College and technical secondary school graduates

Graduates from ordinary colleges and secondary professional schools
zero Useful+1
synonym University graduates (University graduates) generally refer to graduates of colleges and technical secondary schools
College and technical secondary school graduates refer to those who have been listed in the national unified enrollment plan Ordinary colleges and universities And common Secondary professional school Accepted full-time professional education Students who have obtained corresponding diplomas General term After graduation, the provincial and municipal personnel departments (bureaus) will issue employment registration Dispatch card , has the cadre status, and transfers the household grain file relationship.
In other words, "college and technical secondary school graduates" refer to Ordinary colleges and universities Graduates and Ordinary technical secondary school graduate. [5] Here, "graduates of ordinary colleges and universities" include those listed in the national unified enrollment plan PhD candidate Master undergraduate and Junior college students Here, "ordinary secondary school graduates" do not include Technical college Vocational high school Adult technical secondary school Graduates.
Chinese name
College and technical secondary school graduates
stay Ordinary colleges and universities And common Secondary professional school Accepted full-time professional education Students who have obtained corresponding diplomas
College and technical secondary school graduates and above [6]
Introduction to terms
Full time ordinary Universities and colleges include Full time colleges and universities and Secondary professional school When enterprises and public institutions recruit personnel, they generally use full-time ordinary colleges and secondary technical schools if they require a college degree or secondary technical school degree. Because different functional departments of the same unit education The requirements are different. There are universities specialty , Undergraduate or technical secondary school education, the above terms are included.
Related documents
stay Planned economy Next, the employment of graduates from colleges and technical secondary schools is "unified contracting and unified distribution" and "outsourcing" cadre ”The state will be responsible for the distribution of jobs to the end. [1] Printed and distributed by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council in ZF [1993] No. 3 document on February 13, 1993《 Program for the Reform and Development of Education in China 》Since 1994, the resettlement plan has been reduced year by year, and the proportion of two-way selection and independent employment selection has increased year by year. The whole country will be completed by 2000.
Twenty years ago (1999 Enrollment expansion Before), college and technical secondary education in China is Elite education [2]
College and technical secondary school graduates
Under the provincial and municipal people's governments, there are employment guidance offices for college and technical secondary school graduates (hereinafter referred to as the "Bi Office"), also known as the "Graduate Employment Management Office", once called the "Graduate Distribution Office for College and Technical Secondary School Graduates", which is under the jurisdiction of the provincial and municipal human resources bureaus and is responsible for the employment guidance, service and management of colleges and secondary professional schools (all types of college and technical secondary school graduates, graduate students), To formulate employment plans for graduates of colleges and secondary professional schools and organize their implementation. [3-4]