Patio lake

Scenic spots of Changjiang West Road, Tongguan District, Tongling City
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Tianjing Lake is located in Anhui Province tongling Tongguan District North of Changjiang West Road, Wusong Mountain Foot Tongguan Mountain About 5 kilometers, it is an urban comprehensive park with a total area of 1.1 square kilometers, including 0.82 square kilometers of lake surface. Tianjing Lake Park Inside, the lake is 80 hectares wide. [13]
Tianjing Lake is a low mountain and hilly area, with a subtropical humid monsoon climate. The climate is warm and humid, and the annual sunshine hours are 2000-2050 hours. The average annual precipitation of Tianjing Lake is 1384.7 mm, and the average annual temperature is 16.2 ℃. There are abundant flower resources, [15] The greening coverage rate shall reach more than 90%. [11]
In December 2007, Tongling Tianjing Lake Scenic Area was approved as an AAAA scenic spot by the National Tourism Administration. [1] In April 2017, Tongling Tianjing Lake Scenic Area became the fifth batch of provincial-level scenic spots Water conservancy scenic spot [2]
Chinese name
Patio lake
Foreign name
Tianjing Lake
geographical position
No. 181, Changjiang West Road, Tongguan District, Tongling City [14]
climatic conditions
Subtropical monsoon climate
Opening Hours
Open all day all year round
Scenic spot level
Grade AAAA
Ticket Price
Free Admission
area covered
1.1 km²
Famous scenic spot
Appreciating the garden Tsutenkaku

Historical evolution

In 1972, the courtyard lake was officially opened. It is naturally divided into East Lake, South Lake and North Lake by the Causeway Mountain. The three lakes are connected by the water surface. There is a well in the lake, called the courtyard, which "connects the sky above and the sea below". The lake is named after the well surface, and the garden is named after the lake. [13-14]
In 2005, Tianjing Lake officially opened for free [20]
On April 16, 2018, the installation of structure decorative lights, tree decorative lights, pole lights and corresponding cable laying were started in Tianjing Lake. [19]
Patio lake

geographical environment



Tianjing Lake is located in the north of Changjiang West Road, Tongguan District, Tongling City, Anhui Province, Wusong Mountain Foot Tongguan Mountain About 5 kilometers, with a total area of 1.1 square kilometers, including 0.82 square kilometers of lake surface. [13]
Tianjing Lake Scenic Area

topographic features

Tianjing Lake belongs to a low mountain and hilly area. The terrain in the area is undulating, and the overall terrain trend is high in the south and low in the north. The south is a low mountain and hilly area, the mountain trend is northeast, the middle and north terrain has some ups and downs, and the hills and valleys are alternating, belonging to the first and second terraces of the Yangtze River. [3]
The exposed strata in Tongling area are mainly Quaternary weathered clay and alluvial land, followed by Paleozoic Silurian sand shale, Devonian Wutong Formation quartz sandstone, Mesozoic Triassic limestone, Paleozoic and Permian limestone and a small amount of siliceous rock. [3]

Climatic characteristics

Tianjing Lake belongs to the north subtropical humid monsoon climate. The climate is warm and humid, rainy in spring and summer, and dry in autumn. The annual average precipitation is 1384.7 mm, the annual average temperature is 16.2 ℃, the annual average wind speed is about 2.4 meters/second, the annual frost free period is about 230 days, and the annual sunshine hours are 2000-2050 hours. [15]

natural resources

The Tianjing Lake is rich in vegetation and flower resources, and the green coverage rate has reached more than 90%. [11] Among them, nearly 3000 Jiangnan peonies of many varieties, such as Yulou, Xishi, Huhong and Yunfang, were cultivated in the Peony Garden. [11]

Main attractions



The Tianjing Lake mainly has Jiuqu Bridge, Peony Garden, Garden of Appreciation, Valley Stele Forest, Bronze Horse Park, Bronze Culture Square, Tongtian Pavilion, Children's Paradise, Roller Skating Field, Yiqin Garden, Tianjing Tea House, Cruise Terminal and other attractions. [4]

scenic spot

Main attractions of Tianjing Lake
brief introduction
Appreciating the garden
Located in the Tianjing Lake Park, the garden is a Chinese bonsai garden, It has the characteristics of Jiangnan gardens. In accordance with the four seasons, the park has four landscapes: spring pavilion, summer pavilion, autumn boat and winter pavilion, which are connected by winding corridors, small bridges, flowing water, celebrity inscriptions and garden walls. [5]
Appreciating the garden
There is an island in the center of Hunan Lake. There is a well on the island. The well water is more than two meters higher than the lake surface all the year round. When the lake water rises, the well water does not rise. When the lake water falls, the well water does not fall. It is called "well water does not offend the river". It is said that the patio water comes from the sky for the past gods to have a rest and taste tea, so it is called "patio". Later generations built a pavilion on the well to protect it, called "Tongtian Pavilion". [6]
Valley Stele Forest
The Valley Forest of Steles is a corridor inlaid with 101 steles of Chinese calligraphers' poems and couplets in Tianjing Lake Park. With Anhui architectural characteristics, the "Valley Stele Forest" is composed of the former Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Zhao Puchu Sir inscribed the name of the tablet. His works are poems, couplets and famous quatrains handed down from generation to generation by Huang Tingjian. Because Huang Tingjian's alias is also called Huangshan Valley and Mr. Valley, the Forest of Steles is named "Valley Forest of Steles". [7]
Valley Stele Forest
Peony Garden
In the Tianjing Lake Peony Garden, nearly 3000 Jiangnan peonies of many varieties, such as Yulou, Xishi, Sixuan, Huhong, Yunfang, were intensively cultivated. A large peony flower exhibition is held in the Peony Garden every April. [8]
Peony Garden
Bronze Horse Garden
The Bronze Horse Tour is to commemorate Tongling and Germany Marbach The city has been friendly for many years, and the Sino German friendship garden with European style has been built on the lakeside. [9]
Bronze Horse Garden
Copper Culture Square
Located in the east of Tianjing Lake Park, the Copper Culture Square covers an area of 110000 square meters. It is an ecological square with "copper culture" as the core and "mountain forest culture" and "water culture" as the keynote to express the image of Tongling city with distinctive copper culture characteristics. [10]
Copper Culture Square

Development and construction



Since the opening of Tianjing Lake Park in 1972, many recreation places and scenic spots have been built, as well as lighting works and the decoration of the two squares of viewing the lake and facing the lake. [14]

Honorary title

In December 2007, Tongling Tianjing Lake Scenic Area was approved as an AAAA scenic spot by the National Tourism Administration. [1]
In April 2017, Tongling Tianjing Lake Scenic Area became the fifth batch of provincial water conservancy scenic spots. [2]

Cultural Activity


festival activities

On September 27, 2012, the municipal government decided to carry out the theme culture month activity of Tianjing Lake Park, which is "Celebrating Red in the Manyuan Festival and Citizens' Amusement". During the event, there will also be Yangge performance, bonsai art exhibition, and photography exhibition for the construction of a fine and atmospheric city. [18]

Celebrity tour

Li Baizai, a poet of the Tang Dynasty Wusong Building rooms on the mountain for reading and living for recreation is the Five Pine Book Hall. [14]
Poets Su Shi and Huang Tingjian of the Song Dynasty built pavilions on the mountain for recreation and singing Cynanchum Poetry Chanting Pavilion. Later, famous officials Li Gang Poets Wang Shipeng and Lin Nan, as well as poets and celebrities from the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, also came here to pay a visit to Taibai Temple and write poems to express their memories. Wusong Book Hall was destroyed and built repeatedly, rebuilt in the Song Dynasty, and renamed as Li Taibai Temple; It was rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty and renamed Taibai Book Hall [14]
The late calligrapher and former Chairman of Anhui Provincial CPPCC Zhang Kaifan Zeng splashed his brush: "There are thousands of willows and willows around the bank, and there are mountains outside the mountain Outer lake The scenery to the eye is a picture, Tongling Not necessarily inferior to Gusu. [14]

Related poems

Li Bai of Tang Dynasty
Su Shi of Song Dynasty
Pei Xiu of Tang Dynasty
Tongguan Mountain Baosheng Marquis Temple

Tourism information



Tourists can take the train or high-speed railway to Tongling Tongling Station After leaving the station, take Tongling No. 18 bus and get off at Tianjinghu Park, then walk to the destination. [12]
Or from Tongling North Station Take Tongling No. 28 bus to Jiangnan Cultural Park after 46 stops, and then walk about 1.8 kilometers to the destination. [16] At the same time, you can also take bus No.3 and No.23 to Tianjing Lake Park. [12]

admission ticket

Tianjing Lake is free of charge all day long, and no ticket is required. Recreational facilities in the park will be charged additionally.
admission ticket
Tianjing Lake Amusement Park Magic Spray Cart Project
20 yuan
Crazy Mouse Project of Tianjing Lake Amusement Park
30 yuan
Pirate Ship Project of Tianjing Lake Amusement Park
20 yuan
Tianjing Lake Amusement Park Bumper Car Project
20 yuan
Tianjing Lake Amusement Park Luxury Horse Turning Project
15 yuan
Happy Handicraft Workshop Project of Tianjing Lake Amusement Park
15~30 yuan [17]