great red spot

Characteristic marks on the surface of Jupiter
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synonym Great erythema (Great red spot) generally refers to Jupiter's Great Red Spot
Jupiter's Great Red Spot is the characteristic mark of Jupiter's surface and the largest storm on Jupiter cyclone With a length of about 25000 kilometers and a span of 12000 kilometers, it rotates counterclockwise every 6 Earth days, often rolling up a cloud tower up to 8 kilometers high. Since astronomers first observed this storm in the 17th century, Great erythema It has existed for at least 200 to 350 years. It has changed its color and shape, but it has never completely disappeared.
Chinese name
great red spot
Foreign name
Great Red Spot(GRS)
Anticyclone vortex
Rotation period
Earth Day 6 (Jupiter Day 14)
Solar system - Jupiter
East west diameter
North south diameter

morphological character

Jupiter's atmosphere The big erythema in is a mass of intense edge anti-clockwise Directional Downdraft , which contains a large amount of Red phosphorus compound , so Dark brown
The position of this large erythema is not fixed, but constantly moving. Jupiter's Great Red Spot is roughly located at 23 ° south latitude. Its north-south width is often kept at 14000 km. Its length in the east-west direction has changed in different periods. The longest time is about 40000 km, and the general length is 20000~30000 km.
There is a small particle in the center of the large erythema, which is the nucleus of the large erythema, and its size is about several hundred kilometers. This core remains stationary in the surrounding counterclockwise vortex movement. Great erythema has a long life span, which can last for hundreds of years or more.
According to the observation results, scientists found that the most obvious red area in Jupiter's Great Red Spot confirmed that Cold storm Existing in the system Hot core Theory of; The dark lines on the edge of the storm in the observation image show that the gas released by the storm eruption is spreading towards the interior of the planet.
great red spot

Observation history


early detection

In 1665, French astronomers found a big red spot on Jupiter and drew a picture of it, which finally attracted the attention of the international astronomical community. From then on, to 1713, this big red spot was observed intermittently in the visible light band.
From the discovery in the 17th century to 1830, there was a gap of 118 years that was not observed. It is unknown whether the original spots have dissipated, changed and recombined, whether they have faded, or whether they are simply poor in observation.
The first record of the current great erythema began after the 1830s. In 1878, an astronomer discovered the Great Red Spot again when observing Jupiter. Since then, people began to observe it continuously.

Satellite detection

great red spot
On February 25, 1979, when Voyager 1 When the spacecraft passed Jupiter at a distance of 9.2 million kilometers, it sent a clear image of the Great Red Spot back to Earth for the first time, and could see a cross section of 160 kilometers. There are colorful, wavy cloud patterns in the west, which is the active area of the Great Red Spot. There are very complex and changeable cloud movements observed there.
On December 3, 1973, in order to find out the truth about Jupiter, the United States launched an unmanned surveyor—— Pioneer 10 After one year and nine months of space flight, Pioneer 10 finally came near Jupiter and photographed the shape of Jupiter Color photograph Return to Earth. These photos clearly show the great red spot on Jupiter.
In September 2011, the observatories in Chile and Hawaii sent back valuable observation data for California Analytical study of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Senior scientist Olton (Glenn Orton) said that this was the first time they had observed the largest storm in the solar system in depth. Originally, they thought that 'Great Red Spot' was just an oval gas with a long history but nothing unusual, but new observation data show that its structure is very complex.
According to Japan《 Tokyo News 》Reported on May 16, NASA ( NASA )European Space Agency( ESA )The observation results of the "Great Red Spot" on the surface of Jupiter were released on the 15th. hubble space telescope The observation results in April show that the width of the "Great Red Spot", which is shrinking every year, has reached the minimum of 16500 kilometers since records began.
It is understood that Jupiter's "Great Red Spot" is composed of ammonia and methane The giant vortex formed by gas clouds, which once reached the width of three Earths arranged side by side in the past, has now shrunk by about one Earth (about 12700 kilometers in diameter). The researchers said that this was caused by the interaction of surrounding small vortices, which led to the change of its internal structure. The observation of amateur astronomers also shows that the shrinking speed of the "Great Red Spot" is accelerating. (Original title: The Hubble Telescope Captures the Reduced Image of Jupiter's "Great Red Spot")
According to the NASA Space Network, hurricanes can form and disappear in a few days on Earth. On Jupiter, however, storms can last for years or even centuries. Jupiter's "Great Red Spot" has lasted for at least 300 years. It is a huge anticyclone storm, twice the diameter of the Earth. But now the root of all the storms on Jupiter - this "big red spot" is slowly shrinking. [1]

scientific research


Cause conjecture

great red spot
Italian astronomer Cassini pointed out that the Great Red Spot is the shape of Jupiter's atmosphere, just like clouds in the earth's sky. Cassini used this great red spot to accurately measure the rotation period of Jupiter. People also found that the color of the great red spot is sometimes very thick, sometimes light, so that people can only vaguely see its outline. The large erythema also has a drift motion in the latitude direction, so the large erythema is not a solid substance.
On November 18, 2013, Harvard University And researchers at the University of California, Berkeley found the formation and energy supplement mechanism of Jupiter's Great Red Spot, and believed that the energy supplement in the vertical direction was very important Great erythema The reason for not disappearing. [2]
Jupiter rotates fastest in the solar system planet This causes the clouds in the atmosphere to be pulled into long strips, forming a total of 17 cloud bands. The bright part of the cloud band is called "band", and the dark part is called "band". According to the photos taken by the detector, the clouds in the atmosphere turned violently, and there was a significant red spot in the billowing clouds. The Great Red Spot takes advantage of the rising air flow in the atmosphere and rotates in a counterclockwise direction for about 6 Earth days. Receive the energy from the surrounding air flow and keep the energy balance well.
Thermal injection
great red spot
Scientists have long known that there is a thick atmosphere around Jupiter oxygen helium , methane, ammonia, etc. However, according to the data sent back by the Jupiter probe, the internal temperature of Jupiter is very high, and the heat emitted from it is 2.5 times of the heat absorbed from the sunlight.
Therefore, some scientists speculate that the Great Red Spot may be the place where the columnar vortex in the hottest part of Jupiter's interior continuously ejects outward. After the eruption of the Great Red Spot, the columnar vortex combines with methane, ammonia and other substances in the atmosphere to form an orange red mass - Great Red Spot.
Cyclonic storm
The detection results of the "Pioneer" and "Traveler" detectors show that the Great Red Spot is a huge Cyclonic storm It is similar to typhoons on the earth and dust storms on Mars, but its scale is much larger and its duration is much longer. In addition to the large red spot, there are also some small red spots on Jupiter.
temperature rise
A scientific research team led by scientist Glenn Orton has discovered the largest erythema eruption in the solar system so far. Alton said, "We always thought that Jupiter's Great Red Spot had a simple ellipsoid structure, but the latest research results show that its internal structural system is actually very complex."
Alton said that the observation results made us understand a series of detailed changes in the process of Jupiter's Great Red Spot eruption for the first time. At the same time, scientists also believed that there was a "circulation pattern" in the most famous storm system in the solar system.
The temperature in the orange red area is three to four degrees Celsius higher than that around
For hundreds of years, scientists who yearn for the universe have observed Jupiter's Great Red Spot countless times, and the continuous observation of its structure can be traced back to the 19th century.
Scientists can get the latest thermal image of Jupiter's Great Red Spot this time thanks to European Southern Observatory (ESO) the large astronomical telescope installed in Chile and the 8-meter Gemini South Telescope also installed in Chile, and National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Hawaiian subaru telescope In the early 1990s, NASA's Galileo The spaceship once sent back pictures of Jupiter's Great Red Spot to the Earth, and this time the images obtained by scientists are much more clear and more extensive than the picture data sent back by Galileo.
The European Southern Observatory has installed a device called VISIR on its large astronomical telescope. This device can help astronomers accurately measure the temperature, suspended particles and ammonia content around the storm, Each of these parameters can tell us the changes of weather and circulation patterns inside the storm. Scientists use the latest data obtained this time to combine with the data observed by VISIR in the past, and finally reveal the mystery that the storm can remain stable even after encountering turbulence, climate upheaval and anticyclone,
Another scientist involved in this research, Li? Leigh Fletcher said: "What surprised us was that the temperature of the orange red area in the picture was three to four degrees Celsius higher than that of the surrounding area." The temperature difference pointed out by Leigh Fletcher was rare, but it was enough to cause the airflow in the storm center to circulate clockwise. In other regions of Jupiter, this temperature difference can affect the changes in wind speed and cloud shape.
Fletcher said, "Through this study, we learned for the first time that the environment (including temperature, wind speed, pressure, etc.) is closely related to the color change of Jupiter's Great Red Spot. We still don't know exactly what causes the color difference inside the storm, but we can be sure that it has a great relationship with the change of the surrounding environment, [3]
Energy source
Harvard University and University of California, Berkeley Through research, scientists found that the riddle of Jupiter's Great Red Spot can be explained as an unusually moving cyclone, in which the vertical movement of air flow is an important reason why the Great Red Spot cannot disappear. Scientists previously thought that the Great Red Spot would eventually disappear, but this situation has lasted for hundreds of years. Through the study of Jupiter's atmospheric cycle, researchers can also explain the whirlpool formed on the Earth, which can last for several years. The mechanism is similar to the extreme cyclone movement of celestial bodies in the solar system. Jupiter's Great Red Spot is located near the equator, which seems to be a very stable super vortex
Jupiter's Great Red Spot has a huge diameter, which can hold three Earths. Its shape can change. The Great Red Spot can last for hundreds of years. There must be another mechanism to supplement energy, so that this super cyclone can continue. Otherwise, according to our existing fluid dynamics In theory, the Great Red Spot Club should have lost its energy and disappeared centuries ago. Theoretically speaking, the formation of typhoons or hurricanes on the earth requires energy intervention to maintain a super cyclone. The moving process, wind and radiant heat will reduce the energy of the system. The vertical flow in Jupiter's atmosphere can attract hot gas to inject energy into the system from above the Great Red Spot, while cold gas will enter the central area of the storm from below.
Professor of Fluid Dynamics Philip ·Marcus used a computer model to study the vertical flow and eddy current. In the past investigation, scientists ignored the role of vertical flow, because they thought that it was not the main factor at that time, or they used a simpler equation, so they did not find the puzzle of the energy supplement of the Great Red Spot. Some scientists believe that the system energy is supplemented by some small cyclones, but the computer model shows that the energy is not enough to maintain the existence of the Great Red Spot.
Jupiter's atmosphere is the largest planetary atmospheric environment in the solar system, composed of hydrogen and helium There are hundreds of cyclones in the atmosphere, and the Great Red Spot is one of the most persistent anticyclones. The research results were presented at the annual meeting of the Fluid Dynamics Branch of the American Physical Society held on November 25, 2013.
Huge eyes
Figure 1 Black spots
This photo can clearly see the position of the Great Red Spot on Jupiter. Its size can accommodate several Earths. The volume of the Earth is about the size of the shadow left by Jupiter's satellite on the Great Red Spot.
On October 30, according to media reports, NASA announced hubble space telescope The latest picture of Jupiter's Great Red Spot looks like a giant eye "staring at you". Figure 1 shows that a black circle appears in Jupiter's Great Red Spot, just like the pupil and iris of the eye. The huge eye seems to be looking directly at the Hubble Space Telescope. NASA believes that the black part of the Great Red Spot is actually the projection of Jupiter's satellite. Because one of Jupiter's satellites entered the vicinity of the Great Red Spot during the exposure, it looks like a human eye,
Nasa Cassini Saturn probe The strange cloud layer at the north pole of Saturn was photographed, and a huge vortex appeared in the center. This cyclone almost occupied the entire polar region of Saturn. The wind speed in the storm was as high as 200 miles per hour, which was equivalent to the speed of high-speed trains, spanning 20000 miles, about 32000 kilometers, twice the diameter of the Earth.

Chromatic aberration conjecture

The detection shows that the shape of the Great Red Spot has not changed much, and it is generally oval, just like an eye on Jupiter. However, the color of large erythema often changes, sometimes bright red, sometimes slightly brown or light rose.
Recently, the latest observation results of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan showed that the mysterious "Great Red Spot" storm on the surface of Jupiter began to turn white, with an area twice that of the Earth.
According to foreign media reports, the infrared image of the largest solar storm shows that Jupiter's "Great Red Spot" has begun to turn white. This huge storm is believed to have a life span of 300-400 years, with wind speeds of hundreds of kilometers per hour, and an area equivalent to the size of two Earths.
The storm presents a dark red elliptical structure wrapped by white, yellow and orange swirling layers. The infrared image can be presented in visible light through gas and dust. This photo was released by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. At the same time, there are Jupiter's satellites in the photo. Ganymede is located in the upper right corner of the picture, showing a 3-color spot structure.
This photo is Subaru telescope It is reported that Jupiter's "Great Red Spot" has puzzled scientists for many years. The cause of this huge storm is still an unsolved mystery. NASA pointed out that the "Great Red Spot" was probably caused by the decomposition of simple chemicals by sunlight in Jupiter's upper atmosphere.
This latest observation refutes other mainstream theories about the origin of the color of the Great Red Spot. Some experts believe that the red chemical substances of the Great Red Spot come from beneath Jupiter's clouds. [4]
Cloudiness factor
The change of color is related to the height of clouds: the lowest part is blue, followed by brown and white, and the highest part is red. We can see the clouds at the lower level through the gap in the clouds at the higher level.
Material difference
The colorful clouds on Jupiter's surface may be caused by the subtle differences in the chemical composition of the atmosphere and its role. It may be mixed with sulfur compounds, creating a colorful visual effect, but its details are still unknown.
Scientific derivation
The observation of infrared ray and the deduction of its rotation trend show that the Great Red Spot is a high pressure area, where a bank of clouds The top is particularly high and cold than the surrounding area. Similar situations occur in Saturn and Neptune There are also some on. It is not clear why such structures can last for such a long time.

Latest findings

Scientists from the Space Physics Research Center of Boston University in the United States recently published the latest research results that Jupiter's Great Red Spot may release some mysterious energy, thus continuously heating Jupiter's upper atmosphere. The effective solar light shining on the earth can heat the atmosphere above the land, and its heat will even affect the space 402 kilometers away, such as the orbit of the International Space Station. Although the distance between Jupiter and the sun is five times that of the earth, its upper atmosphere still has temperature, and the average temperature is equivalent to the temperature of the corresponding layer of the earth's atmosphere. Although many scientists have been committed to studying the outer space of the solar system, they are still puzzled by this non solar energy source that can provide additional heat. James O'Donohue, the main leader of the research project and a scientist at the Space Physics Research Center of Boston University in the United States, said, "We first exclude the solar energy heated from above, and then we can draw the heat distribution over the entire planet through observation, so as to find any abnormal temperature phenomenon. Maybe we can find the clue of this energy source." Astronomers can measure the temperature of a planet by observing its invisible infrared radiation. The top of Jupiter's visible cloud layer seen is about 48 kilometers above Jupiter, while the infrared ray measured by the research team of Boston University is 805 kilometers higher than this height. The researchers found that the temperature at such a high altitude was much higher than that in the pre image. O'Donohue said, "We immediately found that the highest temperature region in the sky is just above the Great Red Spot. This may be an important clue." Jupiter's Great Red Spot is one of the wonders of the solar system, which was discovered in the 17th century, a few years after Galileo invented the telescope. The Great Red Spot is a swirling pattern formed by colored gases. It is also called a "permanent hurricane". In the past few centuries, the size and color of the Great Red Spot have often changed. Its span is equivalent to the length of three earth diameters. According to its rotation speed, the vortex flow rotates once every six days. It only takes Jupiter 10 hours to complete its rotation. Dr. Luke Moore, a member of the research team and a scientist at the Space Physics Research Center of Boston University, believes that "the Great Red Spot may be an excellent energy source, which can heat Jupiter's upper atmosphere. But we have no exact evidence to prove that it can actually affect the atmosphere at high altitude." The researchers point out that, The unusual high temperature above Jupiter's visible ring may not be unique to the solar system. This phenomenon exists not only in Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in the solar system, but also in all giant exoplanets outside the solar system [5]

world record

The Great Red Spot is the largest anticyclone storm in the solar system. [6] (Guinness World Records)