Great Yin Line

Stock trading terms
zero Useful+1
The big internal thread is also called the long internal thread Stock trading terms , characterized by almost Maximum price the opening quotation, minimum price At the end of the day, it means that many parties have been defeated by the empty side and have no parry. China's stock market is implementing price limit Next, the largest daily Yin line entity can reach the current day Opening price 20%, i.e Ceiling board the opening quotation, limit down closing quotation.
Chinese name
Great Yin Line
Long cathode
Open at the highest price on the day
Three categories, 22 forms

Application rules

1. The big negative line appears in the rising market, which means that the market is deeply downward Backstop
2. The appearance of the big negative line in the falling market means that the market is accelerating downward sharply.

K line classification

There are three categories and 22 forms of K line.
First category: Yes Closing price And Opening price Are divided into internal line and Male line Two.
(1) The K line where the closing price is lower than the opening price is called the negative line. The solid part is black.
(2) The K line where the closing price is higher than the opening price is called the positive line. The solid part is white. [1]
Second category: Divided by time, divided into Daily line Perimeter Monthly line and Annual line (Among these K lines, there are also 5 minute lines, 10 minute lines, 15 minute lines, and 30 minute lines, 60 minutes Five kinds of lines Time-sharing line 。)
(1) At the daily opening price, the highest price, minimum price And closing price Diagram line , called the Daily Line, or the Daily Line for short.
(2) The opening price of the first day of each week is taken as the weekly opening price Closing price As the weekly closing price, the chart made with the highest and lowest prices of the week as the highest and lowest prices of the week is called Zhou-K Line , referred to as perimeter.
(3) On the first day of each year Opening price As the annual opening price, the closing price on the last day of each year is taken as the annual closing price, and the highest and lowest prices of the year are taken as the highest and lowest prices of the year Year K line , referred to as the annual line for short.
Third category: It is divided by different forms of entities, which can be divided into Total baldness Male line And totally bald Yin line, open bald Yang line and open bald Yin line, close bald Yang line and close bald Yin line, Dayang Line And the big internal thread, Small male line and Minor cathode , star male and star female, Hanging male line And hanging the internal thread, Upper shadow male line and Yin line of upper shadow And four values on the same line, T Line, inverted T-line, Crosshair Wait for 20 kinds of lines. [2]
Positive --- closing price>opening price.
Yin line - closing price<opening price.
Dayang Line---( Closing price -Opening price)/Opening price>7%
Big Yin Line --- (opening price closing price)/opening price>7%
Middle male line ---7% > (closing price- Opening price )/Opening price>3%
Midline ---7% > (opening price closing price)/opening price > 3%
Small male line ---3% > (closing price opening price)/opening price > 1%
Minor cathode ---3% > (opening price closing price)/opening price > 1%
Xiaoyangxing --- 1% > (closing price opening price)/opening price

Brief Introduction to the Great Yin Line

The negative thread can be divided into Minor cathode Midline and Great Yin Line The size is defined by Opening price and Closing price The distance between the opening price and the closing price is between the small and large negative lines. [3]
The strength of the big thread is proportional to the length of its body, that is, the longer the thread is, the greater the strength is; on the contrary, the smaller the strength is. The appearance of the Great Yin Line is an ominous omen for many parties. However, it is not that simple. We can not regard all the major negative lines as a sign of a weak market in the future. That is to say, we do not think that the stock price will fall when we see the major negative lines. Sometimes, after the appearance of the big negative line, there will be a situation of rising instead of falling. The big negative line (also known as the long black line) is the stock price trend chart Common in K line , this figure shows Maximum price Same as (or slightly higher than) the opening price, minimum price And Closing price Same (or slightly lower than the closing price). No Hatches (or Upper and lower hatches Short). From the beginning, the seller had the advantage. The stock market is at a low ebb. Those who hold stocks are crazy to sell without price limit, causing panic. The market is upside down until the closing, and the price has been falling, indicating a strong downward trend.

Large negative line situation

So, how to distinguish the rise or fall after the appearance of the big Yin line? There are several situations:
1、 The big negative line appears after the rising trend, especially the big one Increase After that, it said that the stock price was about to fall back or was doing head work. It is advisable to sell stocks at this time.
2、 The big negative line always appears in the big Decline Later, it was suggested that the energy of short selling was almost released. According to the principle of "extreme events will turn against each other", we should give up soft selling and buy long selling, Bargain hunting Some stocks.

Type of large cathode line

The big cathode line is divided into the following six types:
1. The top is a large internal thread. The so-called top big negative line usually occurs in Upward trend At the end of the period short position Funds beat long funds at high prices, or long funds Main shipment The result of volume Zoom in of. If this big internal thread is the same as the previous one K line If a certain combination of bearish K lines is formed, the top reversal signal can be confirmed. If there is a secondary top rush at this time, pay close attention to the emergence of the next bearish K line combination. "Extremely unique negative line" or "super rise" Yin surrounds Yang ”It is a common top line. [4]
2. Breakthrough: It is often accompanied by the phenomenon of jumping, which is basically the so-called "symbolic Yin K line", which will drive average The family reacts, thus starting a new downward trend opposite to the original upward trend. All the "symbolic negative K lines" are "breaking through the major negative lines".
3. Accelerate the big internal thread: Generally, it occurs in the process of downtrend operation, which is not only the promotion of downtrend, but also the verification of downtrend.
4. Bottom large female line: Appears when the market is oversold, also known as the "last big negative line". It often occurs in the acceleration period at the end of a long and huge downward trend. The entity length is at least 3-5 times of its previous negative line, and at the same time, compared with average Family exists beyond experience Limit value Negative of bias Generally, it should not be used as the basis for judging the bottom alone, and it is better to get the confirmation of the next K line.
5、 Horizontal plate Large cathode line: It means that the market is in a trend free horizontal direction Inventory status However, the K line combination occurred during this period is the alternation of big yang and big yin. If this situation occurs at a relatively high level or halfway down the trend, and the number and length of the negative line prevail, it is possible to continue to decline.
6. Rebellion against the Great Yin Line. It refers to the last counter attack of short before the market officially rises sharply, or the rebellious big negative line that suddenly appears on the way of the upward trend. Usually, such big negative line will be swallowed up by the long rise and fall until the price reaches a new high. If the vaginal line is accompanied by an unusually large volume It is often an early warning that the head is not far ahead. [5]

Large cathode line function

In general, the big cathode line also has the following three functions:
1. Confirm the upshift pressure with the large cathode line: The big cathode line may be horizontal or downward inclined by connecting the previous high points Pressure line Or blocking Moving Average However, opening will confirm the existence of price pressure on its upper gear, which will form a big negative line at the top.
2. Break through the lower gear support with the big thread: The big negative line can also break through the horizontal or upward support line formed by connecting the previous low points or the moving average line playing a supporting role in the form of a jump, which forms a breakthrough of the big negative line;
3. Under the pressure of the big cathode line itself: The midpoint or the highest price of the big negative line can be used as the upshift pressure of the price rebound that occurs later. If the big negative line or some combination of bearish K lines reappears here, the pressure is effective. [6]

Great Yin Line Effect

If the share price has a large period Increase After that, there is a big negative line, which means that the market has great power to kill and fall, then Aftermarket Being bearish, investors should consider selling out at this time; If the stock price falls at the beginning Downtrend It is confirmed that it plays a role in helping the decline, indicating that the market will fall in the future, and investors should immediately clear their positions and exit. If there is a big negative line in the process of decline, it indicates that there is still room for decline in the future, and investors should continue to be short; If there is a big negative line in the case of continuous decline of the stock, it means that the last blow of the short side is often the stock price Bottoming signal The future market may be reversed. At this time, investors should be ready to buy. [7]


candlestick It cannot be fully explained as the rise and fall of stocks.
Closing bald male line (First down, then up) The market began to fall, then turned around and recovered, and closed at the highest price in the day, which shows that there is a strong upward momentum.
Bald head Male line Dayang Line )Day by day rise, with a strong upward trend. If on Downmarket It may be a signal of the end of the market decline.
The open polished male line (rising resistance type) has strong lifting power, but it is blocked, so you should be cautious. If it continues to rise, it may be a sign of decline; If the market rebounds during the decline, the bulls will still fall due to insufficient strength.
Small male line The market is complicated and confusing, and it is difficult to have a clear estimate of the rise and fall. If it occurs after a strong and continuous rise, it indicates that High level oscillation Insufficient sustainability may be a sign of decline. If it appears after a long-term decline, it indicates that it is weak and may continue to decline. Upper shadow male line The upward trend of the market is weakened, and it is obviously hindered at a higher price, and the future market may fall.
The bald negative line (big negative line) fell all day long, and the future market was weak. The market was extremely bad, and it still had to fall. It often appeared in the short market. If several big negative lines appear in succession, there may be a rebound in the market.
Yin line of upper shadow (Up then down) up first and down later, bottom Support force Not very big. It may be the signal to end the market rise in the rising market.
At the close, the bare head line (first up and then down) is rising first and then falling. The seller is strong and the market is bearish.
Minor cathode (Short black line) The market is chaotic, and the rise and fall are difficult to estimate. If it appears after the continuous rise, it means High level oscillation , may be the precursor of a decline.
The open session was bearish and overcast (down resistance type), which was accepted after the market fell, showing signs of rebound.
Yin line of lower shadow (It is impossible to fall) It indicates that the bottom has strong support, and the future market may tend to rise. If it appears in the rising market, it will continue to rise; If it appears in the continuously falling market, it may rebound. The four value simultaneous market is weak, Trading volume Small, investors wait and see. This kind of price situation appears in the cold stock market.
Cross stars When the big market is changing, it may be a signal for the stock market to turn. The big cross represents Empty Fighting type, indicating the day Both parties Equally matched, and the next day's stock price trend is as follows Upper hatching line Some, indicating that the bulls are strong and can be bought; Otherwise, sell. Small cross The pattern of small scale deadlock should be determined by waiting for its change. Can not rise or fall, will sustained development
T-shaped (Multi win line) The signal of turning down into rising may continue to rise in the future. The strength of many parties is better than that of the empty side. It may continue to rise in a bull market, and may rebound in a bear market.
Inverted T (The empty winning line) indicates that the seller is stronger than the buyer, which is a strong downward signal. In the bull market, it may fall; Appear in a bear market and may continue to decline. These are the "red and blue columns". [1]