zero Useful+1

Hydnocarpus hainanensis

synonym Maple (Violales, Maple family) generally refers to Hainan hyacinth
Hainan hyacinth( Hydnocarpus hainanensis (Merr.) Sleumer) is an evergreen tree belonging to Lepidopterygium, which belongs to the family Pomaceae, with a height of 5-15 meters. Young branches glabrous; Leaves oblong, apex acuminate, base cuneate or slightly obtuse, often asymmetric, wavy crenate or sparsely serrate; Umbrella, axillary or near terminal, elliptic sepals, nearly kidney shaped petals, male flowers with stamens, female flowers with staminodes; Fruit black brown, spherical; Flowering from April to May, fruiting from June to October [9] According to the Compendium of Materia Medica of Hainan Dafengzi, also known as Dafengzi, "It is named because it can cure strong wind diseases. [10]
Typhoon hainanensis is native to Hainan and Guangxi of China, and also distributed in Vietnam. It is often found in evergreen broad-leaved forests [11] It is resistant to shade, direct light, cold, moisture and drought. It requires fertile and loose soil, and is not suitable for barren mountains [12] The general mode of reproduction is seed reproduction [13] Hainan Dafengzi is classified as vulnerable (VU) in the Red List of Endangered Species of the World Conservation Union [14]
The seeds of Typha hainanensis can be used as medicine with pungent taste, hot nature and toxicity. It belongs to the liver and spleen meridians. It can dispel wind and dampness, attack poison and kill insects. It can be used to treat leprosy, myrica rubra, scabies and other symptoms [15] Its wood has straight grain, compact structure, hard and heavy material, easy processing, slightly cracking after drying, no deformation, and corrosion resistance. It can be used as building, farm tools, vehicles, pillars, appliances, furniture and other materials. The tree crown is broad and lush, suitable for water source forest [16]
Chinese name
Hydnocarpus hainanensis
Latin name
Hydnocarpus hainanensis (Merr.) Sleumer [7]
Maple, hyacinth, hyacinth charcoal, hyacinth oil, hyacinth, hyacinth kernel
Golden Tiger Tail
Distribution area
It is produced in Hainan and Guangxi of China. It is also distributed in Vietnam.
International Endangered Level
Vulnerable (VU) [8]

History of botany

According to the Compendium of Materia Medica of Hainan Dafengzi, also known as Dafengzi, "It is named because it can cure strong wind diseases. [10]

morphological character

Alpinia hainanensis is an evergreen tree of Alpiniaceae, with a height of 5-15m; Young branches glabrous; Bark grayish brown; Branchlets cylindrical, glabrous. [17]
The leaves are thin and leathery, oblong, 9-13 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, gradually pointed at the apex, blunt, wedge-shaped or slightly blunt at the base, often asymmetric, with irregular shallow wavy serrations at the edge, hairless on both sides, nearly the same color, 7-8 pairs of lateral veins, and obvious reticulate veins; Petiole about 1.5 cm long, glabrous.
15-20 flowers in racemes (male flowers arranged densely), 1.5-2.5 cm long, axillary or near terminal; Umbrella, short peduncle; Pedicel 8-15 mm long, glabrous; Sepals elliptic, ca. 4 mm in diam., glabrous; Petals nearly kidney shaped, 2-2.5 mm long and 3-3.5 mm wide, with eyelashes on the edge, thick scales at the base of the inner surface, irregular scales 4-6 toothed, and villous hairs; The male flower has stamens, about 12 stamens, the filament base is thick, with sparse short hairs, and the anther is oblong, 1.5-2 mm long; Female flowers with staminodes; Staminodes about 15; Ovary ovoid oval, densely covered with yellowish brown villi, 1-locular, placentation 5, ovules numerous, style absent, stigma 3-lobed, lobes triangular, apex 2-lobed.
The berry is spherical, dark brown, 4-5cm in diameter, densely covered with brown hairs, leathery pericarp, and thick fruit stalk, 6-7mm long; About 20 seeds, about 1.5 cm long.
Flowering from April to May, fruiting from June to October [2] [9]
 Hydnocarpus hainanensis  Hydnocarpus hainanensis  Hydnocarpus hainanensis  Hydnocarpus hainanensis  Hydnocarpus hainanensis  Hydnocarpus hainanensis
Hydnocarpus hainanensis


Hainan Dafengzi is native to Jianfeng Mountain, Bawang Mountain, Diaoluo Mountain, Qizhi Mountain, Wuzhi Mountain, Limu Mountain, Yingge Mountain and Luopeng Mountain, Luobi Cave, Nanshanling, Wenchang, Qionghai, Wanning, Danxian, Tunchang and other counties in Hainan, China, Longzhou, Ningming, Guangxi, and northern Vietnam. It is often found in evergreen broad-leaved forests [1] [11]

Growth habit

Hainan hydnocarpus is shade resistant, also can withstand direct light, has strong cold resistance, is more resistant to moisture, and is more resistant to drought. It requires fertile and loose soil, and is not suitable for barren mountains [12]
Alpinia hainanensis is mostly found in low mountains and hills below 500 meters above sea level. The annual average temperature of the distribution area is generally 21-25 ℃, the extreme minimum temperature is 2 ℃, the annual precipitation is 1400-1800mm, the dry and wet seasons are obvious to not obvious, and the relative humidity is 80-85%. The soil is mostly brown red soil or mountain red soil, which can also grow normally in limestone areas. It is generally preferred to grow in valleys and river bank terraces with exposed rocks. It lives in the second layer of forest canopy, with weak natural seed setting rate, poor regeneration, and few seedlings and young trees under the forest. [1]

Reproductive methods

The general propagation mode of Hainan hydnocarpus is seed propagation [13]

cultivation techniques



Seed treatment
After the ripe fruits are harvested, they should be soaked in water for 2-3 days in time, the pulp should be rubbed off, and then washed, dried and stored in sand. Or, after harvesting, spread it to dry, smash the peel, take out the seeds, store them in wet sand after drying, and keep them dry.
seed life Short. The seeds were collected and stored until March of the next year for sowing, and began to germinate about 10 days after sowing, with a germination rate of 70% - 80%. The seeds were unearthed in early May, and the seedling stage needed shading. The height of the current year's seedlings was 10-12 cm, with developed main roots and sparse lateral roots. Stay in bed for one year in the next year. After one year, the seedlings will be about 40cm high. They can be planted out of the nursery with soil, but they still need shade. Cuttings can survive. [1]

Nurturing management

Hainan hyacinth has straight trunk, good material, developed root system, strong wind resistance and wide adaptability. Hainan Dafengzi has lax environmental requirements, extensive maintenance management, strong adaptability, and is economical and practical.
If the plants are planted in blocks, the holes shall be dug according to the row spacing of 4cm × 4cm, 60cm wide and 50cm deep, and the holes shall be applied with decomposed organic fertilizer. When planting, the root system shall be stretched, the soil shall be filled, compacted and watered.
Legumes and corn with supports can be intercropped from the time of planting to the time of forest formation, and grow faster under proper shade. Top dressing 2-3 times a year. The soil is dry for irrigation and drainage in rainy season. Every winter and spring, the lower lateral branches and branching branches are cut to make the trunk erect and strong. [1]

Key values

Its wood has straight grain, compact structure, hard and heavy material, easy processing, slightly cracking after drying, no deformation, and corrosion resistance. It can be used as building, farm tools, vehicles, pillars, appliances, furniture and other materials. The tree crown is broad and lush, suitable for water source forest [16]


The seeds of Typha hainanensis can be used as medicine with pungent taste, hot nature and toxicity. It belongs to the liver and spleen meridians. It can dispel wind and dampness, attack poison and kill insects. It can be used to treat leprosy, myrica rubra, scabies and other symptoms [15]
The seed oil of Alpinia hainanensis is rich in parahydantoic acid and Chaoheng acid. Its effective components are more than Hydnocarpus anthelminthica H. anthelmintica Pierre) is still high, which can be used for anti-inflammatory and treatment Leprosy , psoriasis, rheumatism, etc. [1] [3]
Seeking the Source of Materia Medica "Big maple seeds must be decocted with tattoo silver for three days and nights to remove the floating oil to kill its poison, otherwise the blood will be injured due to dry sputum, and more consumption will lead to blindness."


The wood of Hainan hyacinth is straight in texture, compact in structure, hard and heavy in material, wear-resistant, corrosion resistant, easy to process, slightly cracked after drying, not deformed, corrosion resistant, and can be used as building, farm tools, vehicles, pillars, appliances, furniture and other materials. The tree crown is broad and lush, suitable for water source forest [16] It is an excellent famous timber in Hainan.


Hainan hyacinth has beautiful tree posture. It has two to three leaf viewing periods a year, and one flower viewing and fruit viewing period. The red fruit is full of branches, with yellow and white flowers and fruits matched by green leaves, making it more beautiful.
Seasonal Phase of Hainan Typhoon change Obvious, bright color, used as garden trees and street trees, can greatly enrich the color in garden greening gardens The landscape outline is clear, beautiful and natural. [1]

Protection status

Protection level: listed in China's National Secondary Protected Plants List; Listed in the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species - Vulnerable (VU). [5] [14]

Identification of medicinal materials

Dry mature seeds, irregular ovoid or polyhedral, slightly obtuse, about 1-2.5 cm long and 1-2 cm in diameter. The outer skin is grayish brown or grayish brown, with fine lines, and the smaller end has obvious grooves. The seed coat is thick and hard, about 1.5-2 mm thick, the inner surface is smooth, light yellow or yellowish brown, the kernel is separated from the coat, the kernel is two petalled, grayish white, oily, and covered with a layer of reddish brown or dark purple film; Slight gas, light taste. It is better to be large, plump, white and oily. [4]
 Specimens of Alpinia hainanensis Specimens of Alpinia hainanensis Specimens of Alpinia hainanensis Morphological analysis of Hainan hydnocarpus
Specimens of Alpinia hainanensis
microscopic appraisal Cross section of seed coat: epidermal cells fall off, and the lower to tens of rows of parenchyma cells extend tangentially, the wall shrinks, and some contain brown matter; Vascular bundles and stone cells were scattered. The stone cell layer consists of 2-3 rows of stones Cells , polygonal, oblong or square, with obvious pits and grooves in thicker walls, and a few square crystals containing calcium oxalate; If the wall is extremely thick, the hole and groove are slender and long, with branches. The grid like fiber layer is composed of multiple rows of fibers, which are slender or spindle shaped, with thick walls, many inconspicuous cavities, and obvious or inconspicuous pits.
From the outer side of the fibrous stone cell layer to a dozen rows of stone cells, they are arranged axially. In the transverse view, they are round, oblong or polygonal, with obvious cavities and sparse pores and grooves. In the inner side, they are arranged tangentially. The innermost row is 5 rows of brownish red thin-walled cell layers, with small and slightly flat cells. Powder grayish brown. ① Stone cells are brownish yellow or light yellow, similar to rectangle fibre Shaped, polygonal, quasi circular or short rod shaped, 25-102 (- 160) μ m long, 19-46 μ m in diameter, 6-20 μ m in wall thickness, many obvious holes and grooves, some branching. ② The fibers are mostly flaked, brownish yellow or yellowish, long shuttle shaped, blunt at the tip, and some are sharp at the end, with a diameter of 11-28 microns and a wall thickness of 5-13 microns. The cell cavities are more obvious, and the pits and grooves are not obvious or indistinct.