
Chinese characters
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Tian, Chinese general standard first level character( frequently-used character [1] , read ti  n. Zhishi characters (I say Pictographic characters , say ideographic character )。 First seen in Oracle [2] , like the "human" shape standing on the front, the head is highlighted with a box. It is the same as "Dian" (overhead). The original meaning of the word is the top of the human head, which also means the boundless sky above the top of the human head, extending to sky Space Equivalence, and“ land ”Words are opposite. [3]
Chinese name
tiān [2]
1、 Large [4]
Five strokes
GDI [5]
Cang Jie
MK [5]
Zheng Ma
agd [5]
Stroke order
Horizontal, horizontal, skimming and pressing
Word level
Level I (No. 0078) [1]
Flat water rhyme
Lower level first [6]
External strokes
one [5]
Total strokes
four [5]
Single structure or upper and lower structure [4]
Order number
one thousand one hundred and thirty-four [5]
Four-Corner System
1080₄ [5]
Mentioning (a pictogram, a meaning) [2]
Unified code
U+5929 [5]

Origin and development of characters

Days, on Six Books Belonging to the matter Pictograph , say knowing )Word. The word "heaven" in the oracle bone inscriptions is like a "person" standing on the front, protruding the head to show the top of the human being. It is the same as "Dian" (overhead). Wang Guowei Temple Gathering Forest 》"The ancient Chinese characters are like human figures." Inscriptions on bronze It is more like a human figure, still protruding the head. The dot on the upper part of the character represents the head, Xiaozhuan It becomes a horizontal painting with a short horizontal on the top, which is a decorative and complicated symbol and has no real meaning. official script regular script Stroke.
The word "heaven" originally means the top of a person's head, and also means the sky above the top of a person's head, where the sun, moon and stars are located. The earliest interpretation of heaven in Chinese tradition is in the Simple Tao Te Ching (also known as《 Simple sutra 》)It is recorded that "as the saying goes, what is the heaven that Qi investigated? Hao said: Untitled, unknown, and empty?" [2-3] [7-9]
Evolution of "Heaven" Shape

Detailed meaning

Chinese Character Understanding
Part of speech
English translation
illustrative word
example sentence
Human head
Tianling; Tianlinggai
Heaven, Dianya. The top is the top of man. It is called Van Gogh—— Notes on Shuowen Jiezi
The ancient ink punishment. Penalty of stabbing words on the forehead
tatto in front
Its human nature is harmonious—— Yi· Full of divination 》。
Sky color; sky; light; Tianjiao; Tianpan; skybolt
The sky is like a dome, covering all fields—— The Collection of Folk Songs and Ballads in the Han Style ·Miscellaneous ballads· Chile song
God, God. The ancients regarded heaven as the master of all things
Heaven pity me; Tianbao; Tianma; Tianding; Tiangong; Day off; God bless
Rest and fall into the sky—— Strategies of the Warring States Period · Wei Ce
Tianju; Heavenly Majesty
The royal family lives in the sky and gathers thousands of mountains—— Han Dynasty· Cai Yong Statement of line
The time when the earth rotates once, day and night
day;period of time in a day
Tianba; today; tomorrow; all day; all day
Being more noble and powerful than human quality
God knows; oh my god
Unlucky weather—— Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals ·Thirty second Year of Xi Gong
Things generated by nature
a seamless heavenly robe; Articles are natural; Tianyan; Tianqiao; Tianshi; Natural wealth
Never grow old with the weather—— Qing Dynasty· Liang Qichao Collection of ice drinking rooms ·Collected Works
At certain times of the year
Mid day Festival; Summer; rainy season
Meteorological state
Tianfeng greedy; Changeable weather
The desert turns to darkness in autumn -- Tang Dynasty· Du Fu The cottage is broken by the autumn wind
Lose one's place
Refers to congenital deficiency
defects of male
This day is not enough—— Lingshu
Ancient refers to the king
Tianyan; Day table; Heavenly Grace; Tianyi; Heaven
Gong (Yuan Keli) firmly said that if you go to the sea far away, don't bully your officials—— Ming· Zodiacal week Public Biography of Jie Huan and Yuan
Top priority
major event;matter of paramount importance
The king regards the people as the heaven, while the people regard food as the heaven—— Redords of the Grand History of China ·Biographies of Li Sheng and Lu Jia
Human forehead
Tiangao (order of Han Changshe)
crude; Inborn
Nature; talent; Natural insurance; Sounds of nature
According to the heavenly principles, we should approve the great but guide the great—— Zhuangzi ·Health Preserver
extortionate price; Natural capacity; Astronomical figures
built on stilts;suspending in midair
footbridge; Skylight; Ceiling
Jiong (dialect)
Every family is better off. It takes more than 200 days to get a good land—— Jingyan Shield《 Chronicle of Western Liaoning
Very, very
[3] [5] [10]

Exegesis of ancient books


Analytical Dictionary of Characters

[Volume I] [Volume I] Days
Dianya. From the highest to the greatest. He cuts forward. [5]

Notes on Shuowen Jiezi

Heaven, Dianya.
This is based on the same rhyme. This is also the case for all kinds of people, such as Wenye, Huhuoye, Weiweiye and Haiba. All those who spoke at the beginning, the top of heaven, Pidaya, and the officials who ruled people were slightly different from each other in the Six Books. At the beginning, we can talk to each other, but the sky is upside down. If you seek meaning, you will transfer everything; if you lift something, you will find it difficult to name it. However, its exegesis is one. The top person is also the top of the people. He thinks that Van Gogh is the best. The beginning is the beginning of women, who think that everything is good. However, the sky can also be the imperial palace. Serving the king, having a son in his father, a wife in his husband, and people in food, all say that heaven is right.
From the highest to the greatest.
The supremacy is that there are no two big ones, so we should follow the one big one. In the six books, the meaning is understood, and when the meaning is combined, the idiom is used. Such as Yida, Renyan and Zhige. He cuts forward. Twelve. [5]

Kangxi Dictionary

[Ancient Chinese] 𠕹 𠀡 𠀘 𦴞
"Tang Yun" and "Zheng Yun": He cut forward. "Jiyun" and "Yunhui": When he was young, he was shy and flat. Shuowen: Dianya. From the highest to the greatest. "White Tiger Pass": Zhenya, under Gaoli, is a town of things. Yi Shuogua: Qian is heaven. Rites · Ritual Luck: The sun shines on the sky, and the sun and the stars fall. Xunzi said: "The sky has no real shape, and all the empty people on the earth are heaven.". Shao Zi said: There is no heaven beyond nature. Cheng Zi's "Legacy Letter": The sky is not the shape of heaven. The same is true. Zhang Zi Zhengmeng: The sky turns left, and those who are in it follow it, and those who are less late will turn right. Zhu Zi Yulei: Li Sao has a theory of "nine days", and various schools have nine days to misunderstand the cloud. According to a certain view, it is only nine. There are many weights in the operation of covering the sky. The inner weight is relatively soft, while the outer weight is gradually hard. Thinking that the ninth weight is similar to the hard shell, the tighter the rotation is. As white as egg according to the sky shape. After careful examination of the egg white, there are seven layers at the place where the Edit Cloud is dense, the eighth layer of white film is slightly hard, and the last nine layers become hard shells. It can be seen that the body of Zhu Zi is like nature. According to the Western calendar, one layer of the sky is as slow as another, and the seven policies are backward, so there is a delay.
Also known as Star. Erya Shitian: Heaven is rooted in the earth. Zhou Yu: The water dried up when the root of heaven was seen.
Also called Gudi. Ge Tian, see Shugeji.
It also has a divine name. "The Classic of Mountains and Seas": The shape of heaven competes with the emperor for god, and the emperor breaks his head, so that the breast is the eye, the navel is the mouth, and the trunk and Qi are wielded to dance. Form one to make a sentence (punishment). Tao Qian's poem: Dancing together in the sky is a constant pursuit of ambition. Or as the name of the beast, not.
It is also a place name. "Shu Di Zhi": The four fields behind Boshan Mountain in Shu, where there is no sunny day, are called sky leakage. Du Fu's poem: The earth is close to the sky, and rain falls all the year round.
It is also famous for mountains. Jiuzhou Yaoji: There is Tianshan Mountain in the ancient Wucheng of Liangzhou, where the Yellow Emperor received the golden liquid pill. On the first day, I was in Illinois. Note: Tianshan Mountain, namely Qilian Mountain.
Another day, happy name. Juntian Guangle, see Records of the Historian, Zhao Family.
Also signed. The Six Classics of the Tang Dynasty: The cabinet is only the secretary's cabinet, which is grand and magnificent, and it is called Wooden Sky. Today, the Imperial Academy is called Mu Tian Department.
Also Jingtian, grass name. Tao Hongjing said, "Build a pot, put it on the house, and build a fire.".
Also Kun Xuan. "Yi Yi Xiang": The man and the sky are both in harmony.
Another surname. Han Changshe made the sky high. See Surname Yuan. According to the first rhyme, the ancient text is connected with the real text, so the words of heaven are based on the iron cause. This is true in both history and history, but the six figures in the Book of Changes are timely, and they can ride six dragons to control the sky and communicate with Geng Qing. "Zhengzi Tong" said that the supreme is not like heaven, nor is it like your father below heaven, and the pronunciation of the words must not arrogate to Yi Yi Ye, which is quite true. 𠀑, The Tianzi created by Empress Wu is similar to the Zhuanwen Tianzi. [5]
Shadow of Shuowen Jiezi
Book Shadow of Kangxi Dictionary

Grapheme calligraphy


Glyph contrast

Comparison of "Tian" Characters

Writing Demos

Animation demonstration of "Tian" character writing

Appreciation of calligraphy

Regular script with the character "Tian"
"Tian" semi cursive script
"Heaven" cursive script
Clerical script with the character "Tian"
Seal Script of "Tian"

Phonological collection

Rhyme book
category of words sharing the same final
Sound category
four classes of syllables set up according to the form of the final
Clear and turbid
imitate a sound
Song rhyming dictionary
Start first
Flat voice
Opening call
unvoiced apirated
He cuts forward
Flat voice
Zhun (true)
Opening call
unvoiced apirated
Flat voice
Opening call
unvoiced apirated
He was young
Rhyme sketch
Flat voice
He was young
Increasing rhyme
Flat voice
He cuts forward
Central Plains Phonology
Congenitally homogeneous
the high and level tone
unvoiced apirated
Zhongzhou phonology
Flat voice
He cut
Hong Wu Zhengyun
Flat voice
unvoiced apirated
He cuts forward
Rhythm summary
First moss filings
the high and level tone