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Daling Five type Variable Star

Eclipsing variable stars represented by beta Perseus
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Algol variables or Daling Five type Double Star It is based on the Perseus beta star (the Chinese star is called Five Tombs )A typical food Variable star
Chinese name
Algol variables
Daling Five type Double Star
When the lower temperature star passes in front of the hotter star, it will block part or all of the light of the rear star, which is the main minimum of the brightness of this pair of conjoined stars, so the brightness of the conjoined stars observed by the Earth will decline; Later, however, when the hotter star passes in front of the cooler star, the brightness will also drop, which is called the second smallest or sub smallest.
from cycle , or the time interval between two major minima, which is very regular, can measure the revolution The period is the time when two stars circle each other in orbit. Most of the Daling Five type variable stars are very close binaries, and their periods are not long, usually within a few days. It is known that the shortest cycle is VZ (0.145 days), and the longest cycle is Epsilon Aurigae 9892 days (27 years).
The companion star of the Daling Five type conjoint star system is spherical Or slightly ellipsoid Shape, and the so-called Beta Lyra and W variable star of Ursa Major Different, the companion stars of these two kinds of variable stars are closer, so that gravitation Will affect the shape of the star.
Typically, this type of photometric change occurs when Apparent magnitude On the left and right, the biggest known change is V342 in Aquila, and the luminosity change reaches 3.4, etc. Companion can be any kind Spectrum type However, the brighter ones belong to B, A, F or G type spectra.
The prototype of the five type variable star of Daling was created in 1669 Geminiano Montanari The mechanism that caused the dimming of β - Perseus was discovered only in 1782 John Goodricke Clarify correctly.
There are thousands of known Daling Five type variable stars, 3554 of which have been listed in the 2003 version of the General Catalog of Variable Stars (gcvs), accounting for 9% of the total. Some interesting Daling Five type variable stars can be found in the famous Variable star list Found in.