
Characters in Naruto and its derivative works
zero Useful+1
Ono, a male character in Japanese manga Naruto and its derivative works. Land· Yanyin Village The third generation of earth shadow, Early Earth Shadow and Second generation eye earth shadow 's own disciple. He is very powerful and enjoys the title of "Big Wild Wood of Two Heavenly Scales". He is proficient in Tudun Ninja and can use Blood relay limit Above Hematological elimination Dust Escape ”He is also one of the few flying ninjas in the five major countries.
Onomu is the longest and longest Earth Shadow who actually held the highest power in the country of earth in the history of tolerance world, and also the longest Earth Shadow, which created the heyday of Yanyin Village.
In Biography of Bo Ren, the old and frail Onobu died of exhaustion to suppress the man-made rebellion.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Yamagi of the two scales Daxuan
Xicun knows Jubenping (Teenagers and youth in TV552)
Debut works
Naruto 》Series and derivative works
October 8 (Libra)
79 years old( The Fourth World War of Tolerance Period) → 94 years old
Virtual character blood type
Type O
130.0cm( The Fourth World War of Tolerance Period)
42.3kg( The Fourth World War of Tolerance Period)
Stubborn and tough
Chakra attribute
Fire, wind, thunder, earth, sun
Ninja Level
Soil shadow
black soil (In the end Soil shadow
Laterite black soil
Land· Yanyin Village

Basic settings

The three generations of Mu Tu Ying in Yanyin Village took over shortly after the death of the second generation of Mu Tu Ying. He is a warrior who has experienced many battles, and is also a few survivors who have experienced the chaos of war. He looks very happy. He has a big nose in the middle of his face and is very short.
Being able to fly freely in the air, he is proficient in blood succession elimination and dust escape, and has a stubborn and tough personality. He is a great ninja who loves the village, vigorously protects its interests and protects its residents.
When he was young, he wore a ninja hat and a black tight combat suit. The shoulders and chest of the combat suit were matched with gray layered armor. The arms and legs are provided with a mesh wrist guard.
From youth to the future, the outer part is equipped with a red cloth around the upper part, and the lower part is an independent green strip vest, which will fly with the wind. During his tenure, he wore an earth shadow hat.
In his old age, Onoki's hair, beard and eyebrows turned white, and his face was full of wrinkles.
Note: Official setting set《 Book of Array 》It is shown in: In Yanyin Village, Tuying in all previous dynasties will become famous in the tolerance world with their unique skills and get the corresponding title, and Onomu is called the "two scales". [1]

Capability setting


Hematological elimination

This technique is developed from the second generation of eye shadow, which is superior to " Blood relay limit "Above" Hematological elimination ", which is a combination of three natures of wind, earth and fire. Wu Wu taught this skill to disciple Onomu.
After the hands are folded together, open a transparent square border between the palms of the hands to imprison the opponent in the border and separate them into atomic states, and then a huge explosion occurs.
Three generations of Mu Tu Ying and Ono Mu can change the shape of Chen Dun into a cube and a cone to attack or defend.
Onomi has used Uchibo Sasuke, Wuji and Uchibo Spot. The nemesis is Sealing and blotting [2]
Cube Dust Escape
Cone Dust Escape
This is Chendun· Primary exfoliation The upgraded version of, not only expands the scope and power, but also has a lasting effect. Any object close to the boundary stripping technique will become atomic.
Ono Mu kills 25 Mu Duns of Yuzhi Boban with this attack Must assist the ability
Dust Escape · Technique of Limit Stripping

Tudun Ninjutsu

Turn your right hand into a hard rock fist, and increase the hardness and weight, and swing a strong blow.
Earth Dunning · Rock Fist
It has the effect of petrifying enemies Increase the weight of the enemy to make it difficult for him to move, or use it to increase the weight of himself or his partner to improve the attack strength. It was used to increase the weight of the fist of the fourth generation of Lei Ying, and successfully broke Yuzhi Boban's Xu Zuneng. [2]
Earth Dunning · Technique of Weighting Rock
The enhanced version of the technique of adding weight to the rock is the same as the technique of adding weight to the rock. It was used to strengthen the strength of the technique of rock boxing, but it will cause serious damage to the waist of the Earth Shadow adult, resulting in a long time of stiffness.
Earth Dunning · Super Weighting Rock Technique
Reduce the density of a substance to reduce its weight. In the original work, Onoki reduced the weight of the sand in my Ailuo and the surrounding sand, and also reduced the weight of four generations of Lei Ying. [3]
Earth Dunning · Technique of Light and Heavy Rock
It is taught by the second generation of Tuying. The enhanced version of Tudun · Light and Heavy Rock Technique can greatly reduce the weight of materials, reduce their own weight, increase their own speed, and fly freely in the air.
In 561 words, the weight of one of the Celestial Obstruction Earthquakes made by the spot is greatly reduced and can be lifted. Onomi also used this technique to reduce the body weight of the fourth generation of Lei Ying, thus increasing the speed of Lei Ying.
Earth Dunning - Super Light and Heavy Rock Skill
Ninja that can instantly lift or sink a square land by virtue of the power of earth escaping. The effect of digging trenches can be achieved when multiple earth moving cores are used at the same time! [3]
Earth Dun · Earth Moving Core
The seal summons the rock troll to attack or defend, and all attacks and defenses are controlled by Onobu. The rock giant has extremely high defensiveness.
This skill is combined with my Ailuo's "Jiadangluo Shield" to block Ban's eight foot Qiong Gouyu.
Earth Dun · Gang Li Style Skill
Create a rock avatar.
Tudun · Yan Fenshen
Create huge rock arms to protect yourself or your teammates.
Earth Dun · Arm of Rock


Illusion · Solution
Ono has the ability to remove magic. In the original book, Onomi used this technique to remove the illusion of the fourth generation of eye thunder shadow.
Illusion · Solution

Role experience


When young

Young Ono
Onomu is the grandson of Mutuying and Shihe in the early era. He has outstanding ability since childhood Early Earth Shadow Second generation eye earth shadow Growing up under strict education and careful care, Mu Tuying of the early generation personally gave him the task of "cleaning the stone of town and village" and personally guided him. During this time, he made a profound explanation of Yanyin Village's will, which "symbolizes the indomitable and unyielding" will of stone ", and this speech also had a profound impact on Ono's life.
Second generation eye earth shadow· nothing He taught him to merge the three nature changes of Fenghuo and Tu, and passed the "will of stone" to Onoku, which affected the growth and development of Onoku.

Earth Fire Alliance

In troubled times, he followed Shifu nothing We have experienced many wars together. In order to protect the village with his master, he often fought with other villages until dawn, nothing He once led disciple Ono Mu to Muye for diplomacy, and ended up with Yuzhi Boban When they met, the alliance between Yanyin and Muye was rejected by Ban, and both Wu and Onomi were seriously injured.
Note: Official setting set《 Book of Array 》As shown in, Onoki was about 13 years old at this time.

Succession Earth Shadow

Onomaki Onomaki
After the death of the second generation of Mu Tuying, Onomi succeeded to the position of Tuying. In the era of the third generation of earth shadow, Ono has cultivated Loess black soil Laterite Magic leech flame Dashi Must grind East Dead Man Wen Fang contrary to or reversal of Shou Old Purple Chinese Represented by the rock hidden ninja.
He improved the skills of Tudun Ninjutsu and Xuejieli Chendun, and honed them very skillfully. [2] In his old age, his only weakness is that he sometimes suddenly flashes to his waist.
During his tenure, he made the village to a peaceful and prosperous age, which can be said to be the person who created the heyday of Yanyin Village. [2]

The Third World War of Tolerance

Yanyin fights with Muye, East Dead Man Led Yan Yin's army to attack the country of fire, successfully Meicun Leaf Roll The Wooden Leaf Defense Force led by him was forced to the plight of only four people, and was rushed to the battlefield in time to solve the problem.
Magic leech Use the shadow split body technique and swordsmanship to cut Kakashi's armpit, and then be attacked from behind by the wave wind water gate.
Dashi Use forbearance · camouflage concealment to make the body transparent so that it can be swept away smoothly Nohara Lin And cut Kakashi's left eye. Later, Dai Tu, who was opened with double seductive wheel eyes, held Kuwu to kill.
flame Use Tudun · Rock House Collapse to make the cave rock collapse instantly, and take the life of Dai Tu. And use the blade to smash the ninja with white teeth. Later transplanted with soil Wheel eye Kakashi killed with thousands of birds.
Must grind Led Yan Yin's army to attack Kakashi and others with Tudun · Shatu Zhuanzhang in time, and then was solved by Bofeng Shuimen who rushed back in time.

Five Shadow Talks

Five Shadow Talks
On the eve of the Fourth World War of Tolerance, in order to solve the problem that the tail beast is constantly captured by "informed organizations", the fourth generation of Mulei Ying · Ai invited the four shadows from all countries to participate in the rare event in history“ Five Shadows Conference ”During this period, red earth and black earth acted as the guards of Onobu. [4]
Ono and Laterite black soil Go together to prepare for the Five Shadows Meeting Iron Country At the age of 78, he tried to carry his own luggage, but he suffered from low back pain. Chitu had to put him on his shoulder to start. [5]
During the meeting, Onobu was surprised to see that I love Luo became the shadow of the Five Generations at a young age. Onobu thought it was a shame that the five powers were taken away from the tail, but I love Luo thought it was pedantic. Later, Qing found that Tuanzhai used other gods to control the three ships. After the three ships woke up, I Ailuo proposed that people should trust each other, and asked them when they abandoned themselves, so that Onomi recalled his self in the past. [6]
Uchibo Sasuke When attacking the venue, Onomi attacked Sasuke with "Dust Dun · Original World Stripping", but Sasuke was immediately attacked by Ah Fei( Yuzhibo belt soil )The attack did not work. After hearing Afei's declaration of war, Onomi firmly believed in establishing a ninja coalition with other countries to protect the world of tolerance, and then proposed to let eight and nine tails participate in the battle, but the three ships showed that the strength of the ninja coalition is immeasurable. [7]
At the Five Shadows Conference after the recovery of the post Gang Shou, Onomu and Gang Shou fought head to head, showing an aggressive posture. [8]

Escort Turtle Island

When learning that the information leaked and Turtle Island was forced to move, Onomu volunteered to escort Turtle Island together with Akita and Kurata. [9]
Onomi and Kabuto And reincarnated by filth Didala Meet and fight. Didala keeps releasing detonating clay to Turtle Island, which makes Turtle Island unstable. Onoki begins to use Dust Dunning to Didala [10] But for fear of spreading to Turtle Island, the red earth stopped Onobu and caught him Daiwa Later, Didala was recalled, and Onomu thought that the information might be leaked from Daiwa. [11]
Then Onomi lifted Turtle Island with one hand to fly to the destination with the technique of super light and heavy rock. [12]

Tolerance World War

Regain self
On the eve of the Fourth World War of Tolerance, in order to solve the problem that the tail beast is constantly captured by "informed organizations", the fourth generation of Mulei Ying · Ai invited the four shadows from all countries to participate in the rare“ Five Shadows Conference ”, Onomu went to the Five Shadows Meeting with Black Earth and Red Earth. During this period, Red Earth and Black Earth together served as the guards of three generations of Mu Tu Ying and Onobu. On October 8, Onoki celebrated his 79th birthday. On the same day, The Fourth World War of Tolerance The war officially started. [1]
After the four shadows of all generations were reincarnated by the filthy soil, they fought with me Ailuo against the second generation of Mutuying, the second generation of Mushuying, and the fourth generation of Mufengying. After the Fengying was sealed, they joined hands with Naruto to seal the split of the second generation of Muying. In the fight with Shuiying, they broke the water shadow psychic beast with "Tudun · Super Weighting Rock Technique", which was severely flared, unable to move, and was replaced by my Ailuo Yisha, Then we fought against the second generation of Water Shadow and provided detailed information to help Ailuo seal it.
Tag Fight
In the face of many reincarnated characters in the filthy land being sealed, the pharmacist Dou used the second generation of earth shadow to reincarnate Yuzhi Boban in the filthy land. After that, Yuzhi Boban in front of Ono Mu was shocked. Then he joined hands with Naruto and I Ailuo to suppress Yuzhi Boban, but failed. After Yuzhi Boban used Tianzhizhenxing, he used the technique of super light and heavy rock to prevent the meteorite from falling. He succeeded, but was severely injured by another meteorite. Then the other three shadows rushed to the battlefield, and the five shadows met Yuzhi Boban, and gave Yuzhi Bodai soil to Naruto, indicating that they must win.
During the battle, Ono Mu, with his rich experience, commanded the Five Shadows to deal with Yuzhi Boban. After Mudun · Huashujie was born, he recalled the past, regained himself, and instantly turned the Huashujie forest into ashes with the technique of dust hiding · boundary stripping, and encouraged the other four shadows to continue fighting with Ban.
But in the end, he failed and was severely injured by Yuzhi Boban. Gangshou used slugs to heal him. The driven Big Snake Pill and others were rescued, returned to the battlefield, and led the ninja coalition to destroy the holy tree. Later, they stayed on the battlefield to fight against Bai Jue with the three generations of Huo Ying and others who were reincarnated by the filth A Fei [13]
Uji Boban launches Infinite Moon, and Ono is hit Unlimited monthly reading Later, with the release of the unlimited monthly reading, they were rescued, and the Fourth World War of Tolerance also ended with the victory of the Ninja Coalition. [14]

Retirement life

The old five figures after abdication
After the end of the Fourth World War of Tolerance, the third generation of Tuying, Onomu, and Zen abdicated the position of the next Tuying to his granddaughter Heitu. After retirement, Onoki often had parties with his predecessors. As Onomu is too old to move, the meeting place is selected at Onomu's home in Yanyin Village. [15]

Blog people's biography

In the sequel of the animation blog, the appearance of three generations of Tuying and Onomu is also more aging than before. The Five Dynasties Fire Shadow Gang invited the four generations of people from Yunyin Village Lei Ying Ai and Yanyin Village Three generations of earth shadow ·Onomu, Wuyin Village Water Shadow of Five Dynasties ·Zhao Meiming met in Muye Hidden Village together. During the meeting, Kakashi, the sixth generation Huoying, peeled oranges for Lei Ying. Kakashi ate oranges and peeled the skin carefully, even the white fiber on the surface, which surprised Zhao Meiming. Lei Ying thanked Kakashi and told Kakashi that he had plenty of nutrition when eating oranges with skins, so Lei Ying ate the peeled oranges directly. Onomu thought that the gathering of Wu Ying was very boring, so he went to the Muye Three Color Meatball Store to eat his favorite three color meatballs, and saved a villager who was about to be hit by a high-rise building with dust on the way. And got to know Vortex Blogger Yuzhi Bozuo Liangna and Last month , Onomu taught them the meaning of the will of stone.
Onomi, who likes to eat three color meatballs
Onomu told Hiro that he had a grandson, Xiao Tu, who could inherit his will and protect Yanyin Village, but later, Xiao Tu died in a mission to stop Yanyin Ninja from stealing secrets, which severely hit Onomu's heart; Therefore, in order to protect the younger generation of Yanyin's ninjas, three generations of Mu Tuying and Onomu decided to make some man-made weapons that can replace Yanyin's ninjas in fighting( empty Granite Obsidian quartz mica )As well as the mustard army, however, these man-made people later had their own ideas and will. They no longer obeyed the orders of Onobu, but tried to control the country of soil instead of black soil. They used the mustard army to forcefully suppress the country of soil, and imprisoned black soil as a four generation shadow. As a result, Yanyin Village was in chaos. Onobu ordered them to stop, but the man-made weapons no longer obey Onobu's orders. Konomi thinks that Onoki's confusion will knock him unconscious.
It's said to use Chendun's Ono Wood
In order to overcome the physical defects of these artificial weapons, the artificial obsidian and quartz went to Muye together to lure the artificial man of Big Snake Pill to Yanyin Village for the purpose of solving the physical defects by studying the secrets of the human body at the end of the month (the body often cracks and needs regular maintenance).
After missing in the past month, Bo Ren, Zuo Liangna and Nara Ludai Mountain well array Autumn Path Butterfly Together, they searched for the tracks of Siyue and tracked them to Yanyin Village. Onomu told the bloggers and others about his plan. Later, the man made weapon Kong appeared in front of Bo Ren and others, and used the mustard army to fight with Akita, Bo Ren and others. Onoki ordered Man made Man made Man made Air to stop, but Kong thought that Onoki was confused and knocked him unconscious. Hiro took the opportunity to escape with Onomu. During this time, he mistakenly entered the practice area of Yanyin Village, and then successfully left with the help of Onomu. Later, Onomu told Hiro that he carried out the plan to protect the village in order to inherit the will of Xiaotu, and that it was completely reassuring that the man-made man could effectively protect the peace of the village and that the man-made man had no will of his own, I hope bloggers can help me.
However, Bo Ren couldn't agree with Ono Mu's idea that "man-made people don't have independent will", so he formally antagonized Ono Mu. Although Bo Ren and Zo Liangna successfully defeated the coming man-made man Hua Gang, they were defeated by another man-made man, Mica. Ono, Mica and Mustard escorted Muye's seventh and tenth shifts back to the village, only to find that there were no people in the village, It was also learned from Kong that Kong had instructed Kiki and others to seize and imprison Yanyin's ninjas and villagers, ready to take their hearts to overcome their final shortcomings. Onomi wanted to stop what Kong had done but was attacked and unconscious by Kong. After waking up, Onomi realized his previous thinking mistake.
Onomi Sacrifice
In order to stop Kong's crazy action and prevent the village from falling into tragedy again, Onomi, regardless of his weak body, defeated the mustard who guarded him, and with the help of Yanyin Ninja's stone tools, found the seventh group of Muye, who had fought with Kong who had taken the doctor's heart. When Kon tried to use Dushun to destroy the seventh group, he fell into the water with Bo Ren, Zo Liangna and Siyue, Kong found them and fought again. Although Kong was defeated by Bo Ren and Zoliana, he did not die. When Zaikong tried to make a final struggle and was ready to use Chendun to destroy people, Onoku used all his strength to use Chendun to finally eliminate Kong. However, he finally ran out of energy and was on the verge of death. After telling everyone about his true will and his wish to come to Muye Hidden Village again, he died completely.

War record


Discord Times

Five Shadow Talks

Escort Turtle Island

  • Ping Yu Herbalist's Bag
  • Reincarnated Didala (Didara was Kabuto Withdrawal, no result)

Tolerance World War

  • Better than the second generation of earth shadow nothing (Defeated together with Vortex Naruto, but did not split and flee before being sealed)
  • Better than the second generation of water shadow Ghost Lantern and Phantom Moon (Defeat and seal with Ailuo)
  • The second generation of earth shadow is better than the split one (strike with the fourth generation of Lei Yingai)
  • Defeated by the rebirth of filth Yuzhi Boban (Joined hands with other four shadows, but was crushed by absolute strength)
  • Better than ten tail man Zhu Li Yuzhibo belt soil , Sheng (all staff pull out nine tail beasts)
  • Defeated by the ten tailed man Zhu Li, Yu Zhibo Spot (unlimited moon reading in the body)

Blog people's biography

  • Defeated by emptiness (the ambition to stop emptiness is suddenly attacked)
  • Better than some mustard
  • Better than emptiness (use Chendun to destroy emptiness, and die of exhaustion)

Character evaluation


Official evaluation

  • All books : "The earth shadow can manipulate the dust escape of the elements. The technique that once shocked the tolerant world is still young!"
  • Book of Array "Although old," will "is very strong. It is a living legend in the tolerance world —— !”

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