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The second ocean in the world
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Atlantic Ocean Surface area Nearly 20% of the original area of 91.655 million Square kilometers , on Antarctic Ocean After its establishment, the area was adjusted to 76.762 million square kilometers, with an average depth of 3627 meters Puerto Rico Trench It is 9219 meters deep. The Atlantic Ocean is "S" shaped and divided into North Atlantic And the South Atlantic. In addition, there are several subsidiary seas in the Atlantic Ocean, such as mediterranean sea Caribbean the north sea the Baltic Gulf of Mexico Etc. The Atlantic Ocean is far from north to south, so the climate is diverse Greenland Of Polar Climate , until West Africa Brazil The Atlantic Ocean includes tropical desert or rainforest climate along the coast. And in Europe U.S.A Canada And Brazil and Gulf of Guinea The sea area to the south is subject to strong wind and waves all the year round.
Chinese name
Foreign name
English :Atlantic Ocean
76762000 km²
Average depth
Puerto Rico Trench (9219m)
Average salinity
Average water temperature
Coastal country
U.S.A Canada britain Brazil etc.

geographical environment



The second ocean on earth. be located Europe Africa And South North America and Antarctica between. To the north Iceland -Faroe Island Sea mound And Wilville Thomson Hailing And arctic ocean Boundary, south Antarctica And the pacific ocean the indian ocean The southern waters are connected; Through the southwest South America southernmost Cape Horn The longitude of South Africa Cape Egalus The longitude of is the same as the indian ocean Boundary; The west passes through the south North America Between panama canal It communicates with the Pacific Ocean, and the east passes through the Gibraltar Strait passage mediterranean sea , and Asia And Africa Suez Canal And the indian ocean Subsidiary sea of Crimson Sea communicate. Atlantic equator The area is the narrowest and the shortest distance is only about 2400km. world Five oceans one of.
The area of the Atlantic Ocean, together with its subsidiary seas and Southern Ocean Some waters (excluding islands), about 91.655 million Square kilometers , the average depth is 3597m, and the deepest point is Puerto Rico Trench 9218 meters.
The east and west coastlines of the Atlantic Ocean are generally parallel. The southern coastline is flat and straight, Inland Sea , less bays; The northern coastline is winding, and there are many islands along the coast, including bays, inland seas Marginal sea More. The islands and archipelagos are mainly distributed in continental margin , mostly Continental island There are few islands in the open ocean. The main islands and archipelagos are Great Britain Ireland Iceland Newfoundland Cuba Island Hispaniola and Caribbean —— mediterranean sea Many islands in the, Greenland A small part is also located in the Atlantic Ocean. In several oceans, the Atlantic flows into the sea Drainage area The largest, with a drainage area of 47.423 million square kilometers. The main rivers are St. Lawrence River Mississippi River Orinoco River Amazon Parana River Congo River (Zaire River) Niger River Loire Rhine Elbe River And injection mediterranean sea Of the Nile And injection Black Sea Of the danube Etc.

Geographical division

According to the wind direction of the Atlantic Ocean ocean current 5 ° N is usually taken as the boundary between the North and South Atlantic. The Atlantic Ocean Northern Hemisphere The land boundary of Meandering There are many seas and bays. [1]

Climatic characteristics

The Atlantic extends from north to south, the equator crosses the middle, the climate is symmetrical from north to south and the climate zone is complete. Simultaneously receive ocean current atmospheric circulation , sea and land contours and other factors, and the climate of each sea area is different. Atlantic Equatorial zone yes Low pressure zone , again Southeast trade wind and northeast trades Of convergence With weak wind and variable wind direction Windless zone At the same time, the updraft is strong and multi convection Cloud system Precipitation, Annual precipitation Up to 2000 mm Rainbelt Subtropical zone It is a high pressure zone, mainly composed of sinking and divergence below the airflow, rare clouds and rain, sunny weather and strong evaporation. commonly precipitation 500-1000 mm, High voltage center The annual precipitation in the sea area (near Azores in the eastern ocean) is only 100-250 mm, much less than Evaporation capacity , becoming the dry zone in the Atlantic Ocean. from Subtropical high With sinking flow direction Equatorial Low Air flow scale of Trade wind belt , the northern hemisphere is northeast trade wind southern hemisphere It is southeast trade wind. The trade wind has stable wind direction and strong wind force (3-4 levels), becoming important in the Atlantic Ocean Wind band , and the ocean Surface current Power to form and maintain. Subsidence flow direction from subtropical high Sub polar low pressure zone Air flow of Westerlies , is medium High latitude Powerful planetary wind belt, also 40 ° - 60 ° north and south latitude Westerly drift Forming power. The westerlies are also often associated with cold air Convergence. formation frontal surface And cyclones, resulting in variable weather and more precipitation, especially in winter snowstorm , causing strong winds and waves in the high latitude sea area, seriously affecting shipping, marine fisheries and oil industrial production The high latitude sea area to the north of 60 ° N (mainly the east) is affected by warm current and cyclone, and the annual precipitation can reach about 1000 mm; However, in the sea area south of 60 ° in the southern hemisphere, due to dry and cold air and no warm current adjustment, the precipitation is very small, generally 100-250 mm.
Temperature distribution in the Atlantic Ocean and the pacific ocean Basically similar, extending along the latitude and from equator The area decreases to high latitudes. The temperature in the equator is the highest. Average annual temperature 25-26 ℃, the annual variation of temperature is very small (generally not more than 3 ℃). Near 20 ° north-south latitude thermidor The temperature is about 25 ℃, and the coldest month is about 20 ℃. Near 40 ° north and south latitude, the temperature of the North Atlantic is higher than that of the South Atlantic due to the influence of the warm current. The hottest month is 20 ℃, the South Atlantic is only 15 ℃, and the coldest months are 13 ℃ and 10 ℃ respectively. Near 60 ° north and south latitude, North Atlantic Warm Current The warming effect is more obvious. The temperature in the hottest month is 10 ℃, that in the South Atlantic is 0 ℃, and that in the coldest month is 0 ℃ and - 10 ℃, respectively. Therefore, the air in the North Atlantic is warmer than that in the South Atlantic. At the same time, the eastern and western coasts of the Atlantic Ocean are affected by the cold and warm currents, resulting in 30 ° N The temperature in the western ocean is about 5 ℃ higher than that in the eastern ocean. The temperature in the eastern ocean north of 30 ° north latitude is about 5-10 ℃ higher than that in the west, while in the south of 30 ° south latitude, the temperature difference between the eastern and western Atlantic Ocean is not obvious due to the narrowing of the land, the widening of the sea area and the westerly drift.
The climate of the Atlantic Ocean is quite different from north to south and from east to west. annual temperature range Not big, less than 1 ℃ in equatorial region, 5 ℃ in subtropical latitudes, 10 ℃ in northern latitudes and 60 ° in southern latitudes, and more than 25 ℃ only in northwest and extreme south of the ocean. North Atlantic prevails in the Northeast trade wind , southeast trade wind prevails in the south. The temperate latitudinal region is located in the transitional zone where the cold and warm currents meet Westerlies , the wind is the largest. There are many storms between 40-60 ° north and south latitude; In the tropical latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, there are often hurricanes from May to October. The precipitation in the Atlantic region is 500-1000 mm in the high latitude region, 1000-1500 mm in the middle latitude region, more than 100-1000 mm in the subtropical and tropical latitudes from east to west, and more than 2000 mm in the equatorial region. The average temperature of the Atlantic water surface near the equator is about 25-27 ℃, and the east is colder than the west between 30 ° north latitude and 30 ° south latitude, while the opposite is true north of 30 ° north latitude. In the Atlantic, south and north Two hemispheres summer floating ice It can reach about 40 ° south and north latitude respectively.
The annual temperature in the Atlantic Ocean does not change much, and the equatorial region Annual temperature difference Less than 1 ℃. 5 ℃ in the subtropical zone, 10 ℃ in the mid latitude zone, and more than 20 ℃ only in the northwest and extreme south. The average temperature of seawater is 17 ℃, slightly lower than that of the Pacific Ocean. and Salinity It is slightly higher than that of the Pacific, with an average of 35.4 ‰. In the North Atlantic, between 15 ° - 30 ° north latitude Subtropical zone High pressure zone, northeast trade wind zone to the south. The prevailing westerlies are between 40 ° - 60 ° north latitude. In the South Atlantic, to Tropical high The zone is located near 30 ° south latitude, and the prevailing westerlies almost extend from 40 ° south latitude to Antarctica There are many hurricanes from July to October every year on the Atlantic Ocean at the latitude of 5 ° - 20 ° from north to south. In summer Newfoundland Often along the coast Sea fog In winter Europe The Atlantic coast is foggy; Africa The southwest coast is foggy all the year round. The Atlantic Current forms a circulation in the north and south. The northern circulation is composed of North Equatorial Warm Current Gulf Stream , North Atlantic Warm Current Canary Cold Current form. The southern circulation is composed of South Equatorial Warm Current Brazil Warm Current , westerly drift Benguela Current form. Gulf Stream It is the strongest warm current in the Atlantic Ocean and has a significant regulating effect on the climate of northwest Europe.

hydrographic features

Atlantic hydrographic features It has obvious regional characteristics. stay atmospheric circulation Direct action In the north and south subtropical sea areas, a huge anticyclone circulation system is formed, and the North Atlantic is Clockwise Circulation, South Atlantic anti-clockwise Circulation. There is one branch in the sea area between the two circulation systems Equatorial countercurrent Its flow direction is opposite to the north-south trade wind, flowing from west to east. stay North Atlantic A complete sub polar cyclonic circulation is formed in the mid latitude sea area of the South Atlantic and the high latitude sea area of the South Atlantic respectively.

Forming conditions

Atlantic Equatorial current From north to south trade wind It is formed by direct action and flows from east to west on both sides of the equator. The South Equatorial Current flows from the coast of Africa to Daily average It flows westward at a speed of 20-55 km to South America Brazil In the case of Sanrock angle, it is divided into two branches due to the "sharp angle" of land: North Branch by Guyana Warm Current The southern branch is the Brazilian Warm Current. The thickness of the south branch is about 100-200m. It flows southward along the east coast of South America to 48 ° south latitude La Plata estuary Southern and Northern Falkland The cold currents converge, and then enter the westerly belt to join the westerly drift. The westerly drift flows eastward along 45 ° south latitude, and reaches the southwest waters of Africa between 42 ° south latitude and 48 ° south latitude. The mainstream continues to follow Westerly drift Flows eastward into the Indian Ocean; Another tributary flows northward along the West Bank of Africa, forming Benguela Current , the cold current is wide, thin, and slow, reaching north near the equator, and South Equatorial Warm Current They converge to form a counter clockwise current system in the South Atlantic Ocean.
The northern equatorial current starts from Cape Verde Islands, crossing the Atlantic Ocean at an average speed of 35-40 kilometers per day, and flowing to Lesser Antilles There are two branches nearby: one flows northwestward along the northern side of the islands, called the Antilles Warm Current; The other one goes through the islands Caribbean , and Guyana Confluence of warm current Caribbean Warm Current The Caribbean Warm Current flows from Yucatan Strait Into the Gulf of Mexico, and then from Florida Strait Outflow Florida Warm Current , flow to 35 N ° nearby and Antilles Current Synonym Gulf Stream , flowing northward along the east coast of North America, and reaching 40 ° north latitude Labrador Current And flows into the east of the westerlies, called North Atlantic Warm Current The warm current flows from 40 ° north latitude to the northeast to the east, and spreads out in a fan shape to the east coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The main current turns to the coast of western Europe and northwest Europe, and then extends to the northeast arctic ocean Another ocean flows southward and forms along the northwest coast of Africa Canary Cold Current , the current flows to the Cape Verde Islands and is divided into two branches. One branch converges with the North Equatorial Current, forming the North Atlantic clockwise current system; The other branch continues to move south and gradually warms up, entering Gulf of Guinea The Guinea Warm Current is formed. The convergence of the Guinea Warm Current and the equatorial countercurrent entering the Gulf of Guinea has strengthened Guinea Warm Current The intensity of Thermal low pressure , help Tropical monsoon The formation and maintenance of.

Gulf Stream

The Gulf Stream is the most powerful warm current in the world's oceans. It is generally divided into Cape Hatteras The segment is called Florida Warm Current; The section from Cape Hatteras to 45 ° west longitude Gulf Stream It can be seen that the Gulf Stream is not in the Gulf of Mexico. It is called the North Atlantic Warm Current from 45 ° west longitude to the east. The above three parts are collectively referred to as the Gulf Stream System. The warm current flowing from the Florida Strait in the Gulf Stream system has a width of 60-80 kilometers and a depth of 800 meters. The surface water temperature in the central part of the warm current reaches 30.5 ℃, and the water temperature at a depth of 10 meters is 27.5 ℃. The flow rate per day and night is 130-150 kilometers. The average outflow of warm water per hour is about 90 billion tons, which is about the total amount of rivers in the world Runoff 20 times. After the warm current flows out of the strait, there is a huge Antilles warm current converging northeast trades Still keep putting Sargasso Sea The warm water of the North American continent is replenished by the blowing of warm water, so that the hot water volume is constantly increasing, which makes the warm current reach Western Europe along the northern flow of the North American continent, especially across the Atlantic Ocean Northern Europe In the coastal flow, convection through the sea area has a huge warming effect.

Warm current effect

It is estimated that the heat supplied to the 1 meter long coast of Northern Europe every year is equivalent to the heat generated by burning 60000 tons of coal, making Norway The temperature in coastal January is 15-20 ℃ higher than that in the same latitude zone, so that polar circle The internal sub sea area is not frozen, Murmansk Port (Russia), etc Ice free harbor From the edge of the Arctic Ocean Labrador Peninsula The southward current is called the Labrador Cold Current Newfoundland The area near 40 ° southeast north latitude converges with the Mexican Warm Current, which causes heavy fog and the convergence of warm water fish and cold water fish, forming a world-famous Newfoundland Fishing Ground Labrador Current Also often from the Arctic Ocean or Greenland Bring huge icebergs or floating ice, not only reduce Sea water temperature It also poses a serious threat to maritime shipping. The sea ice in the South Atlantic Ocean is formed in the coastal sea area of the Antarctic continent, and can extend to the vast sea area south of 55 ° south latitude, or even float near 40 ° - 45 ° south latitude. Estimated from arctic ocean and Antarctic continent Marginal Atlantic Ice volume 900 and 1600 km ³ respectively. Icebergs in the Arctic Ocean can generally drift to the southern waters of Newfoundland at 40 °~45 ° north latitude, and a few very large or offshore icebergs can even drift farther south. Southern Ocean Due to the strong westerly belt and westerly drift, icebergs can only drift north to 50 ° south latitude. In rare cases, a small number of Antarctic icebergs will cross the westerlies and drift farther north.
The distribution and change of the Atlantic surface seawater temperature are related to the distribution and change of the air temperature. The equatorial region has the highest water temperature, with an annual average temperature of 25-27 ℃, and gradually decreases from the equator to the high latitudes. Year of water temperature amplitude The equatorial sea area is the smallest, generally between 1-3 ℃, and between 30 ° - 50 ° north latitude and 30 ° - 40 ° south latitude increases to 5-8 ℃, while High latitude The annual variation of the sea area is slightly smaller arctic The sea area is about 4 ℃, and the Antarctic sea area is only about 1 ℃. However Continental climate Or cold, warm current frontal surface Etc Seasonal variation In local sea areas with obvious influence, the annual variation of surface water temperature can reach more than 10 ℃. In general, the north and south ends of the Atlantic Ocean are open, and are significantly affected by cold water and ice floes in the Arctic Ocean and Antarctic waters, so the average surface water temperature is only 16.9 ℃, lower than that in the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean.
The average salinity of the Atlantic surface water is 35.9 ‰. In the subtropical sea area, due to the strong evaporation, the precipitation is low, and the salinity is up to 37.3 ‰, especially Azores In the southwest trade wind zone, the average salinity reaches 37.9 ‰, and the average annual value of Brazil coastal sea area between 10 ° - 20 ° south latitude also reaches 37.6 ‰. Since the annual precipitation in the equatorial sea area is more than the annual evaporation, the salinity drops to about 35.0 ‰. Ocean surface currents also have an impact on salinity distribution, such as Gulfstream And the North Atlantic Warm Current transport the seawater with higher salinity to the eastern side of the high latitude ocean, while the seawater with lower salinity in the Arctic Ocean (less than 34 ‰) is transported to the western side of the ocean, so the surface layer of the eastern side of the high latitude Atlantic Ocean Seawater salinity Greater than the west side. South Latitude In the westerly drift area south of 45 °, the surface sea water salinity line is almost parallel to the latitude circle.
As the continents on both sides incline towards it, the Atlantic Ocean receives the water from a large part of the earth's rivers, such as St Lawrence River Mississippi River , Orinoco River Amazon La Plata River Congo River Niger River Royal River Orange River Rhine Elbe River as well as mediterranean sea , Black Sea the Baltic All the big rivers along the coast flow into the Atlantic Ocean. All the major rivers in South America flow into the Atlantic Ocean, and all the major rivers in Africa except Zambezi River In addition, other big rivers also flow into the Atlantic Ocean. So the Atlantic (including the Arctic) Drainage area It covers an area of 43.2297 million square kilometers, almost four times the area of the Pacific Basin, which is exactly equivalent to the indian ocean The basin area is four times that of the world's largest ocean.
ocean current
Atlantic ocean current The north and south form a circulation system respectively: the north circulation is Clockwise Run by North Equatorial Warm Current Antilles Current Gulf Stream Canary Cold Current Composition, of which the Gulf Stream is extended to North Atlantic Warm Current , far into the Arctic Ocean; The southern circulation is counter-clockwise direction Operation, from the South Equatorial Warm Current Brazil Warm Current Westerly drift And Benguela cold current. There is an equatorial countercurrent between the two major circulations. The equatorial countercurrent extends from west to east to the Gulf of Guinea, which is called Guinea Warm Current In addition, there are East Greenland Current And the Labrador Cold Current. In the south, there is a westerly drift that bypasses the Falkland Cold Current, a branch at the southern tip of South America.

Sea floor and subordinate sea


Atlantic trench

Dominican Trench
Greece Trough

Land sea topography

The ocean surface is long and narrow in shape of S. Divided by the equator North Atlantic And the South Atlantic. The North Atlantic coast is winding, with many islands and seas. Important generic sea: to the west Caribbean Gulf of Mexico , St. Lawrence Bay hudson bay and Baffin Bay There are mediterranean sea Black Sea the north sea and the Baltic Important islands are: Spitsbergen Bear Island Greenland Iceland british isles Faroe Islands Shetland Islands Azores Cape Verde archipelago , Great and Small Antilles Bermuda Madeira Islands , Canarias Islands, etc. The coastline of the South Atlantic is relatively straight, and the main islands are Ascension Island St. Helena , Trinidad, Tristan da Cunha Malvinas Islands Goff Island Etc.

Belonging to sea and bay

Islands and archipelagos

Great Britain Ireland Iceland Newfoundland Cuba Island Hispaniola and Caribbean And many islands in the Mediterranean, Greenland A small part is also located in the Atlantic Ocean.

Submarine topography

The average depth of the Atlantic Ocean is 3300 meters. Deepest Puerto Rico Trench 9219 meters. The prominent feature of the ocean floor landform is that there is an S-shaped Hailing , with a width of 1610 km, called Mid Atlantic Ridge It is an integral part of the Universal Ridge (72450 km). Both sides of mid ridge Sea basin The average depth is 4200-6300m. North Atlantic North Asia America Sea basin Guyana Sea basin (west side) and Canary Sea Basin Cape Verde Basin (East side). The South Atlantic has Brazil Basin Argentine Basin (West side) and Angola Basin Cape Basin (east side).
Atlantic Submarine topography One of the characteristics is Continental shelf Large area, mainly distributed in Europe and North America coast. The deep-water area over 2000 meters accounts for 80.2%, the water area between 200 and 2000 meters accounts for 11.1%, and the continental shelf accounts for 8.7%, accounting for the pacific ocean the indian ocean All are big. Second, there is a line from Iceland to Bouvet Island The Mid Atlantic Ridge, which extends about 15000 kilometers from north to south equator The area is cut off by a narrow water diversion saddle, generally about 3000 meters from the water surface, and some parts protrude from the water surface, forming a series of islands. Entire Hailing It meanders into an S-shape, separating the Atlantic Ocean into two deep water basins stretching parallel to the ridge. The East China Sea basin is shallower than the West China Sea basin, with a general depth of no more than 6000 meters; The western sea basin is relatively deep, Deep trench Most of them are in the West Sea Basin. In the Southern Hemisphere, the main body of the Mid Atlantic Ridge flows eastward into the Indian Ocean and stretches out many transverse ridge branches westward, such as Africa Walvis Ridge on the southwest coast( Whale Ridge ), reaching South America The Rio Grande Hill on the east coast extends to the South Scotia Ridge on the Antarctic Peninsula. At the southern end of the Mid Atlantic Ridge, to the south of Bouvet Island, there is an area with a water depth of more than 5000 meters, called the Atlantic Indian Ocean Basin. South Sandwich Trench It is 8428 meters deep, the deepest point in the South Atlantic Ocean. On the contrary, the northern end of the Mid Atlantic Ridge, where the sea floor gradually rises upward Greenland , Iceland, Faroe Islands and Shetland Islands The sea depth is less than 600 meters. The eastern part of the Atlantic, especially in Northern Hemisphere There are many underwater shoals in the tropics and subtropics.

Continental margin zone

include continental shelf Continental slope And continental uplift, accounting for about 1/3 of the ocean floor area. Including 9.21 million continental shelf area Square kilometers , accounting for 1/10 of the ocean floor area, slightly smaller than the Pacific Ocean, and nearly twice the area of the Indian Ocean continental shelf. The width of the continental shelf ranges from tens of kilometers to thousands of kilometers, with the Baltic Sea and the North Sea in the northeast of the Atlantic Ocean, and Northwest Europe Great Britain Around and Norwegian Weihai The coastal sea area is the widest, with the widest point of more than 1000 kilometers, which is the widest and largest sea in the world continental shelf one of. The widest part of the continental shelf along the coast of South America is also close to 1000 kilometers, North America Newfoundland Florida The nearby continental shelf is also wide. however Bay of Biscay The continental shelf along the coast of Africa to the south is very narrow, no more than 100 kilometers, and some areas are only 20-30 kilometers. North America East bank South America North Shore Caribbean The coastal continental shelf is relatively narrow. The outer edge of the continental shelf is the continental slope, which covers an area of about 7.68 million square kilometers. The continental slope along the continental shelf of Europe and Africa is relatively steep, with a gradient of about 5 ° -10 °, generally only 20-30 km wide; stay America The continental slope of is relatively gentle, the slope is mostly within 3 °, and the width is more than 50-80 km; and Mexico Basin Western margin and Argentina The shape of the continental slope on the east side is stepped, roughly from 100-200m to more than 5000m deep, which is the same as Continental crust And intermittent lifting movement. Atlantic continental Average slope 3 ° 5 ′, smaller than the Pacific Ocean. Continental slope and Ocean basin In some places, there are continental uplifts, whose slope is much smaller than that of the continental slope, such as Greenland Iceland Uplift, Black Uplift, Malvinas Uplift, etc. There are also hundreds of them on the continental slope Submarine canyon , most of which are located on the continental slope on the east side of North America Turbidity current Washed, eroded or Tectonism Formation.

Transition zone

include island arc Marginal sea Basin Submarine highland and Deep trench , the area is very small. There are two island arc belts and deep-sea trenches in the Atlantic Ocean Lesser Antilles The island arc belt and its northern side Puerto Rico Trench (1550km long, 120km wide on average, 9218m deep at the deepest point); The other is the south end of South America and Antarctic Peninsula Between by South Georgia South Sandwich Islands and South Orkney Islands The island arc belt extending eastward and the eastern edge of the island arc South Sandwich Trench (It is about 1450km long, 70km wide on average, and 8428m deep at maximum).

Mid ocean ridge

Mid Ocean Ridge Hailing It is the most special ocean bottom wonder in the Atlantic Ocean bottom topography. It starts from Iceland in the north, runs through the Atlantic Ocean, and ends at Bouvet Island And then turn northeast and Indian Ocean Ridge It is connected, with a total length of about 17000 kilometers and a width of 1500-2000 kilometers, accounting for about 1/3 of the width of the ocean. Covering an area of 22.28 million square kilometers, accounting for the Atlantic Ocean Bottom area 1/4, the most important and prominent Topographic unit The mid ocean ridge is shaped like S and consists of a series of narrow and fractured parallel ridges. The top of the ridge is 2500-3000 meters away from the sea surface. Those whose peak ridges protrude from the sea surface become islands, such as Iceland Azores , San Pedro Sao Paulo Reef Ascension Island St. Helena , Tristan da Cunha Islands, Bouvet Island, etc. The axis of the mid ridge has a longitudinal central fracture rift The valley is generally 3000-4000 meters deep and more than 10 meters wide. From both sides of the middle axis, there are longitudinal ridges that are gradually lowered, and between the ridges there are 12 to 40 kilometers of rifts. Along the middle ridge, especially along the axis of the ridge Central rift An active seismic belt , indicating that the Mid Atlantic Ridge is geological structure Unstable zone. Mid ocean ridge It is also Fault zone Cut off and stagger, the strike of the transverse fault zone is nearly vertical to the mid ridge, and the terrain shows deep linear grooves, where equator The nearby Luomanshi fault zone (the deepest Romance Trench 7856 meters, located at South Latitude 0 ° 16 ′, 18 ° 35 ′ west longitude), cut the Mid Atlantic Ridge into two sections, north and south, and stagger for more than 1000 kilometers. The north section is called Mid Atlantic Ridge, which runs through the north of the Atlantic Ocean, about 10500 kilometers long, 1500 kilometers wide at the widest point, and about 2000-2500 meters from the top of the ridge to the sea. The southern section is called the Mid South Atlantic Ridge, which runs through the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean, with a length of about 4500 kilometers. The top of the ridge is 2000-3000 meters away from the ocean. The Mid Atlantic Ridge is part of the global mid ocean floor ridge.

Sea basin

The bottom of the Atlantic Ocean is relatively flat Sea basin , because the mid ridge is divided into two rows of basins. From north to south in the east Western Europe Loba Basin Iberia Sea Basin, Canary Basin Cape Verde Basin Guinea Sea basin Angola Basin Cape Basin; To the west are the North America Basin (located in the southeast of the Sargasso Sea), the Brazil Basin and the Argentina Basin. In addition, in the Antarctica There is also a wide Atlantic Indian Ocean basin nearby. The average depth of these basins is 4000-6300 meters, accounting for about 1/3 of the bottom area of the Atlantic Ocean. Atlantic Abyssal sediment With Echinococcus ooze And pteridozoa Ooze Mainly, secondly Diatom ooze and Radiolarian ooze as well as red clay They account for 80% of the total area of the deep ocean floor.

ocean resources

Atlantic ocean resources It is quite rich. The resources explored and utilized are mainly mineral resources and Aquatic resources

mineral resources

The mineral resources in the Atlantic Ocean mainly include oil, natural gas, coal, iron and heavy metals placer and manganese nodule Etc. The Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, the North Sea, the Gulf of Guinea and the Mediterranean are all rich in Undersea oil And natural gas.
Transatlantic Sea basin There are two oil and gas belts in the Middle East, namely, the East Atlantic belt and the West Atlantic belt. The West Atlantic oil and gas belt mainly includes: ① Venezuela Northern Maracaibo Lake Subsea oil fields and Venezuela and Trinidad Between Paria Bay Oil field. already proved reserves 4.02 billion tons and 862.4 billion cubic meters of natural gas. The annual production of the oilfield is nearly 100 million tons; 5 billion cubic meters of natural gas. ② Submarine oil fields in the Gulf of Mexico, mainly distributed in the southwest Campeche Bay And the United States Texas and Louisiana Coastal. Among them, the proven oil reserves in Campeche Bay are nearly 5 billion tons (1978) continental shelf The oil reserves in the area are 2 billion tons, Natural gas reserves 360 billion cubic meters.
The East Atlantic oil and gas belt includes: ① North Sea continental shelf oil fields, with proven reserves of more than 4 billion tons and natural gas of 3 trillion cubic meters (1977). petroleum Annual output The annual output of natural gas is nearly 100 billion cubic meters. Beihai Oilfield The mining of Northern Europe The energy conditions of the country, however, the North Sea area is stormy and rainy in autumn and winter Offshore drilling Exploitation brings hardship and increases production cost. ② Around the Gulf of Guinea Nigeria The main marine oil area has about 2.6 billion tons of oil reserves. Besides, on the west side of the Atlantic Canada Brazil Argentina The offshore continental shelf of Oil and gas resources Some have been put into production.
Seabed coal is mainly distributed in the northeast of England Scotland Offshore and Canada Nova Scotia Peninsula Outer continental shelf. Britain's undersea coal reserves are no less than 550 million tons, with an annual coal mining volume of 20-25 million tons. In addition Spain turkey Bulgaria Italy Coal reserves have also been found on the sea floor along the coast of other countries. stay North America Canadian Newfoundland The world's largest is on the east side Submarine iron ore The estimated reserves exceed 2 billion tons and have been exploited. the Baltic Gulf of Finland There are also submarine iron ores. There are also heavy placers in the Atlantic Ocean, such as the United States, Brazil, Argentina Norway Denmark , Spain Portugal Senegal They are found off the coast. Manganese nodules are widely distributed in the Atlantic Ocean at a depth of 4000-5000m, with a total reserve of about 1 trillion tons, mainly distributed in North American Basin and Argentine Basin At the bottom, its enrichment degree and grade are lower than the pacific ocean and the indian ocean
The ocean floor contains extremely rich manganese nuclei. stay Africa There are a large number of offshore seabed in the southwest Diamond placer There is a small amount of coal and tin off the coast of the British islands. 70% of the world's bromine production comes from Atlantic seawater.

Biological resources

Atlantic Biological resources Abundant, mainly fish, whose catch accounts for about marine organism About 90% of the catch. Atlantic Catch It once ranked first in the world's oceans, and after the 1960s, it was lower than the Pacific Ocean, ranking second. However, the catch per unit area reached 250kg km2, ranking first in the world. The areas with the largest amount of catches are the northeast seas, namely the north sea Norwegian Weihai Iceland Around, Annual catch It accounts for about 45% of the total catch in the Atlantic Ocean, Output per unit area The average is 830kg km2, and the continental shelf area is about 1200kg km2. It is followed by the Northwest Atlantic, where the catch accounts for 20% of the total, and the average catch per unit area is 690kg km ². among Newfoundland The yield per unit area of the continental shelf sea area on the east side of the United States and Canada is up to 1500 kg km ², which is the highest per unit area yield fishery in the world's oceans. In addition, the Caribbean Bay of Biscay Angola Namibia Coastal areas are also important fishing areas. Atlantic close Antarctica The sea area of Krill And the importance of whales Capture area The main fish caught in Atlantic waters are herring , North Codfish Epilepis , codfish flounder tunas salmon , Magu a sole Sea bass Etc. These fish are mainly distributed on the continental shelf and the shelf area near the islands. There are sailfish and flying fish in open waters, especially in tropical waters. Western Europe And North American coastal areas Oysters Mussel Sea fan Crayfish and crabs At present, some countries along the Atlantic coast are actively developing Artificial breeding Mussels, sand crabs, etc Molluscs
The Atlantic Ocean is composed of five water layers Biozone From the ocean surface to the ocean bottom: 1. The coastal benthic zone, with the maximum depth within 60 meters, includes various nearshore animals and most of them seaweed two Bright zone , the maximum depth is within 180 meters, which belongs to the part that can be illuminated by sunlight Biology includes A large number of zooplankton and plants provide Nutrients 90%; 3. Medium depth zone, 200-900m deep The sperm whale and a squid Of Living belt 4. Deep ocean zone, 900-4000m deep, is a dark zone Luminescent animal Habitat zone; 5. Benthic zone, with a depth below 4000 meters, inhabits animals with primitive structures.
Lobster fishing outside Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada
The Atlantic Ocean is rich in marine resources. Newfoundland and the North Sea in the northwest and northeast are the main fishing grounds, rich in herring, cod sardine , mackerel, hairy scale fish, etc., and oysters, mussels Crayfish , crabs and various algae Etc. Marine catch accounts for about 1/3-2/5 of the world's total. Antarctic continent Nearby whales Seals and Krill sea animal The catch is also very large.
The Atlantic Ocean accounts for more than half of the world's fishing grounds. High yield areas are located along the coast of North and South America. Newfoundland Shore Field Office Gulfstream And Labrador Current Confluence Is the richest fishing ground in the world. In the second half of the 20th century overfishing , causing several traditional fishing grounds to run out of fish North Atlantic Especially serious.




The Atlantic Ocean plays an extremely important role in world shipping. It connects the Panama Canal to the Pacific Ocean in the west, the Strait of Gibraltar in the east, the Mediterranean Sea and the Suez Canal to the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean in the north and the Arctic Ocean in the south antarctic Sea area, air route It is convenient to extend in all directions. At the same time, the Atlantic coast is almost the most developed region in all continents with a relatively high economic level capitalist country , frequent trade and economic exchanges, is an important link and hub in the world's global shipping system. Among more than 2000 ports in the world, the Atlantic coast accounts for 3/5, many of which are world famous ports. Every day on North Atlantic route The average number of ships on board is more than 4000, accounting for 2/3 of the world's Cargo turnover And 3/5 Cargo throughput Is the most developed ocean in the world for shipping. There are five main routes: ① North Atlantic route between Europe and North America; ② Europe and Asia Oceania Inter far east Route; ③ Mid Atlantic route between Europe and the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea; ④ South Atlantic route between Europe and South America; ⑤ From Europe along the Atlantic coast of Africa to Cape Down The route of. Among them, the North Atlantic route is the busiest, with more than 1/3 of the world's merchant ships sailing on this route. The main goods transported by sea are petroleum and petroleum products, followed by Iron ore Grain, coal, bauxite, alumina, etc. Meters, 16 of which are connected between Western Europe and North America Submarine cable The sky over the Atlantic Ocean is the main traffic route connecting Western Europe, North America, South America and Africa.

Coastal port

anti-clockwise Sequence, from north to south)
Saint Pierre and Miquelon Islands (France): Saint Pierre
United States: Portland boston Providence New Haven , New York Philadelphia , Atlantic City Baltimore Virginia beach Wilmington, Charleston, Savannah, St. Augustine Daytona Beach West Palm Beach Miami Corpus Christi , Galveston, Houston, Beaumont, New Orleans, Gulfport, Mobile Pensacola Tampa , St. Petersburg, Fort Myers
Bahamas: Nassau
Cuba : Cadenas Baladro Matanzas Havana Manzanillo Santiago Guantanamo
Montserrat (UK): Plymouth
Aruba (Netherlands): Olanestad
Belize: Belize
Brazil : Makapa Belem St. Louis Fortaleza , Natal Recife Masaio Arakaru , El Salvador Seguro victoria Rio de Janeiro Santos, Paranagua, Florianopolis Krisiuma Porto Alegre Pelotas Rio Grande
Falkland Islands (British Arab dispute): Puerto Argentino (Stanley in Britain)
Guinea: Conakry
Senegal: Jekinshore Dakar
Cape Verde: Praia
Spain: Malaga, Almeria Melilla Ceuta , Murcia, Parma Valencia Barcelona Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Cadiz, Vigo, La Coruna, Bilbao
Italy: Genoa, Ancona, Naples, Mirazzo Leghorn Laspezia , Chivitavecchia, Palermo, Syracuse, Bari Taranto , Brindisi, Venice, Trieste
turkey: Charnacle Istanbul Kojaeli Bursa Izmir , Antalya Mersin Adana Izmir
Tunisia: Sfax Sousse Tunis City
Portugal: Faru Setubar Lisbon , Porto
Netherlands: Ternapu Middleburg Rotterdam, The Hague Harlem , Denheild Amsterdam , Almel Lelystad
UK: Londonderry, Belfast Glasgow , Aberdeen Dundee Edinburgh , Newcastle, Middlesbrough Kingston on Hull Grimsby, Great Yarmouth, Lostoft Ipswich Colchester , Chermsford Southend, Binhai London Dover, Blackpool, Liverpool Chester Swansea, Cardiff Southampton , Bournemouth, Plymouth
Ireland : Sligo Westport Galway Limerick Kirk Waterford Dublin
Finland Kotka , Polvo Helsinki Espoo Turku , Polly Vasa Kokora Olu


Atlantic shipping is well developed. The Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean are connected by the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal in the east and west respectively. Seagoing ships are navigable throughout the year, and about 75% of the world's seaports are located in this sea area. There are mainly North Atlantic routes in Europe and North America; Far East routes between Europe, Asia and Oceania; Mid Atlantic routes between Europe and the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea; South Atlantic route between Europe and the Atlantic coast of South America; The route from Western Europe to Cape Town along the Atlantic coast of Africa. The Atlantic submarine cable is more than 200000 kilometers long. From Valencia in Ireland and from France Brittany Peninsula The line from the northwest end to the southeast end of Newfoundland, Canada, or to the north end of Nova Scotia Peninsula, Canada, is the main trunk line of the Atlantic submarine cable.
The shipping industry in the Atlantic Ocean is extremely developed. Western China passes through China and the United States panama canal , connecting directly to the Pacific Ocean; It can also bypass the south end of South America Cape Horn , through Drake Strait or Magellan Strait , reach the Pacific Ocean. In the east, it crosses the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean Sea, crosses the Suez Canal through the Red Sea, and takes a shortcut to the Indian Ocean; It can also bypass the southern end of Africa Cape of Good Hope , entering the Indian Ocean. Atlantic and arctic ocean It is more convenient than other oceans, and there are multiple channels connected. There are many Atlantic International routes , contact the coastal countries in Europe, America and Africa, the volume of freight transport It ranks first in all oceans. Especially the North Atlantic is busier. Connecting the Atlantic with the North Sea Dover Strait and English channel Is the busiest place in the world for maritime traffic. There are many ports along the Atlantic coast, mainly including boston , New York, Baltimore, New Orleans Havana Amsterdam, Copenhagen Venice Etc.

human geography


Origin and influence

Atlantic: the word "Great West" comes from ancient times MYTHOS Zhongqingtian Giant God Atlas Name of. It is said that Atlas lives in the Atlantic Ocean and can know the depth of any ocean. In 1845, London Geographical Society It is uniformly named Atlantic Ocean.
The English name of the Atlantic Ocean is ATLANTIC OCEAN, which was called OCEAMUS ATLANTICUS in ancient times. It was named after Atlas, the god of Hercules in ancient Greek mythology. Atlas can know the depth of any ocean and support stone pillars to separate the sky from the earth. It is said that the Atlantic Ocean is where he lives. At first, the Greeks named the mountains in northwest Africa after the god Alas, and then expanded to Gibraltar Beyond the sea. This name was Netherlands Quoted by the geographer Berthhad Vasini (1622-1650).
The Chinese name "Atlantic" was first recorded in the Ming Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, it was customary to divide the East and the West by Leizhou Peninsula to Kalimantan Island The front line is the boundary, the west is called "Western", and the east is called "Eastern", so China is used to calling Europeans "Westerners", while Japan is called "Oriental". With the increase of geographical knowledge in Europe in the late Ming Dynasty, it was renamed the Indian Ocean“ India and the Middle East ”The sea area west of Europe is called "the Atlantic". occident geography After the introduction of Hemapa, translators found it difficult to translate the word "Atlantic Ocean" into proper Chinese, so they translated it into "Atlantic Ocean" according to their habits, which has been used up to now.

Related wars


Most of the Atlantic Ocean floor Hailing They are buried 3000 meters below the sea floor, and only a few ridges protrude from the ocean surface to form islands. Most of the islands are concentrated in the northwest of the Caribbean Sea. Columbus made a mistake North America It was India, so I gave them a very inappropriate name“ West Indies ”。 According to legend, the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean was ancient Atlantis Civilization.
The peculiar "S" shaped coastline of the Atlantic Ocean also triggered German meteorologists Wegener He boldly proposed the famous Continental drift theory
In the North Atlantic, there is also a Clockwise Circulation, consisting of the Northern Equatorial Current Gulf Stream North Atlantic Warm Current and Canary Cold Current form. Among them, the Gulf Stream is the largest stream in the world. Its flow is 120 times of the total flow of rivers in the world. Like a huge heating pipe, it supplies huge amounts of heat Northwest Europe The climate is warm as spring. The circulation in the South Atlantic is counter-clockwise direction , from the South Equatorial Current Brazil Warm Current , westerly drift and Benguela Current form. The Atlantic tides are mostly Semidiurnal tide In the open ocean, Tidal range Unobvious; In nearshore or narrow bays, the tidal range is very large. South coast of England Bristol Bay The tidal range is more than 11 meters Fendi Bay The tidal range is up to 21 meters. South American Amazon Estuary Of Tidal bore , compared with China Qiantang River tide It's also spectacular.

Research History

Ancient knowledge of the Atlantic Ocean is contained in Ptolemy's maps. During 1440-1540, almost all the islands in the Atlantic Ocean and the land boundary of the ocean were surveyed and mapped clearly. During 1819-1821, it was found that Antarctic continent And the surrounding islands. In 1770, B Franklin North Atlantic Ocean Current chart (mainly describes Gulfstream Path). After the 19th century oceanography Research In the stage, the British Challenger (1872-1876), Discovery (1925-1927 and 1929-1938) Russia "Warrior" (1886-1889), German“ antelope ”"1874-1876" and "Meteor" (1925-1927), as well as the United States coast and Geodesy Bureau's investigation on the Gulf Stream, etc. Since the 1970s Air sea interaction Joint research polygon -Central Ocean Dynamics Experiment Global Atmospheric Research Program Atlantic Tropical Experiment and Phamos Plan etc. ad hoc survey And offshore field test So that people have more understanding of the Atlantic Ocean.

Chronicle of Events

In 1492, Christopher Columbus Landed somewhere in the Bahamas.
In 1858, the first article Transatlantic telegraph cable Produced by Xichang, but failed quickly.
Christopher Columbus
In 1865, the first successful transatlantic telegraph cable was Big Oriental Generate.
On April 15, 1912, Titanic It hit an iceberg and sank, killing 1593 people.
On May 27, 1919, NC-4 in the United States Water plane Become the first plane to cross the Atlantic Ocean. (First from Newfoundland to Azores , and then to Lisbon)
In late 1919 Alcock The British plane piloted by Brown successfully became the first plane to cross the Atlantic without stopping. (From Newfoundland to Ireland
In 1921, the British successfully drove the first Airship Cross the North Atlantic.
In 1922, the Portuguese successfully navigated the first airship across the South Atlantic.
On January 7, 1927, the first successful transatlantic telephone call was made.
In 1927, Charles Lindbergh Successfully completed the first non-stop transatlantic voyage. (by New York To Paris)
In 1932, Amelia Earhart She became the first female pilot to fly across the Atlantic alone.
In 1952, Ann Davidson became the first woman to sail across the Atlantic alone.
In 1980, G é rard d'Aboville became the first man to row across the Atlantic Ocean.
In 1994, Guy Delage became the first man to swim across the Atlantic Ocean (by Cape Verde to Barbados )。
In 1998, Benoit Lecomte became the first man to swim across the North Atlantic, and only stayed in the Azores for a week.
On December 3, 1999, Tori Murden became the first woman to row across the Atlantic Ocean (by Canary Islands to Guadeloupe )It took 81 days and a distance of 4767 kilometers.