon
At 11:00 on June 27, in June, the Shepherd Meteor Shower was extremely large
At 12:23 on June 27, Venus stayed, from retrograde to forward
At 19:21 on June 28 Cornucopia , Antares is 1.4 ° north of the moon
At 20:18 on June 28, Saturn conjunct the moon Saturn is 6.3 ° north of the moon
At 09:56 on July 1, Mercury East large distance 25.7°
At 02:44 on July 10, A desperate battle Alloy star, Aldebaran 0.9 ° south of Venus
At 13:22 on July 14, Mercury , from forward to reverse
At 11:06 on July 15, Moon occults Jupiter Jupiter is 0.5 ° south of the moon
At 23:29 on July 15, Venus conjunct the moon Venus is 3.8 ° south of the moon
At 05:00 on July 16, Jinmu Moon
At 06:07 on July 25, Mars conjunct the moon Mars is 4.2 ° north of the moon
At 01:00 on July 26 Cornucopia , Jiaozuichi is 1.2 ° north of the moon
At 03:07 on July 26, Saturn conjunct the moon Saturn is 6.0 ° north of the moon
At 03:57 on July 29, the Mercury sunset
At 01:13 on August 8, Mercury stayed, turning from retrograde to forward
At 04:30 on August 12, Moon occults Jupiter Jupiter is 0.1 ° north of the moon
At 20:00 on August 12, Perseid meteor shower extremely, ZHR =80+
At 03:42 on August 14, The moon covers Venus Venus is 0.6 ° south of the moon
At 17:06 on August 15, Venus West Large Distance 45.8°
At 13:05 on August 16, Mercury conjunct moon Mercury 3.5 ° north of the moon
At 20:03 on August 16, Mercury West Large Distance 18.7 °, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter in a straight line
August 18 Mercury conjunct the constellation of ghosts
At 06:21 on August 22 Cornucopia , Antares is 1.0 ° north of the moon
At 11:23 on August 22, Saturn conjunct the moon , Saturn is 5.5 ° north of the moon
At 15:51 on August 22, Mars conjunct the moon Mars is 2.3 ° north of the moon
At 20:31 on August 24, Neptune rushes into the sun
At 19:04 on September 8, Moon occults Jupiter Jupiter is 0.6 ° north of the moon
At 20:43 on September 10, Mercury Shanghe Day
At 01:08 on September 13, Venus conjunct the moon Venus is 3.7 ° north of the moon; Venus and the Miracles Cluster
At 13:22 on September 18, the moon covered Cornucopia , Jiaozuichi is 0.8 ° north of the moon
At 22:26 on September 18, Saturn joined the moon, and Saturn was 5.0 ° north of the moon
At 04:37 on September 20, The moon covers Mars Mars is 0.2 ° south of the moon
22:49, September 22, autumnal equinox
15:14, September 29 Uranus rushes to the sun
At 15:59 on October 3, Xuanyuan 14, the star of Venus, was 0.1 ° north of Venus
At 21:49 on October 4, Jupiter stayed, turning from direct to retrograde
At 04:57 on October 6, the moon covered Jupiter, which was 0.9 ° north of the moon
October 8th Dragon Meteor Shower extremely
At 03:08 on October 13, Venus conjunct the moon Venus is 6.3 ° north of the moon
At 22:53 on October 15, The moon covers the cornucopia , Jiaozuichi is 0.8 ° north of the moon
At 09:43 on October 17 Mercury , Mercury is 1.3 ° south of the moon
October 21st Orion Meteor Shower extremely, ZHR =30
At 16:31 on October 25, Saturn conjunct
At 06:11 on October 27, Mercury East Large Distance 24.1°
At 09:05 on November 2, the moon covers Jupiter, which is 0.9 ° north of the moon
November 5 South South Taurids Maximum, ZHR=8
At 11:22 on November 7, Mercury , from forward to reverse
At 01:50 on November 12, Venus conjunct the moon Venus is 5.3 ° north of the moon
At 09:58 on November 12, the moon covered Cornucopia , Jiaozuichi is 0.8 ° north of the moon
The northern Taurus meteor shower is extremely heavy on November 12, ZHR =12
At 18:20 on November 14, the moon covered Mercury , Mercury is 1.0 ° south of the moon
At 17:00 on November 17, Leonid meteor shower Maximum, ZHR=20
At 23:48 on November 17, the Mercury sunset
At 04:04 on November 27, Mercury stayed, turning from retrograde to forward
At 09:18 on November 27, Venus and Saturn Venus is 0.5 ° south of Saturn
At 08:53 on November 29, Moon occults Jupiter Jupiter is 0.6 ° north of the moon
At 09:44 on December 3, Jupiter rushes toward the sun
In the early morning of December, Venus in the eastern sky, Mercury , Saturn in a straight line
At 06:48 on December 5, Mercury West Large Distance 20.6°
At 20:20 on December 9, the moon covered Jiaozuo I, which was 0.8 ° north of the moon
At 21:49 on December 11, Venus conjunct the moon Venus is 1.6 ° north of the moon
At 08:44 on December 12, the moon covered Mercury, which was 1.1 ° north of the moon
At 6:00 on December 14, Gemini meteor shower Extremely large (15:00 on the 13th to 12:00 on the 14th)
At 13:18 on December 20, the first quarter of the month
At 19:12 on December 21, the winter solstice
At 16:00 on December 22, Little Ursa Meteor Shower extremely, ZHR =10
At 08:10 on December 26, Moon occults Jupiter Jupiter is 0.4 ° north of the moon
  • 2013
At 21:33 on January 3, the quadrant meteor shower was extremely large
At 04:11 on January 6 Cornucopia , Antares is 0.6 ° north of the moon
Astronomical phenomena (first quarter moon)
At 09:09 on January 7, Saturn conjunct the moon Saturn is 3.8 ° north of the moon
At 19:37 on January 10, Venus conjunct the moon Venus is 2.8 ° south of the moon
At 03:44 on January 12, new moon
At 19:54 on January 13, Mars conjunct the moon Mars is 6.4 ° south of the moon
At 01:50 on January 18, Mercury Shanghe Day
At 11:02 on January 22, Moon occults Jupiter Jupiter is 0.5 ° north of the moon
At 19:35 on January 22, Aldebaran meets the moon, and Aldebaran is 4.0 ° south of the moon
At 12:38 on January 27
At 00:21 on January 31, Jupiter stayed, from retrograde to forward
At 09:44 on February 2 Cornucopia , Antares is 0.3 ° north of the moon
At 17:35 on February 3, Saturn conjunct the moon Saturn is 3.5 ° north of the moon (unobservable in the northern hemisphere)
At 15:20 on February 10, the new moon
At 05:29 on February 17, Mercury is 18.1 ° away from the east
At 19:36 on February 18, the moon covered Jupiter, which was 0.9 ° north of the moon
At 03:11 on February 19, Aldebaran meets the moon, and Aldebaran is 3.8 ° south of the moon
At 18:39 on February 19, Saturn stayed, turning from direct to retrograde
At 03:25 on February 23, Mercury , from forward to reverse
At 18:37 on February 25, Xuanyuan 14 met the moon, and Xuanyuan 14 was 5.7 ° north of the moon
At 04:26 on February 26, looking at the moon
At 15:15 on March 1 Cornucopia , Antares is 0.1 ° north of the moon
At 23:00 on March 2, Saturn conjunct the moon , Saturn is 3.3 ° north of the moon
At 02:42 on March 4, Mercury Xiahe Day
At 05:25 on March 17, Mercury stayed, turning from retrograde to forward
At 09:20 on March 18, Jupiter conjunct the moon Jupiter is 1.5 ° north of the moon
At 11:17 on March 18, Aldebaran meets the moon, and Aldebaran is 3.5 ° south of the moon
At 19:02 on March 20, the vernal equinox
At 01:47 on March 25, A desperate battle Merging Jupiter, Aldebaran is 5.1 ° south of Jupiter
At 17:27 on March 27, the moon looked up
At 22:47 on March 28 Cornucopia , Antares is 0.0 ° north of the moon
At 01:14 on March 29, the conjunction of Venus
At 03:57 on March 30, Saturn conjunct the moon Saturn is 3.4 ° north of the moon
At 05:49 on April 1, Mercury West Large Distance ,27.8°
At 19:13 on April 14, A desperate battle Full moon, Aldebaran 3.4 ° south of the moon
At 02:27 on April 15, Jupiter conjunct the moon Jupiter is 2.1 ° north of the moon
At 08:19 on April 18, Mars conjunction
At 19:03 on April 22, Lyra Meteor Shower extremely
At 08:28 on April 25, the moon covered Jiaozuo I, which was 0.0 ° south of the moon
At 03:57 on April 26, looking at the moon, partial lunar eclipse
Food score 0.015, Initial loss At 3:54, Food gluttony At 4:07, Compound circle At 4:21.
At 10:07 on April 26, Saturn conjunct the moon Saturn is 3.5 ° north of the moon
At 16:26 on April 28, Saturn rushes toward the sun
At 17:24 on April 28,
At 08:17 on May 5, Aquarius Eta meteor shower is extremely large
At 08:28 on May 10, new moon annular eclipse
At 05:37 on May 12, Mercury Shanghe Day
At 18:52 on May 22 Cornucopia , Antares is 0.0 ° south of the moon
At 17:32 on May 23, Saturn conjunct the moon Saturn is 3.6 ° north of the moon
At 12:25 on May 25 Penumbral eclipse
At 23:56 on June 8, the new moon
At 06:39 on June 11, Mercury conjunct moon , Mercury 5.9 ° north of the moon
At 00:44 on June 13, Mercury East Large Distance ,24.3°
At 04:14 on June 19, the moon covered Jiaozuo I, which was 0.1 ° south of the moon
At 00:10 on June 20, Jupiter Helion
At 01:22 on June 20, Saturn joined the moon, and Saturn was 3.6 ° north of the moon
At 13:03 on June 21, the summer solstice
At 09:17 on June 23, Jinxinghe Beihe III Venus is 5.3 ° south of Beihe 3
At 19:11 on June 23, the moon passed Perigee 356991km
At 19:32 on June 23, the moon looked up
At 07:03 on June 26, Mercury , from forward to reverse
At 02:09 on July 4, Venus merged with the Miracle Cluster
At 12:15 on July 9, Saturn stayed, from retrograde to forward
At 17:26 on July 9, Mercury Xiahe Day
At 11:32 on July 16, the moon covered Cornucopia , Antares is 0.3 ° south of the moon
At 08:56 on July 17, Saturn conjunct the moon , Saturn is 3.3 ° north of the moon
At 21:49 on July 20, Mercury stayed, turning from retrograde to forward
At 12:47 on July 22, Xuanyuan 14, the Venus, was 1.2 ° south of Venus
At 15:34 on July 22, Mars joined Jupiter, and Mars was 0.8 ° north of Jupiter
At 16:47 on July 30, Mercury is 19.6 ° away from the west
At 06:27 on August 4, Jupiter conjunct the moon Jupiter is 4.0 ° north of the moon
At 11:11 on August 5, Mercury Together with Beihe 3, Mercury is 7.3 ° south of Beihe 3
At 05:51 on August 7, new moon
At 10:17 on August 10, Venus joined the moon, and Venus was 5.1 ° north of the moon
At 17:05 on August 12 Cornucopia , Antares is 0.6 ° south of the moon
At 01:59 on August 13, Perseid meteor shower extremely
At 16:28 on August 13, Saturn conjunct the moon , Saturn is 2.9 ° north of the moon
At 09:45 on August 21, looking at the moon
At 09:42 on August 27, Neptune rushes into the sun
At 03:54 on August 29, Aldebaran meets the moon, and Aldebaran is 2.9 ° south of the moon
At 00:43 on September 1, Jupiter conjunct the moon Jupiter is 4.5 ° north of the moon
At 19:36 on September 5, new moon
At 21:08 on September 5, Cornucopia Alloy star, Antares is 1.8 ° south of Venus
At 22:08 on September 6, Mercury conjunct moon Mercury 4.7 ° north of the moon
At 22:29 on September 8, the moon covered Jiaozuo I, which was 0.8 ° south of the moon
At 04:36 on September 9, Mars and the Ghost Cluster
At 05:03 on September 9, The moon covers Venus Venus is 0.4 ° north of the moon
At 01:07 on September 10, Saturn conjunct the moon Saturn is 2.4 ° north of the moon
At 04:53 on September 19, Venus and Saturn Venus is 3.5 ° south of Saturn
At 19:13 on September 19, looking at the moon
At 04:44 on September 23, the autumnal equinox
At 03:23 on September 25, Kazuka closed Mercury Cornucopia 0.8 ° south of Mercury
At 12:01 on September 25, A desperate battle Full moon, Aldebaran 2.7 ° south of the moon
At 17:11 on September 28, Jupiter conjunct the moon Jupiter is 4.9 ° north of the moon
At 22:11 on October 3, Uranus rushes to the sun
At 08:34 on October 5, the new moon
At 20:07 on October 8, Venus joined the moon, and Venus was 4.7 ° south of the moon
At 18:11 on October 9, Mercury East Large Distance ,25.3°
At 05:46 on October 15, Xuanyuan 14 met Mars, and Xuanyuan 14 was 1.0 ° south of Mars
At 23:46 on October 16, Antares Alloy star, Antares 1.6 ° south of Venus
At 07:38 on October 19, looking at the moon, Penumbral eclipse
At 18:17 on October 21, Orion Meteor Shower extremely
At 22:44 on October 21, Mercury , from forward to reverse
At 20:29 on October 22, A desperate battle Full moon, Aldebaran 2.6 ° south of the moon
At 06:02 on October 26, Jupiter conjunct moon Jupiter is 5.1 ° north of the moon
At 15:58 on November 1, Venus was 47.1 ° away from the east
At 02:26 on November 2, Mercury Xiahe Day
At 20:50 on November 3, new moon , total eclipse
At 18:45 on November 5, the southern Taurus meteor shower was extremely large
At 20:00 on November 6, Saturn conjunct the sun
At 08:32 on November 7, Venus conjunct the moon Venus is 8.0 ° south of the moon
At 15:19 on November 7, Jupiter stayed, turning from direct to retrograde
At 21:53 on November 10, Mercury , from retrograde to forward
At 18:02 on November 12, the northern Taurus meteor shower was extremely large
At 23:16 on November 17, looking at the moon
At 00:19 on November 18, Leonid meteor shower extremely
At 10:21 on November 18, Mercury West Large Distance ,19.5°
At 04:23 on November 19, A desperate battle Full moon, Aldebaran 2.7 ° south of the moon
At 13:29 on November 22, Jupiter conjunct the moon Jupiter is 5.1 ° north of the moon
At 08:22 on December 3, new moon
At 13:30 on December 14, Gemini meteor shower extremely
At 11:08 on December 16, Aldebaran meets the moon, and Aldebaran is 2.7 ° south of the moon
At 17:28 on December 17, looking at the moon
At 15:20 on December 19, Jupiter joined the moon, and Jupiter was 5.0 ° north of the moon
At 03:35 on December 21, Venus stayed, turning from direct to reverse
At 01:01 on December 22, the winter solstice
At 22:00 on December 22, Little Ursa Meteor Shower extremely
At 10:30 on December 27 Cornucopia , Antares is 1.1 ° south of the moon
At 10:30 on December 29, Mercury Shanghe Day
At 09:23 on December 29, the moon covered Saturn, which was 0.9 ° north of the moon
The combination of super moon, blue moon and total lunar eclipse occurred on January 31, the most recent one happened 150 years ago