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A branch of astronomy
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Astronomical history is a branch of astronomy and an integral part of the history of natural science. It studies human cognition universe To explore the laws of the occurrence and development of astronomy.
Chinese name
A branch of astronomy
Study human cognition universe History of
Exploring the laws of the origin and development of astronomy

Development history



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The study of the history of astronomy has a long tradition in China. Astronomical chronicles and legal chronicles in the Twenty fourth History both describe the history of the development of astronomy, and famous Chinese astronomers in previous dynasties have made many researches on the development of Chinese astronomy. After the founding of New China, a professional team of astronomy history began to form. Many astronomical institutions have personnel engaged in this work. Over the past three decades, many achievements have been made in the study of the history of Chinese astronomy.
Tang Dynasty Dayan Calendar And Yuan Dynasty Discussion on Time Service Calendar From the perspective of calendar, the evolution of ancient Chinese astronomy has been discussed in detail. This tradition was further developed in the Qing Dynasty. Qian Daxin, Li Rui and Gu sightseeing from the Qing Dynasty all made important contributions to the collation and research of astronomical historical materials. The Biography of Chou Ren, edited by Ruan Yuan, has collected a lot of historical data from Chinese astronomers and mathematicians, providing convenience for future generations to further study. from the May 4th Movement By the time of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhu Wenxin and others had done a lot of research on the history of astronomy.
China is one of the countries with the earliest development of celestial literature in the world. For thousands of years, it has accumulated a lot of valuable astronomical data, which has attracted the attention of astronomers from all over the world. In terms of the number of literature, astronomy can be ranked with mathematics, second only to agronomy and medicine, and is one of the four most developed natural sciences in ancient China. Chinese ancient astronomy sprouted in primitive society. After the Warring States, Qin and Han Dynasties, a complete system centered on calendar and astronomical observation was formed. The calendar is the main part of ancient Chinese astronomy. It is not only the work of compiling calendars such as calculating the new moon, the twenty-four solar terms and setting up the leap moon, but also a series of astronomical topics such as the calculation of solar and lunar eclipses and the position of planets, similar to the compilation of the present astronomical calendar. Astronomical observation is another major content of ancient Chinese astronomy, including the methods, instruments and records of astronomical observation. In ancient China, the main astronomical observation instrument was the armillary sphere, which was different from the ecliptic device used in Greece Equatorial device For more than 2000 years, China has preserved solar eclipse lunar eclipse , lunar occultation Sunspot meteor The rich records of comets, novae, etc. are important reference materials for modern astronomy.
Over the past decades, China has built up from scratch Radio astronomy , theoretical astrophysics and High-energy astrophysics , as well as space astronomy and other disciplines, which have filled the gaps in the compilation of astronomical almanac and the manufacture of astronomical instruments, and organized their own time service system, latitude and pole shift service system, such as the determination of world time, the manufacture of photoelectric astrolabes, the orbit calculation of artificial satellites, the observation and theory of stars and suns Many important achievements have been made in some theoretical and high-energy astrophysical topics and in the study of the history of astronomy.

Western Europe

After the rise of modern astronomy, Western European countries made extensive research on the history of astronomy in more than two centuries from the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century. France has published many volumes of the history of astronomy work The most famous one is Berry's History of Astronomy, which is composed of two volumes, and Dunn's World System, which is composed of ten volumes from Plato to Copernicus.

Europe and America

Since the 20th century, European and American countries have ancient Greek By the 19th century, the history of astronomy in Europe had been fully studied. In recent decades, more and more attention has been paid to the history of astronomy in some Asian and African countries, the history of astronomy in early America, the history of modern astronomy and archaeological astronomy. Now? International Astronomical Union There is a history of astronomy group, which holds international academic conferences every year.

Scope of study

star atlas
Worldwide, the history of world astronomy studies the whole history of human understanding of the universe as a whole; The research on the development of astronomy in various regions, nationalities and countries is related to region , nationality and country History of astronomy.
The history of world astronomy and the history of astronomy of various regions, nations or countries can be divided into more detailed branches according to the times. Archaeological astronomy (i.e Prehistoric astronomy ), the history of ancient astronomy, the history of medieval astronomy, the history of modern astronomy and the history of modern astronomy.
Of course, the development of each region, nationality or country has its own characteristics. For example, ancient astronomy in Egypt Mesopotamian astronomy Ancient Greek astronomy has a glorious history; Arabic astronomy It was brilliant in the Middle Ages; In the third to ninth centuries, the Mayans also created their own astronomical calendar; China and India, on the other hand, continued to make brilliant innovations and inventions until modern times. It is an important task in the history of astronomy to summarize the contributions of various countries, regions and nationalities in astronomy, find their characteristics and clarify their relations.
With the increasingly rich content of astronomical research, more and more branches of disciplines, and more and more detailed divisions of the history of astronomy. History of radio astronomy, history of astrochemistry, history of cosmology Moon Research history Neptune The history of discovery has been published. In the process of human understanding the universe, human is the subject of cognition. The study of astronomers, astronomical schools and astronomical institutions is the basic work of the history of astronomy. The analysis of the organizational methods, scientific research methods and talent training methods for people to develop astronomy in history, the analysis of the practical activities, thinking process, attitude, methods and philosophical views of successful astronomers, and the summary of their experiences and lessons are undoubtedly of reference significance for today's scientific research work. Human understanding of the universe depends on the improvement of observation means. The invention of telescopes, the use of spectrometers, the success of radio technology and the launch of artificial satellites have all brought epoch-making changes to astronomy. Therefore, the study of the history of astronomical instruments and technical equipment is also an important topic in the history of astronomy.
In the early period of human history, astronomical knowledge was often accompanied by astrology. Astrology is a kind of superstition, but it needs to observe and calculate the movement of stars, so it had a noticeable impact on the development of ancient astronomy. If we want to explore the development law of tomorrow's literature, we must carry out scientific research and analysis on this influence.

research meaning

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The study of the history of astronomy can clarify the law of the development of human thinking in terms of understanding the universe, and help people master the correct Cosmology And methodology will also contribute to a more comprehensive and profound understanding of the universe.
The study of the history of astronomy can sum up experience, explore the laws of tomorrow's literature research, and provide reference for current and future astronomical research. For a specific astronomical research topic, we can often get important historical information by discussing its history.
Research on some astronomical topics, such as supernova explosion earth The change of rotation rate and sunspot activities need long-term observation data. In this regard, the study of the history of astronomy can make many contributions.
The research results of the history of astronomy enrich the content of cultural history and help history Research. In particular, because the measurement of time is determined by the movement of celestial bodies, many historical issues often need to be examined by astronomical methods, such as China history upper King Wu attacked Zhou The determination of Qu Yuan's birth year and the conversion of the Chinese and Western calendars all need the help of astronomers.
Studying the history of modern and contemporary astronomy in the world, summarizing the experience and lessons of the development of astronomy in modern times, especially since the 20th century, and learning from the successful experience of other countries are of urgent practical significance for China's development of astronomical science today.

Disciplinary differences

Summarize countries, regions and regions nation It is an important task in the history of astronomy to make contributions to astronomy, find its characteristics and clarify the relationship between them. With the increasingly rich content of astronomical research, more and more branches of disciplines, and more and more detailed divisions of the history of astronomy. There are monographs published in the history of radio astronomy, astrochemistry, cosmology, lunar research, and the discovery of Neptune. Celestial evolutionary chemistry is a branch of astronomy, which studies the origin and evolution of various celestial bodies and celestial systems, that is, to study them
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The history of its emergence, development and decline. The origin of celestial bodies refers to when, from what shape and in what way the celestial bodies were formed; The evolution of celestial bodies refers to the evolution process experienced after the formation of celestial bodies. The evolution of celestial bodies usually includes the origin. Astronomical history is astronomy It studies the history of human understanding of the universe and explores the laws of the occurrence and development of astronomy. Celestial evolutionary chemistry is based on various branches of astronomy. It is based on the theories of astronomy, physics, chemistry, earth science, mathematics and other disciplines, and uses the observation data of various celestial bodies (planets, stars, galaxies) to explore the evolution laws of various celestial bodies and celestial systems, and explain the origin and development of their various characteristics. Therefore, not only astronomers, but also many scholars in physics, chemistry, geology, mathematics and philosophy are engaged in the research of celestial evolution. [1]

Sub discipline
