The God of Great Power

Characters in Ancient Stories
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Okuninushi is the main god of a great country in Japanese. Ancient notes 》Central Government Weiyuan China Of Main God With extraordinary experience, he fled to Xu Zuoyi 's territory, acquired Princess Xushili His love passed a series of tests by the man of Xuzuo, and finally defeated his brother to establish the country.
Chinese name
The God of Great Power
Foreign name
Ancient Stories

Related legends

The main god of the great country in the reincarnation of the true goddess
It is said that the main gods of great countries have many nicknames, such as the God of Big Self and Precious, the God of Eight Thousand Spears, the God of National Jade, and the God of Weiyuan, Big thing, master god It is also one of its aliases. He is the highest god in the cloud myth Simple calyx Son of God(《 nihon shoki 》)Or his sixth grandson(《 Ancient notes 》,《 nihon shoki 》A version of(《 nihon shoki 》Another version of) and so on. He is a hero of civilization. In order to repair the land, travel around the world, pacify the country, protect agriculture, develop medical treatment, etc Cultural undertakings Has made great contributions. About the birth of the Great God《 Ancient notes 》Ratio《 nihon shoki 》The presentation should be more detailed. Maybe because《 nihon shoki 》The great god still appears as a local god, not the emperor patron saint of travelers Department and myth system. So in《 nihon shoki 》He did not mention his birth, but mentioned the matter of giving up the country. It's ancient priest-king The deified image of. The name of the great power god is probably National Soul That is, the deification of the land elves themselves. Each country has its own national soul. Because the Great Ru God is regarded as the national soul of the cloud, so it was named. The name of the Lord God of the Kingdom probably means that the national spirit incarnates in the world priest-king Words. The so-called great power owner is the name of the land controller. Ancient notes 》And《 nihon shoki 》The main gods of great powers and Shaoyan Mingshen The creation of a negotiated country is different from that of the two gods, Yizangno and Yizanran. In the Record of Cloud Emergence, he is called "the great god of the world was created by taking 500 pounds of grapple". In addition, according to the records in the Origin of the Grabbing Mountain Society in Sangtian County, Danbo and other places in Danbo, the great god took Tie Ju, Mountain crossing Split stones, dredge mud and water, reinforce land, start agricultural work, etc. The significance of his nation building lies in using farm tools to open up wasteland and manage uneven land, which reflects his farming thought. He should be the god of civilization and farming. [1]

Character's Life

The main god of the great country is not affected Xu Zuoyi Before the seal of life, it was called Daru God, and there were many brothers.
In order to marry Bashengyuan, the brothers' gods healed the injured white rabbit during the journey. The white rabbit predicted that Bashengyuan would marry Bashengyuan, and sure enough, Bashengyuan only wanted to be the wife of Bashengyuan, which angered the brothers and killed him twice. They were all revived due to the help of their mother and fled to the root country of Xuzuo's life.
God Daru and the daughter of Xu Zuo's man, who wanted to marry, put forward all kinds of problems to test God Daru. God Daru escaped, and Xu Zuo's man tracked down to the country of root. He remotely named God Daru as the leader of a great country and asked his daughter to be his wife. Big Ru God drove away the gods of brothers, established the country, and also married Bashengyuan according to the agreement. But Bashengyuan was afraid of the jealousy of his wife, so she gave birth to Yu Well God After that, I returned to my mother's house where I was living.
Heavenly Illumination God To rule Weiyuan China , successive dispatch Tianren Sui Ear Life , Tianbobi God Days like days Come, all failed, and later sent Jianyu Thunder God , Tianniaozhou God came Izumo Of Ina Take a small beach and pull it out Ten Fist Sword Ask the big country sitting cross legged Main God , the main god of the great country put the responsibility on the two sons, acting on behalf of the main god and Build a famous square god Jianyuleishen surrendered to the two gods one by one, and the main god of the big country gave up the country to Tianzhao.